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Aug 21, 2003, 03:28 PM
The Child

This is just a brief thought on an argument I've been having with myself and I thought I would share it with whoever and hopefully get some of peoplees own opinions back.

This is problably a well argued case, I can't imagine no-one has thought of it before but the generall topic is the average childhood. I'll present the first half of the case.

Children are rushed way to much, just think for a moment about what this means... Okay now... Imagine a really smart kid, 7 years old and she's a genious, how does that make you feel? Personally, it brings a sad shadow across my heart. Cildhood is Child hood, you only get one of them. Yet here you have this seven year old child acting, thinking, behaving like an adult. I myself am only twelve but I wonder why I think like the way I do, why am I acting like an adult when I'm a child? Shouldn't I be able to be playing outside in the sun instead of writing on the computer, going through school, being pushed as I am. From an early age we have been taught through experience and word what right and wrong is. Your parents telling you this is bad, you shouldn't do this, and this is good, you should do that. Parents are scared of what children will become without a push in what they think is the right direction. They are but human, they don't want their child to fail, or expeirience failure as they have. Yet in the process, do they try to create a more sucessful version of them, instead of letting the child be unique. I do not want to fail, but I understand, I believe, the best way to learn is to fail even as painful as it is. You can realize that from the beggining the way you are brought up, is what really depends what you will do with your future. I find that many parents want their children to be prepared, so they put them in school. That is drastic, being prepared is something we should all be, yet being forced to prepare too much. What does the average student spend his or her own time on? From early in the morning to 4:00 when I get home, then its another hour of homework, then by the time I've eaten its 6:00. And with the few hours left in the day I spend writing, playing PSO, or resting. Then we need to sleep to be ready to go to school the next day. How much time do we get in our childhood nowadays to study for what we want to become. Sure there are holidays, summer, usually for all the holidays I get some project from school. And for summer I go to one of my divorced parents house. This just isn't about me, what about the others, that lead an even more difficult life. What has become of our childhood now? Yet we go along with it, we do not rebell, why do we obidiantly take our life where it is told to go.
THis yet again another incomplete thought of mine, feel free to expand on hwta you think or why this is totally wrong. When I get back sunday, I'll try to prove this post wrong... I love contradicting myself

Aug 21, 2003, 04:19 PM
Dude, your 12 years old and you thought of that?
When I was that age (19 now) I couldn't of thought of anything as intelligent as that.

But what you said made a whole lot of sense.

We are rushed through childhood I agree.
But School and Parents aren't the only Culprits of making us 'grow up' quickly.

When your young, to you or friends 'Grown up people' are thought of as kool, so you want to be grown up as well (Not Everyone I admit but I can remember plently of kids like that at school).
A majority of us must of tried Cigarettes or Alcohol when we were way under age, Not because we liked them, it was because it was considerd Cool and Mature and because of group pressure (Think school 'Hards') and how many of them have regretted that? I've seen people as young as 10 - 11 smoke. Why?
When I reached 16 it was frowned upon because I hadn't even thought about wanting to learn to drive. Just because the options there it doesn't mean I have to do it. I hadn't quite left school yet so I couldn't afford it anyway on a part time wage, plus all my friends were local and buses were cheap to get.

You made a very good point though and thank you creating a very deep and intelligent Topic.

Aug 21, 2003, 04:38 PM
I know what you mean... insome ways... I'v allways been told to be more "mature" than I am... At age 6 my Step-Father was baby sitting me... He'd turn the tv to AV ( big blue screen one ) and tell me to wake him up when it went off...He allways got mad when I destroyed stuff, trith be told I dident have anything else to do... all we had for entertainment was the tv and a few bordgames.... ( the av on the tv had to be turned off via some menues) Then resently we had to move, I had been here in town for less than a day and the teacher was mad at me for simpley just sitting there. What do you expect? You think that a 11 year (12 now) is supposed to do more work in one day than most had in a week? I dident know the way around the school I dident know the way home... I was lost, was I supposed to not feel fear? After liveing in a town for 7 years thats allmost all my life I was taken away from it agenst my will... Dose it help that I have depresion? ( Yes I'm a mental helth pacient thank you very much ) Since that I'v been put into specal ed. and have droped out of school.
People allways expect more of me than what I can do...

