View Full Version : FanFic: Final Assassination : Currently chapter 20 : Hells H

Aug 23, 2003, 07:23 AM
The first few chapters will be short but they'll grow I just wanted to get this started today.

Final Assassination
Chapter1:Unforgotten past

Blaze awoke, he had the same damn dream over and over again, his last kill, she kept on haunting his dreams tormenting him to the point that he barely slept. Her last breath and Chaos' scream of anger. He couldn't forget his past and what he did, and what he does for a living now.
He hadn't had a job in a while, Blaze the professional assassin, wanted every where from ragol back to earth. He brushed back a strand of pure white hair and shook his head.
He checked his messages on the BEE system , none, as if all his former clients didn't want to deal with him again. This meant he'll have to do some scouting out for jobs on his own. There are a few undergrounds where his talent is needed, Its almost sad.

Blaze looked out the window of his room, he could see ragol as a tiny speck of light in the distance, why the hell was he doing this? People would come to him wanting someone dead and he would do it for the meseta, but then there was Ke...he trained me as an assassin, and its the only skill he had, what else was he supposed to do? After he completed a job things got worse, the security in the surrounding outposts was so tight that he had to practically hijack a ship to get anywhere. But he hadn't killed anyone since then and it had been six months now, and the security had loosened quite a bit. It had become an all out hell just to get from outpost to outpost.
He had to get going, Blaze exited his room and activated the teleporter, Lobby/Space docks1,2,3/ he selected space docks three. He always had everything he needed in null space for easy access, such as maybe a day or two worth in provisions for when he got into a tight spot, his weapons, armor, and his two mags. once he had rematerialized at the space dock he checked his ship/ B21/ it was due to leave in a few minutes. Blaze waited until a stewardess called out to board transport B21, he stood up from his seat and entered amongst the crowd to the ship. He noticed several security guards looking at him and talking into comm. units but it was to late to stop the transport. They would either try to subdue him on the ship, or at the destination point.

He took his seat next to a RAcast, he was in sleep mode, his fist tightened. Kesset was the one who forced him from his family, if he didn't go, Kesset would've killed his twin brother and his younger sister. He went along with the android, as an assassin, until one day when the tension of being with the android that had murdered his parents was to great. He destroyed Kesset, and The Assassin Elite Guild took him in as a replacement for Kesset.

It was a few hours after departure when the lights blacked out and the onboard comm. unit rang out, it was the ship guard.
"Blaze, give yourself up and no one will be hurt, think of what would happen if you breached the ships hull. Give up your Null Space Unit and stay back"

The Hucast next to him Came out of sleep mode and gazed at him,
"You better give yourself up? He stated
"No chance? Blaze replied.
Blaze equipped his armor, and his two Sato mags. The Null Space Unit [NSU} flashed and his armor and mags materialized from it. He heard foot steps in the dark, they must have had Thermal visors on because they came to his section first, they had been smart for once, they put him in a section of the ship that had only androids, and they where all in sleep mode so they generated almost no heat, so he stood out perfectly to them because of his body heat.

Blaze Formed a small Barta shield around him, just a thin layer of ice that masked his heat sense [little bit of heat, little bit of cold, you have neutral.]
.He let them come within a few feet from him before he charged a powerful Zonde spell, simply because its the simplest and fastest to cast.
They caught on to his Zonde's heat trace too late, he released the energy frying the first guard with twenty bolts of electricity. While the other was checking his dead companion Blaze charged and held foie energy. The final guard was attracted by the foies heat trace but when he looked up from the other guard Blaze reached out and grabbed the guys face, the last thing the guard saw was a gloved hand launching foie energy right into his mouth.

Blaze stepped away from the two dead forms he walked to the control cabin and made them get going again, and headed back to the pioneer city. He went back to his seat next to the RAcast.
"you're not afraid of anything are you? The RAcast asked
"You should be talking you're sitting right next to me" Blaze smirked and waited.

ANY questions or comments welcome.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-12-27 20:17 ]</font>

Aug 23, 2003, 08:08 AM
Not bad. It's beginning very well.

Aug 23, 2003, 08:28 AM

mith that mr.rubbish slumps to the floor and a glowing ball apears to hover over him.

Aug 23, 2003, 05:40 PM
Heres the next chapter, thing are going to get more complicated soon.

Final Assassination
Chapter2:Seeking the Good

Blaze never understood why the guards would throw their lives away by coming after him, they knew it would be a suicide mission. The voyage went on without any further disruptions until they docked at pioneer city.

{Pioneer city was constructed when the two threats, Olga flow, and Dark Falz, where defeated. It is the reconstruction of the pioneer 1. When contact with earth could be established they reported their findings back to the two home worlds, first it their messages went to earth because it was closer, then it was transferred from earth to Senjynn, the Newman home world. Soon outposts where established along the way to ragol and more and more people began filtering in.}

They where expecting him, there was a party of twenty pioneer guards standing at the landing platform. Around him the androids slowly flickered out of sleep mode, and the onboard comm. unit rang out again.

"Nobody leave the ship, I repeat nobody leave the ship"

Soon two guards came on board to escort him off the ship. He raised his hands and followed the lead guard while the other held a rifle to his back. Blaze was lead off the ship, and into the crowd of guards. He looked around, the civilians expecting passengers to come off where held back by three guards, and the rest where gathered around him.

A more elaborately dressed guard came up to him, to read him his rights. Blaze sighed, when will these people learn? The guard behind him held his hands tightly and was about to put photon cuffs on him, that’s when he made him move. The guard was leaning forward so he sunk down and kicked his feet out of under him. The other guards saw him move so they fired at him, but the guards body fell across him and blocked each of the seven photon bullets. Several parts such as the guards shoulder where blown away and the blood sprayed all over Blaze.

The guards took a moment to register that they just blew up their own comrades body instead of his, but a moment was all he needed. He raised both of his hands aver his head and cast two GIfoies simultaneously. He looked back suddenly, a small girl had crossed the guards holding the crowd back, she had dropped her doll and was headed towards it when the GIfoies where released.

"Shit, how'd you get past the--"

He leapt and grabbed the child and pushed her down, he was hit directly in the back with one of his own foie spheres the armor was eaten away and took most of the damage. When the Gifoie disappeared he stood up holding the child, there was a crying woman struggling against the guard, this must be her child. He handed her over and the mother started crying, saying how she thought it was over, and scolding at the same time. Blaze walked over and picked up the doll, it somehow avoided the fire. Then he handed the little girl her doll,

"Thanks mister fire guy” she smiled at him and hugged her doll.

Blaze shivered, the girl didn't even realize what just happened. He glanced back at the smoldering ashes of the guards. The three remaining guards where calling for back up, and the crowd was screaming, something, oh no....

He looked back at the ship, there was a body of a child there. Blaze ran up to the body, it was a boy maybe of five. He must have snuck pat the stewardess to see what was going on. He wasn't sure what was going on, he had killed, children before but this was different, he didn't mean to, he hadn't meant to.

He was feeling so sad, yet he couldn't cry for the lost ones, he grimaced at his own heartlessness.

Blaze took leave of the dead and continued onward to the only place to look for his jobs, the undergrounds of pioneer city. This is where you found the best bars casinos, beggars anything that could relate to poverty, there was one building in particular where you could find the best clients, Redria crossing, it was a Casino where all the big shots hanged out at.

Yet even though he was well known at the undergrounds when the people saw him, they seamed to stay away from him. Blaze could make out snatches of a conversation,

'Killed a ch--"

"Heartless bastard killed twenty just today"

"Cant belie...... never knew he would go so fa...."

Yes, he had gone far, to far. But he had been this far for a while now, but still killing something you cant just get used to. The image of him crouched down, claws through his sister, and her sword through him, yet it wasn't fatal for him. His twin was there too,.... never get used to killing... never...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:48 ]</font>

Aug 23, 2003, 05:48 PM
Still continuing good. I'm looking forward to your next chapters.

Aug 23, 2003, 05:50 PM
I might be able to get another chapter up today, hopefully...

Aug 23, 2003, 11:51 PM
Really good so far. Keep it up.

Aug 24, 2003, 04:31 AM
man, thats one messed up dude

Aug 24, 2003, 12:31 PM
This reveals in depth more of Blazes past, and starts to move the plot along. Yes, as you put it Mr. Rubbish He is a seriously complex and phycologically twisted person.I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter!

Final Assassination
Chapter 3

The Redria crossing, this was a very strange place. The pioneer guard must have know about this place, yet even though they did, and even though many wanted men and women are here, the owner had such financial power over the pioneer city, that the guards couldn't do much anyways.

The clerk acknowledged him with a nod of his head, then Blaze made his way to the reserved area. He waved a hand for the waitress to ignore him, and lay his head back, why had he saved that little girl? He didn't know her, but something about her distracted him, maybe he just wanted to give her a chance to lead a successful life, unlike his. He could kill his own family but not this little girl? What type of twisted monster was he, he shouldn't have done it, even if they where orders from The top of the AEG {Assassin Elite Group}. Blaze lay his head back remembering their meet.

It was almost a year ago now, it had been raining, in the forest section nearer to the central dome, dubbed Forest 2. He didn’t want to, but he knew if he didn't then they would try to kill him, and he couldn't die just yet. They said it had something to do with his sister coming to close to finding something that their employer didn't want her or anybody to find.

But something the AEG didn't know about, was that his twin Chaos was there, helping her. The rain was not merely a storm, it was some sort of hurricane, just moving was a struggle. Blaze had found them, and they stood there, refusing to give up or give ground. He had started the attack, fighting both of them was something he didn't want to do. A. he didn't want to eliminate the last of his family B. it made things a hell of a lot harder to fight two expert fighters, and in a hurricane. Luckily, the area they where fighting in, had a huge rock cliff that broke the wind, so they where not blown away. The battle had been continuing for a while, and all of them where getting tired. The ground was treacherous, the rain made it feel like you where walking on an oil covered tile floor, and this is how he gained his advantage.

His adopted Newman sister Skye slipped while charging, she had been trained as a hunewearl and she did not often make mistakes. But given the circum stances she fell, Blaze moved like lighting and caught her before she fell to the ground, but with the blades on the photon claw. Skye had managed to bring her sword up, and he impaled himself on it as he had raced to catch her.

Chaos was furious, he charged him and grabbed blazes face, and used zonde as soon as he had done so. Blaze drew the sword out of his left shoulder and shoved it through his brothers gut. His face hurt so much that it was hard to think, and he grew so angry, he lost control of the thought that he wanted his family to live. He called upon the deep power bestowed upon all forces by the gods, the techniques that shouldn't have been taught to mortals. Chaos' body was lifted up into the air, then heavenly arrows of power surrounded him, then the gods wrath exploded from inside him. Chaos was flung back into the rock cliff's surface, as he did so the sword that had impaled both of them was forced back out of him by the rock. The sword somehow landed in the ground tip down, and stood up straight. Blaze limped forward, this sword was covered in all three of their blood, as was he, he wished tools like this never existed. Blaze looked back at his sisters body, but had to look away quickly.

He was about to walk away when his attention was snatched by Chaos' body moving. Chaos stood up, his frame was shaking, and blood soaked him even more thoroughly than the rain. His body was now covered in a soft blue aura, his entire body flashed this soft blue now.

"Sorry to disappoint you... Blaze, but I stole a power from the gods, I guess they sent you here to punish me.... us..."

Blaze saw that tears streamed down his face, they mingled with the blood, and then where washed away by the rain. He stepped back as he saw Chaos' wounds heal, muscle replaced itself, and flesh knitted back together again. Chaos stumbled forward, the blue aura mixed with the glowing residual energy from the Grants attack, making him seem like a fallen angel of some sort. He wouldn't have been surprised if it was true.

At that time he ran, he knew that Chaos could easily destroy him at this point.

He had asked around about how Chaos had gained this strange power. He had eventually came upon a medical record of a boy who had been standing up a hunter, the boy was beaten and torn on several places to the point that death was nearly upon him. They experimented with an abnormal photon energy with his brother, somehow this mixed with Chaos' natural energy, amplifying it a great deal, also he had gained {as he had said} another power that should never tempt a mortal, regeneration.

Blaze opened his eyes, a female had sat across from him, and was waiting patiently for him to acknowledge her. He straightened back up and spoke,

"What?” he asked

"You don’t sleep peacefully” she said in a rather strange voice

"Why are you here" Blaze retorted.

"To offer you a job” She paused

He nodded for her to go on, she took a deep breath and continued ...

"I need you to assassinate five people, they are the ones who destroyed both Olga Flow and Dark Falz. Four of them are hunters, a HUnewearl, one HUcast, a RAcast, and a FOmar like yourself"

"There is no one like myself"

"Sorry, but anyways those four hunters are extremely powerful, I suggest you take them out individually."

"Two mil. per head for the hunters now, and another two mil. when the jobs done. Who is the fifth one?" He stated blandly.

"The fifth one, is a scientist, who provided them with information, and from what I understand he also experimented with your twin.” She smiled.

Blaze stiffened, he had to take the job now,” I’ll take out the scientist free, I have something to tell him anyway"

The woman seemed to shrink back at the anger vibrated in Blazes voice. "I hope you can do this, it might be beyond your skill"

She instantly regretted the words as he looked up, straight into her eyes. There where so many emotions that shouldn't be there, he was maybe twenty, yet his eyes reflected a hundred years experience. She shuddered, the rumors are true about him after all.

"So are we all agreed then?” Blaze asked


"I'll see you after I complete my mission" and with that he left the Redria Crossing, his mixed emotions pulsated inside him. He had to get this part of his life over with, he couldn't stay an assassin forever. He sighed and softly spoke to himself,

"Chaos........just come destroy me, and then we'll all be happy."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:50 ]</font>

Aug 24, 2003, 06:13 PM
Powerful, Powerful words.....WOW! Cant wait for the next part.

Aug 24, 2003, 07:18 PM
Thanks, I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up, monday, maybe even tuesday, depends on how much free time I get.

Aug 24, 2003, 07:29 PM
I noticed a few typos, but overall it's really good. I like it. Now I have to promote my fanfic; take a look at my signature.

Aug 25, 2003, 12:14 PM
hooray, the secret to chaos' immortality is finally mine MWHAHAHAHAHA!
here a hypotheteical question for you, if chaos' head was blown up by a grenade say, you he regenerate a new head and still live? and would he somehow retain his memories?
just a thought really, keep up the good work

Aug 25, 2003, 04:22 PM
Thats actualy a good question, and heres the answer. Yes, If he olst his head he would lose his memory. HE lost all memory when they expirimented on him an thats why he thinks he stole a power from the ogd. And his sister retold his past for him so he at least knows what is supposed to be his past. He is immortal unil/nevermind...

Also the secrets to Chaos regenteration arent yours, you have no clue what type of abnormal photon energy=]...

Aug 26, 2003, 01:53 PM
really? then i'll just experiment on myself using every kind of abnormal energy till i find the right one http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

On 2003-08-25 14:22, Sarunakai wrote:
Thats actualy a good question, and heres the answer. Yes, If he olst his head he would lose his memory. HE lost all memory when they expirimented on him an thats why he thinks he stole a power from the ogd. And his sister retold his past for him so he at least knows what is supposed to be his past. He is immortal unil/nevermind...

Also the secrets to Chaos regenteration arent yours, you have no clue what type of abnormal photon energy=]...

Aug 26, 2003, 03:11 PM
Good luck =]

Sep 3, 2003, 07:05 PM
Sorry for the wait.. I got way over loaded with life and I needed a break. But if any of you where about to kill yourself because of the lack of chapters heres another one! =]

Final Assassination
Chapter 4
Assassins Damnation of Power

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

Assassins, most true assassins have long passed away, and the code forgotten. Blaze had lost his honor long ago, but his brother hadn't, it was like he was the villain and Chaos was the honorable night come to slay him. But how long will honor last against impulse? Chaos is a crazy half-dead FOmar, how long will people see him as the good guy? Chaos' honor is what kept him from tipping over to become a man slaughtering machine prone to kill him.

Blaze laughed at himself and held up his hand
"These hands are stained with blood, of kin, of fool, of pride, of honor! HOW LONG CAN YOU LAST? BECOME YOU BECOME ME?! A SAVAGE, OF POWER AND DESTRUCTION!"

The words echoed through out pioneer city, he wished he could remain impassive, but these forces, these emotions where escaping from him. He felt like a abused highway, he was worn and weathered, and every once in a while there was the crash, that caused the clog, that causes the spill, which ends up in farther destruction. Blaze sighed, he had to get going on the job.

