View Full Version : English discussion Day 2: What is Evil?

Aug 27, 2003, 06:04 PM
Today in english we spent the whole class debating what we thought is evil. Things kind of strayed from the main topic but it really made me think of things in a different perspective. Some of the things he asked/discussed was:

Is a sunrise/sunset beautiful if nobody sees it?

Is disease evil? Are earthquakes and floods evil? Is there any evil in the world if humans don't exist?

Is cheating evil? Is money evil?

Is cancer evil? Is a murderer evil?

Is a man (brought up as a cannibal) evil if that's all he knows? Is he evil?

Is nothing evil in itself unless it's involved with people?

Is animal cruelty evil? Do animals have a conscience? Can animals be evil or is everything they do nature and instinct?

I don't expect you to answer all of these, but what does evil mean to you? What do you think is evil?

Aug 27, 2003, 06:19 PM
Today in our English class we discussed if Television has gone to far. Reality TV shows, Cartoon Anime shows, Sexual shows, ect... Spent the whole hour discussing. No work YEY http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Aug 27, 2003, 06:27 PM
On 2003-08-27 16:19, MegamanX wrote:
Today in our English class we discussed if Television has gone to far. Reality TV shows, Cartoon Anime shows, Sexual shows, ect... Spent the whole hour discussing. No work YEY http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Don't hijack my topic you little...topic hijacker!!!

Since you're the first to respond Mega, what do YOU think is evil?

Aug 27, 2003, 06:30 PM
hehe ok, I think evil is anything that would go against Gods will. HA, simple as that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Aug 27, 2003, 07:05 PM
and what is this exactly eh?describe to me gods will? coz im probably evil-i dont believe he exists

Aug 27, 2003, 07:22 PM
What is so hard not to believe. His Bible is evidently true. Scientist had found a prehistoric man a few years ago. He was frozen so perfectly that even his clothes were still on him. They proved that man then was the same as now. Which mean EVOLUTION is crushed. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Besides, how else can the universe be created. If the big bang theory was true, who created the HUGE planet thing that went... boom. And Gods will is what he thinks we should follow to be more like him. Ten Commandments are just the basic rules. They were not made to follow, but to show that all man sins and that their is no way to be Perfect. Jesus Christ had died for the sin of man so that we may be forgiven. Accept him into your heart and you will surely be saved. I have a Poem I made.
This poem is a metephore of a man who believed in God but did not follow him. Even Satan believes in God but he cannot be saved. He is the Cursed Angel. He also did not create hell but I can talk about that later.

-The Hand of God-

As I walked throughout the dark
I felt it grow within my heart
I heard a voice but could not see
That he was the one who held the key
The voice grew louder and I heard it say
?Come to me I hold the key, I am the one who can set you free, and no longer will you have to flee.?
I refused the offer and stubbornly ran
Knowing that I could have taken his hand
But then it happened on that very day
My soul had left my body allay
Then I saw a flame from far away
I knew then I was here to stay
Then it surrounded me, I was filled with pain
It does not stop, it needs no breaks
A never-ending death from hell
This is the story of which I must tell
Take the hand for this HE will say
And if you do you shall be saved.

Accept him, he is your Savior. he will love you no matter how wicked you might be. but you will reap the crops of what you soe. Thou can only be saved through Christ the Lord our heavenly Father.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MegamanX on 2003-08-27 17:24 ]</font>

Aug 27, 2003, 07:35 PM
i don't know exactly what evil is but it is amorphous(shapeless) but disease is not evil it is just something that happens thanks to your own mess up on staying healthy like getting carried away with greasy foods and stuff and climotological disasters are only prodouced by earth's atmosphere

Aug 27, 2003, 07:36 PM
sorry to b a whiny cu*t here but i can apply the same thinking about the big bang to god-a) when was he made and 2) what is the big cheese made out of?. these kind of "when did so and so happen/what made so and so" are quite pointless when ur thinking on a cosmic scale because we have a very hard time finding out. And does god have a date for when the world would end, because science does i believe. and there are arguments against the bible, which i wont detail here because its 01:32 am and im tired. and the old dude, i havent heard of this but compare george bush to a monkey and theres ur proof of evolution http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (if u dont get it then pm me). and honestly from what I have seen, people of science can take criticisms and on many occasions put them to rights with differing evidence per case. with christians(or other religios peoples) in my experience, they dont take criticism too well and seem in constant denial without prooving the "challengers" wrong. sorry if that offends anyone but this is how i have seen it. its not the whole world's view i know and there are many exceptions to the last sentence. so again if i offended ne1.

p.s i dont do re at gcse level so my religious undertsandig while average, is not outstanding.

