View Full Version : Character combo speeds

Aug 18, 2003, 04:17 AM
I know lolita was mentinoing in a post she did a lil while ago about making a d/l'able chart with combo attack speeds, i'm just wondering if that ever got finished, cus i'd love to see the true bonus each class gets. Little things like FOmarls having a natural speed boost to using the Inferno bazooka, FOmars casting techs faster than the other FO's and HUcaseals having the fastest double saber combo, things like that are intresting to know.., well just post up if anybody knows any other tidbits like that or if there already is a chart with all this info. Thank you ^_^

Aug 18, 2003, 04:24 AM
not yet, i was held up by episode 3 things. but thanks for reminding me, i'll start soon.