Blaze walked openly through-out pioneer city, there where four main cities established around ragol now, Pioneer City, Latien City, New hope, and finally Grand Nafiel City. Personally he liked Nafiel city best, this is where three year tournaments were held, he was in the last one because he had to kill one of the fighters, he luckily was matched up with him in the semi finals, and had killed him, but they threw him out and hunted him for that.

As a human, he shivered at the fear he struck into the people of the city, but as a demon, he grew more confident. Blaze made his way to the Hunters Guild, there where a few ways to find a set of hunters around here. He passed through various rooms, with different people gawking at him probably surprised he has the guts to come out in public. Soon he came to the room he was looking for, the quest room. There where a selection of people there, female male, android force, all sorts gathered into this room seeking quests and seeking help. Arguments of payment and members for the quest echoed through out the room, but when he came in a dead silence enveloped them all. Blaze made his way over to the Quest Guild counter and spoke to the clerk behind it.

"I'm looking for a group of five, four hunters and one scientist, I need you to tell me the last quest they have entered and where I can find their client” He paused

"Oh, press that switch and summon the security, by the time they get here, every one of you will be dead"

The clerk wore a mask of fear as she scrambled through the holo records of the quests taken and offered, dating for years back. Finally she looked up, and the words tumbled out of her mouth as she spoke.

"They are on a quest right now, Ruins... 1, thh.. they ar...."She paused
"They are escorting a child through the ruins, so that she can see how and where her parents where killed" The clerk blurted out, it seemed even speaking to these people where taxing them of their energy.

"Fine, see you"

As Blaze turned around he noticed all the hunters, raising their weapons, and bracing themselves for combat. He didn't have time for this, he had to establish a random TP.

{Let me take some time to explain this. The teleportation spell is very advanced and extremely hard to control, setting up a loophole through space from one point to another is hard to first of all establish. Once in creation the maker has to keep the portal open in existence by pouring out their energy into them, if whatsoever a teleported maker failed to maintain the portal while any object was in it, the loophole would claim your soul, and your body would be lost forever. Why of this is such a hard spell can spell users use it easily? Well its rather simple, there are points, posts, that store photon energy within themselves, so when you create a tunnel to these posts its out of your hands, The points keep the tunnel open until the original makers return time.
Now random teleportation creates a tunnel to anywhere, the fact that you are not forcing the tunnel to bend to one point saves you more than half of the strain of creating a tunnel without a point of energy helping you maintain the loopholes form, and it is faster."

A huge flash greeted the arrival of Blazes Random TP, the swirling beams of light came from a rotating disk of blue energy that would flash a dark purple every now and then, it was hovering in the air, instead of the ground. He jumped for it and hoped the fates that he would end up somewhere nearby. In another flash he was gone, he wasn't swirling in a bright tunnel of colors as in many movies. Instead he was being ripped apart and torn away from his being, and transported to the unknown.

Blaze stood up and sighed, the portal flickered out of life behind him, and the sight of the ruins main teleporter was in front of him. He felt drained, he used to much energy directing the portal to take him here, luckily, a point was halfway established here, so he had drained some energy from that. He accessed his storage unit and withdrew his armor, weapon, and mag, millions of blue particles quickly took the shape of his Kabanda, his photon claw, and his armor. He staggered as the Kabanda mag dug deep into his energy wells, and soon a new rush of power enveloped him, not his own, but one that went along and supported him. After that his mag flashed, and blue and red particles surrounded him and flowed in and out of him, he clenched his fist and smiled.

He came to a room that was part of a spaceship, but half of it was organic. Blaze wandered and walked along the many passages of the ruins level 1, he soon came to a room that was divided into two walkways, on his side there was nothing, but on the other side he saw a group of six people. He approached the ledge and confirmed these were his targets. Hucast, Racast, HUnewearl, FOmar, scientist, but there was one extra, a little girl was staring at him, the others hadn't noticed him.
Then the little girl spoke.
"Thaniel, Sirien, Renal look, who's that?"

Big battle scene coming up, stay tuned for next time on.... Final Assassination!!!!lol....hehehe.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:53 ]</font>

Sep 4, 2003, 05:39 PM
Hope U all like the chapter, you might want to re-read the fight scene in this one a few times to make sure you understand it full. Hmmm.... I wonder if every ones stopped readin this and I'm talkin to myself, o-well =]

Final Assassination
Chapter 5

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

At this the whole party turned to him, it seemed only one of them new who he was, the Hunewearl. They all seemed like rather experienced fighters, the FOmar had a few battle scars, and the androids armor was battered and scratched in places. Blaze could sense the overall power surging forth from the group.

The HUnewearl stopped dead in her tracks, startling the others. The little girl who had at first acknowledge his presence
hid behind the two large androids.

" go to the next room, this won't be safe” Commanded the HUnewearl with a definite authority in her voice.
The HUcast turned to her and spoke
"Sirien what’s going on, who is that guy?"
Sirien shook her head
"Renal, the guy is a professional Assassin, maybe the name Blaze would wake you up."
The HUcast started at Siriens tone, and then nearly doubled over at the name. Renal straightened himself out and turned to blaze, then took a step back suddenly. It didn't make sense, he couldn't detect Blazes power, but there was obviously a mask put up to conceal it, but that mask would immediately shatter as soon as he drew from his vast expanse of power.

"Let me take him" Renal stepped up...

Blaze started to laugh wildly as he raised the photon claw up into the air, the crowd watched on in horror as the green photon of the blades started to grow out, the color turned to a bright blinding white, and a strange aura enveloped Blaze. Still laughing like mad he charged at Renal.

Serien barely managed to pull renal back before Blaze had cleared the distance between the two bridges and bring the claw straight down to where Renal had previously had been. Renal broke free of Seriens grip and muttered to himself,

"Assassins have no honor...."

Blaze stopped laughing, and slowly rose, the red tinged aura gave him the presence of a demon and the bright claw that of a god. His eyes burned into the androids,

"Assassins live by the code, those who don’t are not assassins. The code, never fell an enemy from the back, never kill while the target is down, never lose your weapon, never speak, never feel, never fail, never disobey, never kill the young, never acknowledge defeat until you are DEAD!"

His words rang out, and silence followed. Serien was taken aback when Blaze changed entirely, his face softened, his eyes closed, arms shook, and a tear silently made its way down his face.

"Never, NEVER FEEL, I-I have no time for emotions"

Blaze turned back to them, his eyes open now, and the ferociousness returned, his eyes reflected the many deaths, the many torments, the many years of experience he should not have been put through. The little girl stepped forward, she must have been struck by Blazes temporary weakness, and was feeling suddenly sorry for this man.

"Please calm down, I don’t think anyone here wants to fight, and none of us want to die... please sir..."
Blaze smiled a warm smile, he patted the girl head and spoke,
"Your mistaken, I want to die, but I cant let myself.."

Serien came forward to late, the girl was impaled through the chest by three deadly blades, he stood up and lifted the girls body up with him. Serien nearly screamed as a glowing orangish red surrounded the three puncture points, the glow spread, and it burned away at the girls body. He tossed the body below, to the blackness that led who knows where, he turned to the group, the FOmar tried to mask his feelings, but Sirien had no such control. Her body was quivering with anger, her fist clenched and she barley managed to speak to him through clenched teeth.

Blaze bowed and stepped back into a fighting stance,
"Come destroy me, avenge, all the souls I have banished, and maybe I will be free of my damnation hellish existence"

Sirien turned and yelled at the group.


The FOmar nodded and pressed back his companions to the next room, he turned back only to wish her luck, then he left her to Blaze.

As soon as the FOmar was out of sight Sirien lounged at him, she was using a sleek metal sword and a shield. The sword was a blur as she swung it horizontally at him. Instead of blocking, Blaze let himself fall to the floor, then he kicked her feet out of under her. Then not wasting time he brought the photon claw down to her abdomen area, but she rolled over and kicked Blaze in the gut with both legs while she was still on the ground. Blaze was sent flying back into the wall, Serien charge him bringing the sword down in a vertical blur as she came within range of him. Blaze pressed back against the wall with his feet and propelled himself into a head butt into her chest, and at the same time bringing the photon claw around to her waist.

She jumped up after being hit in the chest and landed firmly on the back of blazes neck. Blaze hit her in the back of the knee, and her knees buckled underneath her, as she was falling he brought the claws up as so she would impale herself on them. Serien managed to force herself down to her side, and in return she caught Blaze around the neck with her legs in a pincer movement. Then she thrust herself upwards and brang her legs way over her head throwing Blaze off of the Bridge.

Sirien stood up panting, was it really over? She bent over and placed her hands on her knees to rest. Suddenly the FOmar came back into the room, he glanced around then came up closer to her. He placed a comforting hand on her back as he spoke,

"Is it over?"
"Should b--"

Serien was cut off as Blaze reappeared from over the side of the bridge , he had somehow propelled himself with significant force in an arc so he was hurtling straight for her. He hit her straight on with his free hand knocking her over the edge, he jumped in after her, ready for the end, for him, of Sirien.

Thats all 4 now, I hope to get the next chapter up soon, if not tommorow the day after. I hope anyone who is still reading this is still enjoying it =]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:55 ]</font>

Sep 4, 2003, 07:27 PM
Veeerrry Niiice. Sucks for the little girl though. He really is heartless. Anywayz Waitin for the next part. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_argh.gif

Sep 4, 2003, 07:32 PM
Heartles? hmm... more like a heart with a stone casing, but thnx for da feedback, I'll try to make the wait 4 the next chapter a lot shorter. =]

Sep 4, 2003, 07:43 PM
I feel depressed. Why is your fic getting more attention than mine? It must be my writing style; too impersonal. Ah well. I like your fic, keep up the good writing.

Sep 5, 2003, 06:39 AM
I dont know, maybe mine has a catchy title, not judging by the reads...Not sure..

But thanx all for the comments, I've got half of the next chapter done so it should be up today.

Sep 5, 2003, 03:20 PM
welcome back

Sep 5, 2003, 06:16 PM
Yeah, sorry for being out for a while, and as I promised, heres the next chapter. This'll start a chain of events that will majorly move the story along. This and the next chapter may seem odd, but you'll understand soon. Hope you all enjoy.

Final Assassination
Chapter 6
Twisted Existence

Blaze saw a light at the end of the dark pit, he also caught a consistent whoosh from something moving very fast. Soon he started to fall faster, and faster, until to the point that he must have seemed a blur to anyone watching. He saw a platform rapidly approaching, a bright blue light enaminated from the other side of the platform. Surrounding the platform was a metal grid, and beyond that, the source of the noise. Blaze hit the platform with a loud crash, he wasn't actually touching the metal, the blue particles where rapidly spinning underneath him, creating sort of a cushion from the fall, deband. He suddenly looked over, what had become of Sirien? She had landed likewise to him, maybe a little bit more gracefully but still in the same fashion. The blue deband particles returned to swirling in and out of him, into a standard combat shield. Sirien would leave him alone for too long, she came charging at him, sword held up high, in an attempt to end the battle once and for all.

Blaze stopped himself from slicing her in two in her reckless charge, instead he grabbed her arm, and forced her to face him. She had the same defiant expression, the same look in her eyes, she was, no she couldn't be...


His grasp weakened and he slumped back to the ground, Sirien took her chance, and easily rammed her blade straight into Blazes gut. Then she backed up to observe him, there was something wrong... Blazes eyes where out of focus, he was no longer in the ruins, but in the forest, in a storm. Skye's blood was drenching through his soul, and Chaos screams burned him.

Sirien backed up in alarm, Blaze had stood, his form glowed strangely. The ground around them was a fan, and it pulled them toward the floor, making standing difficult.


Blazes scream continued to echo through the chamber, and did not cease. Sirien was starting to worry, this guy was not natural, she made her way towards him as best she could, the energy flowing around him seemed to twist the air around him, and them sent to out horizontally in the directions around his figure. She drew a long dagger that had been in the sheath on her leg, and slipped it in-between his ribs. Moments after, she was blown back entirely, the energy was screaming itself, in a odd haunting voice. Blazes eyes held a burning fire within them, the blades that had pierced him shattered into fragments and disintegrated. The aura flowing around blaze ate away at all matter, it destroyed the grid beneath him, and the fan. The three photon blades retracted, and one formed, of pure black energy. Electric charges flew forth as the blade grew to four feet long, and the energy around blaze subsided.

His breath came out in painful gasps, he saw before him, the very reflection of his sister. He practically flew at her,

"Stop haunting me!!"

Sirien's face was maybe two inches from Blaze's, instead of hitting her in the head he had veered the blade to the right, it had sunk in to the point that blazes hand had sunk into the wall completely. She glanced across Blazes pained face, blood streaked around it in strange patterns, from the air twisting around him. The ground lurched underneath them, the platform had taken to much damage from the battle. Sirien fell with the floor, he was still caught in the wall. Blaze wrenched his arm out of the wall with a horrible crunch.

Serien groaned as she lifted herself up from the unstable ground, she shrieked and fell back onto her hands when she saw what was beneath her. Blaze must of acted as some sort of cushion for when she fell, that’s right, the last thing she remembered was him grabbing her in the air, and then looking into his eyes, his eyes... She shuddered at the countless ages of torture they displayed. Panic was starting to claim her, what if he was dying, wait... Why was she worried about him, but no matter the persuasion against the action, she found herself checking his pulse. Which she didn't have to do at all, she could sense somehow that he was fading fast. Tears blurred her vision as she screamed for her companion.


Soon footsteps where heard, then four figures burst into the room, the FOmar rushed up to Sirien and gathered her up into his arms.

"Heal him, please Thaniel do something!'

Thaniel started, what was she talking about, he just killed the girl, and he fought her, what was going on?....


Thaniel looked down into her face and sighed,

"for me..."she whispered into his chest

"For you" He affirmed.

Both the HU and RA cast started after him as he stepped towards blazes body, they both laid a metal hand on each of his shoulders.

"Do your really plan to go through with this? He is an assassin"

"Assassins are gone, the final assassination was against his own kin, destroying the last assassin." The group was shocked to hear Blaze speak, Thaniel walked over to his body, and spread his hand over Blazes gut. The HUcast raised his scythe and the RAcast raised his shotgun, ready for anything.

Thaniel grunted as his energy poured out over Blazes wounds, healing these injuries was time taking, and hard for the caster. A basic healing drains your energy until the wound is healed, but for fatal wounds it drained the person terribly. Resurrection can only be performs on one who has died in the last hour, they have to catch the soul before it abandons the host body, and heal from there on. This is one reason Blaze is feared, there is no hope for resurrection, his attacked burn away at the livings things life force, burning it away.

He stood up, panting.

"He should be okay now, as long as we can get him to a medical center soon."

"Unghhh, wait, don’t go, not yet.” Blaze whispered, his tattered and beaten form stood, the movement made his wounds act up again, and where now bleeding profusely. He staggered over to Sirien, tears still in her eyes. He wiped the tears away with his hand and spoke,

"Don’t cry little one, I'm back.."

With that he collapsed into Siriens arms.

I'll get the next chapter up today as well, here the seperation of blaze from his family, and other interesting things are in store, so stay in touch! =]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:57 ]</font>

Sep 5, 2003, 07:30 PM
Okay people, chew on this for a while.

Hope u guys who are actually reading can understand =]

Final Assassination
Chapter 7
Lingering Moments Of Hell

Blaze slowly opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling and a light humming overhead. He raised his hand and gingerly touched his gut, healed completely. He sat up in a panic, he glanced around the room, and soon his eyes rested on Sirien, she was sleeping with her head in Thaniels lap, Thaniel was looking at him. His eyes too bore experience of a great loss, the two stared directly at one another, then Thaniel spoke.

"Why? Why did you come after us?"
"It was a suicide mission meant to eliminate me, I knew this.” Blaze stated matter of faculty

"You could've won, against Sirien, why did you save her?” Thaniel had a trace of sadness in his voice. Blaze glanced once more at Sirien,

"You love her don’t you?"

"Why” Thaniels voice menaced

"She reminded me of the final assassination, that’s all"

"The final assassination?"

"Committed by the very last true, no, the only real assassin left"

"Its was you wasn't it” Thaniel’s voice relaxed, Blaze lay back in the bed, and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

"I killed my sister, and warped my brother” Blaze’s voice suddenly went flat as he said this, Thaniel could easily see the bottled up emotion struggling to claim the peace Blaze upheld. He rose, carefully as not to wake Sirien from her sleep. He walked over to the bed Blaze was on, Blaze rose up to meet him. Thaniel slowly grabbed the medical garmet he was wearing to make sure he got the right impression across,

"Don’t mess with her, she doesn't need any of this"

"I don’t blame you" He shrugged thaniel off,

"I have no intention to take those actions whatsoever, please don’t mention this again, I'd hate to kill the one who saved me"

"Sirien saved you, not me, you would be dead if it hadn't been for her"

"That’s exactly what I meant, I never said you saved me." He spread out his arms and smiled,

"Looks like were all linked together somehow here, wait, what is today?"

