View Full Version : Is Anyone Bored With PSO Yet? (Serious question and then som

Mar 25, 2001, 09:10 AM
After close to 500 hours, about 5,000,000 XP points later, and beating Dark Falz for the nth time, on and offline, I'm getting utterly bored with this game.

There are items to hunt, which will keep a player interested, but I found enough rares for my HUmar. Of course, I didn't find all the rares in PSO but I found enough to make me satisfied.

The biggest reasons why I'm bored with this game is because of jerks, male and female, I keep seeing online. By jerks I mean item hogs, thieves, morons who use tech in the lobby, and players that lack gamemanship.

First, a little tip for the item hogs. Items hogs won't find rares because they're concentrating on the wrong aspect of the game. If you want rares, pump up your luck stats and lvl and get your mag to lvl 200 before hunting for rares. When did I start hunting for rares? When my HUmar was at lvl 90, mag lvl 200, and luck stats to the max. I kept seeing low lvl players (lvl 70 and below) racing to the next box when I know for certain they're not going to find anything. And if they did, it was because I opened the box or because the game decided to throw them a bone, which is why I never open boxes for anyone and use an incompatible weapon to kill monsters. Here's another tip, when I equip a Spread Needle, my luck stats jump to 310. Why? Maybe it's called weapon compatibility? When I play offline or with my friends online, I use one of my Spread Needles. I find a rare once every 3 days with my Spread Needle, and I'm not talking about Double Sabers or Photon Claws either but I find those, too. Here's another tip, if you know what you're doing, the rare will come to you.

In actually, nothing upsets me more than item hogs. Yes, they even upset me more than theives sometimes. They keep running ahead trying to kill as many monsters and open as many boxes as they can only to find that they keep getting themselves killed because they don't have any skill. This burdens me because I'm the one who kept Resing and reviving them. Sometimes, I just let them die for leaving their teammates behind. Any player who runs ahead and leave their teammates behind don't deserve my or their teammates help.

Item hogs are the stupidest players on PSO...bar none. Yes, this is officially a flame. Here's an example, while fighting Dark Falz, a white HUnewear named Veronica, kept shooting Dark Falz when DF had my soul, especially when I said don't shoot, so I wasted one of my Scape Dolls. Sort of upsets me. Then I asked do you know how to play DF? He/she said, "of course i do". With that, I left the game without openning one box. Maybe one of his/her DB's sabers or Varistas might have turned in a God/Battle++ (I have 4 GB++ and use all 4 in my Vajulla armor) if I opened the box. I hate item hogs. They're a huge burden on the game.

Then there's the thieves issue. They're the smartest and the most devious low lives on PSO. But at least they know how to play the game in order to be a thief. Then again, they're not that smart because why be a thief when they can dupe and create items. Maybe they're not so bright after all. At least they can be a little more respectable using codes. Thieves should belong to "I'm smart enough to thief from other players, but too stupid to punch codes in to my GS" guild. Stupidity never stops in PSO.

As for gamemanship, look what I wrote above.

Thus, I decided to quit PSO. I might play when v2 is released, but again, I still have to deal with item hogs. For the past two nights, I've been giving away my rares, most of them to Japanese players. I gave my Pan-Arms Blade to a lvl 7 Japanese player just because he wanted to converse with me to learn better english. He then re-dropped the item saying that he can't accept such a gift, so I gave him more rares (soul eater and celestial shield). LOL!! I gave Heaven Punisher and C-Bringer's to my ranger friend, which he didn't even knew I had (not that he needed it because he's beginning to understand how to find rares). But the bulk of my rares went to a trusted Japanese player I met online. I gave her: S-Beats Blade, Soul Banisher, Delsaber's Buster and Shield, Vajulla 4 slot armor, Nelgal 3 slot armor, couple God/Battles, Twin Brand, Chain Sawd, Sonic Knuckles, two of my Spread Needles, State/Maintenance, Sacred Guard, Regen Gear Adv., Perfect/Resist, Revival Garment, Lavis Cannon, Hunter Wall and Field, my cherished Soniti Mag, and a boat load of materials to make her lvl 83 character close to lvl 89. And turned of my PSO off for the last time. That's my PSO experience in a nutshell.

Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights. BTW, I'll be sure to not let the door hit me on the way out. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 25, 2001, 09:39 AM
wow...long but to the point...

I agree with u as much as item hogs are concerned...I'm only level 58 and I rarely run to boxes unless I am looking for a trifluid or something along those lines. I'm more concerned with getting experience and leveling up my ramar and mag. Instead of dropping the game though, why don't you start a new character?

btw that was nice of you giving people your rares...I've played with a few people who do the same for me http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 25, 2001, 10:26 AM
I agree with the previous post... why not try starting a new character? You know the majority of people here aren't item thieves... hopefully, anyway ^_^

I give away things as well sometimes. For instance... I gave my only Angel/Mind to a underlevelled Force who needed one quite badly... and I felt good in doing so. ^_^

Still... if you really feel that way, then hope to see you in version 2... if it comes to the UK... or even better, PSO2! ^_^

Mar 25, 2001, 12:34 PM
I agree with alot of your points. Item hogging Is kind of infectious. Some games I play in everyone is very fair and don't run ahead scooping everything in sight. Other times, If one player begins scooping the other team members get frustrated and start doing it themselves. I myself recently played through the level 3 of the ruins. Went to town to sell and ID my stuff. All I had was a divinity barrier in my inventory. I was a little surprised. I seem to remember picking up some ???specials.........

Oh well, It doesn't happen alot, so I don't care. You just need to play with cool people. I refuse to let little things like that wreck my PSO fun. Iceblink and Zion are right. You should start a new character. Mayhaps a force......... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Mar 25, 2001, 08:07 PM
You got 500 hours of gameplay out of a $50 game? That's pretty good.

I haven't played nearly that much. Whenever I get bored, playing a different character or starting an entirely new one usually does the trick.

Mar 25, 2001, 08:35 PM
What shocks me is that he has played 500 hours and only has 5 million Exp. Odd. I have 320 hours and have 3.8 Million. I'd have more if I didn't spend all my time chatting in the lobby or helping out my lower level friends by acting as a target for the enemies to punch while my friends cap them.

very odd also that he claims to be a day trader, yet is able to invest 500 hours in one character in a video game. Very odd. Often times those who brag about money online are...wait, I better not flame...

But I digress...

This person isn't "Real", but if he were, I'd say that he needs to look at the people on this board and meet with them in Puck 9. I can say that this game has yet to lose it's appeal to my LEvel 100 Racast because of the great people I can play with, day in, day out.

These fakers crack me up. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 25, 2001, 08:38 PM
i agree i hate item hogs, but you might have regrets of giving the sonic knuckles away, its a hacked item, have you seen the warnings yet? there not in game yet same goes with nie's claw and egg blaster, time released items or gifts from sonic team.

Mar 25, 2001, 11:32 PM

about 5,000,000 XP points later

I think he meant above and beyond what he had before that point http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif.

Mar 26, 2001, 12:13 AM
So he has 10 million Exp points? Crazy..

Wow Ambrai, wouldn't we all love to be able to be a millionaire and ALSO have 500 hours worth of playtime to devote to one game in a month and a half time peroid? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 26, 2001, 04:36 AM
I saw her sitting in the rain,
rain drops falling on her.
She didn't even care,
as she sat there and smiled at me.
And I knew,
she could make me happy. (Happy happy)
Flowers in ther hair,
flowers everywhere.
I love the flower girl.
Oh I don't know just why,
she simply caught my eye.
Hi I'm Vicious and I'm sleepy.

Mar 26, 2001, 04:53 AM
I only have 250+ hours with 5 characters, and I have deprived myself of sleep on occasion. Flame on you genetic defect. Flame on you.

Mar 26, 2001, 05:03 AM
lucid . . . u dont know that song by the Cowsills . . . "The Rain, The Park, And Other Things" . . . what the hell kinda icon is this?

Mar 26, 2001, 05:09 AM
Why, the quake icon of course! there's also an Unreal Tournament icon (points at beginning of post) , not sure what they're doing on a PSO board but no complaints ;P

Mar 26, 2001, 05:41 AM
Here's another tip, when I equip a Spread Needle, my luck stats jump to 310. Why? Maybe it's called weapon compatibility?

