View Full Version : So.. I've been playing only normal mode until now..

Aug 7, 2003, 10:36 PM
I got interested in challenge mode, cuz they have sweet prizes likee Crazy Tune and Flower Cane. But my question(s) is... or are:

1) What IS challenge mode? How is it different from normal?
2) Any things that really suck about doing Challenge mode?
3) I'm an offline soloer. Would it still be worth it doing it offline?

Thanks guys.

Aug 7, 2003, 10:37 PM
OMG! Sorry about that.. my internet's screwy.

*kicks Windows computer*

How did it do that?!

Aug 8, 2003, 10:08 AM
To do challenge mode you must have at least one friend/sibling who is willing to do it with you. You wont be able to start a c mode game solo. Having said that, you would be better off if there were 3 of you, simply because 2 person c mode is difficult to complete in under 7 hours... or so im told.

Aug 10, 2003, 08:13 AM
If you don't play online, you can't get the SRank weapons.

Since you play offline solo, it's gonna be tough unless you get a hold of a friend or sibling to help you out. And it's way better to have a total of 4 people playing Cmode.

1)Challenge mode is about beating stages without dying (you have some scape dolls, but no use of Reverser or Moon Atomizers... and you can't pipe back to the Pioneer 2 or use Ryuker). You have to try and beat the stages within a time limit and the most noticeable feature is that during the Challenge, everyone's equipment, techs, stats and levels are reset to predetermined scores. When you exit Cmode, you have your stats, etc, back at the values before you started Cmode.
Combat techniques are different during Cmode and teamwork is needed to get good times.

About the times... you need to beat all 9 stages in less than 7 hours if you want to get one of the special weapons. It's not that hard, but it does require that you find people that can work as a team if you want to accomplish this.
The good thing is that you can retry any completed stage as many times as you want and you get to keep the better time when you complete it again.
Practice makes perfect.

2)Mmmh... unless you are a complete loner and don't like to play with others, Cmode is actually very nice. Its emphasis on teamwork brings out everyone's skills to the game.

3)Offline is a bit tougher, since the screen splits into several smaller screens and you don't have a good use of the Area Map. If you print out the maps for the stages, and practice with someone else, then maybe you could learn the stages and lead your offline buddies.
In my case, when I play offline Cmode I manage to use a 30something inch TV, so we can get at least some nice visual area for each player. It's still tough, but ironically, I have better times offline than online. Must be the fact that I can relay instructions to my friends sitting next to me faster than I can type them without a good keyboard.

Hope this helps