"Niddaron 73rd"

"Shit..." Blaze cursed himself for being such a fool as to forget the day, then he asked another question.

"Where can I meet you guys later on, you know, for my punishment, I have to take care of something today so its not at all a good day to be exicutioned."

Thaniel started at blazes overall joyous voice, he was getting more and more confused by the moment. Then they heard Siriens voice,


She stumbled up to him, still half asleep,

"Please don’t leave, they'll kill you.... and I"

She wrapped her arms around him, and fell asleep. Blaze was the confused one now, not to mention how awkward this condition must be with her boyfriend right there. He looked up from Sirien and to Thaniel, he was looking at the ground, a single tear streaked down his face as he hurried from the room. He lifted Sirien gently up and set down on the waiting couch,

"See you, I guess."

Blaze hurried along the streets of pioneer city, he couldn't believe it had been a year already from the final assassination.

The forest are two was as usual, rainy, and dark, but not nearly the fierce weather of a year ago. A faint wind stirred his hair as he slowly approached a stone on the ground. He sighed as he saw a red rose already erected to the right of the stone.

"And the fault goes wrong"

He placed his own rose to the left of the stone, but it was white. He drew his side knife and slashed quickly and firmly a long gash in his palm. Blaze held his hand over the white rose and let it bleed until the rose was red with his own blood.

Blaze put away his knife and stepped a few paces back, he to the right, there a form stood, in the appropriate place. They where to stand where they say the family member was killed, and swear revenge, if it had not already been claimed. He caught the last words of the oath.

"Unto death I pursue honor"
"Unto the death of the destroyer"
"I shall not rest"
"I shall not feel"
"I shall not be"
"Unto the death, I am dead"

Blaze spoke loudly in response,

"Unto death I am cursed"
"Unto the proper one, I cannot die"
"I shall not fear"
"I shall not run"
"I shall not hide"
"Unto death, may my mistakes torment my being"

The two forms approached one another, each repressing their emotions, Blaze decided to take a different course. The two forms started to circle one another.

"Remember how I left?" Blaze questioned

The hooded figure removed his covering and revealed the mirror image of himself, except with black hair instead of silvery white.

"An assassin burned our home, slaughtered our parents, and you chose to go with that damned android” Chaos spoke evenly, no hint of emotion in his voice.

"Kesset threatened to kill you and our sister"

'Yet you killed him anyways"

"Only when I was powerful enough"

"SHE STILL DIED!” Chaos yelled, the dam holding him back had broken, and now he was flooding. Blaze found himself in a similar situation.

"Destroy me, then I can rest. Being a living incarnation of hell is not what its cut out to be!"

"We are both cursed, you know this"

"Ah yes, you immortal fool, I feel rather sorry for you. But until you gain the skill to defeat me, I will never let myself die.


Thaniel sat alone, in his and Siriens apartment. He heard the door open, he sighed and stood up. Sirien entered, took one glance at thaniel, then spoke.

"Its not like that, you know I love you"

"I saw what I saw, don’t tell me I've gone crazy"

She moved forward, and held him,
"Maybe we both have"

Thaniel tried to resist but found it useless, he wouldn't let himself resist, this is what he wanted more than anything else.

She nuzzled him,
"You know I love you"

"So do I"

As they met each other another type of meeting was taking place

Chaos had no limitations now, neither did blaze, the circling ended, and now they stood still.


"Please do kill me this time"

Four combatants merge, covering every ground of the battlefield

Its a kind of symbolic chapter, rather odd, I'm not sure If I'll do anothe chapter today, maybe tommorow.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 14:59 ]</font>

Sep 5, 2003, 07:39 PM
Or maybe because you're not attempting to right a medieval fantasy in 10-20 chapters, 2-3 pages each, and set in the future. -.-;

Stop posting your chapters so frequently.

Sep 5, 2003, 07:41 PM
Why not?

Oh well, guess I was kinda rushing here... hmm...

Sep 5, 2003, 07:53 PM
Because I'm already outclassed in writing skill. I don't need people thinking you're both good at this and fast.

Ah well, at least I'm better with imaging. Check out my nifty sig, and, to anyone else who reads this post, check out the link in the text in the nifty sig.

Sep 5, 2003, 08:46 PM
Jealous *sniff*


your way off topic here. This is not a place to advertise your story, and its not a place to grude agaisnt people because you are jealous of skill. Besides, I'm no threat compared to Davion anyways.

Sep 5, 2003, 08:49 PM
I know, sorry about that. Actually, I originally meant for that post to be complimentary, but I got irritated. Uh, yeah, great fanfic, or something. Now this isn't spam.

Sep 6, 2003, 08:52 PM
This is an entire chapter devoted to a deul between two brothers. Its kinda wierd, but it explains the way these characters battle, sortof, maybe, kinda, a little.... I hope you enjoy!

Final Assassination
Chapter 8
The Dance of the Damned

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

Rain poured down upon the two combatants, they stood at a stand still. Blaze grinned and applied a little bit of healing toward the wound across his chest. Chaos had no wounds, he stood, fully ready to start again, maybe to impatient.

He charged, recklessly, he used no weapons, so it was strictly hand to hand combat. Chaos couldn't just catch Blaze, he would dodge left, to right, and move in the most unexpected ways, but Blaze hadn't attacked yet. Suddenly Blaze caught him off guard, and he found himself looking at three photon claws parallel with his eyes,

"This is a dance, your partner will move unexpectedly. Look at the way their body is inclined, which way are they leaning, other wise you will misstep, disgracing you." Blaze spoke calmly and evenly, like an instructor of some sort.

Chaos snarled and thrust forward, Blaze sighed and sank down and swept his feet from under him.

"Always keep your balance, less you trip"
He slowly rose to his feet, and took a moment to the way Blaze moved. It almost like blaze was in the middle of some sort of complicated dance. His body would fluidly move from one movement to another, and his feet seemed to glide along the ground. Chaos took a deep breath, he matched his breathing to Blazes, and tried to copy Blaze's movements. They both now moved almost together, but yet he had grasped the full meaning of the movements.

"Good, getting better but don’t forget the condition of your dance partner"

Chaos was suddenly stuck, he glanced at the ground below him, ice had frozen him to the spot, then Blaze struck. He was thrown way back by the impact of the kick Blaze provided him with. He landed and slid along the muddy ground, Chaos was soaked through with muddy water and blood, yet he still stood, and nearly fell over again at what he saw. Blaze was basically flying along the ground at a great rate of speed, how was it possible for him, anyone to move that fast? The sudden impact of photon energy driving through him stopped him from thinking momentarily.

Blaze sighed as he saw his brother now covered in the cursed blue aura that saved his life so often. He was missing half of his chest, this area missing flashed a luminous blue.

Chaos screamed as bones grew, muscle tended, and flesh knitted anew.

"hurts doesn’t it?” Blaze sympathized

"You have no idea" Chaos growled back

"Yes I do, a very clear one. Yet there are very few words that can describe that type of pain" Blaze's words where hard to understand, but struck something inside him, always.

Chaos continued to replicate his movements, when Blaze started moving in an entirely different way. His body now would sway into one position, then back, he would suddenly fall and rise, turn and twist. He tried to concentrate, but it was useless.

"Don’t be afraid, I'm listening to a different song than you, so my dance will be different, listen to your own soul's song, where does it direct you?"

"Where does it direct me?" Chaos started for a moment, where was he actually headed? He listened to his own deepness, he started to find a part of himself, that was always there, but ignores, and now found himself in lost, in the rhythm of himself.

Blaze was now tuned out to the real world, he was simply just following the flow of where his instincts took him. Chaos was coming again, so their battle was to start afresh.

"I find myself full of a burning hatred” Blaze spoke loudly and clearly, and as he did he lashed out viciously towards Chaos head.

"I find myself pulling back from the world, in futile resistance" Chaos took his turn and swept to one side, and knocked Blazes arm away leaving Blaze open under the ribs, he took his chances and kicked him in the ribs.

"I find myself never willing to fall, never to let the opponent shame me” Blaze continued by catching himself with his arm before he fell, and graciously flipped himself upright again.

"I find myself consumed by my sorrow, and seek to find the way to vanquish it" Chaos' body was moving to its own beat now, Blaze smiled, their dance was just beginning, the dance of the damned.

Chaos lunged and managed to hit Blaze full on in the chest. Blaze in return sank down and then brang his claws up in a uppercut. Chaos jumped back in time to avoid the claws, then back forward again and tackled Blaze to the ground. He sat upon his chest and pummeled blaze in the face, only to be thrown off easily, he caught himself and stood straight, facing his opponent. Blaze was now taking an all out defensive, he couldn’t land a blow, if he did it was to a block. Blaze smiled as his brother was now truly fighting as himself, his own movements where almost impossible to predict, that’s why he didn't try. The terrain made their fight treacherous, if you slipped, then you would definatly get destroyed. Chaos' eyes widened, he was getting tired, and his foot steps where starting to slow. But Blazes own seemed to not touch the ground, and soon they where yet again lost in the endless motions, one led to another, one soul not willing to give up to another. Blaze pulled back suddenly,

"Thank you for the dance, but I must go now"

"You just cant---"Chaos started but soon there was no helping surprise.

Blaze sped up again, to an unearthly pace. Chaos looked up to late, Blaze brought his claw down with no hesitation. Three long deep gashes traveled down Chaos' face, down to the waist. His body fell, and Blaze walked away, confident that, that would take a longer time for Chaos to heal.

Chaos opened his eyes, it was still raining, and Blaze was nowhere to be found. But the battle had left one scar, of thought. What about when it was over, what about when Blaze dies, he was immortal. He would see every one die, grow up, and die again. Ages would pass, but he would remain the same, always the same, what type of curse was this, Chaos must preferred Blaze's fate.


" Two souls "
" One dance "
" Two goals "
" One chance"

"Can these of oblivion"
"Seek another purpose"
"Than of but to continue this"
"Can these souls"
"Seek another meaning"
"Than of but to continue this"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:03 ]</font>

Sep 6, 2003, 09:18 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif That was suprisingly deep. Really good. Cant wait for nect chapter. I will not wait! *Goes off to practice psychic abilities*

Sep 6, 2003, 09:22 PM
I like my battle scenes deep, and meaningful. Usually if there is an entire chapter focused on ONE battle there'll be a lot to it. Thanks for the feed back, I might get another chapter up today, MIGHT.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-09-06 20:32 ]</font>

Sep 6, 2003, 10:35 PM
Okay, I will get another chapter up, and here it is. Its not one of my deep and powerful chapters, but it FINALY gets the plot started. yay! anyways, hope you guys enjoy and understand the scenario and the motives in this chapter!=]

Final Assassination
Act1 / gathering
Chapter 9
Grasping the Darkness

There is no denying what I am anymore, my path is clear cut in front of me. They are rising, they do not like us, we are a threat for we are to powerful for them. So now, I begin the act of gathering, gathering of the hunters. Now that they have no more use for us, they seek to destroy us, first, they will make us seem as monsters. Second they will present their false solution to the people, to rid them of these monsters, and they will follow blindly, as they always have. We will be forced back, we must stand together now, there must be a final conflict, to determine who shall stay, and who shall perish. I must notify my people before it is too late, for a war is will be upon us. But a war is better than a man slaughter, is it not?

Blaze walked along the streets of Pioneer City, if he was to rejoin with Sirien and the others, he would have to pull something drastic here. As the hunters who "defeated him" they are supposedly to be in charge of bringing him back into custody by the chance he escaped. Well he did, and if he started some sort of crime, they would be notified, and bam, he was back with them. He stopped at the bottom floor of a rather fancy restaurant, this would have to do.

He walked straight up to the door man and slew him on the spot, the doors where of heavy green marble with glass panels in them with ornate golden engraving that spread around the border of the glass in fairly repetitious patterns. The air all around him shimmered as massive heat waves traveled out from the concentrated foie sphere traveled from him to the doors, then the doors proceeded to melting away to a big blob of molten stone. He stepped over the molten stone and into the building, the clerk was horrified to see the doors melted and this galaxy famous mass murderer come waltzing through with a carefree look on his face.

"Go contact the Pioneer Guard at once"

The clerk ran off, and as he did he called for security, but no security arrived for some strange reason. Blaze didn't really care, he walked into the first dining room, loud screams and lots of yelling followed. He raised a hand high in the air, then they fell into a soft hush. Blaze spoke to them,

"That’s better, now if all of you will keep your mouths shut, I wont have to kill anyone"

There was a tiny whimper from a small child nearby, then he heard a smack, and then the child turned to full fledged tears. He turned to the direction of the noise. He walked towards the child, then sat down next to him.

"Who hit you?"


Blaze stood up again,

"Who is this Childs father?"

A man stepped forward, he was a big beefy man, with a confident look on his face.

"I am, and the Guards will be here soon, then everything will be all right"

Blaze stepped up into the mans face,

"Did you realize, or realize now, that by hitting the child you turned the small whimper into a scream? Now I have this terrible head ache, and loud noises don’t suit me right now, so do you mind thinking your actions through next time?"

Something about seeing Blaze up close made the man shut up, and his former confident way of holding himself, shrank to that of a beaten dog. As usual, people couldn't cope with reality, the man backed away and spoke frightened,

"You hunters are monsters"

Blaze looked up as if giving the matter thought,

"Wrong, I am a monster, not the hunters. My dear man..."

He placed a hand on the mans shoulder

"Hunters have, let us say, an honor code, which don’t allow them to be anything remotely like me. So if you see someone that’s even slightly like me, they are not, a hunter, please refrain from making mistakes. That’s two for the evening so far."

A loud crash announced the arrival of the Pioneer Guards, and after excessive movements and drills, finally, they all filtered into the dining room. He sighed as they went through the usual, put your hand up you are surrounded there is no escape routine. Then some sort of official came forward to him and started to read him his rights, but then Blaze spoke his rights out to them as if he was reading it to himself. The chieftain stuttered for a moment, then stepped forward again to bind him.

"Sorry, I'm not under your jurisdiction, I'll gladly leave when the ,Proper, authorities arrive” Blaze stated matter-of-factly

The chieftain paused as if unsure about what to do.


Chaos was still laying there in the rain, he hadn't moved for a day now. His mind was racing, about how easily Blaze defeated him, about how he was to live forever under a curse. Blaze had to have some sort of weakness, he was human, and all humans have something in common. Their emotions, no matter what humans will have their emotions, no matter how suppressed, but how could he use this to his advantage?

He finally sat up, he was drenched in mud, but he didn't care much besides it would be a pain to clean. Using Blaze's emotions against him, he himself had had several encounters with blaze before, and he knew that he still help up part of the code. Yes, that was it, IF, if, he forms ties between himself and another person, then he feels obligated to the safety of the person as well. He had noticed a definite change in his brother from their last encounter, he seemed, more, happy. There was a slight change, in his movements, in the way he talked, he could see it in his eyes too, there was some one he felt bound to, to protect. He had to find out who this was, and use that person to lure him out, set him at a disadvantage, and then kill him. He cringed at his own disgraceful thoughts, kidnapping? But he could blow this chance, he had to make sure that Blaze was securely tied to this person, or these people, so that he will risk his life willingly for them.

Chaos stood, he reminded himself of the second reason he was out to destroy Blaze at heavy costs. Blaze was going to gather an army, he was going to fight the military for the freedom of not being hunted, or sneered at, put down. But his strategy was to kill them all and make them realize the most painful way, the way of losing so much. He believed there must be a more peaceful solution to the two opposing sides than a goddamn blood bath of human soul. Blaze had to be stopped, he had to be, he would suffer the curse upon him ten times over just to prevent this.

Now he walked forward, to leave the forest, to find those forming ties to Blaze.


Blaze looked up suddenly at the arrival of Thaniel and Sirien, Thaniel looking annoyed, Siren concerned and annoyed. As they reached him Thaniel spoke,

"Blaze, we don’t have time for this, come on, were going to need to hurry” he spoke tiredly, Sirien explained a little bit more on the way out.

"We have received a request from a highly respected scientist, something about the third experiment"

"Why am I coming?” Blaze questioned

"Its part of your punishment, its like this, you work for the general good, and if you refuse, we Have to come and track you, then kill you” She was sounding a bit annoyed about the situation

"That sucks"

"Its life” She spoke exasperated now

"Nah, just my life"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:05 ]</font>

Sep 7, 2003, 05:48 PM
wow! heavy on the philosophy!
BTW you have two chapter sevens.

and since Kadou is advertising his stories don't forget to read mine http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 9, 2003, 05:20 PM
Fixed sevens, I've read your fic, and heres the next chapter.