Aug 27, 2003, 07:46 PM
Well put Megaman ^_^ about Gods will. I don't really agree on your definition on evil though about anything that goes against God's will, that's kind...broad to me. Like stealing is against God's Will, I wouldn't necessarily call it evil though, even though its wrong. But if you stole something from someone just to get under his or her skin or because they weren't as well off as you are, then id consider that as evil. I see evil more as someone doing something to someone with cruel intentions for making them feel bad or just because you don?t like them and I think it can only be implemented from person to person (my quick and non intellectual view =P)

Aug 27, 2003, 07:48 PM
aHA, see everyone I tell that too asks me "well when was God made?" He was just there. And there is no way the human brain can comprehend this. God made time. And since we live within this boundary we cannot understand beyond it. Where God is, there is no time, no boundaries, Limitless. And it is not in this universe. Humans know very little about God. The average human uses maybe 8-10% of their brain. Adam and Eve used 100% and still fell for Satan's tricks. Yet Jesus, when he was tempted by Satan, did not fall unto him. Jesus was God's son in a Phsical form. He was put on Earth to be sacrifised. Jesus COULD have decided not to die on the Cross. He could have sent his Angel down and whipe out the human race. I mean put yourself in his position. All you tried to do is save people. Now your being prosocuted for Witchcraft and what not. You have the power to stop your death, kill the people, save yourself. But you still go on with the death to keep your word to od. That's where the phrase "What would Jesus do" came from. Do not be troubled by the boundries set infront of us yet let us lead the people to Christ and worship him. Rejoice in his name. For he loved the world SOOO much, that he gave is ONLY begotten son so that we may live in Everlasting life. that is the ULTIMATE sacrifice. There is no worse. May I explain the Cross. When your on it, you start to lose the ablility to breathe in air. To keep breathing, you have to push your body up BUT, your nailed down, so it's VERY painful to lift yourslef up. HE did this for hours. 2 men were with him. One said (i think the one on His right) said "if you are who you say you are, then save yourself." The other repented for his sin and was saved that very moment. Jesus replied "I will be with you in Paridise". When Jesus died, he had went to hell and took the Key from Satan (the key that enslaved man's soul even if he was forgiven) so now if you alow him in his heart and repent for your sins, you can be saved ! Before that, you had to be choosen by God OR never sin (that never happend, except for Jesus) any other question feel free to ask me. I would very much like to change your image of God.

Aug 27, 2003, 08:34 PM
Very well put MegaManx but...humm are you an SDA , baptist , or what? j/w

Aug 27, 2003, 08:35 PM
sorry for getting of topic AUTO_

Aug 27, 2003, 08:36 PM

Aug 28, 2003, 06:33 AM
Megaman-X, that was the most full of crap post I've seen in a long while.
I fear you are unrecoverable to being a human being and not a puppet.
Well, I wish you happiness in your state anyway.
Live long and prosper.

I just looked at my post and saw the counter. ROTFL !!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-08-28 04:35 ]</font>

Aug 28, 2003, 07:59 AM
On 2003-08-27 16:30, MegamanX wrote:
hehe ok, I think evil is anything that would go against Gods will. HA, simple as that http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Didn't "God" intend for Humans to die?

Aug 28, 2003, 08:09 AM
On 2003-08-28 04:33, saffaya wrote:
Megaman-X, that was the most full of crap post I've seen in a long while.
I fear you are unrecoverable to being a human being and not a puppet.
Well, I wish you happiness in your state anyway.
Live long and prosper.

Sad, isn't it?

