View Full Version : Script Errors, problems in general

Aug 13, 2003, 05:04 AM
Lately my Laptop has gone to complete shit.

I can't even look at the properties of an image anymore without getting a Script error...what's causing this?

Also, my mouse/browser or something has really been messing with me. If I click on links, sometimes nothing at all happens...the browser won't even make progress, making it seem like I never clicked on the link to begin with.

I know the mouse works though, cause I can still hit the refresh button, etc and still get results. I can't even disconnect myself anymore with yanking out the phone line...

WTF is going on?

Aug 13, 2003, 12:57 PM
There is a good solution for this: it's called your computer's tech support hotline. Whatever your brand, try their tech support. Serriously, because they at least have access to a lot of stuff I don't have. If the problem is in a windows browser, try microsoft tech support, as they're actually pretty good. They saved my laptop from a destructive driver error a few months ago.

I can't help with this, because the reasons for it are very numerous: need to update, problem with an update, a program failing/corrupting, a system incompatability with new software/drivers...

Aug 13, 2003, 04:35 PM
Maybe you got lucky and contracted a virus. ; /