This chapter will set the stage for a major occurance in the story.

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 10
Twist of Fate

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

They sat in the den of Sirien/Thaniels house, the only restraints on Blaze where the photon cuffs placed around his arms, that’s stretched up to a little past his wrists. They had gone from the restaurant, directly to here. Now they sat in an uncomfortable silence, Blaze was leaned back, staring at the ceiling, eyes out of focus an anything real. Thaniel sighed and looked at the wreck around him, their house had been ransacked and searched. Broken drawers and selves lay scattered on the floor, as did close and other miscellaneous items. Sirien finally spoke up,

"Any body have an idea? of who did this?” Her voice wavered, she obviously had more than this on her mind.

"Yes, I do. But first get the more important matter of your mind.” Blaze’s held a commanding tone that struck through the listener.

"Its---"Sirien Began

"Nothing, its nothing” Renal/HUcast, covered her quickly

"Renal, he is required to participate in the mission, to start on the path of redeeming himself” Sirien now also had a commanding tone of her own. Renal sat back, and Nerid/ Racast, turned to look at him. Sirien continued,

"You know about Olga Flow and Dark Falz and how we defeated them right? Well, Ferras, our scientist on the team, and some other researchers, have discovered the third and fourth creation." She nodded for ferras to continue.

"Ragol is a strange planet. It emits a strong vast, amounts of photon energy itself. But... this energy must be balanced I.E., the creatures. Every living being has a life energy inside them, so, as any schooled hunter knows, that this life energy attracts the photon energy to them. So, these creatures lived on ragol, collecting the planets pure photon energy output, and sort of recycled it through them. So when an animal died and decomposed, the photon energy was restored to the planet, but in larger, stronger amounts.” Ferras took a deep breath, then continued,

"When pioneer one came to Ragol, they found this property of ragol and its creatures. So they experimented.... They took a Hunter, red ring ricco, and used the energy inside her as a foundation. She was the life source of the creature Dark Falz, it was similar to the way they used flowen to create Olga Flow. They used their bodies, with abnormally strong life forces, to start to gather the photon energy from the planet. Well, the more they took, the more powerful they become, and once the creatures took more, they could take it faster and faster. But they did not look at the negative effects of the experiment until way to late. Those two beings, took in not only the photon energy, but the life forces of the thousands of creatures that had given their energy back to the planet. Now these creatures are linked to their planet, so when they felt the drainage of the energy that they fed off of, they grew angry. Since the link between the creature and planet was so strong, they could somehow sense the actual life-force that was gathering it to itself."

"Thus being the reason the animals attacked the hunters with such ferocity, when they could feel the same life force/ a hunters one/ and they thought this might be the one who is taking their planet away.” Blaze started to conclude it for the scientist. Ferras ended,

"Right, but all the essences of animals where being drained into this one being. So when they could feel the pioneer 2', full of strong hunters, they grew angry. This person grew angry too, resulting from the fact that she and he where combined with the animals, so they could feel the animals desire. Thus leading to the experiments breaking away, I.E. the explosion."

Blaze nodded for him to continue.

"They have created a third monster, but now they have learned to filter out the animals life essence, but in doing so they are filtering out half the energy. SO, they have created a gatherer, it has been absorbing the energy from the strongest hunters, and then it takes the drained force back to their lab. In the lab where the energy is filtered, and fed to the creature.” Ferras ended, and sat down.

"And our mission is to destroy it?” Blaze inquired. Thaniel answered him, from his long silence,

"Yes, we think that the gathering monster will head for the largest gathering of hunters that there has been for years, the Grand Nafiel Tournament {GNT}"

Blaze stood up, solemnly staring at the cuffs that binded him, these where not his only restraints. He glanced around, all where looking at him, expectantly, waiting for his answer. He sighed,

"I, cannot do this..."

"Why not?” Sirien stood up and stepped forward, her eyes angrily inquiring of him.

"Me, going to that place, will get you killed” Blaze spoke meeting Siriens anger with his own

"How? Besides, we can handle any threat” Sirien said confidently, Blaze's face narrowed, he strained not to explode,

"Do you know how many people...."He murmured, barely adiuable

"How many people what?"Renal said mockingly

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE HUNTED?” He had overflowed, unable to keep himself under restraint for any longer. The others lapse into silence. Blazes body and voice shook with anger as he spoke.

" Do you know what it means to be hunted?” Again silence

"Let me tell you.... You cannot sleep, rest, or even stop, without keeping your guard up. I'm not only wanted by the guard you know... I'm wanted by the assassins of the past too...."Blazes voice died in the end,

Nerid spoke up” You mean the AEG is still out to eliminate you?"

"They wont stop until I am dead, and they will do anything to lure me out, even hurt you guys. Going to this galaxy wide broadcasted tournament would be the one way ticket to oblivion for all of us... I cannot let myself die at the wrong hands, I have to much to teach to the one to overcome me."

Sirien slapped him "So you are just going to keep running away?!" The others held their breath, Blaze's face hardened again, he turned back to Sirien.

"I'm not running” There was a dead chill to his voice that froze the others

Chaos read through a sheet he had taken from the house he had stolen from. It was to Blaze's hunter friends, they where to attend a tournament, and Blaze would surely follow. His crumpled the paper and let it fall to the puddles of water that now soaked the streets of Pioneer City. His voice cut into the cold silence,

"Blaze, I'm coming for you"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:08 ]</font>

Sep 9, 2003, 08:45 PM
A new chapter! Not as much action but i can see that a big battle is coming up soon. Keep it up!

Sep 10, 2003, 12:16 PM
cool! a fighting contest. i wonder who will be competing?...

Sep 10, 2003, 03:07 PM
yeah, chapter 10 sets the stage for the tournament. Chapter eleven will actually be pretty long, it covers a long distance. Chaper 11 will not be as full of fighting as Chapter 12, wich is devoted to the cause. So I just wanted to give yoiu guys who are reading a heads up, have some free time on your hands before you start =] ...

Sep 10, 2003, 04:32 PM
in that case i'll have to book some time off work http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 10, 2003, 06:03 PM
On 2003-09-10 14:32, mr_rubbish wrote:
in that case i'll have to book some time off work http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

And how would that conversation go? 'Sorry boss gotta read some story someone on the internet posted up so i wont be coming in to work because the story is more important....'

If you were to say that then.........More Power To YA! This story is just that good. Well almost that good but a paycheck is certainly more important sorry http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 10, 2003, 08:47 PM
you could always copy and past it onto a word pad and read it later, dont get fired over reading this...

Sep 11, 2003, 06:29 AM
don't worry about me, i've beaten the boss loads of times... but he doesn't drop any rares!

Sep 11, 2003, 06:34 AM
grrr... one more egg / pasta remark and i'm writing you INTO my next story...
you have been warned

Sep 11, 2003, 06:54 PM
On 2003-09-11 04:29, mr_rubbish wrote:
don't worry about me, i've beaten the boss loads of times... but he doesn't drop any rares!

lmao that was a pretty good one.

On 2003-09-11 04:34, mr_rubbish wrote:
grrr... one more egg / pasta remark and i'm writing you INTO my next story...
you have been warned

Sarunakai is just expressing himself. They're not that bad.....*looks around nervously*

Sep 11, 2003, 08:45 PM
Express this...

Next chapter guys her you go

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 11
Warriors Tears and Chains

Blaze sat on the transport heading for Grand Nafiel City, he still had his bindings, visible, and not. Even though he was escorted everywhere by Sirien and the others, he still had to have the cuffs on, to get the general public off their back. Which didn't entirely work, they soon found out how truly Blaze was despised.

When they arrived at the city, the overall hatred that He caused was smacked into their faces. Blaze's arms where cuffed, and his feet bound so that he could barely keep up with Thaniel and the guards that where merely there for show. The people's jeers of laughter clashed horribly with the others who where screaming about his demise.

"Look, he's all bound up, never thought they'd finally catch him."

"Hey look at his white hair, he's not old is he?"

"Why is he here in Nafiel?"

"Take a good look dearest, that is the man who killed your father"

"Hey old man! Looks like you've expired!"

"Daniel don’t, he’s dangerous even with those bindings"

"Oh be quiet, your ruining the fun, its his down fall for gods sake!"

"Weakling, some great assassin you are"

"Your right, soon as he forsake the code he's caught and in deep shit."

Blaze stopped suddenly, the others noticed too late, the mob of people around him had formed a tight circle around him and the two speakers, and one other that hadn't spoke but was part of the group. The first was a tall old man, apparently a HUmar, his weathered and beaten body did not conceal the deep air of experience around him, he was truly a man that had seen one too many battles. The second was a HUnewearl, maybe 30, she was definatly something most men would desire, but yet she had almost the same, but less so, sense around here of a somber life full of downs instead of ups .He started back when he moved to the third in the party,


The FOmarl was looking down and away from him, she was a little bit shorter than him, but apparently the same age. Then Sirien broke through the crowd to the four inside the circle, Blaze's gaze was fixed on the old mans eyes. Blaze looked down out of anger, his body quivered, and his voice was dripping with hateful content when he spoke.

"I was the last, you lost your title long ago, Kegak” Blaze’s restraints tightened around his arms and legs, as if in a attempt to shatter them with force from his body. Kegak's laughter rang through his head, making his anger pulse through him even stronger.

"How true, yet even though you where the last, you still seem to be in a worse condition than we are. Besides, a young whelp such as yourself has not the time to learn what an assassins life truly leads to!"

Blaze stepped forward, up in front of the three, just a few steps back. The flames of anger passed from him as the rain of sorrow set in place. Kegak frowned now, something wasn’t right, Blaze was much different from the last time they had seen each other.

Blazes form seemed different now, and even the raging crowd came to a dead silence as the change overtook him. Thaniel was finally able to break apart the crowd and force himself into the circle where the others where, he to stopped. Blazes figure no longer was that of a human, even though the body was the same, the spirit was different. For a moment, Blaze was completely broken, a defiant dog finally whipped into slavery. He held his body limply, his hands loose at his sides, and his head slightly bent forward. Those who where close enough had the misfortune to glance at his eyes, which now held the oceans of despair that claimed him. For many he seemed like a fallen angel of some sort, that just heard the word of his damnation. His words did not shake, but held a sorrowful harmony to them.

"Can you see my chains?"

A single tear cascades down his forlorn face.

Yuri was struggling on the verge of tears, Blaze must truly be at his fall if he revealed this side of himself. Blaze turned to the mother of the child, who had told her to look well, and see the one who had killed her father. He stood just a pace from the crowd, and spoke, in the same melodious voice.

"Take my life now, now that you have seen every side of the card"

The people made no move against him, many shuffled around and looked and the ground uncomfortably. A man threw down a weapon he was holding and spoke.

"Go and earn your life and work back your sins, and get back your life, then we can take it” The mans voice quivered somewhat, as if unsure about what the others would think of him, but he had still said his piece. Blaze shook his head sadly,

"I have many more sins to complete before I can leave this world, as to avoid many things. So I give you your ONE chance to kill me, and that is now!"

The crowd still made no move. Sirien nodded to him and he followed her, and every last one of those people could see the real chains that lagged his steps.

He was placed in a cell in a guard station near the competition grounds, Sirien spoke quickly to him.

"You are to compete in the tournament, your and our power will draw the gathering creature out, he will attempt to devour our energy. The fighting is virtual of course, so there will be five guards in each of the competing VR chambers. As soon as the gathering creature is located, each of the fighters will be unplugged from the arena and all of them, including us, will proceed to eliminate the creature. Got it?"


Sirien sighed and got up to leave his cell, when she was nearing the exit he spoke.

"Its sad how us hunters cant learn to be peaceful once more, now that there is no need for us"

Sirien shook her head "There is always the need for life, and getting rid of hunters would eliminate so much of it.."

"Yet we cannot live peacefully with the military at our throats"

"There is not much we can do about it” Sirien was starting to tire

"Go on believing there is not much you can do and you'll die” Blaze muttered

Sirien sighed for the final time and left the room.

The sheer amount of people in the stadium was over whelming, from behind the entrance door he heard the ever growing cheers of the fans. He glanced around the entrance, there where sixteen fighters here, and they where to compete in four matches of four, then two matches of four, then one match of four, then the two final combatants will fight for the glory. The others would be placed in their positioned at the point they where defeated. Finally he took in the warriors, one by one. Many where the average, city hero, with bulging muscles and shiny teeth, but there where a few that stood out.

One was a female, HUnewearl, she in all black leather, but even by just the way she held herself he could tell she had slain a fair number. Another was a young RAmar, he was talking modestly to the others like a beginner, but he wasn't concealing his strength from anyone. He stiffened but managed to resist the urge to kill as his eyes wandered over Kegak and the other HUnewearl, Yuri still deliberately continued to avoid his eyes. Then his breath stopped, Chaos stood there, staring at him. Blaze let out his breath, his brother bent on revenge, three AEG members here to kill him, there was no telling how this tournament would end up.

He had no more time to observe as the two grand doors that led out into the main platform in front of all the viewers slowly opened. A announcer started to call out their names, one by one.

"Today we have a new challenger, who claims to be from southern Coral! Lets put our hands together for this new young warrior who has traveled all this way to fight just for you!"

The RAmar mentioned earlier swallowed and stepped out and into the main stadium center. Soon all the hunters had filtered out, and he was the last.

"Oh My... Well it seems for special military reasons, our sixteenth fighter will be an Assassin! Its the first time I've seen a criminal of this standard enter our ring, lets see how he fairs against the best in the galaxy!"

He slowly entered the center of the stadium, his photon bindings didn't allow much movement. Blaze confronted the crowd as he moved forward, he still held that air of despair around him that created silence, and kept silence. He stood now in line, with the other hunters, watching the first four being set up. They where sitting down in glowing photon chairs, they where strapped in as the equipment came on. He watched his twin being hooked up, with helmets and gloves, all dripping with wires. Also a padded sections where placed around the legs, to sense muscle activity and other things the mind does not react to that the trained fighters bodies reflexes do.

Then the announcer spoke again,

"All set! The four combatants will be in a random stage with random rules, there’s no telling how this will turn out! Ok, the fighters will be entered into the virtual world in three, two, one, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:10 ]</font>

Sep 12, 2003, 12:36 PM
i take it they can't kill each other for real in the VR simulation (or is it like in the matrix, where the mind can die?).

however it does (vaguely) remind me on the martial arts tournament of the Buu saga from Dragonball Z.

Sep 12, 2003, 03:10 PM
Nope no killing, unlike hunter wars... But the actual pain is still felt, so it encourages hunters to be more catious.

Sep 12, 2003, 03:48 PM

On 2003-09-12 13:10, Sarunakai wrote:
Nope no killing, unlike hunter wars... But the actual pain is still felt, so it encourages hunters to be more catious.

Sep 12, 2003, 07:37 PM
Final Assassination
Act1 / The Gathering
Chapter 12
Misleading Beginnings

Blaze slowly glanced across the three competitors, there was Chaos, The young RAmar, a HUcast, and then there was that HUnewearl, from AEG. His attention was now drawn to the stadium center, holograph projectors flickered to life, and the arena burst forth. It wasn't that large, apparently it was a match that encouraged a four way fight. {Just to give you a description, they where battling where Olga Flow was defeated, yes the stadium is that large} Now the four Hunters images appeared in the arena,

"Chaos, what will you do?"


The first thing he noticed was the sudden wetness that enveloped his legs and up to his waist, this was a classic arena. They each started on opposite ends, he could see two of his opponents, but one had disappeared, already? The RAmar had crouched down and leveled his rifle, he was barely visible in the dim lighting and that most of his body was concealed by the water. He traced movement along underneath the water with his eyes, so that’s where the HUcast went. Suddenly the announcer started up.

"Its getting hot already, our ranger friend has nearly disappeared, and /Blue Devil/HUcast/BD has disappeared completely! While the other two fighters are just standing there. SAY! That young FOmar look's just like our crimina----"

Chaos disdainfully turned the outside noises off from his head set, saving him from the agonizing comments. BD was definitely coming after him, while the RAmar's focus was the HUnewearl. A streak of white along the surface of the water indicated that BD has speed up, preparing for an attack most likely. It was directly underneath him now, and BD tried to grab Chaos and pull him under. Instead the opposite happened, the HUcast reactions where no match for Chaos' swiftness, and BD was dragged up from the water by the joint of where the neck connects to the head. There was a bright flash of light as the androids body was annihilated by a grants attack inside of the head.

He tossed the androids body far away from him to the outskirts of the arena, he had a bigger opponent to worry about. The RAmar was extremely skilled, by all means his planning and strategies of where to shoot and his own maneuvering, reflected perfected military training, yet it was not good enough. Even though the RAmar had amazing skill and rank wise, he still was not able to comprehend fully the randomness of the way a trained ex-assassin moved and attacked. Chaos' eyes narrowed, the fight between those two would take too long, the water exploded behind him in a wave as he burst forward, hoping to end their fight sooner than later.

Chaos decided to remove the RAmar first, but as he drew nearer the RAmar dropped his rifle and drew a double blades photon blade. He laughed wildly, close combat was best. His opponent let him attack first, Chaos lounged, maybe a little to fast for the RAmar, but not so that he couldn't evade his swing to the head. He had ducked, and then tackled him to the water. Chaos lashed out violently with his arms sending the RAmar out of the water, he doubled up on his move and jumped after him. He drove his fists clasped together into the RAmars chest, winding him, and sending him in a great splash of water back down. Somehow through all of this, the RAmar had still been able to still retain to his weapon, and now he sprung forth bringing the bladed weapon around him in a blur of power. Chaos threw himself aside to the ground, barely in time to avoid being severed in half.

The HUnewearl was standing there, watching Blazes brother in amusement, they had the exact same defiance about them. Apart from the physical differences, you couldn't tell them apart. She smiled as she saw Blazes replicated movements and attacks through Chaos, she had seen countless lives fall under Blazes stained hands. But lately, those hands seemed to be chained down even down more than they already where. His little show in front of the people a little bit ago really gave them a shock, oh how the mighty have fallen. She smiled at herself....

He was in full swing now, and the RAmar couldn’t touch him. He found himself recalling their fight, their dance together, he had to listen to himself, and go along. Chaos roared as he managed to grab hold of the poor RAmar.

The HUnewearl winced and sighed as she heard numerous sickening cracks, and then a splash.

"Well, that was brutal, I suppose its my turn now” Her tone mocked him,

Chaos answered in his silence, and in his assault. She was driven back, back to the outskirts, before she finally was able to fight back. Swift and Slick as quicksilver she drew a long dagger and slipped it between his ribs, she smiled wickedly as she saw his blood fall to the water.

"Have a taste of mortality"

"Its, sweet"

Tears of joy streamed down his face when he saw that the blue aura did not claim his body and soul once more. She stepped back in confusion, and in doing so she tripped over BD's body that had been discarded there previously. Chaos seized his chance, he easily struck her neck with sufficient force to kill her, instantly.


Blaze sighed as the virtual arena faded away to nothing, and then the disappointed hunters being revived from their state of dream reality. The HUnewearl was looking disheveled, but his attention was quickly drawn to Chaos' screams. He quickly ran over to him, the sight was not good. The blue aura was reacting to the artificial pain, and now he was overloaded. Blaze requested the removal of his bindings, in order to subdue his brother. The guards looked at him in shock,

"He’s your"



The guards hastened to remove his bindings, when they where off, he turned back to his brother, anger stirred the deep depths of his ocean of power. For a moment they where confused, which one was more evil? Chaos' body was shrouded in unholy blue, his eyes where now too completely electric blue. Brief shocks of blue lightning would lash out from him, he was in a desperate stage. Himself, his eyes went dull, black, and his body seemed an empty entity of darkness. Confusion ran thoroughly through the contestants, but they where sure they didn’t want to interrupt.


Their twin blood curdling roars defend the crowd, and then there was a clash. They where forgetting about blocking or dodging, this was the ultimate test of endurance. Continuous blows where being landed, without stop. Finally, Blaze kneed Chaos in the gut sending him back to the ground. He didn't let him get up, Blaze quickly drove his heel into Chaos' chest, the blue aura started to sift onto him, he quickly withdrew, but it was too late.

Chaos stood, he had poured some of his own life energy into Blaze, and now urged it to rip his brother apart from the inside. Blaze, could not help but issue forth screams of pain, the crowd witnessed blue streaks of fire burn him, and the electric energy of Chaos damage his soul. He stumbled to his feet, his twin was there, striking him in the back of the neck, back to the ground.

The pioneer guard stood frightened, there was no way that anyone was going to make them interrupt the battle. Yuri was not one with weak metabolism though, she started forward, but Kegak held her back, she looked up at him, anger caressed her beautiful face, and tears shimmered in her eyes.

"Let me go, I have to help him!” Her scream went unnoticed to all but Kegak

"You still love him, don’t you?” He smiled in return


His face stiffened, and he hauled Yuri to her feet. "And just what do you plan to do when we are killing him!” Kegak now to wore a mask of anger. Yuri turned away from him, tears now streaming down her face.

Blaze stood again, only to be knocked down, but he rose, continuously. Chaos finally stopped, panting, the blue aura weakening around him, but it was still driving him. Blaze stumbled forward, and Chaos lounged. He managed to step to one side as the attack meant to take off his head went by. He had not much strength left, so he used Chaos' forward momentum to drive him into his fist. Chaos choked, breathless, then fell, Blaze let his brother fall, before sinking down to the ground.

"Sleep now..."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:14 ]</font>

Sep 12, 2003, 08:46 PM
.....Wow. lol that was great!

Sep 13, 2003, 12:43 PM
Thanks! I dont have the time to write another chapter this weekend but expect chapter 13 on monday or tuesday! =]

Sep 13, 2003, 04:16 PM
chaos is gonna find it very difficult to win the contest at this rate...

Sep 14, 2003, 07:42 PM
Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 13
Burial of the Immortal

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

The darkness shrouded the outside world, and he for the moment, was devoid of thought. Then white hot streaks of pain lashed through him, but it wasn't his own , this was Chaos' torment. He rose up groggily, there was some sort of tie between them, and this link was separating him from his energy, draining him. He saw that he was in the coliseums hospital wing, looking to his left, there Chaos lie, still unconscious....

"Come on Chaos, don’t die this way” He was speaking more to himself than his twin...

He struggled off of the bed he was on and wearily stood on his own two feet. His knees started to collapse, but he caught himself on the edge of Chaos' bed. Blaze laid his hand on Chaos' forehead, he was going to figure out what was going on here. He felt a sudden wave of burning heat strike out inside him as he let his thoughts probe the energy. Yes, there was a huge problem here, and it was his fault.

It must have happened when their energies where tangled inside him, and when he forced Chaos' own back to himself, he must of sent over some of his own essence over to him. Now, he could feel his brothers pain, as he was now linked with him.

But that wasn't half the problem, now he had to consider the abnormal photon energy. His and Chaos' life energy where essentially that same, them being twins. But now that his energy was in there, without the abnormal photons, they would try to be a part of his life energy, making him a mortal because of the mortal energy infused into him. This wasn't the time for it, his injuries are not those to be taken lightly by any race. Blaze withdrew, and sank back onto his own bed, this was not good. The AEG would surely strike soon, while both of them where hospitalized, and with Chaos able to die, he feared the worst. He sat, concentrating, so that he would be prepared for the arrival of his enemies.


Flash fire caught within his body, and erupting pains exploded through out him. He couldn't but help utter a cry as his wounds tortured him mercilessly. Chaos was confused, how, why was he feeling this, where was the blue aura?? But through the inferno there was a cool presence, he reached for it, trying to draw strength from it.

Chaos opened his eyes, he heard shallow breaths beside him, he turned to the noise quickly. It was Blaze, he had slumped over, clutching his chest, his breaths escaping in sudden gasps. Chaos felt some of his pain being drained into Blaze, no, he couldn't let himself be aided by that murderer. He cut off the flow completely, the pain intensified by far.

Chaos couldn't help but to notice it when Blaze looked at him, with an expression he had not seen from anybody in a long time. But he couldn't help but observe how he was looking like their father. He had that air of silence, yet right now, that very air was comforting, and calming. He could still feel his twins presence within him, their eyes met for a long moment.

The flash, then the sudden explosion interrupted the silence between them, but it hadn't been intense, it had been peaceful for once. He continued to watch as his brother rose, the air of comfort vanished, and his form became once again formidable and forlorn. Two figures emerged from the thick smoke, Kegak, and the HUnewearl. He struggled to his own feet, ready to face death if necessary. Blaze shouted at him,

"Your in no condition to fight!"

"Neither of us are!” Chaos yelled back, and to prevent further continuation of the subject, he threw himself at the two. Blaze soon came to join him. The two from the AEG where extremely good, and they played dirty, striking at their wounds to maximize their pain. He tried his best to work alongside of Blaze, but he was weakened to much... Kegak landed a solid kick to his ribs, sending him spinning back, and to the ground.

Thus even more infuriating Blaze, he drove the back on his own. Block ,block, kick, dodge, jump, their fight continued, until the HUnewearl slipped away to his fallen brother, there she drew her lethal dagger. Blaze came to late, she saw him and panicked, and just managed a sloppy slash across the chest, but it was still enough. He brought himself along, and used his bodies momentum to uppercut her full in the jaw. She flew back, but he didn't pursue her, he was more worried about Chaos.


His breath quickened as he held his brothers hand, ever growing more cold, he ignored the blood that streaked across his face, and into his eyes. Chaos smiled up at him,

"Idiot, your going to let them get away..."Chaos was chuckling

"Don’t speak I'll heal you” Blaze was not able to repress the emotion from his voice

"No, let me say my piece... I never would of thought I'd feel this way about you before I died but, I have seen both sides of the coin, immortality, and mortality, but sadly, I must pass my curse along to you” His voice died in the last words, and his eyes blanked.

Slowly behind him the HUnewearl rose, she rose her dagger, ready for revenge.

"NO, come Catherine, we must go for the time being.” Kegaks tone forbade no comments, Catherine snorted and backed up to Kegak, and then they disappeared into the smoke.

His body shook violently, he had felt himself just die, but now, strength he had never experienced was draining into him. His energy was pulling out of his brothers body, and with it, drew the rest of the energy as well. Tears streaked down his face, as the gentle blue aura was between them, then it too slowly faded into him. He stood, there was one thing in his mind, the death of Kegak and Catherine.

Blaze stood blinded and angered, he didn't even notice when the guards filtered in, and Sirien. She took one look around the wing and then placed a hand on his shoulder. Only to quickly pull back as if burned, every presence in the room could feel the deep masses of energy churning within him, lashing out within him, struggling to free themselves from within him. A sudden wave of power surged, then the feeling faded away, he had gained control of himself.

He knew that Kegak wasn’t in the next match as he was, but he would make it through it all, to first humiliate them, and then he would slaughter them, to avenge his brother. He felt strange, like this body was new to him, he forced himself to regulate his breath, he couldn’t rush into this, he had to think this through.


Deep within Nafiel, a creature stirred excitedly. It stood, glistening scales and horns glinting in the artificial sunlight. The creature was anxious, it felt an enormous energy, purely dark, the ultimate feast for his master. Swiftly, the creature made its way to the coliseum.


Blaze sat in the photon chair, and tried to relax as the attendants attached the equipment to him. In this match, he planned to show these fools what they have provoked, what they have created. His fist clenched as he saw their menacing eyes, he forced himself to breath, he would show them, he would show them all what fear truly was...

Slowly the real physical world disappeared, and he was enveloped once again by darkness, but this time not devoid of thought.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:16 ]</font>

Sep 15, 2003, 03:36 PM
er...chaos can't win if he's dead... can he?

Sep 15, 2003, 04:07 PM

Sep 15, 2003, 04:20 PM
so you lied to me? how could you?

On 2003-09-15 14:07, Sarunakai wrote:

Sep 15, 2003, 04:27 PM


But anywayz, thanks 4 readin all of yall, yall

*phht, whahahahah, yall, thats a funny word*

Sep 15, 2003, 04:31 PM
no, earlier i mentioned that chaos will find it difficult to win and you said he will....
er... maybe you were agreeing with me then. now i'm confused http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_confused.gif

On 2003-09-15 14:27, Sarunakai wrote:


But anywayz, thanks 4 readin all of yall, yall

*phht, whahahahah, yall, thats a funny word*

Sep 15, 2003, 04:39 PM
I'm agreeing with you.


HAHAHhahAHaHAHAHhHahhahahhahahham, yall, thats just the wierdest word yall =]

Sep 16, 2003, 06:28 AM
CHpater update yall!!! enjoy...

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 14
Battle of Anger

Sarunakai Vii Tessak'

Blaze opened his eyes, the darkness had left, and now he was faced with his three opponents. Unlike the previous match, this arena was the ultimate maze, with the dim lighting, and the twisting rooms. The arena was a mix of winding passages, decorated as the ruins. He slowly let out his breath, the new power within him was eager to start, provoked by his anger, and his thoughts of revenge. Blaze set off down the corridor ahead of him, in search of the first he would test himself on.

He stopped suddenly, he sensed something, a presence, that shouldn't be there, but as soon as he spread his senses out it vanished, as if it knew that he had felt it. His eyes narrowed, he had to stay on target, which now appeared in front of him. Blaze was taken aback, this was new, there before him, was a boy, maybe of 13. The boy didn't talk, he just nodded his head and readied his weapon, that dwarfed him completely. Blaze was hard pressed to avoid the deadly scythes blade that wouldn't relent in its path of destruction. What really startled him, was the way the boy fought, the way he moved, and attacked. Its was like he was facing himself in a flashback of the final assassination. The boy did not try to repress himself in anyway, and now his face shone with pure determination. He smiled, the youth shape our future, unfortunately, this one seemed uncomfortable with life. He ended the boys assault with a quick thrust to the gut, winding him, and sending him back.

"Damn you" the boys voice was strained, but he stood, and faced him again

"Well well ,well, aren't we the foolish one?” Blaze’s voice was taunting

His face turned up in a sneer as he brought the scythe around with deadly swiftness and accuracy. Blaze sighed, and quickly gathered foie energy to him. The boy was thrown back, burnt and bruised, to the wall, he slid down it, blood streamed across his ashen face.

"You, murderer, do you realize what you have done to us all?” His voice was dripping with anger, he quickly rose and struck out at Blaze. Catching his clothing but nothing more, Blaze's face hardened, playtime was over.

"I'm sorry that you have to be put through this, but you just tick me off with your ignorance little boy."

"Humph, yeah whatever Blaze, you'll pay for murdering my parents. My name is Tekio, remember it"

"Well, tekio, today’s your lucky day, you'll be the first to feel my wrath!"

Blaze didn't care that the one before him was a child, or that he wasn't the one who killed his brother, anyone who stood before him to fight was his enemy. Tekio prepared himself for Blazes attack, and braced his stance. No amount of preparation could sustain the ruthlessness and power of his attacks. The very air vibrated and heat seared the room with each stroke that he effortlessly ripped into his enemy with. The child fell, he tuned his eyes from the mutilated body, and went in search of his next opponent.

"anything that’s stands before me, anything that stands in my way, that is my enemy"

Blaze moved along as a blur down the corridors, ripples of energy that he emitted could be felt everywhere, and he sensed the fear he caused, it was near. He turned the next corner, there stood a hucast, must I say more? Memories came flooding back, of his capture his forced training, only adding to the fuel that supplied his rage and power. The androids presence was eliminated from the arena with one swift sure stroke with his photon claws that seared through him. Now only one was left, he laughed, the poor soul would die in the same way.


The spectators grew uneasy, it was bad enough that one of the fighters had died yesterday, but now this assassin had apparently gone mad with power and had slaughtered two of his three opponents. Kegak grimaced, this was not going to be a good reunion for Blaze. When those two had been separated, it was because of his failure, to comply with his next mission. Blaze had refused to assassinate for them anymore, but she remained.


Blaze didn't stop running when he saw his opponent, it was only until he saw her that he realized who she was. Yuri... He stood, before her, arm raised, poised to attack, yet he couldn't bring himself to do it. Yuri took a deep breath, but when she let it out, it came forth in shaking exhalations.

"All who stand before me, All who stand in my path to go on.."

The anger fled him, and he felt cold, and weak. Blaze sunk down, unable to mentally hold himself up, why couldn't he, why couldn't he strike! He photon claws sank deep, into the visual stone below him, and he too was unable to keep his composure anymore.

Yuri sat down next to him, and gently lifted his chin so they where face to face. Her brown eyes, searched deep into his,

"You have so much to you, yet"

She wrapped her arms around him, he was grateful for the warmth that now flooded out the bitter cold of loss.

"No one ever get the chance to be close"

He gently caressed her face with his free hand, the other, he freed it of the photon claw.

"I'm so sorry, please understand"

His hand deftly hit her in the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious, declaring him the winner.


Kegak grimaced again, this was not good, Yuri, now she had felt she had a hope of being with Blaze. She would surely never go along with their plan to destroy him, and join him herself. His eyes narrowed as he called the other form from the crowd, they had to go "arrange" the next battle to their own benefit.


Blaze stood, then sighed. He looked over to yuri, she was looking his way as well, and their eyes met, for a long time.

Dance Continued}

"Two souls"
"Continue to dance"
"One fades"
"Then there is another chance"
"For another partner to join"
"To continue the dance"
"Of fools"
"Of heroes"
"Of the hidden might"
"Of the all present past"
"One must to continue"
"To see what’s true"
"To their course"
"They will see this dance through"
"For it is their one and only"
"It is our only one"
"Our single chance"
"Our single dance"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:18 ]</font>

Sep 16, 2003, 03:40 PM
blaze the unstoppable killing machine

Sep 16, 2003, 03:47 PM
Not yet, btu yes that is what he is working up to, but there are limits. But this is a turnament, after that I'll get this story really going, there's still the main conflict to establish here. So far its been random, explanations, but in act 2, it just wont be blaze the killing machine masacering a new person in a differnt way.

Sep 17, 2003, 07:08 PM
Post 300

and chapter 15 =] new acomplishments for me!!

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 15
Sarunakai Vii Tessak

A figure turned fitfully in sleep, haunting images pressed him, and the darkness engulfed him. It was that night, after his previous fight, he had been escorted back to the prison, to await his next match. Now the lightless prison cell held him in, but did not necessarily hold everything out. Still binded hands and feet, he slept...

He was standing in a hall, all alone. The hall was so empty, that it made him feel uncomfortable to be there, but something beckoned him. There was something down this hall, offering him peace, and comfort. Blaze walked slowly forward, the expanse of corridor never seemed to shorten. Soon something came to his attention, he was sinking into the floor itself, then he fell into a bubbling hot cauldron of white liquid that drowned him out.


Yuri couldn't go back, to the AEG after today, she might be hunted like Blaze as well. She felt that she had to talk to him, there was so much she could learn from him, there was so much he had to teach. Looking up now at the forbidding tall building of the building, it seemed odd. She pushed open the decorative glass doors, inside there where few people, they must just be the night shift guard wandering about. A few looked up when she entered, but only one came forward to inquire of her,

"Hey miss, why are you here so late, you should get some rest” the guard was trying to be kind, but he didn't understand, he didn't understand at all.

"I need to see someone” Her voice was low, and the repressed emotions started to leak out.

"Look, I'm sorry ma'am, but visiting ours are way past over, and you probably would have to go through a mountain of paperwork just to see someone because of our special prisoner.” His voice still held sympathy, it wasn't false either.

"No you don’t understand, look I need to see Blaze, and soon” Her voice practically pleaded to him. The guard sighed and waved toward a seat, she took it reluctantly. He offered her some coffee and she took it gratefully, then he took the seat opposite from her. The guard took a moment before speaking, letting her think for a moment.

"I am not allowed---"He started but Yuri interrupted

"I have to see him dammitt! There’s something going on, and its not good.” She was chocking back her tears now, he sighed.

"I understand"

"No, you cant"

"Yes, I do" His voice suddenly lost its compassion, and Yuri looked up at the man, his face had hardened, and he seemed to be recalling a painful memory. He let out a deep breath, then he continued,

" You see, I don’t know how it worked, but I had this sort of link to my sister, I could feel when she was happy, or when she was sad.” He looked up from his coffee at Yuri hopefully, and he saw that she was believing him, he smiled, at least she was understanding so far.

"It was five years ago, that she fell horribly ill, to a new disease, that the doctors couldn't figure out where it came from and what it was doing to her exactly. But I could feel it perfectly, she was cold, so cold, and she never seemed to warm up. One day, I was coming back from my part time job, and it struck me.” He nodded when he saw that she was still following.

"I had a eerie feeling all day, but it was when that moment struck me, I knew something was really wrong. The cold, it was intense, I could hardly think. I rushed to the hospital, but they wouldn't believe me. They said I shouldn't disturb her, and she was asleep at the moment, so they made me wait--"He started to choke himself at this point,

"You don’t have to” She began

"No, it helps, to get it out” He took another deep breath, and then let it out in a sigh...

"When the nurse went in to check on her, she came out in a panic, I knew something had happened, I rushed in, the doctor tried to stop me but he couldn't. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, I grabbed her hand, it was so cold, and she looked at me, with her deep eyes.” Yuri watched as the young guards hand gripped tightly around his arm,

"And I watched the life, slowly drain from her eyes, she was all I had left, and it was gone."
Tears streamed freely down his face, Yuri stood to comfort him, yet something inside her yelled out, a sharp pain, of heat, then nothing complete null, like he was empty.

"uunnnggghhh” Yuri grunted as she let the cup fall to the floor, shattering, she knew what this emptiness meant.


Blaze emerged from the boiling white, which became a glowing floor that he stood upon, it illuminated brightly, but the darkness around him pressed to tightly. Then he saw a figure slowly emerge from the black, it was him, no it was Chaos. he stumbled forward to meet his brother, Chaos placed two hands on his shoulders comfortingly, he sighed, it was going to be okay.

"Chaos, how did you, where did” he stopped, it wasn't right, this was wrong.

"Give me your life"

Chaos' tone was so menacing it didn't sound much like him, but the feeling afterwards was so real. He felt his brother die all over again, his pain, his body growing cold and lifeless, but now it was his turn. He felt his warmth, slowly turn cold, his bodies strength, turn weak, and finally he felt his thoughts slip from him. Then he felt just so tired, he felt drained, drained of his life, his mind, his essence, gone.


Yuri and the guard quickly ran through the passages of the prison. He had agreed to take her to him, he had sensed the drain from within her, the part of her suddenly collapse, he didn't want it to happen again, may she be spared. They finally came to Blaze's private holding sector, opening the door revealed three slain guards, the kills where fresh, and the door to Blaze's was open and a Bluish light flickered rapidly from it. There was a strange being, it didn't look like a creature, just this large blue sphere that flickered, Blaze was lying, asleep, with a long arm, or needle of some sort protruding from his chest which led up to the monstrosity. Yuri rushed up to him as the guard severed the link between the sphere and Blaze. It spun around and around, the energy pulsating within it, it felt powerful, and evil. It rushed from the room, straight up blowing a hole in the ceiling leaving them.

She gripped his hand tightly as she caressed his face with the other, he wasn't dead, and his eyes where open. But they where blank, not lifeless, but the former sadness and look of experience in Blaze's eyes now where replaced with blank null emotionless ones.

"b-b-blaze” Tears escaped her now as she lifted his body into an embrace, the guard patted her shoulder, things where going to be tough from now on...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:20 ]</font>

Sep 18, 2003, 04:10 AM
very sinister

Sep 18, 2003, 09:57 AM
I wont be able to get another chapter up problably untill friday, I got to much other stuff to work on right now...

Sep 19, 2003, 06:07 PM
Final Assassination
Act 1 / The gathering
Chapter 16
Sorrows Depths

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

Sirien stood, silently with Yuri in the hospital examination room. The doctors around them made a show of being busy, Sirien sighed and examined the results for the fifth time that morning. Blaze had been rushed into intensive care right after the encounter with the gathering creature. Now he lay on a table, in the room in front of them, a glass panel allowed them vision of his body. Yuri took the results from Sirien and read it dismally.


The patient has yet to regain consciousness, even though no physical wound has been made. The previous events have amounted serious strain upon him, and now the draining of him has left him nearly dead...

From the story told to us, we can decipher that a creature of some sort used a photon lure to take the energy from the patient. A hunters body is infused with its photon energy, and the photon energy its also combined with the life force of the person him/herself. So the fact that he is alive proves the fact that the draining had not yet been totally completed.

We compared the photon chart of the power of the photons within him, from the registration to his current state, and we see a dramatic fall of power.

Photon reading/Before contest/

Average human: 459 including all energies within the standard:

Contestants Reading: 237716478

After contest: 232

We are also unsure if he will be able to recover from this encounter, almost all of his life has been drained, and we are not sure if he can recover such a great loss.
Furthermore I conclude that our patient is very unstable, four time now he has passed into the point where all hope is lost, but then has miraculously pulled out of it...

Now moving on to other effects, we can easily determine that there has been an interference with his brain wave patterns. We have found that it is not operating at full efficiency. I.E. a good deal of memory has been lost, yet we are unsure in this matter, as the patient hasn't regained consciousness to verify our beliefs...


Yuri stopped here, there was no need to read further, she dropped the sheet, and rubbed her eyes tiredly. She stood to once more stand next to Sirien, the doctors motioned for them to come over their way. They spoke in almost frantic tones,

"He is regaining consciousness, which is not good, for the pain he is about to go through is very unnatural, and is best to have him asleep while he is regaining sleep.” Another doctor spoke,

"yet we are uncertain how he will react when he awakes, we want one of you to go in there with him, just in case he has retained his memory, that way he wouldn't have further stress being added by our presence."

Yuri nodded to them,

"I'll go"

They shook their heads in approval and led her into the next room where Blaze lay, regaining, and recovering from unconsciousness.

Yuri took his hand as he awoke, she barely controlled her tears as his eyes focused on her. He obviously didn't know who she was, and there was no trace of familiarity in them. Blaze studied Yuri, as if seeing her for the first time, his eyes where not those deep pools of experience anymore, they where dull, and ignorant. Unable to retain herself anymore, she broke into undignified tears, though, this sight seemed to have some affect on Blaze. He reached further up and wiped the tears from her eyes, then he lay back on the bed,

"Don’t cry little one, I'm here now” His words where clear, and distinct.

Sirien, from inside the other room, heard this and stiffened, that’s exactly what he had said to herself, when they had first met. Yuri set his hand back down on the bed, he was asleep again.

Back in the room with Sirien, she spoke with the doctor,

"So just what happened” Yuri’s voice sounded strained,

"well, I believe that the creature did not steal his memories, but sealed them away in a fashion.” The doctor still sounded rather confused.

"And when he saw you crying, the seal leaked and he remembers, half consciously when we first met, and I was crying, and holding his hand just like you” Sirien too sounded tired.


He sat up, the room was dark, was it always like this? What was this? Where, am I? Who am I? These thoughts pounded through him, standing now, and stumbling forward. He soon ran into something hard, something was in his way, all that was in his way was his, his enemy....


Sirien was woken suddenly by a doctor, as was Yuri, Blaze had woken up again. They rushed back into the medical study room/They had been sleeping in the guest room upon the doctors request/ Soon, they where asked to go and comfort him somehow, someway. Sirien was there first, Blaze was slumped against the wall, tears streaming down his face. She placed a hand on his shoulder gently,

"Calm down Blaze, its alright, were here for you..."

Blaze pushed himself back, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and what he was not. Suddenly he was back in a forest, rain pouring around him heavily. Blood soaked through him, stained him, the figure above him, still firmly holding the hilt of the sword she had thrust into him. In return, she was impaled in the chest, and the blood from her wound engulfed him. Then darkness, there she was, reaching out to him...

"NNNOOOO!!!! GET AWAY, STOP HAUNTING MEEE!!!” Blaze’s screams echoed through-out the room. Sirien withdrew, she had forgotten that she strongly resembled his sister, which he had slew a little over a year ago. Yuri wrapped her arms around his form, and rocked back and forth. She cradled him until he finally fell asleep once more, free from sorrows depths...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:22 ]</font>

Sep 20, 2003, 01:25 AM
whoa. Freaky. Cool chapter

Sep 20, 2003, 07:17 AM
get that man a psychaitrist.

Sep 20, 2003, 12:45 PM
Lol, yeah, Blaze will be going through some serious mental struggle. Just wait untill he regains his memory, and he is stuck inside this body that had been drained of all it previous energy. Not to mention the creature that recieved Blazes energy. =]

Just a few thing for you guys to think on...

Sep 29, 2003, 06:10 PM
Yuri 0_o


But this really establishes the future conflict for War and Stuggle/Finall assassination 2 sortof/

Read this chapter though VERY carefully, I would even suggest rereading someparts.

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 17
Love and Sacrifice

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

Blaze sat at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands, memories and worries in his head. They , Yuri and himself, where staying at a hotel room provided for them in the grand nafiel city. It had been a week since his encounter with the gatherer. He had been only with flashes of memory for quite sometime, now he remembered, but the memories where more vivid, as if he had relived them in order to gain them back. He looked up at the soft click of the door closing, Yuri had entered the room. Blaze turned his head, slightly embarrassed, Yuri had just came from the shower, her ample features still made his thoughts wander, even with the thick towel covering her. Her long dark red hair was bound up in another smaller towel to dry, he had seen a smile flicker across her face when he had turned his head.

He lay back now, Yuri had gone to the other room to change and dry her hair more sufficiently. Blaze's natural slow steady breathing quickened a little, it had been hard to leave when he did. They had been close then, and they where supposedly close now, but things had defiantly changed. When he was part of the AEG, they had been friends, just talking with her helped him ease his mind from the task they preformed. Being there, helpless, against Kesset, the one who had slaughtered his parents and had forced him away from his brother. Getting revenge upon kesset must have distracted him so much, Yuri had known, she was the only one he had really talked to. Yet he was blinded by that anger to really see, to see where his life was headed, where his life could’ve been headed, his thoughts drifted back to Yuri. She surely was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He felt bad now, she had been faithful in a way, even after all these years she is looking after him, and after all he had done, how he had betrayed and dishonored his family

Yuri entered the room again, he felt the flush creep up his face yet again. Her shorts came just a little bit past the buttocks area, and her shirt was up above her waist. He found himself looking away again, Blaze had never really thought much upon the matter. During his days of an assassin, he was taught love as if it where more a mere interference of concentration. Also enraged, and rebellious, he didn't really think about it much. But now he saw Yuri, and felt so small, as if unworthy. After his power had been drained, he felt so weak, his previous strength and stamina all gone. His chain of thought was interrupted by Yuri placing herself gently beside him on the edge of the bed.

"You look troubled” Yuri’s voice was that of mixed curiosity and wordiness. Blaze had always been more or less straightforward with her,
"Well, I just feel.. Like I'm so helpless, its almost like it isn't my body” His other feelings seemed to show themselves a little bit in his voice. She leaned against him and wrapped her arms around him, this was the first real time he had experienced this without him being half dead or partially insane.

"Oh Blaze, strength can be regained, it cannot be destroyed completely. But your will to continue, even when life is living hell, your will, and your ego remain intact, and wont let you ever give up."

Blaze returned the embrace, taking a moment to just enjoy the feel of her body.

"I could hardly call this living hell" Yuri Laughed softly and pushed him back onto the bed. There they laid, with their arms still embracing one another. Yuri nuzzled him affectionately,

"neither could I"

"Too bad it cant last” Blaze’s voice held a certain sorrow. Yuri sat up,

"What do you mean by that, why cant it last?" The wordiness in her voice returned two fold. Blazes semi deep voice issued forth a sigh, he stretched back on the bed before sitting up.

"You know its coming, and the role I play in it.” His voice had become stern now,

"How do you know there will be a war! It doesn't have to happen, you don’t have to be the leader." Blaze reached forward and caressed her face with his hand, she placed her own lightly on his.

"You've seen it, for years they have been mocking us, turning the public against us." Yuri started to protest but he cut her off gently.

" Earth was ruled for a long time by a fake democracy, which held the people in cages of mind. Remember reading about Nazis? Think about it, the democrats where doing the same thing, just in a smarter way. The democrats started off by giving the people slightly restricted freedoms, but the freedoms made the world so much better that people fell blindly into the gradual trap. Gradually, as culture advanced, problems aroused, and the democrats proposed solutions, but in the meantime, they slowly added on the restrictions and circumstances upon the freedoms. While they where gaining the people trust, they had gradually placed a snare upon them, and soon enough life started to be a sheet of paper, telling you how to do what, what to believe, what is right and wrong and so on. See, the Nazi's mistake was oppressing the people in a violent way, it worked wonderfully for them for a while, but all the people struggled. So the democrats made a illusional oppression."

Yuri looked slightly confused, Blaze tried another approach,

"Think about an animal, such as a sheep. They used to be wild, until man/the democrats/ came along, and offered shelter, lots of fresh grass, and protection from wild animals. The Nazi's forced their sheep, so they disobeyed, but the democrats let them believe they where free, which made them happy and carefree. Yet soon sheep became domestic, and relied upon the herder for protection, they where soon defenseless and useless by themselves. They where bred for their needs, slaughtered, and the others took no notice. One the trap was so firmly set, people became used to it, then there was those who saw the trap."

Blaze let out the remainder of his breath, Yuri seemed to be following now, he continued.

"Like I said, many people saw this, yet the rest didn't. And the truth that they had been deceived, the human ego just couldn't allow someone to slap them in the face and point out to them the domestic sheep for the slaughter they where. So they let the authorities take over the matter. Your thoughts had become more and more observed, to the point where you where killed for your opinion, if they didn't like it or found it disrupting."

Yuri nodded,

"But what does that have to do with this?” Blaze sighed, Yuri very well knew, yet she just didn't want to believe it.

"When we came to Ragol, the trap wasn't firmly set, and many people where wary of it. They had brought along many hunters, for they where much stronger than militia. Yet the hunters weren't the ones who go around doing the dirty work for the democrats blindly, and our disruptive ways are going to lead us to the war. The democrats need an intimidating iron rule, and they need military to back it up. Yet they haven’t had the military necessary to do this with all the hunters among the people. So they have been setting up their illusionary peace again, yet the hunters continue to shatter what they start. Take the assassins, the demo's offer peace, and these assassins come along, kill the guard slaughter their targets no problem."

"So they need the hunters out of their way in order to obtain or maintain the illusion of peace in order to breed new sheep?” Yuri finished for him. He nodded, she started again,

"But what does that have to do with us, I mean, why cant it last?"

Blaze resumed his embrace with Yuri, she gladly accepted,

"I'm pretty sure I wont live to see the war through, its my job to start it"

"Blaze.." Her tears mingled with his as they laid back with one another. For a long moment her lips burned on his, yet each of them knew the risk Yuri was taking, and the one Blaze was going to put himself through.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-07 15:24 ]</font>

Sep 29, 2003, 08:18 PM
About time you posted. I thought you werent going to finish the story. Great chapter and suspenseful ending.

Sep 30, 2003, 06:10 AM
"There's a storm coming... his storm!"

i think sarunakai is a republican http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 30, 2003, 06:40 AM
I find myself more of an anarchist

Oct 2, 2003, 04:20 PM
-I just got done reading it for the first time. I like it. Just one suggestion though: do something to check the spelling. Im seeing countless errors and little things like that can turn a reader off (as it did to I for awhile) but other then that I think this is a good story. So, um... keep up the good work.

Oct 4, 2003, 01:41 PM
OKay, istead if making a new chapter, I revised and edited chapter 17, and added another part to it.

Chapter 18 wont be up untill I get done taking skett's advice, and going back and fixing the spelling and grammar of the other chapters. So dont expect another chapter for a little while. Just to give you guys a heads up, I'm not going to be able to get on nearly as much as in the past. OVer here I've been really busy, and I will continue to be busy for a while. So if I'm lucky I might be able to get on for an hour every day, at most.

Oct 4, 2003, 08:11 PM
Thanks for making me the reason that your delaying the fic (even if its true). I should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry.

Oct 4, 2003, 11:06 PM
I'd stay away from mr. rubbish or LJ for a while, they might bite your head off. ^_^

Dont worry about it, too much

But I should have all the spelling edited by the end of sunday, if not monday. So I should get the next chapter up either monday or tuesday, depending.

Oct 5, 2003, 04:04 AM
/me tries to fit skett's head in mouth and fails.
*passes Skett to LJ.
"Your turn."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2003-10-05 02:05 ]</font>

Oct 5, 2003, 11:42 AM
On 2003-10-05 02:04, mr_rubbish wrote:
/me tries to fit skett's head in mouth and fails.
*passes Skett to LJ.
"Your turn."

-Hey! Next time eat a Tic Tac before you do that, ok?
-Anyways, good to hear it wont take long to finish the editing.

Oct 7, 2003, 05:26 PM
Aldone aldone!!! Done editing so expect a chapter up in a day or 2, after I update Naveros ^_^

Oct 7, 2003, 07:28 PM
-Thats good to hear. I think someone may be stalking me because of my involvement in the delay (coughmr_rubbishcough). Just kidding of course...

Oct 8, 2003, 03:01 AM
just because i follow you wherever you go with murderous intent in my heart does not mean i'm stalking you....

On 2003-10-07 17:28, Skett wrote:
-Thats good to hear. I think someone may be stalking me because of my involvement in the delay (coughmr_rubbishcough). Just kidding of course...

Oct 8, 2003, 03:08 AM
Yeah there's always the other kind of stalker *shudder*
But, to stay on the topic, keep it up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Don't be pressured by others. Do what you need to
do at your own pace. You are ready when you are ready,
not when someone else is http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oct 8, 2003, 06:39 AM
I wanted to get it over with anyway, so its out of my mind and so any new readers can enjoy it more, spelling can throw off a good story in a moment.

Oct 13, 2003, 05:10 PM
Chapter everyone, things here on act one of final assassination will start to prepare for act 2,
The War

So you guys know what to expect, I'll problably finish up here in a few chapters, and then there will problably be a few weeks before the war starts, but I have serious plans, so you dont have to worry ^_-}

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 18

Blaze sat deathly still, the quiet night air around him provided no disturbances and yet the beautiful city of Nafiel spread out before him, artificial wind stirred his hair and brought a comforting feeling. Reality was lost upon Blaze, his form vacant. He was searching, for himself, he could feel the life in the city, the warm throb of the living. He tried to feel himself, what aura did he give out, what did anyone that didn't know him see? His silver white hair had grown a bit longer, a black headband held it back. His armor was off, revealing a tight black shirt, over it, a beige vest with a golden insignia on it. Bright red shoulder pads edged with a black metal met the dark red of the arm pieces. Blaze also wore a gauntlet of black and silver, by his knuckles three bright rubies shone on each one. A burgundy sash covered his waist where the dark beige pants started, they bagged out near his calf’s, and ended where his boots ended about a hand and a half from his knee. Moving from his physical appearance, he searched deeper. Passing by the dark energy that flowed through him, he went further, deep into the very life energy of himself. Surprise grew from inside him as he observed the powerful aura that flowed from it, this was his core, the very being of him. The immense feeling he gained from it dwarfed that of the mixture of strange photon energy and vileness surrounding it. Each persons core, their essence, was unique, he shivered to think of how close he had come to losing it. Blaze let the image, the feeling, the overwhelming presence sink into his mind, this was where he would start his search.

Standing now, he spread his senses outward, in every direction, slowly at first, then faster. Each time he searched another life core, the more helpless he felt. All this power, the power of the life around him, it sent a resounding shock through him. Now another disturbing thought fought its way to his attention, he had damaged, destroyed, so many beautiful powers, so many innocent lives, so many colors of the grand tapestry destroyed. Sadness threatened to wash over him, pushing it aside, Blaze continued with his search. Finally, a small glimmer appeared in his mind, could it be? Now struggling onward in desperation, should it disappear, he reached it.

Something wasn't right, he could feel the thousands of minute threads that wove between each other to create his essence, yet, he felt something trying to change the threads differently. Then his attention was seized violently by the huge welling orb of essence. Not one fiber of it was the same, mix matched patterns of mixed lives wove between one another. It was trying to pull the very strands of life from him, to add it to the gathering. Snapping back to his body, he quivered as he shook off the feeling of being so small in the great ocean. He couldn't but help of thinking of all those he had killed. Each one of their faces, the last look in their eyes, the feeling of the ocean growing smaller, the fading of life. Blaze checked himself, this was foolish, he couldn't sit here lamenting about what could've been and what he could've done, he had to focus on the present. He had found it, northwestern Nafiel, calming the last shudder within him, he prepared himself mentally. Looking down, he saw the ground, a long, way down. Sitting atop a skyscraper, he determined which way was which, and turned right.

He felt changed, somehow, bitterly thinking of the war ahead and the amount of the ocean that would fade. As such a small part, did he really matter all that much? Blaze didn't want to think on the subject, but he felt numb, maybe he could o something to shock the life back into him. He jumped, headfirst, off the building, the air around him whistled loudly as he sped by. Why wasn't he afraid? As the ground drew nearer, he shook himself out of it, he gathered energy, anything, from within him, and channeled it out of him. A dark blue and purple cloud seemed to erupt from him, when he landed, he sank into it. The cloud spread out for a good amount of space before it all came back, revealing Blaze standing calmly, trying to figure out how he had done that. Running forth at a brisk pace, he disappeared into the dark city of Nafiel.


Yuri nodded to herself as simultaneous replies to her BEE messages appeared on the screen before her. She had just sent out invitations to all of the guild cards she had taken from the records at the tournament. Now she studied the security system that protects the registered hunters of the hunters guild. She took a disk out of a leg pocket in her outfit and inserted it into the console she was using. The computer was hooked up to her bee system, so she could receive the bee addresses of the hunters, smiling slightly as the firewalls securing the system fell to the AEG's hacking disk, a keepsake that Blaze had taken before he left the guild. Quickly she found the huge list of the registered of the hunters guild, she downloaded them quickly onto her arm BEE attachment. An alarm notified her that her welcome was well over she checked the screens that displayed the hallways around the room she was in, they where swarming with the Nafiel Guards. The Grand Nafiel Hunters Guild was surprisingly light guarded, it had been fairly easy for her to infiltrate it. Yuri closed her eyes in concentration, and lifted her hand to mid chest height. A light purple sphere of energy appeared before her, and slowly it spread out into a large circle like a doughnut. Rifts of blue energy started to weave amongst themselves in the middle, and eventually formed a shimmering center of a Copenhagen blue. The hammering on the door on the far side of the door announced the guards arrival, quickly, she placed her helmet securely in place and jumped into the portal she had created and was lost to her pursuers.

The guards entered the room, and started back at the strange portal shimmering with light, a soft blue haze descended from it. Lieutenant Masse approached it warily, something wasn't right, and he was right. A series of red lighting bolts struck him down where he stood. The others yelled in alarm, and turned to leave the room, but there was no escape, the light blue haze turned a vivid red, and the portal flashed once, then twice, then the hunters guild in Grand Nafiel no longer existed.

Yuri sat down on the ancient stone steps of the building, exaughsted. Then she surveyed the huge towering temple that reared to amazing heights above her. She smiled to herself when she remembered how she herself and Blaze had found this place long ago, when they used to work together in the assassin business. Standing now, she surveyed the area solemnly, it would take a lot of effort on her part, but this was going to be their base. Blaze had named the huge moon Final Destination, he had promised that he would come back one day, after he had avenged his parents deaths, and create a place of good.

She moved forward in long leaps, the gravity here was fairly low, and stood before the previously marked area. Yuri quickly activated the three huge posts which acted as modified versions of the ones for teleporters. She wrapped her arms around herself, not trying to think about what lay in store, her voice sounded off in a sweet sadness, if there where anyone there, they surely would've cried,

"Keep this one promise"


Blaze eyed the military compound before him critically, this was not going to be easy. At a glance, it was heavily guarded, unto further inspection, it seemed as an impenetrable fortress. A sudden power surge brought his attention behind him, Yuri, she had done her job, and with a flashy exit to, grimly he noted the explosion that completely eradicated the hunters guild, he turned back to the task at hand. Raising his own, he concentrated for a deep moment, sixteen large spheres, each a deep violet, surrounding him. He let his hand fall, and the energy masses did their destructive work, speeding into random locations, they attacked the base. Blaze had copied their idea, soon the screams of dying men met his ears violently, his struggled not to throw up at the loss of life. Making a motion with his hand, the spheres raised into the air, each at least four times their original size, slapping his hands together, the masses rammed into one another, creating an explosion that rocked the city like an earthquake. Most of the military base was demolished, deep scars traveled deep into the satellites metal. Struggling on the verge of collapse, waves of white pain lashed out through him, he knew that this would happen, but the agony was unimaginable. sinking down to the ground, consciousness threatened to desert him, finally, the pain decreased to the point where he could see. it had been dangerous to do that, he hadn't used his own energy to do that attack, he was much to weak. He spat at his own cruelty, during his search for his own energy, he had been reaping others of their own, and he had used against them like this. Many people where probably waking up, to find their child dead, or their lovers cold motionless body in their arms. But he couldn’t avoid it, they had stolen his, so he had evened the playing field a little more.

He descended from the artificial hill that extended into more hillsides that surrounded the military base. Soon, they spotted him, and he was relieved of thinking up the next move, they had surrounded him. Four of the sixteen spheres descended in front of him, good thing he had kept a few, even though he was sure he didn't have what it took to use them again, they would still frighten the guards. Maintaining the most even voice he could muster, he shouted out across them all,

"Bring your creature to me, and I wont have to kill you all!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-10-13 15:11 ]</font>

Oct 14, 2003, 04:58 AM
Ok, I think the time is right for me to get off my chest the only criticism I have with this story.
**Please bear in mind that this is only my opinion and so is only worth whatever value you give to any of my opnions**

The problem I have is with the central character Blaze. He is depicted as a cold-blooded killer and while that may be fine for his role as assassin, it makes it very difficult to empathise with or even care about him. Given the frequent monsterous nature of the crimes he commits I am suprised that the hunters guild would not amass an army of its greatest heroes to stomp him into an oily smear upon the sidewalk. Then incinerate the remains with flamethrowers/Rafoies.

It's hard to like Blaze when I would dearly love to see him dead, except that he is the focus of the story (or at least the first act).
The reason I persisted with the story is that a tiny part of me hoped that Blaze would find redemption for his deeds, but its a long time coming. I wonder if anyone might have been turned off of the story because they found the lead character to be morally reprehensible?

ANYWAY.... that's just my opinion. There's not much that can be done now (those people cannot be un-murdered!) but Blaze could still save his soul! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

PS Please don't hate me! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Oct 14, 2003, 06:38 AM
Blaze never has, and never will be the nicest guy

I do give occasionl hints, mainly in the beggining of the story, about how he was sought after by milita and hunters alike. But, whenever they tried, they just recieved a lot of body bags. Sirien saw the los goodness within him and tried to bring it out, but the events that happened at the tournament sent that plan awry.

Also the milita have a good reason to keep Blaze alive for a while. THere using him as an example of a radical hunter gone out of controll, and the people will believe them. SO, Blaze is turning the people away from the hunters with his own picture of vilness. I guess that you could be right about the story and people are kinda turned off at the aspect of this wickedly cruel powerful assassin as the main character.

But in act 2, the war, the perspective changes radically.*spoilers* The main character is a soldier, going against the hunters, but thats all I'll say.

Oct 14, 2003, 06:56 AM
Oh yeah, I did forget to take those points into account http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
Roll on chapter 19!

On 2003-10-14 04:38, Sarunakai wrote:
Blaze never has, and never will be the nicest guy

I do give occasionl hints, mainly in the beggining of the story, about how he was sought after by milita and hunters alike. But, whenever they tried, they just recieved a lot of body bags. Sirien saw the los goodness within him and tried to bring it out, but the events that happened at the tournament sent that plan awry.

Also the milita have a good reason to keep Blaze alive for a while. THere using him as an example of a radical hunter gone out of controll, and the people will believe them. SO, Blaze is turning the people away from the hunters with his own picture of vilness. I guess that you could be right about the story and people are kinda turned off at the aspect of this wickedly cruel powerful assassin as the main character.

But in act 2, the war, the perspective changes radically.*spoilers* The main character is a soldier, going against the hunters, but thats all I'll say.

Oct 14, 2003, 04:51 PM
Hey guys been gone for a while. My Pso cravings have kinda gone down ever since my friend got me into diablo so i havent been posting or even really coming to PSo world. Sorry. Anywayz i dont like to have leftovers Mr rubbish:evil:....well anywayz great chapter Blaze. I hope i can restart my love for PSO soon....http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

Oct 15, 2003, 06:35 AM
I dont blame you LJ, I probly would be playing Diablo 2 expansion right now online if I have been allowed to, our computer is a mess because of the hacking I did on that game -_-', so now its of limitz. BUt you should stay tuned at least to the fan works area, also my story in the off topic section isn't really pso, in any way. Whatever is good 4 u.

Oct 16, 2003, 11:57 AM
I've been reading this to pass the time between classes and I'm hooked. This is a pretty good story so far. I've only read to chapter 17 because I have to go to the library to get my disks before class (if they don't have them, I'm doomed). Anyway, Good Story, you're inspiring me to write a fanfic (still thinking of ideas but I dunno if I'll find the time.)

Oct 17, 2003, 06:38 AM
Thanks ^_^

Looking forward to reading your own Fic soon then!

Oct 28, 2003, 05:55 PM
Hey all ^_^

Chapter 19 should be comin along on Halloween so heads up. I should be finishing this half of the story in the next chapter or so look for more details from me later one. See ya

For I am the story teller

Oct 29, 2003, 11:45 AM
Good! I find this story very interesting and is my top fanfic right now. Nothing better than a assassin loose all his powers and turn to a complete reck. Its kinda like seeing someone go through a midlife crises. Now if you excuse me, the sun is out in full power and Im going to take that oppertunity to play Boktai. Good story. Good stuff.