Back on topic; Evil is that which is not "good" or neutral; animals are not evil, but they are not "good" either, they are neutral because they only do what is natural to them (nature is very balanced), they don't have good or evil intentions, they just do what they have to in order to survive. Evil people generally have some negative motivation for doing evil things, some people, like some terrorist organizations, do evil things just to disrupt peace because they crave conflict, while others do so because they violently protest something done by someone (and violently protesting against something is a very stupid decision, but then again, so is being evil).

Aug 28, 2003, 08:29 AM
well put on that full of crap thing.no offence but people of the bible seem to carried away explaining things like that. people of science are far more consice

Aug 28, 2003, 08:57 AM
Hey, don't flame someone for their beleifs, and stay on topic.

I don't think anyone or anything is truely evil, depending on how you are using the word "evil".

Someone can be cruel and devious, but to me, evil is when you revel in everything that is un-kind, cruel, devious and vile. It's not that you do or say something, but that you truely, whole heartedly enjoy it, knowing what it is doing to someone or something and reveling in knowing it.

God, Satan, both are negligible on the subject. It just depends on your outlook entirely. Some people beleive only God is entirely good and that Satan is entirely evil, but it doesn't matter because no two people will agree on it entirely. Thats why it's such a personal issue.

Aug 28, 2003, 09:00 AM
Even Satan believes in God but he cannot be saved. He is the Cursed Angel.

how is this possible? isnt God all fogiving?

back to the topic...Something is only evil if it negatively affects sombody else.

thats my view anyways..

Aug 28, 2003, 09:09 AM
if evil is something that negatively affects other people, then there is far too much evil. i agree with abdur. If you knowingly cause pain or grief and enjoy it(without reason i may add. revenge is not nesecerrily(spelling? lol) evil. because if you accidently negatively affect some1, i dont think that is nesecerrily evil

Aug 28, 2003, 09:13 AM
thats kinda what i meant... im just to lazy to explain everything fully.

Aug 28, 2003, 10:52 AM
I believe human beings are the only "evil" in this world. Think about it, we are one of the few species that kill others of our kind, we consume our resources way too fast and do little to conserve them,we destroy our enviorement for monetery gain. Perhaps, in a few hundred years,we human beings will have nothing left for future generations.We are the evil of this World.

P.S. I do believe that God exist and will never lose faith in him.AMEN.

Aug 28, 2003, 11:21 AM
On 2003-08-27 17:22, MegamanX wrote:
What is so hard not to believe. His Bible is evidently true. Scientist had found a prehistoric man a few years ago. He was frozen so perfectly that even his clothes were still on him. They proved that man then was the same as now. Which mean EVOLUTION is crushed. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Besides, how else can the universe be created. If the big bang theory was true, who created the HUGE planet thing that went... boom. And Gods will is what he thinks we should follow to be more like him. Ten Commandments are just the basic rules. They were not made to follow, but to show that all man sins and that their is no way to be Perfect. Jesus Christ had died for the sin of man so that we may be forgiven. Accept him into your heart and you will surely be saved. I have a Poem I made.
This poem is a metephore of a man who believed in God but did not follow him. Even Satan believes in God but he cannot be saved. He is the Cursed Angel. He also did not create hell but I can talk about that later.

-The Hand of God-

As I walked throughout the dark
I felt it grow within my heart
I heard a voice but could not see
That he was the one who held the key
The voice grew louder and I heard it say
?Come to me I hold the key, I am the one who can set you free, and no longer will you have to flee.?
I refused the offer and stubbornly ran
Knowing that I could have taken his hand
But then it happened on that very day
My soul had left my body allay
Then I saw a flame from far away
I knew then I was here to stay
Then it surrounded me, I was filled with pain
It does not stop, it needs no breaks
A never-ending death from hell
This is the story of which I must tell
Take the hand for this HE will say
And if you do you shall be saved.

