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View Full Version : Wassup with the leaving, people?

Mar 30, 2001, 12:39 AM
Ahem...You guys, wtf is going on?!? Why are people leaving? Because PSO world staff are lying? Not that I know they are. You are making big deals over nothing. Who cares what other people do or say? Who cares if people cheat or not? PSO IS A GAME. YES THAT'S RIGHT, A GAME. Some of you need to say this to yourselves about 1000 times staring into a mirror. I mean c'mon! I have had enough of Pk'ing, cheating, duping, hacking, blah blah, but I'm not going to run away from it. I am going to stay and fight back, and if I don't fight, I am still going to play my favorite GAME, PSO. Guys, be reallistic, this is not real life, it is a game, it is a game, it is a game, it...is....a......GAME.


Mar 30, 2001, 04:06 AM
chalk this up to slow-ass loading times, but i dont know wtf is goin on. the staff is lyin? huh? can someone fill me in?

Mar 30, 2001, 05:40 AM
Really I am as clueless as you.

Mar 30, 2001, 05:52 AM
Haha yeah I know i hear the "its jus a game"
thing all the time and i sometimes agree with it in some cases. Others i do not. It may be technically a game but it is also an online community in where you can meet interesting people and interact with them. This is what makes this game so fun, not the gameplay as much but the interaction, i dont think anyone would disagree. but i also dont think games are "jus games" cuz they are more like art, with story, characters, artwork, music, and atmosphere being some of the key elements. Yeah and what is up with everyone leaving, and it seems the most interesting people here are leaving thats what sucks the most, i havent been here for like 4 days though, but when i do get here i love reading the dramatic responses from danger_girl, spy, and others. all that is great, thanks everyone for contributing to the community in your own unique way thats all I gotta say haha.

Mar 30, 2001, 05:55 AM
BUt people are taking it tooooo seriously. Like being offended and threatening to leave PSO. That's bull crap. I admit, it more than just a game, but It is not life either, by no means.

Mar 30, 2001, 06:02 AM
yes i do agree it aint life and people shouldnt be offended but it does inflict emotions, the only ones people should talk about and be hugely open about is positive ones, why threaten and why point out negative attitudes in a videogame's (a fun form of entertainment might i add) fan site's web forum i totally agree, i do enjoy all the happy ones though hehe http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 30, 2001, 06:21 AM
Well in my case Omege, I can't speak for Seu although I know what's bothering him, you don't know how much I agree with you. I had a conversation this morning that really bummed me out. It's come to a point were some people have begun to take this place too seriously. I went into this message board thing with a plan. I wanted to create a role and always be in character. Hey what can I say, it is just funner that way for me. Well aparently (and this was not made real clear to me) some people who knew who I was, started saying things. Again, I don't know what was said, because I wasn't told. But suffice it to say, I was told I had "gone to far". I am not here for any other reason than to create a little fiction and have some fun. Apparently thats going to far for some people around here.

Mar 30, 2001, 06:28 AM
haha i know danger its ridiculous when peoples say that, its like my teacher mr tsakrios, im gonna tell you a little story. he let one kid sleep cuz that kid had a learning disorder (dumb i know, stupid of him) so we made a petition about that we could sleep if he could, and we were passing it around and he got a hold of it (cuz of the "teacher teacher, you forgot to give us homework" student in each class) and he said "this time youve gone too far, your going into territories that are unknown to you." after having a good laugh for like 10 min. everybody considered getting out of the class. the point is is that things like that arent to be taken seriously such as this forum, its writing about a video game how serious can it be, i mean i love the game, its a great work of art, but comon people dont go saying your going to "expose someone for who they really are" and crap cuz then you jus start looking a fool.

Mar 30, 2001, 06:42 AM
Exactly. These forums are for fun. Everything that is said should not be taken too seriously, because most of you know it's not serious. As you said danger, some people act out there characters, and this is fine, but when you start taking things overboard, its very easy to spot. Seutekh, I can not say I knew you, nor do I know exactly what made you decide to leave, but it is just a message board. How about instead of leaving PSO, just play it, don't try and live it. Peace everyone.

P.S. Ack If this sounded bad, it's because its 3:37 Am here, and I am reeeaaalllyy tired.

Mar 30, 2001, 08:20 AM
Frankly, I think a bunch of people need to put their egos on a diet for a couple of weeks. If people want to leave, let them leave. If people want to stay, then stay. I come here to read about PSO not other peoples childish squabbles.

'nuff said.
