View Full Version : I would suggest staying off PSO servers....

Mar 23, 2001, 04:16 AM
...for the time being. I don't know about some of you guys but I recently logged on about 20 min ago with my RAcast. Everything was going nice and fine (no lag surprisingly) till I went down to the mines. I killed about 5 guys then I "magicly" was teleported to the other side of the level. To make matters worse all of my items disappeared.

However after 2 min or my defensive gear, mag, and units came back but my weapon and consumables (mates, atomizers, etc) were still missing.

So I waited like another 10 min and I decided to tried to quit in a way where my char info wouldn't save. So I just turned the power off and back on.

Needless to say it didn't work and I, unfortunately, lost my spread needle +15. Strangely, I'm only mildly irriated judging how rare it probably is. But none the less it has seriously hampered the progress I've made with him.

So I just wanted to come on let you guys know, that whatever is causing all this crap (maintence, hackers, whatever...) I wouldn't go fighting anywhere online.

If anyone else has had the same thing happen to them please feel free to post. I feel your pain. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif

Mar 23, 2001, 04:41 AM
I had something similar happen to me also, only it was in caves. I just zipped along the level, aand stopped in a small room with a locked door and a switch that didn't do anything. I lost the entire file. Luckily I was able to use a backup. It happened a while back, before Sega checked the timestamps on your save.
You're the first person I've heard had that glitch also. =P

Mar 23, 2001, 04:52 AM
hmm well I only bring this up becuase of all the difficulties people have expericned trying to get online the past few days.

I've never seen lag do what happened to me that game before so there's reason to suspect some hacker or hackers are screwing with the servers.

Well I had a bad feeling my needle was duped anyways (I only had to trade a frying pan for it).

Mar 23, 2001, 04:54 AM
aye, i had that caves thing sorta happen... for me, i was just walkin along, then all the sudden the game took control of my character and walked straight into a wall, dissappeared, and ended up in the room with a door that does nothing (couldn't even do the walk through doors trick on it, as if it was a wall). Just telepiped out though... no harm done.

and once again, i must state that the US servers are crap most likely due to the California power crisis in which all US PSO servers are located in (read up on it yourselves) cuz its been happening on other games too if you haven't noticed.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Nokturne on 2001-03-23 01:58 ]</font>

Mar 23, 2001, 05:40 AM
That happened to me the best way to ractify it is to telepipe out and quit the game legitimally. Do not turn off your DC cold. I manage to leave w/o a scratch

Mar 23, 2001, 05:49 AM
Nokturne: It makes sense, but would a blackout cause a total shutdown, not just constant, endless super-lag?

I don't have any other online DC game other then Q3a, and I tested your theory, but I still see quite a bit of "green" servers.

If it was blackouts, they'd be completely down for an hour, then up again at full speed. I still say it's either the anti-cheat mechanisms they added causing disconnects, or hackers.

I know for a fact that every once in awhile, my guy moves by himself, and its been happening for a couple weeks now. I made the joke to a friend that someone must have installed Back Orifice on my DC......

However, when someone begins to speak with your character, and you arent even holding the keyboard, something is really wrong...

Mar 23, 2001, 06:14 AM
Actually, it could be all the trouble in Cali. I know for a fact that most of the PSO servers are located in California, New York, and... Japan... [DUH!!!!] and it could be causing all this lag, because the servers have back-ups in case the power goes out [kind of like in hospitals]. The thing is that the back-ups are alot weaker than the normal power generators, and cant generate enough power to run the servers at full speed, and are probably causing lag, and disconnections because of that. Hopefully this will all end soon enough. For now, we can only hope and pray, or just go kick some ass offline... What ever floats your boat! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 23, 2001, 01:36 PM
I'm sure that Sega's servers themselves have plenty of back-up power in case of a power outage, and a power outage wouldn't slow them down at all...

...BUT that doesn't apply to the rest of the Internet they're connected to. You aren't directly connected to the servers, you're connected to them via a network of various lines owned and operated by many different companies. Even if you're on SegaNet, you rely on lots of lines not owned nor operated by Sega itself.

The beauty of the Internet is that if parts of it go down, information gets routed around via a different path within seconds (it was originally designed to provide reliable communications in the event of a nuclear war). A few seconds isn't a long time for e-mail or even a web page, but it feels like forever for a real-time network game.

Mar 23, 2001, 02:50 PM
Too right, and on top of that, you're going to get the hiccup along the network that comes from a reroute, aggrivated by the hiccups in power draw. Remember that bit in Star Wars where Alderaan goes 'boom' and Obiwan just about faints?

Imagine the network getting that feeling...

Mar 24, 2001, 03:26 AM
lol, this happened to me the 2nd day pso was out, i was like WTF??? scared me