Aug 22, 2003, 09:35 AM
Both of you have made good points, yet there always is the other side.
What would happen if we were not pushed to do things, what would happen if our parents let us make our own descisions?
Being that I am only twelve I can't really get a job, own a house, you know. So respecfully when my parents move I move with them. I never really got much of a chance to settle down anywhere in my early years. I switched from four public shcools, then my dad dedcided that it was time to settle down for a while and I was homeschooled for three years in wyoming. Then I went without schooling for a year while I visited amny relatives in mexico/man... all the great fool{Drool}/. But then my parents are divorced so I went to live with my mom for a while. And now I'm currently in Seventh grade after four years of public school. Parents don't want their children to fail, I don't want to fail. Think from their view, if we didn't go to school we wouldn't be able to get a decent job without serious contacts since we have only been educating ouselves since we gave up school. But what would happen to a child not mentally strong to fend for themselves was given total freedom, and they chose wrong, stayed out of school, and didn't even teach thereselves, and end up a homeless beggar. Parents don't want this to happen, when you are born, what do expect your mom to do? Say that you are your own Man/Woman now and you can fend for yourself? No, it seems that when we are this young parents try to take advantage of our mind before habits that will lead to homelessness settle in. Yet in the process of protecting us, they become to protective. And the sytems that where essentialy supposed to support us and give us a strong foundation to be able to move on into adulthood, these turned into Brainwashing facilities that teach the same thing over and over again so that everybody will know the same thing just because its easier to deal with people when they all are alike. Thats why you have to pursue your own wants, and if you want to suceed in your intrests you need to be able to count on yourself to be focused on the task that fits what you want to do, what you want to become.
I'm saying children need to be able to break away from all this, and teach themselves. Many may argue that they are not able. And they are not able because you never give them a chance.
Also think, if you where teaching yourself just what you wanted to learn, how much extra time you would have to be a child when you get rid of the exess knowledge that you will never use in life anyways. I'm not saying that the basic Idea of school is bad, just the way they are trying to froce the idea with an iorn hand.
I hate how true this is nowadays but it really struck something in me, that led me to write this.
{I'm different because you all are the same}

Aug 22, 2003, 03:52 PM
Now I'll finish up my own opinion on the subject.