Accept him, he is your Savior. he will love you no matter how wicked you might be. but you will reap the crops of what you soe. Thou can only be saved through Christ the Lord our heavenly Father.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MegamanX on 2003-08-27 17:24 ]</font>

The problem with this theory is that, well, you didn't see it with your own eyes, and shockingly enough, there are other religions and morals that people believe in. Personally, I think it's idiotic to believe in something that your parents or gaurdians have told you to believe in. Not saying these beliefs you follow are wrong, but to state them as "fact of the matter" is just plain ignorant. My parents are conservative catholics, but by no means have they forced me to believe in any certain way. They have always told me to use my own brain and that's exactly what I have done. I believe there is no God, and the evolution philosophy is how we live on this earth today, but that doesn't mean I'm correct in any way shape or form. So please, don't make it sound like you know exactly what has happened 40 billion or so years ago, because you are not an expert in anything.

Aug 28, 2003, 03:19 PM
On 2003-08-28 08:52, Lone_Wolf_Nasca wrote:
I believe human beings are the only "evil" in this world. Think about it, we are one of the few species that kill others of our kind,

er .. there are plenty of these ..

we consume our resources way too fast and do little to conserve them,

Then again, numerous species do that.
They usually survive because predators are there to limit their population, else they would proliferate and use up local resources then die in great numbers from starvation.

we destroy our enviorement for monetery gain.

ok, money as no value for animals. Can't find an equivalent here.

We are the evil of this World.

Humans fight forest fires that destroy considerable areas and kill a lot of animals.
Humans can plant trees and make entire regions green again.
Humans can protect endangered species.
Humans can cure animal diseases.
In the future, we should be able to prevent the fall of an asteroid on earth, which would exterminate a lot of the living species of the planet.

So, no, humans are not evil. They just can choose to be so. As they can choose not to.

P.S. I do believe that God exist and will never lose faith in him.AMEN.

How about switching your brain 'ON' for a change ?
You know, things like .. thinking for yourself ?

Aug 28, 2003, 03:36 PM
i think hollowtip put across a point i was tryign to make much better than i did- that believeing that ur religion is "the be all and end all" and the ignorance thing. mine came across as pure blasting http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

And humans arent the only evil(or indeed evil at all as a classification), we simply have more power and some people abuse it.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:04 PM
On 2003-08-28 07:00, RedFox wrote:

Even Satan believes in God but he cannot be saved. He is the Cursed Angel.

how is this possible? isnt God all fogiving?

back to the topic...Something is only evil if it negatively affects sombody else.

thats my view anyways..

God is all forgiving to Humans. Satan is a cursed Angel. And I don't understand why people cannont figure out that God really is our creator. Tell me ONE thing that leads you to your beliefs that would prove that God does not exsist. And if you ever wondered why he doesn't show himself or give signs. ONE, if you look apon God you shall die. Happend to a man in the Bible. He say the back of God and fell to the ground. The other reason is because you should have Faith. Faith is believing something that you cannot see, hear, touch, and smell. If I could I would lead you all to Him but you choose not to take in what I have to tell. It fills me with pain and anger to hear such thing "thats the biggest load of crap". Today in English class, our jounal topic was if you could have ANY super power what would it be? I said to have the ability to lead people to Christ just by looking apon them. No man can save someone. If you have ever lead someone to Christ, you did not save them, you led them. I try so hard not to get angry at people that tell me the Truth is just my belief and it's all crap. And this isn't really off topic. The people who said that don't believe that God even excists is, and that its just a load of crap is Evil to me. And why wouldn't anything that goes against God's will would be evil? It would be. If God didn't want you to do that, do you not think it is wrong? Wrong would be evil in God's eyes. And no, we don't get carried away, there's just so much about God that we want to share with you. He loves you no matter what but he gave us the choice to either accept him or not. I don't want to see anybody go to hell. I mean Hell is a never ending death. There is no light, only pain, burining, aloneness, suffering...ect. You aren't even with the other people. It's like a vast darkness with the most painful, eternal pain that is un-imaginable. Please atleast think about God. I don't care what you think of me, it's what you think about God, and why he wants you let him in your heart. I want to talk so much about God. And another thing, you type/write God with a Capital G. Lower case would indicate that he is A god, not The God. And i'm very upset with the Ten Commandments being removed. I hope it does not come to pass.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:13 PM
yes but i find no evidence convincing enough so far.i think its better i stick to my beliefs till i see good evidence. to be honest i still find the " if god sees it bad its bad"a bit of a well, odd and commanding attitude.. i think we should live our life with credit to ourselves not someone who maybe doesnt exist. now if god does exist then i think he should respect my opinion that i ddint see convincing evidence. now i dont think i should go to hell or whatever happens just for that. i simply cannot jump boat and i dont know if other people can. if i do discover god then i will do what i have to do and i will believe. but i dont seem to "feel" god they way people who believe in him do.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:14 PM
Thats all well and good MegamanX, but, you have to realise that you are limiting your views to the bible.

