View Full Version : FOmelee

Aug 22, 2003, 04:53 PM
Hey, i was just wondering if someone else played as a Force that used melee weapons? I'm getting into some trouble with mine... bit of help please?

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Aug 22, 2003, 04:54 PM
I melee with my FOmarl, lvl 125. Soul Banish and 55 hit vulcans and double saber

Aug 22, 2003, 05:01 PM
Ah. yes, now to present a question of mine, is it better for me to be using:




Which works better?

Aug 22, 2003, 05:01 PM
i will with my FOnewm... any tips!?!?!

Aug 22, 2003, 05:04 PM
battle units dont stack, so just use the god/battle

Aug 22, 2003, 05:07 PM
Use God/Ability instead of God/Body...

Aug 22, 2003, 05:14 PM
Uhm, yeah, get yourself a LEGIT powmag. it's much easier that way cause you have a defense bonus, which Forces really lack in.

Second, you'll find it a bit advantegous to experiment with different weapons. I've found my favorite to be Wok of Akkiko's Shop and the Victor Axe. I've heard suggestions to do an S-rank Double Saber, but that's purely stylistic.

BTW, i'm no expert, which is why i'm looking for help. Please, anyone that's got info, please share. I'm up to writing a guide of suggestions for this.

Aug 22, 2003, 07:16 PM
Ok, random things I've picked up while playing with my FOmar.

Double saber is good, steals TP, and smacks stuff hard enough to be worth using(well, so far, for me, but I'm only up to VH ruins, need more hp to survive falz swipe thing)

A TP stealing gun is probably worth picking up to save on fluids and do the doorway snipe thing.

Have two mags, a power/dex one and a mind/dex one. That way it's easy to switch between melee/spells if you feel the need, and you can equip the mind one to learn techs a bit earlier than you could otherwise.

Dont neglect techs, just because you're "melee". I find it pretty useful to run into a room, throw a couple of Gifoes (or depending on where you are, something else) while the baddies stroll towards you, then smack them around with whatever weapon you have equipped. And sometimes it's easier to use the techs, as you'll take too much damage only melee-ing(?). Like with Hildebears, they dont like ice! But they're quite slow, so it's not too hard to run behind them and give them a couple of smacks. Also often with big packs, it's a lot better to soften them up a bit with techs and then finish them with a big pointy stick of some description. Or some gloves.........

Fist type weapons are awesome too, probably more on males than the females though. Nice damage and quick casting, and top style points for slapping things around.

Keep moving, your def is probably not too good, or your hp, so you dont want to be taking hits from more than one thing at a time if you can help it.

I find HP units to be better than def ones, but that's just my preference. Well, that's dragon/hp vs metal/body.

Shifta/deband are your best friends, and jellen/zalure are some guys you know from work that are pretty cool, but you dont neccessarily want to be with them all the time.

Resta is better than mates. You can probably get more hp (through resta) from 5 monofluids than you can get from 10 trimates. But only probably. I pretty much only take mates into bossfights, and pick them up if I need them when I'm doing a run. Mates are instant too, which is a bonus, no casting animation. Again, I like mates for bosses, if you're full of stuff and you need room at the end of the fight, you can always dump the mates. Leaves you more tp for more useful techs too.

There's no such thing as too much ATA. Well, maybe if you're replaying an area you went through ages ago for a rare or something, you wont need alll the ATA you have, but as with so much in life, it's better to have too much than not enough.

That's all I can think of right now, maybe more coming soon.

Aug 23, 2003, 01:00 AM
I Agree with Milky. Im learning how to be a melee force as i go along with my fomar. The weapons i always have on me are Double-Saber+ 35 Drain Railgun +4 and Soul Eater. I Use the Double Saber on ppl like Dark belra's and Hildebears when i circle behind them. They have enough health that i can refill all my tp using only the special beforee they die. I use the Drain Rail gun to save Resta TP and i Use the Soul Eater for crowd control. I wish i had a soul banish, bt seeing how the fomar is my skyly character and he's only in V Hard Caves, i cnat get it yet. For meleeing my Fomar has 3 ogre Powers equipped and one ElfArm+. All these things were obtained by him except for the hand me down Double saber. My mags Stats right now are Def 15 Pow 33 Dex 20 Mind 27 Syn 120 IQ 200. I have a Ravana, that's prretty balanced cuz im going to turnm it into a nidora. I only need 5 more levels.

