View Full Version : A Day in the Life of Lamalas (Part 1)...LONG

Mar 27, 2001, 02:57 PM
Ok...bear with me. I kinda got this idea from a friend (Arsenal/Lyon Heart) and figured I'd publish what I've done so far to see what you guys think. If you like it...I'll keep posting more parts up until the final battle with DFalz. Also let me know if you like this screenplay type fiction, or rather have narrative...

Feel free to comment away. So...without further adieu...

0800 (Pioneer 2 - Lamalas' Room)
Lamalas (yawning): ugh...what time is it anyway? It just can't be morning yet!

*Lamalas turns to the side in his bed capsule and looks at his clock display on the wall*

Lamalas: Man...it's 8 in the morning...why can't I just sleep late once in a while?! I think I'm gonna go back to sleep now...

*Lamalas lowers his head back to the pillow and begins to slowly drift off to sleep. Suddenly the video wall lights up with the Principal staring through*

Principal: Lamalas! Wake up! I'm in urgent need of your assistance!!!!

Lamalas (groggily): Not now...mom...I'm trying to slee...


*Lamalas is startled awake and jumps up, hitting his head on the top of his capsule*

Lamalas: OWWW!! Who the hell thinks they're importan....oh...Hi Mr. Principal!

Principal: I need you to come to my office PRONTO! The safety of Pioneer 2 rests in your hands!!!

Lamalas: Alright...gimme a...

*The video wall shuts off as Lamalas is in mid sentence*

Lamalas: What a prick! Getting me up at the crack of dawn to save the world....AGAIN! I just saved us yesterday...another day, another meseta in debt.

0900 (Pioneer 2 - Principal's Office)
Lamalas: So what you're telling me is that you want me to go down to Ragol, whoop up on some big ass dragon, by MYSELF, and then come tell you what I've found?

Principal: Sounds like you've got the idea...oh yeah...and you've only got until lunch time!

Lamalas (Dr. Evil style): Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...would you like a hot apple pie with that?

Principal (confused): Huh? Whatever...just get it done!

Lamalas: Yeah yeah...gimme an hour or two...

*Lamalas turns and walks towards the teleporter mumbling to himself*

Principal: Oh Lamalas...while you're down there could you...?

Lamalas (turning back): Could I what...?

Principal: Oh nothing...never mind...

*Lamalas turns back to the teleporter, shaking his head*

Principal (under his breath): I hope he finds something out about Red Ring Rico...

...To Be Continued...

Mar 27, 2001, 04:19 PM
i thought it said lama that would be odd