If you ask how can't someone beleive in God, I can reply with why do you only beleive in the bible and not the numerous other holy scriptures.

Some people beleive in nothing, you ask them why. You beleive in one view point, I ask why.

In the end, the final outcome is that everyone's view is limited to a degree, even if you read every holy scripture.

Trust me, this is no place for religious discussion.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:23 PM
abdur i beg to differ. this is a good place for a religious discussion, well as good as ne other. its people of the same intrests, and in many cases, the same sort of mindframe. This off topic forum is the only forum i visit(non inc pso forums) because it means people discuss things here usually in laymans terms. which is good for some ppl and it usually pretty relaxed. plus judging by some of the posts i have seen, sum people need more mental stimulation as well lol ^_^ not suggesting ne1 tho. but y isnt it a good place? and i agree with u on all the other bits

Aug 28, 2003, 06:24 PM
If you believe in Evolution, then tell me, who or how were those "ape evolving humans" were created. Did they create the Universe. NO BEING could EVER create this vast universe. God is an Entity. HE created the Universe. WHAT IS SO HARD TO BELIEVE! The Big Bang theory is absolutely false! WHAT/WHO CREATED THE PLANET THAT EXPLODED INTO EXISTENCE! HOW CAN WE HAVE BEEN CREATED SO PERFECTLY! THE ONLY EVIL IS WHAT'S IN OUR HEARTS! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE! No, not just believe, why don't you accept him. He created the boundaries that you live in. Like time. You have to breathe oxygen, eat, drink, ect... to live. You only know what you see and feel. Don't believe with you mind, believe with your heart. When you feel a great love for someone, why do you think you feel this? It's not something from the mind, it's from the heart. That's what separates us from other creatures. WE have spirits. and WE get the choice to believe, or not. Eternal life is a gift given to all man. If you don't accept it, you get eternal death. When the rapture unfolds, the saved ones will be killed for their beliefs. The cowards of death, the non-believers, and the Satan followers will have the numbers 666 on the back of their hand or on their fore-head. It lets you buy things and stuff. Not to mention let you live. Then the world will be destroyed by Fire. And for 7 years, God and his people will be in Heaven. Then he will re-create the Earth with no flaws and to be perfect. And we will live here once again in a whole new world. I await this day so very much. How can all this be false. You cannot change my Heart. No one will.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:44 PM
Nobody is trying to change what you beleife MegamanX, but you are asking everyone else why don't they beleive, so you're the one trying to change others, which in all honesty, is rude and abit ignorant to other's beleifs.

And as for not beleiving in something and going to hell. Well if God wants to send me to hell for not beleiving in something, when there is too much to beleive in that the odds of finding the truth are so far outweighed, then I guess he'll just have to ship me out, yeah?

Trust me, you're talking to someone who studied world religions for years, discussed with Imams, ministers, priests, etc. In the end, nobody is going to change unless they want to.

The reason I said this isn't really a good place for religious discussions, most end up in flames and outbursts because everyone thinks they're right. That doesn't mean you can't, but I've been here long enough to have seen quite afew worth while discussions go down the tubes. =

Aug 28, 2003, 06:44 PM
ok well no1 is trying to change you. and 2dnly y does somethign alive have to make it? its just nature. the world will end in the big crunch in my opinion based on things i have read and chosen to believe. at the moment it seems that you are trapped within your beliefs and it sounds liek its driving u crazy. and ill b dead b4 the end of the world happens. and if god cant see my opinion then he isnt as great as he is made out to be.