Aug 23, 2003, 01:29 AM
*/Battle units do not stack.

Something you should always keep in mind while playing as a melee force is that it's your techniques that make you strong. While the FOmar and FOmarl have the physical abilities, having Shifta, Deband, Jellen, and Zalure is what makes them effective in combat, so make sure you learn these as soon as possible, and always try to get higher levels of them as quick as you can.

Aug 23, 2003, 01:50 AM
ginko how much damage are you doing, with wut mag and units? i melee with my fomarl but atp is becoming an issue.

Aug 23, 2003, 10:47 AM
On 2003-08-22 23:50, Smile wrote:
ginko how much damage are you doing, with wut mag and units? i melee with my fomarl but atp is becoming an issue.

Really? What level are you and stuff? I have no probem with my Melee FOmarl,and I still do more damage than my friends RAmarl. Anyways... remember, Battle units don't stack. So I would say a God/Battle and a God/Ability. If you can't get God ability, Hero works just as well, hee hee. Always remember to add DEX to the mag you make, I'd say about 40 or so. Then what I do with my mags after the 40 DEX is balance out the stats between POW and MIND. You'll still need mind because even though your a "FOmelee" you still need your attack spells, because it's what we do. S/D and J/Z are pretty much a must have as well (Especially in Ult). Yuki's Mag is 20/70/40/70, so you know I have nice ATP boost and a decent MST boost....
Oh, and Double Saber is a good weapon... possible 6 hits for sucking TP from the enemy.
Akiko's Frying Pan is a good start, until you get a Double Saber.
Or go for a TP sucking gun... but if you want to go Melee... then don't.... I guess...

Aug 23, 2003, 12:52 PM
level 105 i think. yeah i know /battle doesnt stack. using 10/140/50/0 mag, i have some other balanced ones i can use too. i use one of the rare mechguns and a red saber.

how many combos does it take to kill soemthing? maybe i shouldnt b meleeing at my level (online), but tech spamming is boring for me.

Aug 23, 2003, 02:31 PM
Hrm. All this is good for me. I was about to ask a question about Forces anyway, since I recently started one, who also happens to be using melee, with a Soul Eater.

All I can say to help is to get some form of Partisan type weapon. Soul Eater/Banish work quite well. They allow you to hit hard enough/multi enemies, so you only have to use a Gi/Ra spell once to finish them off, instead of twice. Or, you could just hit them again.

That's just what I do really. I only have to use techs when I'm up against more than one of something like a Bringer, or 2+ Belras..even though Gizonde takes care of them quite well.

My FOnewm's only level 26, on Hard mode, but I'm leveling on Normal Ruins, which is working quite well. But I was going to ask where/what drops Megid disks? Heh..on my way through Ruins to beat falz at level 20 I found a Grants lvl 1 disk in the left box room right before the warp..such good luck that was, because I'm not sure I could've taken Falz without it, even though his attacks, strangely enough, weren't doing too much damage. (I guess from the high-level mag I gave him off of my HUmar)

Anyway..that's really all I can say. Forces are fun, and I've yet to work on my Ranger, but I'm collecting weapons from each char for him, so it'll be fun.



Aug 23, 2003, 02:45 PM
Here's the equipment i use with my FOmar:

Soul Eater (If you are able to use the extra attack on this, it can be somewhat effective, but it takes at least some skill to pull this off.)

Holy Ray (This is good for ranged combat, the extra attack on it helps the team sometimes too.)

Caduceus (It's pretty strong, the ATA isn't that bad, and it gives you some extra DEF when equipped.)

Durandal (This is a good saber to use, it's strong and gives a MST boost.)

As far as units, I use the following:

Elf/Arm ++
Elf/Arm ++
Ogre/Power++ / Dragon/HP

My mag has the following stats:

POW 96
DEX 50

Aug 23, 2003, 04:56 PM
besides weps & mags to make up the weaker side/s..
lessee.. for mats, fomelee wants:
lotsa pow - that's what ur aiming for!
some def - u want to take a couple of hits before resta
little of mind - learn those hi techs/use hi mst weps, something other classes dont have
little of luck - u want to melee so it doesnt hurt to increase critical rate, mags cant help u there

Aug 23, 2003, 07:37 PM
If ur ATA is high enough Use the Brave Hammer. It can to massive damage when u use the special. I use it with my FOmar. The Special use TP and FO's have plenty of TP to use it. Its pretty fast even without a God/battle.

