View Full Version : Secret to Rare Item/Enemy Appearance?

Sep 15, 2003, 04:13 PM
This is probably some kind of weird coincidence, but the higher level I seem to be, the better a chance of finding Rares I have.

For example, an Oran friend of mine had so much trouble finding a Hidelt in Forest of Sorrow, that he almost ran himself out of cash. (He's a HUcast...) After beating Ultimate Mines, I suggested he try again, and with little effort at all he landed TWo, count TWO Hidelts in little over 3 hours, and each dropped a syncesta.

We checked his Beat Times, how long since he turned on the GC, and other stuff, but the one thing that made the most sense was the 12 level difference. It makes sense too - higher level characters have higher chances of using higher powered items.

Sep 15, 2003, 05:10 PM
Do you mean Hildetorr? Because in Ult. there are plenty of Hidelt to go around. Especially in the quest "Forrest of Sorrow" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 15, 2003, 05:41 PM
Also, its been noted here that the chances of seeing a rare enemy are about 1/500 or 1/512. Also the level and beat times may have a lot to do with it.

Sep 15, 2003, 07:27 PM
i had this theory going =)

i first noticed it in dc vers.1

but now we'll take my RAmar as an example, he seems a pretty good choice to me =)

hes now level 55

i unlocked v.hard at 50ish

before 50 i had only seen 2 nar's with him, both in normal (2x angel/mind =( ) and a blue rappy in hard (inferno bazooka =) )

since i hit 50 and unlocked v.hard i have been playing mainly caves and temple (temple in multi/single)

i have seen my 1st ever love rappy, and 2 nar's (all dropped rare rifles, justy's i think (greenil)) thats since i hit 50 in v.hard

but through dc and wth my main GC char (redria, HUcast, about 106 hours on clock) i seem to see more and more 'decent' rares, aminly armour for androids on HUcast, but hes an android so =)

i think its more based on time than levels tho, although im not writing levels out of it (because as u go up in time, u also go up in levels)

but i totally agree with your theory =)

i could start noting down level/char times that i find stuff if u want, (could do beats if i knew what they were =) are they the internet time? )

Sep 15, 2003, 07:56 PM
I dunno... I have a Skyly friend at it longer (500 hours), he's STILL trying to get his Sealed-J.

Yeah, I saw the Tsumikiri thread of doom, and I know it belongs there, but he says it's supposedly 3000 kills w/o dying.

Sep 15, 2003, 10:33 PM
My new Ramar has rushed through each area only once, is in the Vhard Ruins, and has seen 8 rare enemies. He's level 50 now.

Sep 15, 2003, 11:01 PM
Hmm..since being in Ult, my level 49 Redria HUmar's only seen..


Erm. *cough* But yes, I'm having a hell of a time finding rare enemies. That Pouilly Slime I didn't even pipe for. My level 114 HUmar, on the other hand, saw Pal Rappies very commonly.

Sep 16, 2003, 12:04 PM
I still believe rare enemies are random. I recall finding 2 red lils in normal in a game with my friend, they dropped a dragon HP and a knight or general power. Those are the only 2 I've seen thus far, after maybe 600 hours.