Aug 28, 2003, 06:54 PM
i see your reasons y abdur lol. and honestly i cannt combat them. this discussion is really goign nowhere and we arent making may point. and we have also gone off topic lol. at the end of the day people who dont believe in god cannt really b changed by others stating what they think is right, i think religion should be felt. i would suggest that abdur locks this thread. and i hope theres no bad feelings megaman?

Aug 28, 2003, 07:03 PM
He doesn't send you hell for not believing, as I said, even Satan believes God exists. You go to hell if you don't accept Christ into your heart. It's not rude. It's my purpose in life. We are supposed to preach his word and try to convert people. You said it yourslef, it's my belief, don't flame me for it. If you don't accept him then you will be the flammed ones. If I could I would scare you into being saved. If only I could let you have a glimps of hell. But then there would be no point in Faith.

Aug 28, 2003, 07:07 PM
and darthsaber, notice your sig. If it's in a book it must be true! Then you said the bible is true.

Aug 28, 2003, 07:11 PM
in that case i truly have nothing to fear. i have yet to experience christ let alone reject him. if i saw/felt him i may well accept him. but even if i dont and i live life as well as could be hoped for woudl i go to hell as well? wouldnt that be sour grapes as it were?

Aug 28, 2003, 07:15 PM
MegamanX you are going the wrong way. You cant force people to believe just like that !! Remember God gave Humankind a "free will".People may not believe in God now, but in proper time they will believe. Oh, and by the way, I am not brainless zombie,I have a life and I am quite happy,I believe in God becuase I choose to.

Aug 28, 2003, 07:17 PM
if you don't choose to be on the side of God or Satan than as God said, he will spew you from his mouth. He would rather you be Truly Evil than to be lukewarm. No choice is a choice. You will burn if you don't choose or choose to be with Satan. Example: Harry Potter. Witchcraft is a form of un-human power. You cannot weild witchcraft (aka magic) and use it for good. Like the LODR, The ring is evil, it cannot be used for good. You know that J.R. Tolkien is a Christian man and his books were a metephore of Good vs. Evil. Who will you side with?
P.S.- Legolas is the coolest !

Aug 28, 2003, 07:20 PM
On 2003-08-28 17:15, Lone_Wolf_Nasca wrote:
MegamanX you are going the wrong way. You cant force people to believe just like that !! Remember God gave Humankind a "free will".People may not believe in God now, but in proper time they will believe. Oh, and by the way, I am not brainless zombie,I have a life and I am quite happy,I believe in God becuase I choose to.

I know what your saying. I'm sorry for getting mad but when people say i'm lying, its not true, you don't know what your talking about. It just makes me so angry. Yes we have a free will BUT, if you don't preach the word, your not fufilling your job as a Follower of Christ. This is my goal.

Aug 28, 2003, 07:22 PM
On 2003-08-28 17:03, MegamanX wrote:
He doesn't send you hell for not believing, as I said, even Satan believes God exists. You go to hell if you don't accept Christ into your heart.

Even Satan beleives in God, and yet he's in Hell?

I don't accept Jesus(peace be upon him) into my heart, because I have different beleifs.

It's not rude. It's my purpose in life. We are supposed to preach his word and try to convert people. You said it yourslef, it's my belief, don't flame me for it.

Wasn't flaming you, obviously. However, you do realise how others perceive someone who is shoving their beleifs down someone else's throat, right? Thats a big part of what turns most people away from most religions, because they are around, or grew up around people always pushing it onto them.

First hand experience here. I was always told a single thing, but wanted to see other viewpoints and explanations. Everyone comes to their own realizations.

If you don't accept him then you will be the flammed ones. If I could I would scare you into being saved. If only I could let you have a glimps of hell. But then there would be no point in Faith.

Sorry, I sort of laughed at the first sentence. Being on this forum for so long. XD

Again, sorry, but scaring someone into beleiving something is...well pathetic. It's just a form of domination, to get them to beleive something they are unsure of. To truely beleive something with all your heart and out of love and devotion is better than to be scared or made beleive.

Oh well. To each their own. I have my beleifs and you have yours, it's a stale mate of souls and nobody is going to budge a quarter. Pointless to just babble with replies. =)

Aug 28, 2003, 07:29 PM
What do you believe?