OK What does he mean by that? I never heard of this weapon compatibility thing. At first, I thought that his weapon was hacked to give major luck boost. But that doesnt seem to be true..... so will someone explain this to me?

Mar 26, 2001, 07:15 AM
all i know is max luck for anyone is 100 so.. something weird there by the way luck stat has nothing to do with finding rares, i think

Mar 27, 2001, 07:09 AM
Sheogorath, great of you to catch that. Didn't take long for some one of your calibur to get suspicious. I justify my actions to no one. However, I'll amuse you this one time. I have the Japanese version of DC. Also, I have the Japanese version of PS2. Bought them in Chinatown. And no, I don't have the American version of either consoles. Also, I've been on vacation since Thanksgiving; look at the NASDAQ chart and you'll understand why I've been on vacation since Thanksgiving...no volume. Besides, shorting stocks isn't a smart thing to do at market bottoms with the Fed lowering 50 basis points in each meeting...can we say short squeeze?

Another thing, where in my post did I say I was a millionaire?! Don't put words in my mouth because I sure a hell don't appreciate that. To others on this board you might have garnered their respect, but after reading that post of yours, to me personally, you're just another wise cracker who believes he/she has good assumption and analytical skills. My compliments to your acuteness, but you're too confident in your acuteness. Could be your downfall one day.

Many of you mentioned I should start a new character. I appreciate the suggestion but no thanks. Just before I wrote my original post, some thief stole my Holy Ray. I haven't played PSO since I wrote my original post.

Some one also mentioned I have only 5,000,000 XP points with 500 hrs. That's because I'm not some inconsiderate player that blasts every single monster in sight with my Spread Needle. Furthermore, you'll more than likely find me in Normal games, rather than V Hard, helping newbies level up.

My Sonic Knuckles a fake? My Japanese friends have Sonic Knuckles, also. Will the original poster please elaborate why you think my Sonic Knuckles are fake?

Mar 27, 2001, 07:21 AM
every sonic knuckle ive seen taken out of the bank had a msg on the right side of the screen flash, false item detected, i dont know if yours is fake, i was just asking if they were, and if you saw the msg, ive never seen real ones, lol thats all

Mar 27, 2001, 02:57 PM
"Wow Ambrai, wouldn't we all love to be able to be a millionaire and ALSO have 500 hours worth of playtime to devote to one game in a month and a half time peroid?"

He's a millionaire as a day-trader? Have you been keeping up with the news lately, Sheo? If he's a day-trader, I'm surprised he actually had enough spare change lying around to buy a copy of the game in the first place. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

Mar 27, 2001, 06:00 PM

I don't have a lot of spare change, but I have enough. BTW, the news you've been reading aren't about daytraders. They're about online traders, or what we call email traders, who trade from home using Datek, etc. The news media (CNBC, etc.) have no clue of how we trade and what technologies we use. At least you did 30 seconds of research.

Again, I don't see how my finances has anything to do with this board and anyone else's business but me and my accountant. Nor have I even mentioned the word millionaire in my original post. Yet, the most amusing thing is you and Sheogorath are relying on the "veterans clique" or "friends" on this board, with the reliance of your relationship with the moderator, to gang up on me. This is the oldest forum strategy in the book and a deadly one at that because it can easily lead to a flame war. If it does, indeed, turn into a flame war I wasn't the person who started it or was I the person who made stupid assumptions. Keep in mind that if it's a flame war you want, any Pre-cambrian prosimian ilk you two can dish out is just another drop in the bucket.

My original post was for the newbies and hoped that my experiences might be of some help for the untainted and new PSO players. If anyone felt that any of my posts were full of crap, then voice your opinions because I more than welcome them. However, joking and talking about my finances in a *game* forum is utter stupidity and the lowest of consideration in the highest form.

So tell me, is this board about PSO or the assumption that I'm a millionaire? Hypothetically, even if I am or not, is that any of your business? It's time you two grow up and start worrying about your own finances rather than mine.

purHAZE, no I didn't see a message saying that my Sonic Knuckles were defective and I didn't see any message when my friend used his Sonic Knuckles.

Ambrai, I'm not at all telling you how to do your job in anyway, shape or form, but I implore you with my utmost sincerity that you to delete this thread because it's not helping anyone whatsoever.