Aug 24, 2003, 07:42 AM
GACK! so much stuff... right, well then...

Quick responses, then a question.

I prefer the Wok of Akkiko's shop and any Claw weapons just because of my FOmelee's (Jura) outfit. He looks like he's got an apron on. I personally haven't gotten my hands on a double saber to experiment with it, but doubles have never exactly been my thing for attacking. there's something bout the attack animation that just bothers me.

Does anyone care if i stick all the info discussed here into one guide?

Aug 24, 2003, 08:01 AM
I'm sure nobody will mind, just ask a Mod. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Aug 24, 2003, 10:38 AM
Here's some quick tips from a melee FOnewearl:

1. S/D & J/Z are your lifeblood. I put J/Z on my hotkeys for uber fast access at a moments notice. They litterally make the difference between life and death.

2. As FO's have lower ATP, you need to suppliment the damamge you do per hit with more hits. Partisan, Twin Brand, Dagger, Mechgun, ect, type weapons are what you really want to go for. While other 3hit combo or single target weapons may look cool or give added dmg, it can in no way replace the added attacks. The only downside, is that combos take longer to pull off - so choose your plan of attack carefully.

3. Max your luck. If you're going to be doing any kind of Melee fighting, you need to also supliment your weaker ATP with critical hits. Save at least 40 mats in your consumption schedule purely for Luck Mats. When you use a multi-hit weapon, you have 3 to 6 more chances to pull off a critical per combo. This can be a life saver.

4. ATA is one of your most vital stats. Don't neglect it, as you don't have the HP to be taking hits when you Miss.

5. RAbarta is going to be one of your most useful spells, as it can freeze enemies dead in their tracks allowing you to hit them without concern for a counter attack. You may want to hotkey this spell also, as it comes in handy when you're about to be surrounded.

6. Don't worry much about your MIND and DEF or EVADE. You're a FO, and you'll naturally have the MIND advantage over other classes. FOmars and FOmarls will naturally want to pay a little more attention to it than the newmns or newearls as their MST is lower. DEF can easily be supplimented with HP units.. and the more DEF you have, the less you fall down from an enemy attack. When left standing, you can get bounced around from enemy to enemy and killed before you can even pull off Resta.

7. Always carry Dimates for a quick heal in a pinch when Resta is too slow or the chance of getting intterupted by an attack is high.

8. HUmars make great meatsheilds. Take advantage of their beatings by whacking the monster that's whacking him. Take care to Resta them though, as a dead meat sheild won't do you any good. This is only good in Multiplayer or Online.

Hope that helps.

Aug 24, 2003, 11:33 AM
J/Z annoy the hell of my FOmar sometimes becuse after i have deband and jellen on at the same time, they keep on pounding on me and i keep taking light/medium hits and i dont fall down, therefore i have no time in between to heal or do anything else. they swarm me and i die. So jellen is good, but just dont get surrounded while you have it on.

Aug 24, 2003, 11:34 AM
I'm glad.., i'm happy to see people like this talking about this topic and being sensable about it. And i'm glad people are starting to relize what i found out with a select few others many months ago when this game first launched off for GC. I give much respect for the one who melee'd with the FOnewearl, her weapon selection would upset me but Shifta and deband, Zalure and Jallen make it possible to Melee as a FO. If it wernt' for those at level 25 and higher, I just woudln't bother doing it at all, I'd get punished too much and do too little damage. The ammount of Melee damage i do is equal if not more to any hunter, and i still keep the party shifta and debanded and monsters glowing blue and red. Using that in conjunction with good weapons -which are quite a few for the mar/marls- makes melee a peice of cake, and what doesn't get finished, DOES get finished after a gi foie or ra barta afterwards or something. Keep spreading the gospel of the Melee'ing FO. People are finally starting to see there is real SERIOUS point and just raw fun of being able to melee like a HU and cast like a FO ^_^ mah ten cents

Aug 24, 2003, 08:24 PM
Yeah, i haven't figured out the fine art of using Jellen and Zalure yet... That'll be nice when i do though huh?

Uhm, all this week i'll be working about putting together the guide, and be submitting it soon, but only after your guy's approval though. wouldn't want to offend anyone now would I?