IN order to solve The Childs problem, people need to learn that children can be capable of leading their own lives. But in order for them to see that they need examples. HUmans want proof, living, undeniable proof before they are satisfied that they are wrong.
I myself try to set example to other students, to the teachers at my school. By proving our skills we canconvince people to let us on our own if we are ready.If we are ready, they think this means age, like you have to be sixteen before you can get your drivers license, or you have to be 18 before you are considered an adult. This to me is bullshit, I think they are trying to force us to be little by age restrictions. You are a child untill you are this old, you are an adult now, does that make sense? I'm trying to be as simple as possible but its a complicated matter. Yes, children look up to adults, they look up to their heroes, but when they try to mimic them? They lose their sense of originality, but what would happen if everbody decided they couldn't be like somebody else? Neither are the answer, through our inprisonments in our childhood, we lose our imagination, we lose ourselves. Do you know why its so important to play? To make up stories? To write songs, to paint pictures? These really expand our mind, and we get to choose, whether we become writers, or artists!
Yet with the restrictions placed in our lives, like in school you can only do school related things. But now people have become so used to their cage they think it is natural, and thats just life. Its not life, its not even related to life, if its the life some one else has chosen for you...
Think on this for a moment....Think over what you have read on this thread, think over your life, how many prisons are you in?
No I'm not mad, I'm an idealist, don't make the mistake everyone else is making. I have chosen to rebell, to show these people what they are doing to us. They don't realize what is happening to them, have you really thought about this before you read the posts on this thread?
I'm trying to gain my freedoms so I can live my childhood as I want to live it. I've been realizing how many bars there are in this world. Think admendmants, second admendmant, the right to keep and bear arms. Peoples excuse for this, if we restrict this with laws there won't be any random killings by criminals. DO YOU think that criminals listen to the law? NO, they steal guns and now the only ones who can get guns easily are Police and Criminals. But the police is not always there are they. If some one pulls a gun on you wich is easier, shoot him yourself to defend yourself, or call the cops and wait a while for them to get there and tell the guy please not to shoot you?
Sorry to start to ramble on the subject, some may think what does that have to do with children? Lots of things, in our time to be children, to play, to grow, to learn. We have these barred off areas that dont allow us to grow in that direction, and MAKE us go in another. Myself, I'm tired, being aware of all this is so much harder than ignorance. Yet I don't want to wonder"Why cant I?" I dont want any one have to think that. Many, many, people realize this, yet they believe ignorance is bliss, and choose to follow along the labeled path that there life is.
Yet I'm 12, why should I have to think about this, why cant the adults sort it out for me? Listen, for all you that are older, have children, children are our future. No matter what way you look at it you cannot deny it. You will die, and the only way we can continue is if our children can live and be successful. Child, is a classification of age and mind. Why must they classify thing, this means this, and this is that. I simply cannot let children be treated and caged this way, please, think on this after reading.Children determine our future, you are really determine what the children will do, an what type of world we will grow up in.
Finally I'll conclude myself, You influence the children, and determine how the world around you will influnce them. So watch the way you influnce the young.
And for children, watch out, think before you act, don't let others make descisions for you, live your own life. I'm not saying refuse help from others, just don't let them take over the way you think and the way you act because it CAN happen. I personally do not believe in age{Time served on the earth doesn't mean you grow in mind/Creed/"} I consider myself more of an adult than a child, yet somehow I wish that I just could not think on these things, so what really am I, and what will I do now?

Aug 22, 2003, 04:25 PM
I do believe that we are rushed through life way to fast. We are forced to grow-up faster than we want or are intended to. With going to school for ~8 hours per day and homework thereafter, we don't have much time for ourselves. One of my classes alone (AP Eng IV) Ties me down nearly the rest of the day after I get home. Unless you want to rebel and just say no then you have to roll with the punches and hope for the best. Since I am a high school Senior, my schooling is over unless, of course, I go to college. So, after I graduate, I am going to take a long-awaited vacation from schooling (besides the 2 1/2 month summer break). I really don't have a direction that I am going with this; you just got to deal with it until your old enough to make decisions for yourself (legally) to get out of this mess that is childhood...

Aug 22, 2003, 11:47 PM
Yeah, but I wish that child hood wasn't just this mess.

Aug 23, 2003, 05:42 AM
wow. Im only 14 and i still act like a kid. (a mature one.) I dont force my self to grow as fast as the other kids at my school. The best time in life is when ur just a kid, thats how i choose to live on. But when the day comes when im to become an adult may be tommorow or the next 100 years. i see wat u mean when kids such as u me or any other person look up to adults as a hero, but to me i never had a hero, i never had a person in my head that was "thee" person to be. I guess thats why im still a kid inside cause i guess i never really had any1 of importance to me that i look up to. But does that mean that i never lost my grip of realality or am i still looking for a way to get back at realality. i still plan on being a kid. Maybe this is why ppl set boundries for age groups, cause there are the certain times when ppl are ready for those kind of things. For example, When u become an adult (turn into age 18) you are some what ready to make decisions for your self (the important stuff). Some ppl could be to affraid to make decisions for them selves because they are not to sure of the future. I believe that the future is the future and present is present. i never dwell in the past cause that justs makes u not very happy. Maybe i am already set for this kind of life. If i were to force my self to grow up faster maybe things would be different from my point of view. Ugh i never knew that i could be so open to these kind of topics.

Aug 23, 2003, 05:57 AM
Final Hell: When you reffer to the reason of age limits, your talking about the longer you live the more opportunities you get to learn and become more mature. This is quite true but it should not be mandatory that these age limits are set because there are always the exeptions. YEt it sets an attititude as well. I'm not an adult untill I'm 18 so I don't have to worry about it now, or somehting along the similar lines. It is quite important to be ready to move on and become and adult, yet its hard to become the adult we want to be with all these restrictions placed upon our lives.