Aug 28, 2003, 07:40 PM
personally i dont think harry potter is a good analogy. because people do use their magic for good. although good as a concept is relative and i cant b bothered for a long post again lol. and my sig is from thr simpsons, so read(pun intended) no more into it than erm...i dunno that millhouse said it. and for the record my sig is complete bullcrap, i never will and never have said that. *yawn* its 1:42 am and im gunna crash, carry on debate later lol

Aug 28, 2003, 07:47 PM
i can't explain that well about why Harry Potter is evil but I can tell you that JK Rolling (however you spell her name) Is a witch. She said so on the Morning show thingy. She called Christ a coward and all this stuff. So even SHE believes he exist. She chose the side of evil though. Billy Hagian can explain it alot better. One of his videos explains all about Harry Potter. Magic is not weildable. Jesus used Miracles. No man can create that. But they can use magic through evil. Now there are times miracles happen through men but it is from God. Maybe you misinterpreted magic. In games, they call it magic because that's what we call un-natural force. So they stick with that. PSO uses techniques. Ah, not magic but still, I just pretend that God is casting the Shifta/Deband, resta ect..

Aug 28, 2003, 07:52 PM
i think the pso thing is taking it a bit too far(although i used to be good m8s with a all white HUcast named zeus on dv v.1) i still refuse to believe that god will influence and seemingly control our lives. its not right as powerfull as he maybe. nehoto i sed it b4 but im gunna crash NOW

Aug 28, 2003, 07:59 PM
lol, sry bout that. It's just that he doesn't control our lives at all. Satan is the ruler of this world (for the time being...) and if you LET God take control of your life, then that's your decision. And I have made that. I cannot live without him. I would be a mess. He has showed me how I should be. Why does God let the death, pain, suffering, and killing go on? Because again, it's our choice. No man can judge another man. God is the judge. Do not say my beliefs are false because that would be judging a part of me. And don't say that's what "I" believe. For if you believed something that said do not judge man then you cannot say that's what You believe, cause that would be Judging

Aug 28, 2003, 08:51 PM
On 2003-08-28 16:23, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
this is a good place for a religious discussion,
There's not one good place on this planet to have a discussion about religion with strangers. Not one.

Aug 29, 2003, 02:32 AM
On 2003-08-28 06:09, Kent wrote:
animals are not evil, but they are not "good" either, they are neutral because they only do what is natural to them (nature is very balanced), they don't have good or evil intentions

How can we assume that? When a dog attacks a child or person for no reason do you just assume the dog meant no harm? If the dog killed an infant child the dog isn't considered evil? Are you catoring (sp?) to the dog simply because its cute and fluffy?

What about someone who can't control (and I don't care what you say, some people CAN'T control their actions) his/her actions and kills someone as their release?

Would you consider that person evil if he/she couldn't help what he commited?

What about petefiles? If a grown man/woman that takes interest in young children (for any reason, maybe they just prefer that?) evil if they can't control those feelings?

Hell, even more general. What about homosexuals? Would you consider what they do an evil act because it's against God's laws, etc, etc?

Wouldn't you yourself think a disease is evil if YOU yourself were infected with it? It's pretty easy to call something nature when it doesn't affect you.

So is the general answer/conclusion (besides from straying off-topic) that evil only exists if humans exist?

Here's another one to wrap your minds around:

Are "bad" thoughts evil even if you don't act on them?

Aug 29, 2003, 04:27 AM
ABDUR has Setsuna in his signature!!! *swoon*


What were we talking about?

Aug 29, 2003, 05:16 AM
On 2003-08-29 00:32, AUTO_ wrote:

On 2003-08-28 06:09, Kent wrote:
animals are not evil, but they are not "good" either, they are neutral because they only do what is natural to them (nature is very balanced), they don't have good or evil intentions

How can we assume that? When a dog attacks a child or person for no reason do you just assume the dog meant no harm? If the dog killed an infant child the dog isn't considered evil? Are you catoring (sp?) to the dog simply because its cute and fluffy?
First off, everything that is ever done has a reason, and animals, like dogs, must have a reason to do something like that. If the dog felt that the person was a threat to it's territory, guess what? Dogs are territorial animals, they attack to protect their territory. I'll excuse your pitiful attempt to insult my intelligence with that last sentence this time...

