View Full Version : Emotions

Aug 22, 2003, 11:49 PM
I just feel like letting these thoughts stream out today.


This is just another thought I've been discussing with myself. It turned out pretty interesting to me and since some of you agreed with me with the thread The Child idecided to share it with you guys. I've finaly been getting some free time and I've decided to sort out my thoughts, and get opinions about them from others. So read and think.

It seems that emotions must be controlled at many points in your life. First, if you follow a strong emotion, sometimes you can over react, and it turns out disaterous. Acting on impulse and not thinking things through first seems to lead me to many of the problems in my life. So, I see that emotions are sometimes a hinderance, such as embarrasment, or anger. Many books, threads, essays, and just disscussion have gone over and over about anger clouding your judgement and it leading some one into serious shit. Yet lets look at why we experiance anger, what is its tatical purpose? Anger is to me, a strong motivation against something. Anger can help some one get off there ass and do something about what they dont like. It can provide some one with the energetic fuel to prevent something. Anger is nessessary to us. Even though it can harm us, influence rash actions, it still has a purpose in life, and without it, it would take away with it many motivations or other usefull emotions.
Lets move on to something else now, I hate to classsify things, because I find it can always turn out someway else for someone else. And I hate to make mistakes, and that very same hate helps me not be mistaken again because hate can be very distrupting so I can struggle not to be filled with hate again. Now look at the relationship between hate and the object recieving the hate. I as a human do not like to be hated, and when hate is placed upon me I try to find out why. In doing so I can find faults in my thinking and my actions. Finding faults in yourself is one of the most difficult things I have encountered. I don't like critizising my self, but if I didn't try to understand my own mistakes I would find myself with more hate being placed upon me.

All emotions are webbed together, Hate can lead to love, think how...
You hate someone for being the way they are, and you love some one for being the way they are, what is the connection. Hate of something can tell you what you don't like so it can lead you to what you do like. The hate for a type of person can lead you to a type of person you do like because you struggle to get away from what you hate to what you like/love. Its a common human emotion.
Another example, sorrow and joy. I hope many of you can understand my opinion on this.
Imagine, a homeless beggar that is a child without parents. The sorrow of being alone, and having to live off of the streets is so great that a small joy seems ten times better. Suppose this homless begging child is adopted to a loving and caring family, now this person is experiencing true joy that so few people go through in their life time.
It works in reverse too. A person living with her family happily and being with friends and people kind to her. Then her parents are killed and she runs away from the house because the sight of her dead parents is too much for her to take. Soon she becomes lost, lonely and frightened. Another extremely strong emotion not many experience.
Living in one extreme or another then suddenly switching to the opposite extreme can evoke so many unforgetable emotions that you wish you would just die instead of being in living hell. Yet it doesn't always have to be the extremes, think/I love that word/, some one is so used to one emotion and it just goes on and on a slight change is so new and exciting or frightening. Even though you where not living in an extreme unusual emotions can come forth easily.

Now that that is down take time to think[again] then move on to this. A way to determine and controll your emotions. Determening the right time to follow your emotions is crucial. Such as your emotions about a person. If you feel like your comfortable or you want to be near that person there must be a reason. If you feel uncomfortable around someone and want to get away from that person there must be a reason. I look for that reason that provoked that emotion to rise up and find if it it is feasable for the way I feel. Such as wanting to get to know some one just because she has big breasts[I'm not saying thats bad], I'm just saying that shouldn't be the only reason. I feel that I shouldn't try to get to know some one just because that person is different than every one else. See what I mean? I know you dont usually have the time to examine every last damn emotion of yours[theres a lot of them] I'm just saying if your unsure this is what I find helps.
Controlling emotions is not impossible. The only way I can controll my emotions halfway is to supress them. You just cant see some one and say I'm going to have that emotion towards that person. Trying to controll your emotions can be very helpfull. Like trying to controll to not to beat the shit out of a math teacher for screaming at everything. Or shooting your boss because he's just such an asshole about everything.

