View Full Version : I've been thinking on starting a challenge mode again.

Aug 10, 2003, 04:58 PM
I already started before and got to the first enemy and died can i start over or am i screwed to get an s-rank. also how hard is it to get an s-rank and which is best for a HUmar

Aug 10, 2003, 10:53 PM
You need a good team to play Cmode.
Also, if you're playing a hunter, always remember it is better to do only 2 normal hit combos.
Never go for the third attack and don't bother with strong attacks unless you have the enemy's back to you.
Check out this website's guides for more info:

Be sure to print out the maps or have your computer next to you as you do the stages so you can quickly glance to the screen and know which way to go and how to solve the puzzles.
And in any case, make sure you can play with an experienced player(s) and follow the instructions as given.

Aug 11, 2003, 09:27 AM
you can do the stages as often as you want. only the best time is what counts.