View Full Version : end of dupers?

Mar 23, 2001, 06:48 PM
my friend is a duper (i dont condone it or take items), and while he was playing yesterday (or the day before), he got a message on his screen telling him to get rid of all his items or he would no longer be able to play online.

i dont know anything more specific than that....
but if sega is telling all dupers this, then they will be gone soon http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 23, 2001, 07:39 PM
um, can you get your friend to take a screen shot of this? anyone here care to try it?

Mar 23, 2001, 09:30 PM
Everyone should know about this by now, and there's an easy way to get around it.

Mar 23, 2001, 10:07 PM
I don't think they are referring to the "just put it in your bank" work-around, Gilder. I think this is the result of a different server mod, because I heard similar stories elsewhere, unrelated to that update.