What about someone who can't control (and I don't care what you say, some people CAN'T control their actions) his/her actions and kills someone as their release?

Would you consider that person evil if he/she couldn't help what he commited?

I know people that have mental disorders that give them little or no control over their actions. No, they aren't evil, obviously. Is it their fault they can't control themselves? Their actions may be considered evil by people, but the person may or may not be inherently evil himself.

You really need to learn the difference between having a mental disorder and being evil.

Hell, even more general. What about homosexuals? Would you consider what they do an evil act because it's against God's laws, etc, etc?

I don't believe in such an inane concept, so therefore this question is moot.

Besides, a man loving another man is just as evil as a man loving a woman, in that they are not evil at all.

Wouldn't you yourself think a disease is evil if YOU yourself were infected with it? It's pretty easy to call something nature when it doesn't affect you.

Diseases aren't evil, they are an act of nature. It's not like the disease itself is an evil, sentient being...

So is the general answer/conclusion (besides from straying off-topic) that evil only exists if humans exist?

Not humans, but sentient beings in general.

Here's another one to wrap your minds around:

Are "bad" thoughts evil even if you don't act on them?

"Bad" thoughts can be considered evil, but unless they are acted apon, then no evil action is taken, and is not harmful to anyone.

Hell, I have "bad" thoughts all the time, myself (just like normal humans), but I'm not an inherently evil person.

Aug 29, 2003, 07:59 AM
On 2003-08-27 16:04, AUTO_ wrote:
Today in english we spent the whole class debating what we thought is evil. Things kind of strayed from the main topic but it really made me think of things in a different perspective. Some of the things he asked/discussed was:

Is a sunrise/sunset beautiful if nobody sees it?

Is disease evil? Are earthquakes and floods evil? Is there any evil in the world if humans don't exist?

Is cheating evil? Is money evil?

Is cancer evil? Is a murderer evil?

Is a man (brought up as a cannibal) evil if that's all he knows? Is he evil?

Is nothing evil in itself unless it's involved with people?

Is animal cruelty evil? Do animals have a conscience? Can animals be evil or is everything they do nature and instinct?

I don't expect you to answer all of these, but what does evil mean to you? What do you think is evil?

The answer to you questions is Tony Blair http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Aug 29, 2003, 02:17 PM
On 2003-08-29 05:59, Voodoochild wrote:
The answer to you questions is Tony Blair http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

lets not forget Bush too...

Aug 29, 2003, 06:11 PM
On 2003-08-28 16:14, ABDUR101 wrote:

In the end, the final outcome is that everyone's view is limited to a degree, even if you read every holy scripture.

I disagree. Even though I have my own beliefs, I will accept the fact that my way of thinking about how we are able to live on this earth may be wrong. To be completely honest, I personally think it's rather idiotic to disregard another person's beliefs when living a normal life here on earth. We as a species, a Gift from God, or however you want to look at it, have no clue on what happens to us after our heart takes those last few beats.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: hollowtip on 2003-08-29 16:12 ]</font>

Aug 29, 2003, 07:24 PM
On 2003-08-29 16:11, hollowtip wrote:
I disagree. Even though I have my own beliefs, I will accept the fact that my way of thinking about how we are able to live on this earth may be wrong. To be completely honest, I personally think it's rather idiotic to disregard another person's beliefs when living a normal life here on earth. We as a species, a Gift from God, or however you want to look at it, have no clue on what happens to us after our heart takes those last few beats.

That what I meant actually. That even if you read every scripture, we are limited to what is in those scriptures. For some people, that's enough to beleive, for others there's never that final answer.

I have my own beleifs, as do most others, even devout beleivers have their own views and what to beleive and what not to.

And yes, having disregard for someone else's beleifs is wrong, and is actually looked down upon in some beleifs.

Thus why I said "I have my beleifs, and you have yours". Pointless argueing almost always ends with harsh words and hurt feelings, so it's best not to argue when neither are going to sway. =)