View Full Version : Best Section ID For FOrce?

Aug 6, 2003, 01:15 PM
What is it?!

Aug 6, 2003, 01:17 PM
There is no 'best' Section ID for anyone, it all depends on the game play you like to use.

Though alot of people seem to like Pinkal for Forces, I made myself a Bluefull Force.

Aug 6, 2003, 01:18 PM
Pinkal 4 sure cause u get good techs and wands or rods or somethin..
look here,
look under pinkal.

Aug 6, 2003, 01:23 PM
the answer is in the following links:




Of course, like bit said, there's no one 'best' ID... and if you have other characters, they can maximize the ID and share weaps and items

Aug 6, 2003, 01:26 PM
most people pick Pnikal because of the games description: "higher level techs earlier." Dont pay any attention to that, the difference is so minuscule.

Aug 6, 2003, 01:34 PM
Pinkal http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_clown.gif

Aug 6, 2003, 01:58 PM

Aug 6, 2003, 02:19 PM
said it once, said it a thousand times. PINKAL

Aug 6, 2003, 02:20 PM
Pinkal is WAY overrated, go with the Yellowboze.

Aug 6, 2003, 02:26 PM
Yellowboze, definately.

Get all the money you can. Getting 100+ meseta in normal mode is great.

Not to mention that you find equal amounts of rares in each weapon class.

I've had great results with Yellowboze.

Aug 6, 2003, 04:43 PM
I have a yellowboze force and yellowboze is not where near as good as pinkal is for a force, and with yellowboze you don't even find that much money.

Aug 6, 2003, 05:47 PM
I don't know about for forces, but I seem to find a lot of interesting stuff on yellowboze... and a ton of money... so I'm not sure why you say that. I've maxed my bank more times than I can count, and given away my share of the pot from runs online 'cause I so don't need it...

I have a pinkal force, so here's a warning for you:
be prepared for clubs of laconium. lots and lots and lots of them. so many in fact, that you'll try to give them away.. and find that no one wants them. trust me on this one... I was in a game today where I found a club of lacounium. Everyone wanted the red box when i offered it. I said it was club of laconium, they all told me to keep it. And I couldn't give it away.

"You take it!"
"No you take it!"
"No you!"
"I don't want it, I have like 10 already!"
"I've tons too!"