View Full Version : Mag: Mag Help

Aug 21, 2003, 06:50 PM
I need help, obviously:-? I have am a FOmarl, maybe not the greatest thing, and my mag is an Ila. The level is 200, the IQ is 200, and the Synchro is 120%. The only thing that it seems to do for me is just Shifta and Deband during most boss fights. It might heal me when im down to low health, but when you have over 1100 some TP and Resta, who needs to go that low. I cant get my PB bar up. If i can get it up, it goes up very very little. Is there a reason to this?

Aug 21, 2003, 06:53 PM
Your PB meter goes up when you take damage, and when you are attacking. Being a FOmarl, your not going to be doing alot of attacking, unless your a Melee FOmarl. Also, Being a Force, your probably not going to get hit alot either.

Aug 21, 2003, 06:54 PM
Also, obviously a PB/* works also, but you might need that slot for some other useful unit.

Aug 21, 2003, 07:58 PM
Ok, thanks, I have a PB Amplifier, and it goes up 1 every 15 seconds :-/ And i have a solid frame with Angel mind++ Angel mind++ Angel mind+ and Ogre Power-. Thanks though---stupid mag PB crap...

Aug 21, 2003, 08:33 PM
finding a god/mind would help you a lot.