Aug 24, 2003, 08:38 PM
On 2003-08-24 09:33, Symbios wrote:
J/Z annoy the hell of my FOmar sometimes becuse after i have deband and jellen on at the same time, they keep on pounding on me and i keep taking light/medium hits and i dont fall down, therefore i have no time in between to heal or do anything else. they swarm me and i die. So jellen is good, but just dont get surrounded while you have it on.

If you have good enough equipment to have your DFP high enough, Deband and Jellen can reduce damage taken by very large amounts. Enemies in the Ultimate Forest and Caves do a grand total of 6 damage (approximately 1/100th of his max HP) to my level 108 FOmar with his Deband and Jellen active (and they're just over level 20).

Shifta and Zalure can greatly enhance the damage output of you and your team, especially in Ultimate. With these active (also just over level 20) my FOmar can easily land over 630 damage on a critical hard attack, about 500 on a non-critical hard attack with his Angry Fist equipped.

Aug 24, 2003, 09:09 PM
I love to melee. I happen to think that Holy Ray,Morning Glory,and Rainbow Baton, r three awesome weapons to melee with. With morning glory, at it's highest peak of power,and Shifta, i have over 2000 ATP with my maxed out ATP Fomarl (137). With Jellen and Zalure on enemies, I do about 250-300 normal/500-550 hard/ 670-720 critical. I usaully melee when there r 2 forces, including me.

Aug 25, 2003, 06:30 AM
You know, it's kind of funny, but it seems easier to Melee when you're in ultimate... Uhm, guide-wise, i'm done with suggested Weapons, Units, and Techs, moving into mag setups and suggested overall setup. I'll have it posted in a separate thread when its done, so please, read it when it gets up later this week.

Aug 25, 2003, 06:49 AM
I got the wild hair in my ass tonight to make my long tech-only lv 120ish FOmarl to a melee FO...and she kills stuff as fast as she did before. And it's more fun...only problem is the weapons I have right now suck, so I may have to reactivate my HL and get to gettin some better weapons, but, she can kill the dragon before it ever leaves the ground. I guess that's good right?

Her weapons right now are Geist Vulcans 40% hit
Red Saber +78
G Assassin sabers
Bringer Rifle
and rappy fan

and she's got about 900 ATP base, so she's decent, I wouldn't take her to ruins quite yet...I need higher S/D before I go there. S lv 28 D lv 23. Meh..anyone got S n D lv 30?

Aug 25, 2003, 08:01 PM
YES! converts! HAHA! YES!

Aug 25, 2003, 08:59 PM
On 2003-08-25 04:49, polishedweasel wrote:
I got the wild hair in my ass tonight to make my long tech-only lv 120ish FOmarl to a melee FO...and she kills stuff as fast as she did before. And it's more fun...only problem is the weapons I have right now suck, so I may have to reactivate my HL and get to gettin some better weapons, but, she can kill the dragon before it ever leaves the ground. I guess that's good right?

Her weapons right now are Geist Vulcans 40% hit
Red Saber +78
G Assassin sabers
Bringer Rifle
and rappy fan

and she's got about 900 ATP base, so she's decent, I wouldn't take her to ruins quite yet...I need higher S/D before I go there. S lv 28 D lv 23. Meh..anyone got S n D lv 30?

FOmarls all the way!!!!

Aug 26, 2003, 12:26 PM
On 2003-08-24 18:38, Kent wrote:

On 2003-08-24 09:33, Symbios wrote:
J/Z annoy the hell of my FOmar sometimes becuse after i have deband and jellen on at the same time, they keep on pounding on me and i keep taking light/medium hits and i dont fall down, therefore i have no time in between to heal or do anything else. they swarm me and i die. So jellen is good, but just dont get surrounded while you have it on.

If you have good enough equipment to have your DFP high enough, Deband and Jellen can reduce damage taken by very large amounts. Enemies in the Ultimate Forest and Caves do a grand total of 6 damage (approximately 1/100th of his max HP) to my level 108 FOmar with his Deband and Jellen active (and they're just over level 20).

Shifta and Zalure can greatly enhance the damage output of you and your team, especially in Ultimate. With these active (also just over level 20) my FOmar can easily land over 630 damage on a critical hard attack, about 500 on a non-critical hard attack with his Angry Fist equipped.

i do that too except with my l&k and i do 100 some damage each hit for 9 hits in 3 combos. but if they surround me, the only type of hit i take is the light hits, which might not be good cause they keep pounding on me until i die and unless i have a good ally or some mates, im f***ed.