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View Full Version : So we're fightin' Falz...

Aug 11, 2003, 05:23 PM
So I joined in a room, shortly after my trade for the Kasami Bracer, to try and level so I can equip it.
So I get in to the room, and as luck would have it they're restocking before Falz. So I get a pipe in, and we fight him.
So we get the the last phase, where he does possession and when you hit him it damages the player. I'm first. So I sit there doing resta over and over. No big deal.
Next player gets hit, and this guy does the same thing. Nothing big here, either. He was to be revived once its over, but it's ok.
Now the other guy (I won't mention names) gets targetted. And we wail on Falz. The player doesn't resta (Even though he can) and says "STOP". Well, we don't listen, keep going, and he dies. I go up and use a Moon on him, and he's ok. Thenhe's targeted again. And we wail on Falz. The guys says, twice "STOP!".
Falz then dies, and I level.
In the after battle, he says"Why didn't you stop?".
And I try to explain to him that thats how a Falz fight works, even though he's level 134, and should know these things.
So he says "I died though!" and I told him I revived him.
Then he says to kiss his @#$.
The other player says no thank you and exits. I then procede to leave. On the way out, he asks me what the hell I was thinking. I just leave without saying anything.

Isn't it just an expected thing to get "connected" to Falz durring the fight? Especially on Ultimate?

Aug 11, 2003, 05:25 PM
Yup. It happened alot to me in offline H/VH.

Aug 11, 2003, 05:38 PM
The guy sounds like an idiot and anyway cant see why he was so grumpy you did revive him when you didnt have to, what an ass hole that guy must have been

Aug 11, 2003, 06:00 PM
Dont worry about it...and btw...congrats on the level..heh

Aug 11, 2003, 06:00 PM
So we're fightin' Falz and Kiki, the HUnewearl, comes up to me and is like "Awww.." and I'm like...

"Yeah, whuteva!".

Aug 11, 2003, 06:13 PM
I hate that soul taker move, when I play multiplayer with my friend he's like "no don't hit it" and i say just heal, he won't and when my soul is taken I did'nt care because I was level 121 and ne was level 27 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Aug 11, 2003, 08:34 PM
When Falz does that move on me, I get killed because everyone assumes I should heal myself of heal myself, but it's the Third form of Falz, I'm an android and not even a force will cast resta on me. So I use dimates early on, then trimates only if needed, I can use 20 up quickly when with weak players.

Aug 11, 2003, 08:50 PM
i kill him myself when that happens! btw the guy sounds like a stupid n00b prolly used dupes to get to that level...didn't learn things like how to fight

Aug 11, 2003, 10:09 PM
I bring 5-10 scape dolls to any Falz/Olga fight just in case...you f***** hate it when ur almost done and you die (and possibly miss XP)

Aug 11, 2003, 11:45 PM
For sum wierd reason DF likes to take my soul alot. He must like my soul cause ist a pure one *wink*. This happens to me all the time and sumtimes i die and i dont get the exp, big deal. I fight him all the time. Today was different. A Foneweal With very high MST, doing over 300 damage with just a regular foie attack, Desides just Shoot at him even though DF already has my soul. In 3 hits i was dead but even though he was a force he didnt bother to revive me. He just kept shootin at him thinkin only for himself. DF died and i didnt get the exp but it was funny cause every1 in the room was Whale-ing at him for not reviving me. He didnt say anything and just left.

Aug 12, 2003, 03:13 AM
On 2003-08-11 15:23, Storme wrote:
Isn't it just an expected thing to get "connected" to Falz durring the fight? Especially on Ultimate?

And here I thought it was an expected things for fellow players to not intentionally hurt and kill your character, possibly making you lose out on exp. Hitting falz fast enough to kill someone = you're a jackass

Aug 12, 2003, 04:15 AM
You can only heal yourself so fast...sounds like your the problem to me.

Aug 12, 2003, 04:31 AM
Yeah try being a RAcast with 3 other RAcasts with a 4 way S/D with Guld Millas.


Aug 12, 2003, 08:56 AM
If the guy was an android it would be understandable.

Aug 12, 2003, 09:11 AM
It's common courtesy to not attack Falz while he's posessing a player.

Aug 12, 2003, 10:28 AM
On 2003-08-12 07:11, Atax wrote:
It's common courtesy to not attack Falz while he's posessing a player.

thats so true, you have no right to complain. it is courtesy not to attack falz while he soul steals. it's not fair or right. exspecially to lower level characters and people thats use the "Ultimate Rare but not really rare anymore" weapons. to just murder Falz and rip your fellow partner to ribbons.
come on people, repect eachother, your a team, fight like one.

Aug 12, 2003, 11:18 AM
Sometimes its better to kill and revive the other player in order to get some good hits in.. expecially if the fight is a long and difficult one. Once the connection is severed, you can throw everything you have at Falz when he becomes attackable without having to pull any punches.

Ususally, I'll cast Foie.. because it only does 200 to 300 DMG to Falz and the Player.. letting me keep up a steady attack even when he's invincable and since the attacks are fairly slow, I can keep healing the other player as I go. The only problem comes when people think I've got the healing situtation handled and will attack him with weapons. Even as a FO, my Resta can't keep pace with the damage their doing and I can't save the other player before he dies.

Aug 12, 2003, 01:06 PM
Actually its better not to. If the player survives the assault, then its fine, but if he dies then Falz will do another soul possesion on his next trip back down, where as if you left him alone he would skip a turn.

Basically this means that instead of getting one full turn of attacking him without having to worry about hurting a fellow teammate, you get two turns of tentatively hitting him, trying not to kill your teammate in the process. Personally, if he targets me, and im not playing a droid, ill hit him and resta myself, but I would never hit him while he possesed another player on my team. Also, if others are hitting Falz while someone other than me is being possesed, rather than join in I stand next to the possesed player and spam resta as fast as I can.