View Full Version : Confusion with C-Mode

Aug 8, 2003, 05:35 PM
I've been at Regular games of PSO for a long time, but i'm still confused about C-Mode. Especially the idea of actually beating it.

1.) What the heck am i suppost to do?
2.) What exactly are prizes?
3.) Any possible way to get myself a golden pole?

Aug 8, 2003, 06:05 PM
On 2003-08-08 15:35, Hayake wrote:
I've been at Regular games of PSO for a long time, but i'm still confused about C-Mode. Especially the idea of actually beating it.

1.) What the heck am i suppost to do?
2.) What exactly are prizes?
3.) Any possible way to get myself a golden pole?

lets answer your questions... lesse...
1) the purpose of cmode is to get to the end of your challenge, without kicking the bucket, in the least amount of time. it is played just like normal mode, except, your stats are slightly different than the regular game... it is always your goal to get to the next area (its like getting from forest 1 to forest 2), and possibly beat a boss if there is one on that particular challenge. and be fast about it too...
2) the prizes differ from online and offline. if you check out the guides section, you can find out what the prizes are.
3) there is no such weapon as a "golden pole". if you are in fact referring to a yellow rod, then yes. it is an online srank, although the force weapons for online cmode are complete crap. choose something else, something that actually has a use. to get an online (or offline) srank, you must complete cmode (c1-c9) in under 7 hours. you can even name your online srank, whatever you choose.

i hope this helped.

Aug 10, 2003, 12:31 AM

What MasterJoel said ^-^

Also, the Challenge Mode is best played if the whole team plays with good teamwork.
As for the SRank force weapons... yeah, they kind of suck. The best options are either a Sword or Twin... but after all, it's your choice.

Aug 10, 2003, 08:40 AM
for hunters...
rangers should get themselfes a shot (no pun intended).
forces... should get a sword, twin or shot for the other charas you have since there is no good srank-force weapon.

Aug 10, 2003, 11:17 AM
I don't think people really stressed the time issue enough...

You get a set level, set equipment, set techs - set everything on all C mode. All that matters is yout time, and nothing else. So, don't stray off for items or things like that, don't chat unless you need to and just generally get through it as fast as you can - because your time to complete the C mode stage is all that is left on your record, nothing else.

Aug 10, 2003, 02:27 PM
well, depends... i think the time issue is overrated. sure you will only keep the time, and as low as possible is a nice thing to look at in the status screen, but then again, you wont get a better price... anything under 7 hours is fine even though its 6'59"59.

as far as i have seen things now, you'll have to do something completely wrong anywhere, or you have to idle for several minutes to get more than 7 hours in total... being quick is good, being in hurry might cause mistakes and failure.

imho, getting all boxes could be useful. they might contain a hell handgun with 100 hit. you never know.

(of course unless you play TA, but thats nothing i'd recommend someone who just starting with the whole cmode business)

anyway, good luck

Aug 18, 2003, 06:21 PM
TA? What's that?

Aug 18, 2003, 10:50 PM
Offline Prizes:


Online Prizes:


Aug 19, 2003, 12:04 AM
TA is time attack. If going for the fastest time at least one person if not all will want to study the
C-mode maps beforehand or print them out.. In C-mode there are switches and if you press the wrong ones you'll get damaged, etc.

And there are also areas that you can skip since it wastes time to kill excess monsters. You also don't keep any items except for the prizes when you complete C9. So don't be a item hog. =)

Aug 19, 2003, 08:20 AM
It's better just to learn the maps one by one.
Time is not an issue (unless of course, you take more than 20~30 minutes to clear a stage than you're supposed to). And since you can repeat any stage to get even better times, you don't have to worry about that for a good while.

For example: play the first 4 Stages (up to Del Rol Le). If you feel you can do better at any of the stages (like 1, 2 and 3), just repeat them, hope for a good map and drops and try to get a better time on each.
If you feel the effort was good enough, then continue with the stages.
Or you could play one by one and when you finish everything, repeat any stages you felt that could have been better.
It's all up to you.

TA is only an option of doing CMode if you're confident enough you know each switch, puzzle and map there is, as well as the quickest route to get to the end. It's fun, but not that great unless the rest of the team is also very good at Cmode.