Now there are emotions we sometimes feel are bad and we shouldn't be having them. Yet restricting yourself from your emotions can prevent many opportunities from getting a job to meeting a person you will end up sleeping with. Anyways, this is MY opinion, im not saying that you are not entitled to share the same thought or that no one but me thinks this. I just simply want to state that I am speaking for myself and myself only. And if you post on this, or any other thread you are speaking for yourself and only yourself. Sorry if this is long, confusing or boring at parts buy hey, you read it.
Also, if your wondering why I think about this stuff and how I know all this stuff when I'm only twelve. Its simply because I choose to and I like making a strong impression on people wether its good or bad. If you have any questions I'll gladly answer them to the best of my ability. If you want the question to be personall PM me.

Aug 22, 2003, 11:55 PM
Holy shi... crap.

Aug 23, 2003, 12:47 AM
Well, I say you've summed it up nicely, you're thinking quite like I was at 12... Well, except for your reason of thinking like that. As you said, you think that way to make an impression on people, I think how I think because it's what comes natural to me.

For me, emotions are both a boon and a privation. They let you know things you don't notice otherwise, but they can cause you to think in irrational, illogical ways. I often supress my emotions, to some point, to prevent them from hindering my calculated thinking while still letting them be known to myself, keeping neigh-stoicism in most circumstances.

Aug 23, 2003, 12:55 AM
Making the impression is not my only reason, I really think people need to think more on these subjects.

My goal here is really just to get people to think.

Aug 23, 2003, 01:09 AM
Getting people to think is one thing, getting any insight from them is completely different...

Aug 23, 2003, 01:25 AM
I'd be satisfied if one out of five people who came to this thread just read at least read halfway. I didn't create this thread to get peoples opinion. I create dit to get a point across and even if I halfway got a person thinking on it, they'll keep on thinking and ask questions, and maybe give their opinion. This is almost an exercise for our most deadly tool, our minds. I find most people's have gone dull and rusted through misuse...

Aug 23, 2003, 02:02 AM
...Or lack thereof.

What hope is there for a dull and rusted tool?

Most likely, very little or none; doomed to be underworked and ill-informed. Such a waste is pitiful, yet inevitable. Of course, hard work and sheer willpower could change this, but that kind of case is rare, indeed.

Aug 23, 2003, 02:12 AM
Thus, I will not waste my knowledge and act like the knife sharpener that works for cheap. All you have to do is read and think on it. The attitude of there are very few people like that get over it, yet there are still the people who can become like that, and trying to set examples is one of the few things I can do to turn that rusted tool into something else. It is a waste of time and energy trying to say that people are ignorant and they're happy that way.

Because its true, and its so sad that it is. Yet most everything starts off small and works its way up. I intend not to give up the cause of returning human thought back into function.

Aug 24, 2003, 12:43 PM
I'm posting on this for two reasons, one, to bring it up so people wont have to look for it too hard. Two to just say that I think these three posts are moving along nicely{Yeah I'm wierd"}

Aug 26, 2003, 05:33 PM
don't bump your topics like that. you bumped 3 topics, one topic twice. stop it or next one will be a warning.

now controlling emotions is possible. and what happens if your emotions aren't real?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-08-26 15:40 ]</font>

Aug 26, 2003, 05:49 PM
uh oh lollis getting stroppy lol. if your emotions arent real than they are more easily controlled IMO. an example mayb is thinking you love some1 when all u think is that they r gd looking. unless lolli is on about how emotions arent really anything. o wel i screwed ^that^ up...

Aug 26, 2003, 06:16 PM
Srry, What if your emotions arent real?

Then they arent really emotions are they? Describe to yourself what an emotion is. MAybe its not that they are real, maybe its that those emotions arent what they seemed to be, or you mistook them for something else.

They're ways to supposedly controll emotions, if you are using controll, as in supress, or controll the way they come out. But as in controlling your emotions to your will, this is something that I cannot at the moment think of a way to do, if I think of one, I'll come here and argue with myself on it some more.

