View Full Version : FanFic?! I need an idea...

Mar 29, 2001, 12:19 PM
Okay, with my PSO addiction going on, and the current Fanfic talks going on on some other websites, I found myself staring at a blank Notepad file wondering what I should type as fanfic... I already have the characters; based on me and a few of my close friends online, and some others based on various NPCs; bscially, I am taking a bunch of people and throwing them into a story.

Now comes the meat of the story; I need cool stuff that could happen during the story. I already got a few suggestions by E-Mail from my friends. Take a look:

-The party is taken aside by Irene (the Principal's secretary if you remember), and she asks them to look for Red Ring Rico.
-A party member partly mutates after being struck by De Rol Le's tentacles.
-The force field floor in the mine dies; half of the part falls into a pit full of broken Dhubics which come back to life.
-Jean Carlo Montague designs a weapon made from a dark creature. A party member tries it, but after he almost kills his teammates, discards the weapons into a pit.

So we got a skinny of all three areas (I won't put anything special in the forest; just a quick skirmish with Boomas and the arrival at Central Dome), with some events and all. If some more suggestions could pop in, it would be just perfect! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 29, 2001, 01:09 PM
Hehehehe... ^_^

In my sort of fanfic... Dr. Montague gave me a new weapon to test out... the Delsabers Leg. ^_^;;;

By the ideas, I assume that you want to be writing a semi-serious story. That's cool. Tell us know sometime when you want to post. ^_^

Mar 29, 2001, 05:48 PM
Oh I've got a bit of typing done. The accuracy to the real game sux but I still typed some stuff; I just need to do some corrections (for example, I described that a red ball of fire blew Central Dome up... but actually it's a blue ball of energy that DOESN'T blow Central Dome up).

Oh well, up to now, I've got the intro part with Central Dome blowing up (I am repeating myself, right?), and beginning of Chapter 1 where two of the main characters get the message about it. I have yet to imagine the next part: do they do see the Principal for more info, or do they go to the Hunters Guild instead for it?...