View Full Version : Cheaters and whining

Mar 24, 2001, 09:35 AM
It really makes me laugh when a cheater says "stop whining, it's just a game" whenever he encounters people who don't like cheating. That very act betrays the inconsistency between his thoughts and his actions. If the cheater really thought the game was trivial, then he wouldn't even _care_ about other people's attitudes toward his actions in the first place, much less bother to justify them. This applies even more so to cheaters who whine about Sega's server patches, or those that post cute little philosophies in order to rationalize and justify their actions to disapproving people. Cheaters whine just as much as their detractors do, perhaps even more so.

I always suspected that online cheaters were insecurely obsessed with becoming more respected by other people. The fact that so many cheaters seem to display actions indicative of worrying about how other people view them just clinches it.

Look, if you're one of those whiny cheaters, then at least show some shred of dignity. Just cope with the fact that lots of people won't like you for cheating, and that you can't make them change their minds nor give you any respect. It's a losing prospect. The more you cheat, the more you make excuses, the more you try to display your "power" and wave your dick around in an attempt to assuage your ego, the less and less other people will respect you for it.

Speech is free. But respect must be _earned_.

Mar 26, 2001, 10:40 PM
"If the cheater really thought the game was trivial, then he wouldn't even _care_ about other people's attitudes toward his actions in the first place, much less bother to justify them."

Heck, for that matter, if they really thought it was trivial, why bother going through all the trouble of cheating? They obviously take it seriously enough to cheat. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif