View Full Version : XBox: Action Replay being banned?

Aug 5, 2003, 07:41 PM
I've heard rumors going around on PSO XBox that Action Replay (XBox's equivalent of the Game Genie or GameShark, I'm told) is being banned from PSO by the Sonic Team because of the potential for hacking...is this true? Or is this another display of TFS (Total Fuckin' Stupidity)?

-Emperor Kieran

Aug 5, 2003, 08:13 PM
I don't see how they could do it since most of the duping and hacking occurs offline anyway. As long as "legit" items are hacked out (i.e. those with normal grinder limits and effects) I don't think Sonic Teams can or will do anything about it. They may someday release patches for things that were meant to be included in specific quests and such to be deleted from inventories or something like that.

Sonic team has really never taken an active stand on duping and hacking since they understand that they are way behind the curve. Their code can be exploited by those who want to take the time and effort to do so. I think that their programmers would rather spend time making new games as opposed to fixing buggy, three year-old code.

Aug 6, 2003, 01:28 AM
Microsoft runs PSOX my friends.....

Aug 6, 2003, 01:49 AM
how could they it isnt regristered by nintendo xbox and any other system. they could do anything even if they wanted to.

Aug 6, 2003, 06:18 PM
Well lets not say that offline is differnt. I remeber everyone saying that the old dupe could not be fixed beacue you can still go off line to do it. Whoops they fixed that by requiring of the patch to be download even to play off line. Thats one for the good guys

Aug 7, 2003, 03:00 PM
Yeah but AR doesnt have anything to do with PSO the game.......

Aug 7, 2003, 08:15 PM
Well how much "hacking" can occur to the Xbox version depends on how much data in client (player) side.

In the DC days the whole reason you could Nol people and break into locked games was because considerable data was left up to each DC unit. The severs were pretty much only for having hook ups with other people. Even things like the sonic character and all the season lobbies are programed right onto the PSO disk itself. Although there were codes to unlock those to the player, they could never really be viewed unless you were online, I beleive it was due to a glitch on the system but anyway it worked none the less.

Aug 7, 2003, 08:49 PM
Good thing is that the only person who has made PSO-X codes now no longer makes them....and you cant cheat online (thank god).