View Full Version : I need beat times

Sep 6, 2003, 08:58 PM
I need beat times for the following
skyly angel harp
virida hildetorr
virdia love rappy

Sep 6, 2003, 09:07 PM
Skyly Pal Rappy:
@218, @353, @361, @364, @368, @372, @467, @468, @508, @668, @860, @864, @908

Viridia Hildetorr:
Forest: @204
Temple: @097

Viridia Love Rappy (assuming Ult):

Sep 7, 2003, 03:27 AM
...Where do you get the info for the beat times?

Sep 7, 2003, 03:31 AM
There is a topic on the boards for people to post their findings, and I know she is collecting and organizing them for a theory. Can only hope we'll se it soon, it promises to be interesting ^_^

Sep 7, 2003, 07:43 AM
No you don't need beat times. Its just a theory with unfounded results. Rares and rare enemies are 169% random. There is no fact to support the beat time theory. If there were, everyone could just reset their consoles internal clocks and replay each area for said item many times. But i doubt that ST is that stupid.

Sep 7, 2003, 07:51 AM
pure random. so... good luck

Sep 7, 2003, 08:25 AM
My personal opinion on beat time rares is similar. It is completely random, and the system of publicly reporting times messes up the statistics to give an impression of a pattern.

However, I am willing to believe that a bug or subtle intended effect by ST influences the rares, if someone can sufficiently proove it.

I can understand the idea of asking for the beat times though. You can play on both teams and at worst you'll just have the ordinary random chance ^_^

Sep 7, 2003, 09:12 AM
On 2003-09-07 05:43, blue-hawk wrote:
If there were, everyone could just reset their consoles internal clocks and replay each area for said item many times. But i doubt that ST is that stupid.

Yes and I have tried this... It has yielded me many a hildertorr and mil lilly!
(not enough for a pyscho wand or an hp though http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif)

Sep 7, 2003, 11:18 AM
On 2003-09-07 01:31, Fanatic wrote:
There is a topic on the boards for people to post their findings, and I know she is collecting and organizing them for a theory. Can only hope we'll se it soon, it promises to be interesting ^_^

That one theory has nothing to do with beat times. But, I have noticed a pattern with the rare enemy beat times and could develop a theory off of that. I wish I knew what data file in the game held the data for the rarity of rare enemies. Maybe that could give some insight as to whether beat times affect their appearance or not.