View Full Version : How hard to beat cmode under 7hours?

Aug 4, 2003, 02:34 PM
It says "beat cmode offline under 7 hours and you'll get one of the weapons below" is this hard? or if u fail, can you never get any of these items again?

Aug 4, 2003, 03:03 PM
On 2003-08-04 12:34, Bad_Dreams99 wrote:
It says "beat cmode offline under 7 hours and you'll get one of the weapons below" is this hard? or if u fail, can you never get any of these items again?

Its actually very easy. Someone even did it in under 3 hours. i think he got liek 2.59.40 or soemthing liek that. if your team dies, just play the stage again. Its very easy.

Aug 5, 2003, 06:48 AM
I have rather limited experience with cmode, but as far as I can tell the hardest part is getting through each stage alive while times often seem to be of little concern. It seems that even when people complain about getting a bad time in a certain stage, it's often plenty good for that 7 hour limit. Factor in that you can do any stage over again an infinite amount of times, and only your best time for each stage counts, it shouldn't really be all that difficult.

But now that I think about it, the hardest part isn't even surviving a stage. It's finding people willing to play. Especially if your doing it offline.

Aug 5, 2003, 08:06 AM
It's not that hard.
Check out my Cmode times in my profile and compare them to the pros' times.
I believe I have approximately 5 hours right now.
Factor in the fact that C9 is a very long stage (about 1~1:30 hours long) and I still will manage to get a SRank weapon.
Altough it's not my goal to get a weapon, it is the fact that it's not that difficult, it only takes practice.
And like Univox stated, it's really hard to play Cmode on/offline if there aren't people willing to meet you up to play.

Aug 6, 2003, 03:04 AM
o_O I never even did c-mode, can you do it solo? lol

Aug 6, 2003, 05:10 AM
imho, if you score a total time of more than 7 hours then you did something wrong... i think with a mixed team of four (or even three) people online you'll easily get a time around 6h - 6'30. if you know the maps and learn what to do and what not to do, of course.

no, i'm affraid you can't do them solo.
for cmode you'll need at least 2 people, or you train on playing with your feet as well (offline). its doable with 2, but i guess you'll have a hard time trying to be under 10 hours (left alone 7).

Aug 7, 2003, 04:18 PM
I wanted to know something, when you beat C-mode, is it possible to get another S-Rank by just doing one of the stages over again? If so, do you have to do C-9 all over again or can you do any?

Aug 7, 2003, 04:35 PM
Per character you can get 1 S rank weapon, 1 A rank Shield and 1 B rank Shield. If you want other S ranks you will need to start over with a new character. I myself have a garbage 3rd party memory card I use just for temp C mode chars. Create em, complete C mode and then recreate em.

Aug 8, 2003, 01:02 AM
Now i need to find someone to play cmode with for 7 hours... damnnit! I might have a way to get people to sit there for 7 hours however, thanks everyone!

Aug 8, 2003, 05:18 AM
even a totally new to C mode can complete all 9 stages in 7 hours without problem, what you need is to state that you are a beginner at the start of the game so the other members will not depend on you to get boxes or switches.

Otherwise, what you need is just time, and a good team. Time is that you may not be able to finish all at once, sometimes you will die , use up all dolls and need to redo again, but that doesnt matter, practice makes perfect, just need patience..

A good team, try to go to JP C mode ship for luck. Most of the JP players are experts

To start your first C-mode you should start by a Hunter, the best is Hucast, when you are getting more experienced you can try ranger or force.

just good luck , never try, never get it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif so you must try! and learn . Good luck!

Aug 8, 2003, 10:59 AM
yes, cmode isn't hard to complete in 7 hours... although nothing of an expert, i have managed my two times completing cmode to get under 6 hours because i am learning well and play with competent people (most of the time =P). anyhow, the biggest obsticle i have had to face so far would be the lagging. for some really odd reason, i have faced more lag in cmode than anything else... even to the point of disconnection. there was this really "unfun" time with the end of c9... and another with that unsavory c6... ugh.

Aug 8, 2003, 12:39 PM
yea last C9 i finished, after i named my S rank and went back to lobby, i got a long 'dooooooooooooooooooooo' sound.... and fsod..and of coz i lost my S rank + I lost my title to C9, but thats not totally bad as that means I can redo C9 again thats what I did, I got my S rank again and this time no fsod LOL

Aug 10, 2003, 01:10 AM
I feel for you Zuna.... ugh! Just as you had gotten the SRank title (BU-Ei) and the weapon.

I got mine this Thursday!
And fortunately, did get any problems with the Cmode bug.