View Full Version : Item: converting enemy parts to weapons.... the dr is not in

Sep 15, 2003, 08:09 PM
ok....i just read in the "converting enemy parts into weapons" guide and so it says to get the enemy part to Dr Montague in a certain mission, right? well.... i already did that mission about two days ago and just now i found Delsaber's Right Arm. Soooooooo....... since i've already done the mission that allows you to convert body parts into weapons, does this mean i have to play the whole game over again on a new difficulty level just to get the friggin part converted into a weapon???? i don't know if i can wait that long to get my Delsaber Buster. I'm getting sick of these ugly pink weapons that i'm relying on. what were the game designers thinking when they implemented this bullsh**???

one more question. i read in the item finder guides that as a skyly i should be able to find the Shield Parts Version 2.01 on a Gilchic in Normal mode. i haven't found the item yet and i've been playing the mines for about three weeks searching for the item and i aint gettin jack. what's up with that??? also, can i find it only on Normal mode or can i still get it on higher difficulty levels. the guide didn't actually say that it's available on higher levels. i just wanted to know.

Sep 15, 2003, 08:11 PM
If you beat all the quests on one difficulty you can play any of them over again.

Sep 15, 2003, 08:15 PM

Sep 15, 2003, 10:27 PM
hahaha, hey Olga-Rappy i love your signature