View Full Version : No one has worse luck than me!?!

Aug 6, 2003, 03:43 AM
I was hunting yesterday for a second Orochi Agito (lv 97 FOmar Pinkal) in the quest Fake in Yellow.
After i spent nearly 6h of piping and playing the quest to the end and quitting (to be able to do the quest again) all i came across from 7 PAL Rappies was Monofluids, Monomates, and Antiparalysis!!!

I now H A T E PAL Rappies, officialy.

My first one i got of the bastard in 15 minutes, and now he refuses to give me another one!! ARGH!
I did find some other "rares" from El Rappys.... 7 (yes you read it correcly 7) Stag Cutelery!!
I hope someone dosen?t reply with "you can only get 1 Orotiagito per lifetime"....
Someone please shoot me =(

*** just realized that i should have posted this on the item board instead, maybe a mod could move it? ***

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LightningShiro on 2003-08-06 01:45 ]</font>

Aug 6, 2003, 03:56 AM
Rares prefer men like that sometimes

Aug 6, 2003, 04:08 AM
On 2003-08-06 01:56, K9999 wrote:
Rares prefer men like that sometimes

Uhm... could you be more specific what you mean?

Aug 6, 2003, 04:45 AM
only seven? my fonyu's fake in yellow results are: 30+ stag cutleries (one at least every second run, sometimes even two), 4 pal rappies, 0 agito 1975.

you got your first agito from the first pal rappy you've seen? wow, thats awesome. i think you used up all your luck for some time ^_^ but you cant to anything for or against it, just going on with hunting.

good luck.

Aug 6, 2003, 04:45 AM
I disagree, NO-One out there has less luck in this game then me. Acording to your post you were looking for your second Ortiagito meaning that you at least have one so be thankfull for what you have.

i on the other hand have piped for over 20 hours looking for Mil Lillies so that they can drop my Sange and all they ever drop is meseta, mates and fluids, I think one droped a crappy piece of armour but that is about it, nothing else. Every single rare that I want just seesm to be way out of my reach.

Aug 6, 2003, 04:52 AM
I think you guys should take it easy, I have piped many hours for my purplenum mil lily for a psycho wand ( i want to have a legit one http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif hehe) , never got one!! Later i just hunted normally in ep2 and i got a windmill (not bad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Also once i hunted offline with my skyly and i got a sange!!! ( I didnt really pipe for it it just came by surprise) I think really it depends on luck and seems whatever we really 'want' they dont really give you easily..thats it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zuna on 2003-08-06 02:54 ]</font>

Aug 6, 2003, 05:01 AM
Im oran and only found ONE pal rappy and it dropped me a star amplifier (I thought thats pretty decent for a force IF I was lv 100 but almost there.
lv 87

So close.......

Aug 6, 2003, 06:14 AM
On 2003-08-06 02:45, rena-ko wrote:
only seven? my fonyu's fake in yellow results are: 30+ stag cutleries (one at least every second run, sometimes even two), 4 pal rappies, 0 agito 1975.

you got your first agito from the first pal rappy you've seen? wow, thats awesome. i think you used up all your luck for some time ^_^ but you cant to anything for or against it, just going on with hunting.

good luck.

Yup only seven, the bastards seem to be afraid to show themself =)
30?? ...right so if i keep this i might be able to build a house made of Stags =/

No the second one =) I hope my luck comes back soon, im planning on spending every evening from now on til i find my second!

Best of luck to you too!

Aug 6, 2003, 07:44 AM
I had some really good luck followed by some really bad luck the other night. I was doing my first Ult Caves run with one of my characters, and the first Crimson Assassin I kill drops an Asuka (!!). Then I went back to Pioneer 2, put it in my bank and went to get a drink, tripped over the power cord and turned the Xbox off. Bye bye Asuka.

Aug 6, 2003, 09:23 AM
Obscenity and Lightning... I feel sorry for ya guys...

¬_¬.... *shifts eyes sideways and pats on shoulder* You're with me pal, we've apparently walked under some ladders and broken mirrors without us knowing.

*puts out hand*

Welcome to the club. Same for all those who are of misfortune.

Stupid Telepipe trick.

Aug 6, 2003, 09:47 AM
On 2003-08-06 05:44, Obscenity wrote:
I had some really good luck followed by some really bad luck the other night. I was doing my first Ult Caves run with one of my characters, and the first Crimson Assassin I kill drops an Asuka (!!). Then I went back to Pioneer 2, put it in my bank and went to get a drink, tripped over the power cord and turned the Xbox off. Bye bye Asuka.

Sounds like a nightmare i hope i never have, sadly almost had the same problem.
I was on Forest ULT, found a Red Saber picked it up and threw a tp to bank it. I continued to Forest2 and finally Sil Dragon, when he came towards me growling ---- THE GAME FREEZES! The only thing i could do was to turn off my xbox... BUT the Red Saber was still there!
The things i lost was everything i had on me mosly junk though, my Red Saber WAS STILL THERE! =)

Has anyone else had the problem with the game freezing? It happend once before on Hard snake boss on caves (forgot his name De Le Rol someting?)

Aug 6, 2003, 09:49 AM
On 2003-08-06 07:23, Nazo wrote:
Obscenity and Lightning... I feel sorry for ya guys...

?_?.... *shifts eyes sideways and pats on shoulder* You're with me pal, we've apparently walked under some ladders and broken mirrors without us knowing.

*puts out hand*

Welcome to the club. Same for all those who are of misfortune.

Stupid Telepipe trick.

Hey Nazo, how do you do when you want OUT of the club?? Nothing personal, but i rather join the i-find-rare-red-boxes-every-room-club...
Thanx for the sympathy though =P

Aug 6, 2003, 10:53 AM
We could argue all night just who has the worst luck but it has to be me by far. I usually only get one rare for every five or six trips I take in a level or quest. My most recent "new" rare was a God/mind and I've had this game since it came out. Anyway I've seen one pal rappy in ultimate, and unlike its name it wasn't so buddy-buddy with me.

Aug 6, 2003, 10:56 AM
i have'nt even seen a pal rappy yet or a mil lily, or hildetor, or red slime, or hildeblue, or nar lily, and yes im in ult. the only rare enemy ive seen was an al rappy and it dropped me a last survivor (skyly finds a million of these)

Aug 6, 2003, 11:28 AM
... My level 76 RAmarl (skyly) has been doing runs in the Ult Caves for a VERY long time now. Been like, 2 weeks straight. The only rare drops I've found there was a Durandal and a Wals MK2... And when I do my Forest runs, all I can get are Angry Fists. I FINALLY got my 1st Justy 23st yesterday after doing a 4h run. The rare drops I want the most outa the forest is Stag Cuttlery and Dragon Claw. and in the caves is anything but Durandal and Wals MK2 !!! My Best weapons for RAmarl is JUSTY and my Best for my hunter is Yamato... I don't think thats very good for someone who can find ALOT better...

Aug 6, 2003, 11:31 AM
On 2003-08-06 08:56, monkeyfist wrote:
i have'nt even seen a pal rappy yet or a mil lily, or hildetor, or red slime, or hildeblue, or nar lily, and yes im in ult. the only rare enemy ive seen was an al rappy and it dropped me a last survivor (skyly finds a million of these)

omigosh.... thats exactly like me. All ive seen is an alrapy and a love rappy, but my friend actually was playin when i got love rappy so it realy didn't count :/ . and I'm also skyly. I'm tired of last survivors, and Flowens Swords. I NEED MORE GUNS !!!