View Full Version : Theory about Ragol Ring

Sep 2, 2003, 06:55 PM
If this has been proven/disproven already, I haven't run across it at this site or any other.

I was thinking about the Ragol Ring recently, and I thought: for what reason does a shield with moderate stats compared to other rare shields destroy itself upon it's wearer's death, taking precendence over Scape Dolls to do so? It would have to have some sort of value besides being hard to obtain. Then I thought: what if it increases rare drops? It's just crazy enough to work.

What I'm suggesting to test this theory is a series of Forest-to-Falz runs through Hard Mode (less risk of death and easier to hack through while still having rare drops), offline, by anyone with a Ragol Ring (I don't have one myself, but I'm working on it). This would have to compared against the number of rares attained in a normal run of this type as well. I hope someone out there will be willing to assist in this study... who knows? We might see a lot more Seat of the Heart games soon. ^_~

Sep 2, 2003, 07:07 PM
I'll glady help, but I'll have to be in the team with no Ragol Ring.

We will have to do multiple runs, and proboly stick to the same ID, play at the same time, just to eliminate other varibles we may not want to alter.

Sep 2, 2003, 07:15 PM
suggestion : die with the ragol ring equipped and the sealed j-sword equipped.

hey it could mean something that it destroys itself. just a suggestion. not meant to cause a j-sword post of 37410984320791237401723 post (highly over exaggerated)


Sep 2, 2003, 07:58 PM
Interesting theory...If you need someone with the ring, I can do that. I got the ring way back when the quest first came out, and I still can't figure out why I went after it in the first place, because all it does is sti in my bank. If this theory is true, however...Well then, guess I just found a use for this ring.

Sep 2, 2003, 08:46 PM
I'm pretty sure it's just a novelty item.

But good luck, though.

Sep 3, 2003, 12:32 AM
yeah dude i have no idea at all if this will work or not. i dont have a sealed j-sword of my own or a ragol ring otherwise i would do this personnally.


Sep 3, 2003, 06:14 PM
UMM I thought it had to be done on Ultimate to gain a Extra Life.

Meaning beat DF with out dieing in Ult Online and I did and I thought maybe it gained a Liufe but the answer was nope I died and the ring did to even though I beat DF.

Sep 3, 2003, 07:31 PM
heh..have a Mag that revives yoo, Ragol Ring, and Last Survivor..you got 3 chances of reviving after death