View Full Version : Im going online in about 3 or 4 days.(GameCube)

Aug 13, 2003, 07:31 AM
Im going online in a few days, im level 24, hucasiel. and i need someone to tell me about it.

Aug 13, 2003, 02:46 PM
you mean tell you what to do? well you hook your adapter up... on the main screen you go to online game, purchase the hunters license and set up your adapter to connect. its pretty straight forward. once online, you need to choose a ship to go to, there are 4 U.S ships and then europe and japan servers. once you chose a ship, chose a block and it will send you to a lobby, from there walk to the counter and either join a game or make a game. its fairly simple and your instruction manual tells you how to do it too.