View Full Version : Online Quest Question

Aug 6, 2003, 01:22 PM
Does anyone know if you can play the new quest alone? Furthermore, does anyone know any other quests you can play alone online? I Checked the guides but they dont all say if you can run them solo or not.



Aug 6, 2003, 01:29 PM
I believe that you can run all quests solo. When I try to join games online they will sometimes say 'quest already in play' and there is only one person in the game at the time... I don't know of any quest that demands a minimum number before you can play. They're just more fun with more people...

Aug 6, 2003, 01:56 PM
Thanks kat. Some quests dont require two but Like the caves, you might need two people to stand on buttons to unlock certains doors and such. I know that you can do Endless 1, Endless 2, East Tower and Heat Sword alone. I will see what else I can do alone when I get back online tonite.