Aug 23, 2003, 08:20 AM
childhood is having a good time. do what you have a good time doing, not what everyone else feels you should be doing. dunno.

Aug 23, 2003, 08:39 AM
sarunukai...i think we are long lost brothers...

you think almost exactly like i do. i'm a 15 year old genius though...and i stand firmly planted...i refuse to grow up. school is great because my friends are there, that's why i go, that and i get to make a fool of myself. i don't want the responsibility. i'm going to stay as young as possible for as long as possible. if that means i have to die before i grow up, so be it.

by the way, i'm going to print out your post and frame it in gold on my wall.

Aug 23, 2003, 04:00 PM
I'm not a long lost brother, I just chose a problem to expand on that most people could relate to and understand. I hope you don't misinturpet any of these posts, maybe reread them and think for yourself"Is this right" "Is there something worng here?"

Aug 23, 2003, 04:08 PM
I'm 26 and I still act like a child.

Aug 23, 2003, 04:10 PM
If thats how you choose to lead your life go on ahead. Its not just acting like a child, do you have the/freedoms, more or less/ of a child?

Aug 23, 2003, 05:18 PM

My 3 cages.

Aug 23, 2003, 05:48 PM
If you know your cages, how are you going to break the bars?

Aug 23, 2003, 06:42 PM
I'll wait till I'm living by myself, that simple. I'm having fun as it is, but these restrict me from doing certain things I want... once I'm living away from home, these won't be a problem... of course, then I'm going to have a job, but hopefully it will be something I want to do, like architecture or engineering.


Aug 23, 2003, 06:55 PM
You said that we do not rebel.... um... i guess to each his own, but i tend to fight my borders at every chance possible. I am entering grade ten, and my mom is telling, nay, advising me about university. I do not appreciate this so i tell her that i will backpack around the world (not that i will). I know that she knows more about the world than i do, so i put some trust in her, but i refuse to conform to the plans that she has layed out for me. in my mind, weathering the storm is not enough, beating the crap out of it is more my style. Still, she has an amazing way of actually being right about things that i never thought could be true. I guess parental advice is very good, but all work and no play makes for regrets later in life. keep that in mind. Just because you think like an adult does not mean that you are bound to have boring teen years.
I am not sure if i had a point to start this, so... End Reply

Aug 25, 2003, 06:23 PM
I'm saying in general most children do not take steps to fight in what they believe in a way that will make an actual difference, we all can dream...

Aug 26, 2003, 05:32 PM
the "children" dont fight for their beliefs because they are just that-children. as children there arent that many things that they believe in that are worth fighting for. and many kids just dont have the mental capacity and life experince to do such a thing(with a few exceptions) also, what kind of opposition would they face against their beliefs if they are shielded from the world(as many parents try to do)? having said that, when i was 6/7 years old(im 15 now) i remember gettign upset about poverty. meaningless as it maybe, i would attempt to feel what its like by(in typical child fashion) just throwing off the covers and removing pillows to make things slightly harsher for myself(or occasionally, i would try n sleep on the floor). or i would suggest mailing our dinner left overs to the poor kids (hey i was onyl young ^_^)and i would get really upset about the situation. nowadays i dont seem to give a shit. well i do but not like i used to. i wonder y? maybe because i realised that i can do more than that?nehoot i dont see the point of me posting that story but hey. mayb sarunakai can find some meaning to it?

on an unrelated note, sum kid aged 9 got A* in gcse maths! a bit "rushed" there i think

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: darthsaber9x9 on 2003-08-26 15:35 ]</font>

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Aug 26, 2003, 05:56 PM
On 2003-08-26 15:32, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
the "children" dont fight for their beliefs because they are just that-children. as children there arent that many things worht fighting for. and many kids just dont have the mental capacity and life experince to do such a thing(with a few exceptions)

Its true, children usually havent the time to matured enough or thought to have matured enough to actually make a difference in what they believe in.


also, what kind of opposition would they face.

Right, but thats just what people would say, thats what they've said to great inventors!

Oh, that'll never happen, thats impossible?

