View Full Version : casting tweek?

Aug 7, 2003, 02:43 AM
my sis let me use her Fomar to gain some lvls while she played her other char a Racaseal, any way

i notice somthing when i got back to my Fomarl,

She casts Gizonde quicker then the fomar, even when he was unequiped, his recovery time was very noticable compaired to the Fomarl

anyone noticed this? or am i just nuts?

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Aug 7, 2003, 02:52 AM
I never noticed it, but I will try to compare next time I use my forces

Aug 7, 2003, 03:18 AM
plz tell me your findings

Aug 7, 2003, 06:29 AM
Casting speed is dependant on a couple of factors. I assume your FOmarl is a higher level than the FOmar, and thus has higher level Gizonde, yes?
Females cast faster with weapons. Type doesn't seem to make much difference.
Males cast faster unarmed. Some weapon types are noticably slower than others.
Males actually get faster than females, I believe, provided they're unarmed. I have L29 Gizonde on one of my FOmars, I should glitch my abuse drone FOnewearl ELLY to having L30 Gizonde, slap a Wizard/Technique on the FOmar, take them into Multimode and see who casts faster... I do belive it will be the FOmar, though. If I actually get around to it I'll let you know.
FOmars/newms with high-level techs are almost blindingly fast. HU/RAmars are pretty speedy too, but their techs cap at L15 and are mostly useless anyways. ^_-; Useful against Delsaber hordes, though...

Aug 7, 2003, 11:30 AM
Why does everyone say that HUmars techs are worthless. Time and time again my rabarta gets my team out of a tight spot.

Aug 7, 2003, 11:35 AM
and i like my RAmarls lvl 20 shifta and resta and 19 deband.

Aug 8, 2003, 12:14 AM
i duno... the Gizondie where within 5 lvls of each other, one was 5ish and one was 10ish..... but i now see that the higher the tech lvl the faster the casting... goinf from lvl 12 to 21 resta.. llvl that was a trip in speed