Aug 26, 2003, 10:39 PM
lots of people have emotions that are not real emotions but just chemically engineered without reason, ie: mental illnesses. and no they're not easily controlled.

Aug 27, 2003, 03:24 PM
Mental illness is not an emotion, I'm feeling mental illness right now. I'll states how you are feeling, Mental, is where you are ill at or where the illness originated from.

Mental illnes is something that can cause an emotion, it is not one itself.

Or at least, thats how I see it, feel free to prove me wrong.

Aug 27, 2003, 03:55 PM
If you have a Mental Illness then you can still have emotions. You just wouldn't understand why you are having them. When you were a small, small child, and you first hurt yourslef, did you know why you were crying? Because of a painful emotion (feeling). Mentaly Ill people relate as so. There cannon be fake emotions. They can be mis-understood emotions. But, sometimes you cannot have certain emotions because of you knowledge. Ex: If your mother died when you were a very small child, you probably wouldn't have a strong sad emotion about her because you did not understand who she really was in your life. But if you were older, your emotions would reflect of her death because you Understand who she was in your life. And emotions are the feelings that impact your life. I girl I loved very much had moved to Japan a few monthes ago. I love her very much. I will always have my unconditional love for her. Our emotions toward eachother impacted our lifes alot. I shall never forget what we have.

Aug 27, 2003, 04:04 PM

But still, even if you where a young child, if your mother died, it still would affect you a lot, and maybe less if you where older. When you where older, or where more mentally intune, you could inderstand what was going on. But when you dont understand, you dont know why shes gone, or why she doesnt come to comfort you when you are crying, you just dont know, and that makes explaining all the more hard...

Aug 27, 2003, 04:08 PM
I understand what you meant. I said it wrong. I mean like, BABY... you don't know anything but what you need. You cry because your hungry, gotta use the bathroom, already used the bathroom..., thirsty, ect... but that's not an emotion. Emotions grow when you mature. Yes, if you were like 4 or 5 then you could have cried when she died because you did not understand what was going on. BUT, since you did not have an emotion that you understood, it would be like the Mentally Ill, they don't understand the thought, but they feel it. Sorry about that child thing. Should have said baby :/

Aug 27, 2003, 07:35 PM
I thought thats what you problably meant, but its still gonna be tough, without a mother and all.

Aug 27, 2003, 07:36 PM
yeah later on in life when you can understand what hapend back then, then yes I would cry my eyes out too. I couln't bare the thought of losing my parents, or my friends, or my Love. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Aug 27, 2003, 07:52 PM
EMOTIONS...Emotions... emotions... we are sorrounded and experience emotions every day, but its natural, and I'm glad they are here.

Aug 27, 2003, 07:58 PM
Yes, even though sometimes it hurts. It is a wonderous gift. To special to be confind from some Evolution. Scientists should not try to predict how we were created but study what evidence that is on this Earth. How can someone predict this "big bang theory" if there is absolutely no evidence what so ever. Today I learned in Biology that a Theory is a tested and proved Hypothesis. So The Big Bang Theory should be the Big Bang Hypothesis. God is our creator, not some planitary accident!

Aug 27, 2003, 08:08 PM
Lets not get into religion, stay on topic. It's so important to experience all emotions, pain, so we can learn to go away from pain, Happyness, so that we can strive and live to be Happy!!

Aug 27, 2003, 08:15 PM
Religion? oh yeah, those things. I believe in the truth. Not some thing "religion". But you have to admit, how can some accident from an explosion make the wonderful creatures that are called Humans. We experiance things no other being can feel. Animals have instinct. They can't think about their thoughts (if you think about it its not that confusing). Infact some animals at their size do not have a brain. They call it something else, I can't remember it. But we have thought patterns, emotions, a soul, ect... Nothing can change my mind and my hearts beliefes. For they are compounded from the truth. This is why I cheerish the gift of Emotions.