View Full Version : Hm... Some things on Pinkal...

Aug 11, 2003, 06:00 AM
I've been wondering a lot... (mainly cuz I was bored and my mom made me quit after 5 hours), about Pinkal. So, they find lots of techs, and "stuff good for Forces"... I can see that (sort of), but I don't think its 100% beneficial... Consider these facts:

-Assuming you have not much time to play (college, school, work, w/e), then you probably only have time to raise one character. If that's so, then you probably wish to see cool magic, meaning you want to go with Force. However, to do this, you gotta do pinkal, meaning you can only find force related stuff, and barely much of the hunter's and ranger's weapons... well, some, but not as many. How boring.

-Pinkal seems to find the most basic items (atomizers, mates, fluids, and so on and so forth)... besides tech disks if not a special weapon. I'm not SAYING its so, but it just seems like it, compared to all the other section IDs I've played with... which isn't that useful... unless for the mag, of course.

But then again, there are bright sides:

-All that stuff you find sells for enough money to eventually stock up on 10 mono/di fluids and a couple of tris.
-Who else gets Megid/Grants Lv 30 as easily as Pinkal?
-Force weapons are force weapons, after all...

Just some thoughts while I was daydreaming. Good day.

Aug 11, 2003, 07:16 AM
If you're only going to raise one character, or is raising your first as a force, pinkal is close to a must. It will be a much longer and patience trying process if you didn't have easy access to force weapons and got better techs earlier on avg.

Sure pinkal doesn't offer much equip for non-forces, but if it was your only chracter, why care? If you are concerned, a pinkal can give some nice eqip to a quick start for a hunter. 'Easy' Pal rappy Agito 1975, Vjaja, Yamoto, Asuka and Partisan/Lightning will all give a hunter a big push in the right direction. Furthermore, you should have an incredible stash of Pow Mats and grinders. And a force has no problem feeding a power mag on the side for when you want to start a hunter.

So, not only is pinkal the id for the lone force, it can get equip to start the next character.