Its the people that are raised to believe that somethings will only lead to misery, most people dont like to look at the other side becuz it might prove them wrong/and they cant have that can they?/


having said that, when i was 6/7 years old(im 15 now) i remember gettign upset about poverty. meaningless as it maybe, i would attempt to feel what its like by(in typical child fashion) just throwing off the covers and removing pillows to make things slightly harsher for myself(or occasionally, i would tyr n sleep on the floor). or i would suggest mailing our dinner left overs to the porr kids (hey i was onyl young ^_^). nowadays i dont seem to give a shit. well i do but not like i used to. i wonder y? maybe because i realised that i can do more than that?nehoot i dont see the point of me posting that story but hey. mayb sarunakia can find some meanign to it?

Well, its normal, sortof, for some people.
One of the most annoying things is to be helpless, helpless to defend, helpless to start, and helpless to start up again.

Its true, u where young, and not all people when they are young are capable of thinking of a more effective way to get around something. Yet because of this, most people generalize because it is easier. Yet it is so dissapointing to have a childs talent ignored or abused, for the special ones.

But what if they listened to every single one of us!? They would go mad, with all the young people out there, they just dont want to and cant help it. But can they?

Usually it is in the wellbeing of a human to take an easier path. And once they get used to that path then it seems hard again, and complaints, and the average sinks lower, and lower , and lower.

What if these people can stop sinking lower, instead of getting used to the easy way, get used to the hard way, and then we'll strive to become better.

YEt as young ones most do not understand, and so we seek the easy way. So they provide the easy way, because its easier for them just to give it to you instead of painstakingly show them all sides of the perspective.

WHat if I'm wrong?! what if people are better off being ignorant, what if the truth is to harsh? Have you actually thought much seriously on this before now, seriously??? WHere you filled with complaints, but yet happy with life anyways? Its been like this forever, why should it change?

Change is hard, point blank. Its hard going up, its hard going down, just because you know that you are going down intead of up.

on a unrelated note, sum kiid aged 9 got A* in gcse maths! a bit "rushed" there i think

Let me elaborate

It really depends on a kids real choice, did that kid want to becomee that, acheive that?

Depending on how the child is raised right? A child can be raised infinite ways, taught this is right, this is wrong. These early lessons in life take so much of a part in our life through desiscion making.
But how can this be avoided, we cant monitor everything that we say to our damn child can we?!
No, but if you teach the child how to make desiscions for him/herself! To be able when of mental capability, to disregard the opinions of right and wrong, and actually for those of your own.

This happens most of the time, but often much later in life. Yet during the time of following some one eles opinion, you are not making your own mistakes, your making others.

When people say that children do not think of such things, do they really not? Has that person asked every child what the opinion of the matter is? Then how can they make such a generalization. They might of not thought elaboratly on it like here, but still, how many times do these thoughts, or the root of these thoughts run through a young persons head? Or even an older person?

wow, all that from two scentences.

on a unrelated note, sum kiid aged 9 got A* in gcse maths! a bit "rushed" there i think

Aug 26, 2003, 06:09 PM
well ill b damned....all that from my post eh? i need time to think...

Aug 26, 2003, 06:11 PM
Time to think is good, I should try to get more of it.

Aug 26, 2003, 06:17 PM
r u joking?i dont think u need ne more time or u might explode. go pleasure urself instead(no not like THAT)

Aug 26, 2003, 06:21 PM
On 2003-08-26 16:17, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
r u joking?i dont think u need ne more time or u might explode. go pleasure urself instead(no not like THAT)

I dont tend to think like THAT when something could be reffered to THAT, THAT is just something that happens at school all the time. And I do need to think, what if I'm wrong here? and spreading the wrong message, or giving the wrong example of who I really am.

Aug 26, 2003, 06:28 PM
then change it( or maybe tough sh** i dunno). as fo r the wrong message, these are ur opinions. if people accept them and it negatively affects them, thats their problem. peole dont have to go along with what ur saying here. and im now confused about what THAT is...

Aug 27, 2003, 03:40 PM
THAT is many things, confusing, and simple...