View Full Version : GC: I accomplished alot in 2 days!

Sep 14, 2003, 01:31 AM
I started playing my RAmarl File on September 12th 7:50 a.m. She is a Skyly and on Ultimate Caves. She WAS at level 77. She was using a JUSTY 23ST+15. I beat del rol lie using a Guilty Light I found from a Ob lily. (found 2 actually). Then I had gotten to the mines. It was a bit hard and I managed to get 4 more Justy's. Then I decided to play Episode 2 and beat VR Temple and VR Spaceship. I found a bunch of rares but they weren't much to talk about. Then I started to look for some good Rares. I went to the Quest Forest of Sorrow on ult. There I had found My 1st Hildtorr. It took me a while to beat him (luckily he was goin for Alicia) and he dropped the Red Saber!!! My 1st Rare Monster on Ultimate AND my first Red Weapon. Bad Ratio though (5 a.beast 10 machine). Later I found 3 Ogre/Power++'s, 2 Master/Abilities, The Flowens Sword AUW 3064, 2 Angry Fists (one that does 20/20/0/40/0), 3 Dragon Slayers, and a Vulcan that has 50% hit!!! oh by the way, I'm at level 90 now. My stats and equipment that i'm wereing currently is:

Holiness Armor
Celestrial Shield
Kama (lvl.200):
DEF: 36
POW: 123
DEX: 29
MIND: 12
(stats with mag on are:)
ATP: 1197 (704) (shifta: 1415)
DFP: 429 (268) (deband: 548)
MST: 480 (480)
ATA: 213 (162)
EVP: 764 (508)
LCK: 28 (28)

EFR: 30
EIC: 30
ETH: 30
EDK: 0 (ut oh, screwed by lilys and sorcerers)
ELT: 25

Total EXP: 1757877pt
To Next Level: 14770pt

Thats pretty much all about Jade (skyly). I'm lovin my Red Saber http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MegamanX on 2003-09-13 23:33 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2003, 02:51 AM
Cool stuff congrats ^_^

Sep 14, 2003, 03:07 AM
Heh, actually, I feel the same way.

I started playing my level 25 Redria HUmar earlier..about 10 hours? Ago. Now I'm on the brink of being in Ult at level 41, plowing through the Vhard Ruins.

For me, that's a lot done in less than 24 hours. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Sep 14, 2003, 10:17 AM
On 2003-09-13 23:31, MegamanX wrote:
My 1st Rare Monster on Ultimate AND my first Red Weapon. Bad Ratio though (5 a.beast 10 machine).
good for u http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
anyway seem like u dont pay attn to the +/-10% tekking tip..
couldve been 15/20/0/0 instead of 5/10/0/0 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 14, 2003, 03:41 PM
Well now i'm level 93 and i'm trying to get a Stag Cuttlery froma Gulgus. THEY WON'T GIVE IT TO ME!!! What quest should I do to find lots and don't say Forest of Sorrow, I did that 12 times (didn't complete it though, that way I could play it again and again).

Sep 14, 2003, 03:49 PM
Well now i'm level 93 and i'm trying to get a Stag Cuttlery froma Gulgus. THEY WON'T GIVE IT TO ME!!! What quest should I do to find lots and don't say Forest of Sorrow, I did that 12 times (didn't complete it though, that way I could play it again and again).

Too bad I am not online (for the moment) !! I have about 10 Stags Cuttlery, I would have given you one (I dont need them, I have better stuff now http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ).

Sep 14, 2003, 04:13 PM
congrats. hildetorrs are always fun to see.

Sep 14, 2003, 04:31 PM
getting killed by one isn't fun : )

Sep 14, 2003, 07:00 PM
That's awesome good work. If you keep going like that you'll lv200 in a month.

Sep 15, 2003, 09:42 AM
I gained 3 levels with my HUmar over the weekend. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Sep 15, 2003, 10:04 AM
That's awesome good work. If you keep going like that you'll lv200 in a month

I dont think so... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
It takes quite a bit of time to get to 200.

Sep 15, 2003, 04:12 PM
If the requirement to get from level 199 to 200 is enough to take a level 1 character to level 40... then it'll take more than a Month. Besides, I can only play on Weekends. I started playing Friday Morning (7 ish), I was at level 77. I played practically the whole weekend until Sunday Night (9 ish) and got to level 93. I only need like... 11000 exp to 94 so these weekend on Friday at 3:00 pm to Sunday Night 9:30, I'm guarrentied to get to ATLEAST Level 100. Leveling is Ultimate is still a bit hard but what I don't get, how are you supposed to level when you get to like the 150's. I'm havin trouble and i'm only 93! Though I am Offline... You get more EXP in Episode 2 (I think...) but Episode 2 Kicks my but. Stupid Gues... The shoot me with their stinger and knocks me down every time EVEN WHEN I shifta/deband and jellen/zalure. And I use my Wizard/Techniques to power my techs and I still get owned. My best bet is ult mines. Though I get killed almost every time when I see 2 sinow blue/reds in the same room. And I REALLY want a Red Sword from a Govulmer on Caves but those Ob lilys... That's y I quickly tried to get to Mines. Then the chich's shoot my with their....EVIL Lasers. Thank God I found a Hell Laser with 0/0/10/0/50 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 15, 2003, 04:41 PM
=O in 2 days ((10hrs)) my RAcaseal went from lvl 1 to 23, and already on Hard =D, i didn't thought i was going to be at hard so fast, RAcaseal rocks!!!