My apologies to anyone who came to this board in search of useful information to only find trite and ubiquitous crap that occurs in 99% of any forums.

Mar 27, 2001, 06:20 PM
Being a FOnewm money is hard to come by and selling items is neccesary to get the Difluid and Trifluid you need. I wait fo the other players to wait to check the Item out before I pick it up, it's only fair to let the other players have a look to actually see what it is when they shoot the box or kill the beast. Thats how I look at it.

Mar 27, 2001, 06:23 PM
Man, are you ever sensitive Genomic. For someone who is a professional day trader, and has been on vacation since thanksgiving (ie: Laid off) you sure are an insecure little fella.

I agree, delete the post. As I said to Ambrai on ICQ just now, no real "Professional man" (be it professionally rich or professionally educated) would come to a board and devote his very first (And supposedly, only) post to telling people he's better then everyone else.

Even Shir mentioned how fake your post sounded Genomic. I've dealt with people like you in the Diablo community, and lemme tell ya, you can fool some people with slick words and a Thesaurus, but when it comes down to it, I know you are really a 15 year old using mommy's AOL account while shacking up in her basement.

the fact that you must continually respond to defend yourself proves that you are insecure in your statements. Flame away kid, you lost my attention. Next...


Mar 27, 2001, 06:51 PM
man.. had to reply to this. well, if you dont think the game interest you any more dont play it and dont bother tellin the rest of us. if other people have a lack of gamemanship its there problem. u just have to get over it. if you find some decent people to play with (like all the people you gave your items to) then you should be able to have a good game. you say you wasted a scape doll? big wow, ive got loads of them (and before you say i need them, dont bother, ive completed the game on very hard and have only died about 15 times, mainly on v.hard dark falz) if you have played the game for 500+ hours then you should have more than enough money to buy scape dolls. looks like you need to change your sig, i dont think your a very professional player. get some professional help, you need it.

Mar 27, 2001, 07:37 PM
Okay, I've listened to the valid points on this thread, regardless of whether genomic is or believes himself to be a Day Trader (or a blue assed baboon for all I care).
genomic - are you seriously bored with this game already? How is that possible? You haven't met everyone there is to meet, and more and more possible friends pop up everyday. You're bored watching the same arse wlak around all day? Make a new character - Challenge yourself. Make a FOnewearl and try not to get her killed, EVER. that'll put you on your toes. If that's not your bag, take your suped up level 100, equip him with the best stuff possible and go and bait some theives and PK'ers - they'll be gratefull to make your life interesting, and you'll enjoy egging them on.
I see PSO as a sport. If you take up a sport, you're going to put more than a few hours (and in the long run 500 is merely a few) into it are you not? Say you like Tennis, you play tennis 3 days a week - you meet new people every day at the tennis club, you make friends, you make enemies, and you keep on playing. Even if you reach the top of your level, there's still stuff you can't do - you work on refinement...(all your spells at level 15? got every weapon? Doubt it.)For many, PSO is a sport, a hobby, and everyone gets down in the doldrums about what they like doing once in a while. But then they push the boat out a little, send it down a different path. PSO isn't boring, YOU are. Readjust your attitude towards it and you'll see what I mean. Trust me, you haven't seen diddly squat.
This post was in no way meant to be condescending, nor patronising and your real life holds no interest for me (for the most part).

Mar 28, 2001, 04:01 AM

1. Luck have NOTHING to do with finding rares. Having a high Luck gives you more critical hits PERIOD. MAG's level & character level also have NOTHING to do with finding rares.

2. Luck do NOT go above 100, JP set & game or not. I have both DC as well as PSO, and on top of that, 1 level 100 HUnter on JP, 1 level 100 HUnter on US, among other lower level characters.

3. Sonic Knuckle (together with Lavis Cannon & Heaven's Punisher) was supposed to be released as a price for a US tourny, which was later scrapped because GSers hacked the items out and dupped a million of them. These 3 items were NEVER released on ANY US server at ANYTIME. You can verify this info with SEGA/Sonic Team. The Sonic Knuckle may have been released on JP server, but NEVER on US or EU server.

That's all I have to say... for now.