View Full Version : Mutant Powers

Aug 16, 2003, 08:09 PM
Have you ever noticed that all the mutants on X-men have sweet powers that anyone would take. What about those people that got crappy powers like

Allergicman- he is allergic to everything that begins with the letter C and his allergic reaction to everything is that he blows up.

I mean why do they have to be things that are like plasma beams and stuff like that......why

Aug 16, 2003, 08:59 PM
..popularity, the "cool" factor, appeal-ability(no one wants to associate with something that's stupid, right?).

It has to sell, and more often than not, lackluster doesn't sell.

Aug 16, 2003, 09:03 PM

I had a dream about 2 months ago, wher I was an X-man..

So I was in some huge X-Man playground, and I saw people flying around and blowing stuff up with their minds.
So I though, what is my power?
Then I realized my mutant power was to eat things through my nose.. Not just food, but anything.. Like rocks... and sticks...
I will always remember that dream.....

Aug 16, 2003, 09:54 PM
Floppy head man. You have no skull.

Aug 16, 2003, 10:42 PM
see they should make a show like that....i would uhhhh watch the first episode then say ya

Aug 17, 2003, 05:23 AM
heat beam eye blasts !!11
wait, it's been done??

"I believe I can Fly" - Me
*whispers "it's done" silently in ear* DARN !!!1

Aug 17, 2003, 05:42 AM
I wish that I had to power to instantly burn any body fat that I got from eating junk food and sitting on my ass for hours and hours.

That would be great. I should start working out again...*looks over at weight bench* Nah

I'll just wait for basic!

Aug 17, 2003, 05:56 AM
OMG, a friend and I had a huge conversation on something like this, stemming from the guy who always had the apple in Trigun(can't remember his name right now, something "The Chapel?)

"THAT'S your theme? Produce!?"

"What about the guy who has gun-totting Hispanic midgets in his thighs?"
"Hola! Buenos Dias!"

"Or there's Mikey, the boy covered completely in sores..."
"Please, don't touch me."

Ah, that was funny.

Aug 17, 2003, 07:20 AM
besides, he would eventually eat something he couldn't and die http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Aug 17, 2003, 07:21 AM
I'd have the ability to bulge my right eye out so that all of the veins would be showing and I'd give the most "evil eye" glare of all time to petrify my enemies...

Then steal their fries and run off.

Aug 17, 2003, 11:24 AM
see even with the worst mutant powers you can always find the coolness in them

Aug 17, 2003, 01:52 PM
To be able to remove the insides of a cherry and replace it with 2 month old mayonaise..

Aug 17, 2003, 02:04 PM
boohahaha! What about powers that dont really deal with battling? How 'bout the most acute and up to date and totally most original (sorry bout the grammar here so far) fashion sense! You'd be the owner of the world's clothes! Muhahaha!

Aug 17, 2003, 02:16 PM
or how about you could hear everyone's thoughts...
but you could trigger it on and off..
it would be usefull yet perverted at the same time..

Aug 17, 2003, 02:29 PM
i'd prolly end up mutated and have all of shattered weasels phobias...priceless...

Aug 17, 2003, 02:47 PM
Tremble in fear, for I am MAN-MAN! I recieved my amazing powers after being bitten by a radioactive man! I now have the strength of two men, and the brain power of only half a man!

*Smiles smugly, shows off bulging muscles, dribbles*

Oops, thats not a mutant power, more of a spiderman power. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

(it was funny though, right?)

Aug 17, 2003, 02:59 PM
monty-python funny *rolleyes*

Aug 17, 2003, 03:25 PM
or i'd mutate and end up as one of Garanz2's rappies...

Aug 17, 2003, 04:46 PM
yep who wants my phobias

Aug 18, 2003, 02:25 AM
ooooo me...

Aug 18, 2003, 02:29 AM
Thanks hun http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Aug 18, 2003, 02:29 AM
On 2003-08-18 00:25, polishedweasel wrote:
ooooo me...


Aug 18, 2003, 02:32 AM
On 2003-08-18 00:29, polishedweasel wrote:
Thanks hun http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

I try.

*tries to think of something to stay on topic*

*grows alien out of stomach gremlins stylee*

*sticks to 80s theme*

Aug 18, 2003, 02:34 AM
I'm confused by all these random 80's threads...I'm confused...*also attempts to stay on topic*

I wish I had the power of all the 80's hair bands put together...

Aug 18, 2003, 03:13 AM
On 2003-08-18 00:34, polishedweasel wrote:
I wish I had the power of all the 80's hair bands put together...

that's a lot of holding power.

Aug 18, 2003, 03:24 AM
NO NO NO! Not hair bands...hair rock bands...meh*dies*

Aug 18, 2003, 03:25 AM
vanango, weasel, cool it. you guys, if you want a conversation take it to im's and pm's.

Aug 18, 2003, 11:37 AM
"Sensational" powers are for chumps! Who needs laser eyes and telekinesis when you have the ability to make peanut butter form anywhere you'd like. Just think about it...I could go to the alleyways of an american city and feed the homeless and coerce them into forming a vicious mob in my tyrannical grip. If someone pisses you off you can just make their head explode by forcing excess peanut butter in their skull. Ahhhh the wonders of peanut butter.

Aug 18, 2003, 07:08 PM
On 2003-08-17 11:52, umbrella wrote:
To be able to remove the insides of a cherry and replace it with 2 month old mayonaise..


Aug 18, 2003, 08:39 PM
I want the ability to grow body hair into a style, color and length of my choosing, without ever needing it cut, trimmed, etc. >=|

Aug 20, 2003, 08:19 AM
One word, Abdur; LOL!!!!!11!!!1one

Aug 20, 2003, 09:12 AM
I would have infinite pocket change! i could feed the homeless, play in the arcade all day.... Hell, i could even defend myself by hucking fistfulls at my enemies (i am canadian, so basicly, my 2 dollar coin is twice the size of an american quarter, and it hurts!!!)

....not enough spam for my liking *goes back to frech kills*

Aug 20, 2003, 12:40 PM
I want the power to capture ahold of someone's mind and make them say funny things....like...get a hold of my sister...and make her say....

"POOPOO" over and over again

Aug 20, 2003, 03:44 PM
It'd be cool to be able to shift the composition and shape of your body, so you can be a rock, or a gun, or a pie if you really felt stupid.

You could be an umbrella, or even a rappy! WOW! let's all be rappys and play in the bushes and never die! Woo!