Sep 15, 2003, 05:19 PM
I did something like that once too. It was summer vacation. Hey wait, I did that with my lvl. 93 RAmarl! Yeah I remember now! It was after my memory card got corrupted... Don't feel like explaining how it happend. anyway, It was like... 8 something (a.m.) and I decided to make a new character. I heard that RAmarls had ALOT more MST then RAmars. And I never actually needed all the extra accuracy from him. So I made a RAmarl. Unfortunately I got Skyly ID again. I wanted Greenill (this was b4 I knew about the Section ID Calculator). I played for the whole day. At like 12:00a.m. I was on hard. I found my 1st Rare Ever. Rappy's Wing! Then Booma's Right Arm, and then a WHOLE bunch of DB Sabers. Boy, that was a looooong time ago. Seeing I got grounded for a month and I didn't get to play my RAmarl http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif . AND on top of that, I had trained 8 mags to level 200 so now when people ask my Game play time and I say 127 they say "and your only level 93?). Anyway, yeah it was cool getting to hard in one full day practically! I think the difficulty that people stay in the longest is Hard. (ultimate doesn't count since you can't go higher!). I mean its so EZ to get to hard that you need to level alot more since you blew through normal. Vhard was quite quick for me. The only thing that disapointed me about Ultimate is that nothing changed in Episode 2 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Sep 15, 2003, 06:29 PM
On 2003-09-15 15:19, MegamanX wrote:

when people ask my Game play time and I say 127 they say "and your only level 93?).

Hehehe, i say 96 and they say "and you're only lvl100!?!?!!!?!? ^.~

The only thing that disapointed me about Ultimate is that nothing changed in Episode 2 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Yup, totally agree, the only things that changed are the enemis in temple and spaceship because they are the same from EP1 Ž_Ž'

Sep 15, 2003, 06:33 PM
hehe, it doesnt help that I play with my... younger level friends when they come over...practically every day! Level 20 and 30 something. Having to play something thats NOT ultimate. Though it would be nice to go to Vhard and pay Mr. Delsaber an appointment to arrange me getting his RIGHT arm sometime this weekend http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 15, 2003, 06:49 PM
On 2003-09-14 13:41, MegamanX wrote:
Well now i'm level 93 and i'm trying to get a Stag Cuttlery froma Gulgus. THEY WON'T GIVE IT TO ME!!! What quest should I do to find lots and don't say Forest of Sorrow, I did that 12 times (didn't complete it though, that way I could play it again and again).

why do you want it? HUnewarls can't use stag cutlery.... it for male hunters only

Sep 15, 2003, 06:54 PM
ahh I'm a RAmarl. And I want it for my HUmar (lvl.48) He has all my weapons I don't/can't use. Yamato, G-Assasin Sabers, Dragon Slayer, Last Survivor, Flowens Sword & FS (AUW 3067), Varista+25, Rappy's Fan, Gigobooma's Claw, ect...

Sep 16, 2003, 03:11 PM
On 2003-09-15 16:54, MegamanX wrote:
ahh I'm a RAmarl. And I want it for my HUmar (lvl.48) He has all my weapons I don't/can't use. Yamato, G-Assasin Sabers, Dragon Slayer, Last Survivor, Flowens Sword & FS (AUW 3067), Varista+25, Rappy's Fan, Gigobooma's Claw, ect...

oh alright sorry about that

i have one if you want it but i cant get online right now

Sep 16, 2003, 04:34 PM
ah I dont have an online adapter. Nor the money. But all the things i've heard about hackers and stuff, I think if I did play online and get these so called "Legit" (but are actually hacked) rares, I think I might lose interest in playing. But then again, I don't know ANYTHING about what you can do online.

Sep 16, 2003, 08:35 PM
I play only offline and it does get boring once and a while, but I always seem to be able to pick it back up again in a month and a half or so.

Sep 18, 2003, 02:08 AM
Well, all I can say is congrats to you =)

Very much fun to read that. I just have to beat hard and vhard then so that I can come into Ultimate.

I have played 123 hours or so. Iīm only at lvl 82...
Havenīt finished hard yet...

Sep 20, 2003, 07:25 PM
well, i'm at level 100 now. And I found another Red Saber! My 1st has been grinded to +41. And I found some other stuff but they weren't good enough to post. fyi, I FOUND A STAG CUTTLERY TOO http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 20, 2003, 07:32 PM
Im at level 8!!!! I just got the game. It's really fun!