Nov 15, 2003, 06:07 PM
Sorry for all the delays guys but there are a few reasons for why this chapter is so late.

first and foremost my friend died:Rest In Peace Layton Taylor!!

And i've been trying to work on my detail.

Hope it was worth the wait ^_^ Heres chapter 19

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The gathering
Chapter 19

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

Blaze stood tall like an impending fortress, cold and impenetrable. If there was anytime that he was totally disrupted from the outside world, it had to be now. Swirling thoughts and emotions created a vortex of confusion and pain, the endless torrent of right and wrong was ever beating against his conscious like the waves of the sea against the fragile land. These waves clashed and flung themselves with terrible raw power, as if trying with all their might to tear him to a thousand shreds. As distracted as he was, Blaze still managed a few thoughts. Why is it happening to me now?
Before him was the unbelievable, like he was confronting the evil inside of himself. The very replicate image of Blaze stood before the original, dark waves of power pulsated from it giving off an aura of death and vile power. The Guards had all stepped far back, but watched with ever growing apprehension. Never before had they actually felt what their creations was capable of, but even still, the enaminating presence around them was obvious. Someone from the crowd whispered to himself, trying to comprehend the scene before him.
"Its like we brought hell to us" His partner grimaced, but nodded slowly.” Remember, the stronger side of hell is on our side, you can feel that the assassin is out of his league in this battle" A resounding voice barked for silence, "Shut up, you fools! Remember that the source of all the power gathered here is that damn assassin!" The disturbing truth settled in, and it chilled them to the bone. Suddenly, their attention was seized back to the tense forms ahead of them, the battle had begun!

The creature rose slowly up, occasional wisps of dark purple and black energy flowed from it, and wherever they touched only black remains where left behind. Blaze took a few heavy steps forward, there was no way he could destroy this monstrosity in a fair match, even an unfair one. But most of this thing was made from him, and he had to get that part of himself back. As if sensing his intentions, the creature opened up it mouth and issued forth an unearthly scream, the shriek flooded through the still air in a tone that made even the battle hardened guards cringe. Another thought filtered in, is this what I really am? The ghastly sound didn’t stop, but now dark masses of energy surged forth from the monsters body. They gathered together into a large ominous orb, the black and purple sphere dripped of residual power, searing the metallic ground beneath them. Then the realization hit him like he had just been struck by a photon blade. A stabbing pain that ripped his conscious up leaving him in a ragged state. That scream, where the voices of all those he had killed. Twisted together to make the hellish sound displayed before him now. Blaze swore he heard his sisters voice mixed in as well. All at once the horrid screech stopped as sudden as it began. It was replaced by a dark chuckle, the creatures unnerving laughter caused Blaze's temper to rise, this was no laughing matter. It spoke, almost as if taunting him,
"HA! You sorry soft sack of flesh and bones, your a pathetic excuse for an assassin. Look at you, all this power, and it was wasted. You never used it to it potential. But you have made it almost perfect, dark and cold, powerful enough to cause some real damage." It smiled, if you could call the haunting grin a smile "Just how I like it" But the words washed over Blaze as if they had been a slight breeze. This disturbed the creature greatly, snarling he raised his hands high over his head, with them traveled the huge ball of energy.
"Fool, are you so blind as not to see your end!?" in a blur of motion he dropped his arms, hurling the mass of swirling darkness with incomprehensible speed directly at Blaze. Raising his hand up to chest height, Blaze waited for the oncoming wave of power to come. It came with the force of a maelstrom, slicing its path through the fabric of the air, completely unhindered in any way. Gasps and yells of astonishment escaped the guards, this hadn’t what they expected to happen. Blazes clone howled with rage, what was going on? The sphere spun madly trying desperately to rip through the human flesh of the hand that held it at bay, but it was futile. Slowly the gathered power shrunk, time seemed to stop as everyone breathlessly watched as the dark energy returned to its rightful owner. For a moment they couldn’t tell which one was more the perfected picture of evil. The creature stared in disbelief, Blaze had absorbed it all, and it was part of him again. Letting out a shivering breath, Blaze's voice seared strongly out passing into every crevice of fear, filling each one of those present with a feeling of absolute horridness. "This is your end," he turned then to the guards,” and you will die by the fall of this day you will be dead."

Leaving them no time to contemplate, he rushed forth at the floating figure before him. It laughed again "Your attempts to hurt me will get you no where" Blaze muttered to himself, "Maybe." It landed facing him, watching with cold orbs as Blaze approached. He caught the creature off guard with a false swing, it moved to doge but only got caught by a hard left in the gut. But Blaze didn’t retract his fist, instead he dug his fingers forcefully into the creatures iron like hide. His vice like grip easily pierced the robes it was wearing, but only managed to grab artificial skin. Still that was enough, the monster delivered two punches into his face, then kneed him in the abdomen. Blaze still held on with his ungloved hand, hoping his efforts would work. Something wasn’t right, it felt like he was, draining him? "Agghhhh" With a heart rending cry the creature slammed it elbow down on the back of Blaze's head, knocking him to the metal floor. It leaped back staring at the form on the ground, it couldn’t touch Blazes skin, less he would take more away. Plus energy attacks where out of the question, he could take those right out of the air. Blaze had now risen so the monster had no time to think on it further. Smiling himself now, Blaze removed the studded glove from his right hand, "Or maybe not."
With a leap Blaze hurdled himself again at his monstrous foe, it turned to run, but he reached it to fast and hit the creature in the back. The replicate of Blaze twisted in mid air to face him, launching a searing mass of heat at Blaze's chest. In an unexpected move, he jumped down completing the monsters fall. Quickly he grabbed its face with his right hand while delivering a swift jab to its own chest. It Blaze off itself and howled in fury, the artificial skin took on a translucent shade, and the darks swirling cloud of power that enshrouded its entire body was clearly evident. Clothes where destroyed instantly as unearthly fire surged forth from the infuriated creature. Blaze summoned the spheres of life energy he had reaped from the innocent souls in front of him, creating a shield that blocked the unholy heat. Pressing forward, he struggled to reach the point where the flames where being dispersed from. Slowly the barrier that repelled his life from an incinerating power was dwindling, the thin sheet that amazingly held off the torrent of heat was about to give in. After what seemed like a life time of searching, he spotted the dark form amidst the flames, this was his only chance. At that moment the shield broke against the inevitable, the flame immediately seared his body, but that moment was only a short one.
Blaze's hand struck straight into the chest of the creature, and in a instant the hellfire vanished like it had never been there. The swirling shroud of darkness inside the shell of the monster receded to its true master. Finally, what was left of his replica blew away as dust on the wind. Blaze took one look at his blackened and burnt body and shivered, maybe because his garments had been burned as well, but, he had to fix this. Slowly, a purplish ghost of an ooze flowed across his body, and soon his body had healed. He rubbed his bald head and sighed, this sucked. Then his attention turned to the mesmerized crowd, "Your turn."
They didn’t have time to run, they where obliterated by a orb that had been meant to kill him earlier. A blinding white wave of pain flashed through his body, but he soon recovered from the sudden loss of life. "Why do I have to be so aware of life, when it doesn’t fit my nature?" Blaze left his question unanswered and started to walk away from the graveyard he had created. He shivered again, now he wished that he had left one corpse, at least he could get some clothes. Sighing inwardly to himself, Blaze thought of the oncoming war, and of his leading role. Finally he started forth again, and he knew that these thoughts would haunt him to his death.

Nov 16, 2003, 08:26 AM
So..... Blaze is evil again?

Nov 16, 2003, 01:11 PM

More evil if you ask me, even though he understands the meaning of a life, he still continues on the path he believes is right even if it is tearing him apart =[

Nov 16, 2003, 08:11 PM
Evil again? Wow, just when you though he might turn good... he doesn't. Wonder how the character YURI will react to this. Dang it, write! I wish to read more!
P.S. Thanks for PM me on the chapter. Hey, this is the first time I posted with little words. Spooky.


Nov 17, 2003, 07:45 AM
You'll have to wait and find out ^_^

Nov 17, 2003, 05:28 PM
On 2003-11-17 04:45, Sarunakai wrote:
You'll have to wait and find out ^_^

Blast you writers and your cursed tendancy to make people wait for new chapters. Why cant you be robots? Finish one chapter and go onto the next. When can we expect the next chapter?

Nov 17, 2003, 08:03 PM
Once I rip myself away from reality again and immerse myself in a pool of thought ^_^

Seriously, umm... Well I have to get the next chapter up in my book{Naveros/offtopic]. After that I have to beat my head out with a lemon soaked gold brick and then once I recover I can get to work on the next chapter!!

Anyways I would set expectations to around sunday or monday/hopefully/

BTW Chapter 20 is the end of act1 after that Final Assassination will blow up in a thousand directions, so, you guys have just a tiny tid bit to look forward from me in the very near future ^_^

Talk 2 yall soon, later.

Nov 30, 2003, 09:40 PM
you posted on my board and said you had a fic, and after finding out what it was called, i sat down and read the thing for about an hour. kkep up the good work.

Dec 4, 2003, 07:20 PM
Im sorry for taking up so much of your time!no get away pink sword of deathno offense meant


Dammit, I promised a chapter a while ago and I have no chapter to give NOO, I just finally completed chapter 6 in my book so I guess I'll be able to post another chapter in 2 weeks{in the latest]

Dec 4, 2003, 07:24 PM
2 weeks! now what am i gonna do hack your head off with this pink sword of doom is what i'm gonna dono offence taken

Dec 5, 2003, 07:35 AM
Hey 2 weeks is the maximum, I have it already started and hopefully I'll find the time to wrap it up thi weekend, so it might come sooner instead of later...

So hopefully you will have no reason to use the hot pink sword of death http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif'

pats head protectively*

Dec 27, 2003, 11:12 PM
Hey guys, I have a early New Years Present for you all. The Hectic-Holidays have been the source of my delays {so blame them http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif }
This paticular chapter is practically meant to be read on new years, so if your patience holds up wait till then. The reason I'm posting it now is that that I'm almost certain I will not have access of the computer on the day so Im stuck with now.

Hope you enjoy it

Final Assassination
Act 1 / The Gathering
Chapter 20
Hell's Hand

Sarunakai Vii Tessak

"Countless stars and galaxies where scattered across the dark silent skies, their radiant light was lost to the warm artificial glow of Grand Nafiel. The cheering crowd and the parade that surges through the central plaza breaks the silence. Masses of warm bodies spread thickly across the streets and inside homes enjoying as they prepare for the time to come. For it is New Years Eve, and for most of you it may be a promising voyage into a new start at the game of life. This is the time when many promises are made, a resolution to do better, or maybe to achieve a goal for yourself or another. Yet as these souls vow that they will accomplish these feats, many do not realize the fragility of their wishes."
"As the life seeps through everyone of them, so does the essence of a creature with the desire to gain control and power to ensure a better life for oneself. The will of the host determines the outcome of the struggle, which leads one further down their own separate paths. Unlike most beings, people {Humans-Newmans} aren't nearly as limited as other creatures appear to be. Choice, they have developed the habit of exceeding the simple nature of the others, instead of simply trying to survive, they must thrive. They choose what they will do, when and how they will do it, and how it shall be done. These choices separates each on from the other, makes each one unique, it creates infinite tales to be told, and it leads to both rise and fall of their races."

"The natural beauties of the choices one can make for oneself shape our future, one perfect picture fading into the next. This is what separates us from slime, humans from trees, Newmans from grass. But look at one without the gift of choice; take a household pet for example. Like any living creature, a pet such as a dog or so, can be trained. A human may take a dog from the wild, breed it, strip it of its willpower, and mold it into what they please. Training a dog to make the choices you make for it, to live at your house, to eat out of a dish, to sleep in a certain spot only, shows how easily a will is shattered and what the pieces breed, a slavery of the mind."

The man stopped speaking for a moment, to let his words settle in before he should continue. The crowd stood in silence; Blaze's words rang in the minds of old and young alike. Their blank faces stared serenely at the three large monitors in the central plaza; Blaze's image faced them calmly. He was in simple attire, his assassin getup and a large hat of black and white to help obscure the fact that he for the moment was hairless. After a short moment, he continued to speak.

"A will such as that of a human or a Newman is much harder, of course, so twist and break. Controlling one who openly believes that he or she has the freedom of choice is much harder than the dogs bred in captivity. Say you not that we would ever sink to such standards, but many of you are blind as the dog, the almost invisible noose has slowly dragged us into a cage, and has held us there. No? Think on this for a moment. For a long time, as far as anyone can remember you have had a system of rule. Just open your eyes to see the faint lines of the rope that binds your neck unknowingly see the foolish idea we have created to make life simpler for ourselves. To be blunt, take a look at the government today, take a look at the rotten democracy that manifests the people to its will. Give a man or woman, power and see what they do with it! Look at the laws that over the years have become more and more restricting. Just take one look at the limitations that are binding us inside our cage."
Blaze's voice alternated through with held anger and obvious coldness, a few murmurs greeted his momentary stop. But these where soon cut off,

"I will show you the door, but it is entirely up to you to go through it. I come now to you, to make our new years resolution. Us being those who have seen this trap, and those who will not sit to be slaughtered by the military. I have I have no intention of letting them grab me and let them suck the life out of me, I will fight for my right, my ability to make choices for myself. Those of us who have chosen to speak before you today shall do so now."

Blaze stepped down from the platform that was being broadcasted from here all the way back to earth. A young man, maybe sixteen, now arose in his HUmar outfit, looking determined.
"Last year I graduated from the hunters guild, now I see that becoming a hunter will mean fighting to stay a hunter. The techniques and skills taught to me over the past few years have already saved me once, and I will not let the government strip me of them merely because I am to strong now the be a slave of the mind. So this year I will live my life here, and I will protect my life here, but I will not tolerate the military's decision." As the young man stepped down, a woman in her mid thirties rose to the platform, her blue eyes radiated determination, and her HUnewearl outfit and daggers portrayed the patriotism she was trying to impose upon the others.

"I fought to save the citizens of the Pioneer 2, and the last battle was won fifteen years ago. But even when the bloodshed ended, my life as a hunter didn't. I lost friends, family, and many that where dear to me to Ragol, and I did it all hoping to live in a peaceful world. Over the years I watched hunters become less and less appreciated as our use diminished. And now they seek to destroy us like a tool that is too dangerous to be let alone. This year I promise that I will let them know that we are what we are, and we will not fall."
Blaze sat quietly in a relaxed position, the smooth metallic purple of his photon chair and the comfortableness of his char made it a great place to be. Even he was quite impressed upon several of the short resolutions that the fourteen shared with all that would listen. He turned to look at their lead hacker that was broadcasting this to every available monitor/TV, Alan glanced over to him and nodded to assure him that everything was still going to plan.
As the last Hunter finished, Blaze rose to give the final resolution.

"Yet again we leave the choice to listen up to you, and now your probably tired of us moldy, sinister, evil Hunters moping and grumbling about our problems so I'll make my resolution short. This year, I promise you one thing, I will start a war. And since you guys agreed with our prohibitation, you to will die if you get in the way. I hope you all have a very thoughtful New Year."

Blaze only held his brave blank face until he was out of sight of the other hunters. And even then he didn't stop to rub his temples to the point where the lashes of pain forced him. In a vain effort to calm the raging storm he thought of Yuri, this only brought more worries from the depths of his mind. Finally he succeeded in dulling the chaos and straightened up. Alan stepped up behind him,
"Too late to turn back now" Blaze's reply was short, but as expected.

"I know..."

"I know."

Blaze loves his photon chair can you tell? {plot device idea {^_^}

Happy Holiday{s} guess there is only one left that up soon n e ways

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-12-27 20:15 ]</font>

Dec 27, 2003, 11:14 PM

insert appreciative comment here http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Sorry to break it to you guys but your going to have to wait untill I scrape up time from where I can manage to get the war ready.

So look for Act 2 / The War coming soon ^_^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2003-12-27 20:16 ]</font>

Dec 27, 2003, 11:46 PM
Wow, last chapter. It has been a good series and hope for the best when you write the next instalement. Good luck to you. And seasons greetings. And thanks for the PM.

Dec 28, 2003, 12:15 AM
Thanks Skett http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Dec 28, 2003, 06:04 PM
OK, new ficcie up for when you r done with this one. If you have time re-read through, FA means alot to WA

Dec 30, 2003, 05:25 PM
I have to give props to ya, you have a lot of talent http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 3, 2004, 06:29 PM
Quit your spoiling me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Glad you liked it, and I hope to live up to the expectations of some in the next one.

Feb 3, 2004, 09:32 AM