View Full Version : Can't renew, very pissed off

Aug 30, 2003, 09:55 AM
I can't renew my HL, very pissed off about it. The website keeps saying that my billing address phone number is "invalid". However, it's the same friggin' phone number I've had for YEARS. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Aug 30, 2003, 10:26 AM
have you tried taking the - out of your phone number? i had a problem with getting a HL because i didn't know you weren't supposed to have a dash. (ex. instead of 555-5555 you have to put 5555555). hope that helps

Aug 30, 2003, 10:32 AM
I took the dash out of it, it still didn't work

Aug 30, 2003, 01:20 PM
tried calling sega?

Aug 30, 2003, 04:50 PM
Moo, problem fixed. Go ahead and lock the topic now if you need to.