View Full Version : Grinders

Sep 17, 2003, 07:50 PM
I soon plan to start a long and painful quest to get a Red Saber from a Hildetorr. Whenever I do finally manage to get it, it won't really be worth anything until I grind it at least up to fifty (max is 78, I think). The problem I'm having, is that I have enough grinders grind something up to about sixty, but I don't know if I should use them on the Red Saber or save them for something better.

If anyone particularly cares, I'm an offline melee FOmar at level 94. Don't give me any BS about melee Forces being crap. I don't care about your opinions on that, so don't bother posting them.

Sep 17, 2003, 07:52 PM
Something better. What ID are you?

Oh, and Melee FOmars are cool. It's like being a HUnewearl with a far superior Resta, plus S&D.That, and a fat-*** TP meter to use them liberally.

Sep 17, 2003, 07:56 PM

Sep 17, 2003, 07:57 PM
You should check out the rare drop list for your ID. See if there's anything else you'd like having, that's better than a Red Saber.

What about a Soul Banish? I figured that, being a strong partisan type would be better for melee FOs..since it'd have enough knock back to keep you safe.

But anyway..look at the rare list for your ID..if you see anything you like, go for it, grind it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Sep 17, 2003, 08:00 PM
The red saber isn't the best wep out there. Be careful.

Sep 17, 2003, 08:01 PM
Oohh..Viridia..good luck with getting anything but rare (common.. :/) Shots on that ID.

I had a level 114 HUmar..aldfkdfkl. I'll never make a Viridia ID again.

Only thing I can think of that's good on the Viridia ID, in my opinion, is that it can get both Sange and Yasha.

Lemme look at the list though..Soul Banish can't be obtained offline with Viridia, sadly, but what about..

Heaven's Punisher: Sinow Red (Ult)
Ruby Bullet: Vol Opt. v2.

Not really any melee going on there..but you know. After looking at that drop list I have..I'd go for that Red Saber and grind it :/

Sep 17, 2003, 08:07 PM
what i generally do is if 1 of my forces gets a grinder (even my melee fomar =) ) is that i give it to a HU/RA then when they get better weapons my FOmar gets the hand-me downs =)v like his db's saber + 40ish lol

im trying to find him a double saber/stag/twin sort of thing tho, my 1st double is a demo comet on my redria HUcast (lvl 88 i think) but im still doing hard/very hard temple runs

(havnt found ANYthing in temple tho, apart from on my ramar and that was a wals and a justy)

i think a red saber would be good enough to use for him to be worth grinding,
what sort of power/accuracy do you have at that level and set up?
(mag/units, ect) and do you use any spells at all?
mine still uses like razonde in multi to gather exp lol (hes only lvl 25 =) )

Sep 17, 2003, 08:08 PM
He's a FOmar, can't use either. Yeah, Viridia ain't good for a force or hunter.

I suggest either the Flame Visit (Made popular by everyone's favorite RAmar, Bernie) or the Dancing Hitogata. You get the book AND the doll!

Sep 17, 2003, 08:10 PM
I think he'd be better off getting online and getting a Soul Banish O_o

Probably the best thing for a melee FO on the Viridia drop list.

..I gave all those Final Impacts/Meteor Smashes/Crush Bullets/Red Scorpios/etc. to my RAmar http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 17, 2003, 08:17 PM
Painful, yes, for a fomar who's trying to melee, but you can have it in less than two hours by piping the quest. If you can beat the four quests you need prior to that, at least.

I'd say it's a bad idea for anyone to try to melee Ult with a sabre, but it isn't like you have a ton of options when it comes to strong weapons...Grind it if you want. You'll probably be better off using something different when you get frustrated with that character's ineffectiveness and raise another, but that's a little while off.

Sep 17, 2003, 08:27 PM
I know Viridia is crap for a Force of any kind. I have more than ten Crush Bullets, several Meteor Smashes, and a few Final Impacts, not to mention a crapload of other stuff I can't use.
I don't really like Soul Banish. Although it does hit more than one enemy at once, it only increases my ATP by about 200 or something. I know that Red Saber isn't all that great, but what else can I do? I'm stuck on mines, dying at least five times in a small room with more than 3 Gilchiches. I use more Gifoies than I would throughout all of Caves, and all I have to hit them with is an Angry Fist, which is too slow to really do too much. I would use my G-Assassin's Sabers, what with the five-hit combo and all, but I miss almost everytime I try.

FOmars should get to use Yamato or Asuka. >_<

Sep 17, 2003, 08:36 PM
You can't choose to play a hard to use character in a manner he's ill suited for in one of the worst IDs for that play style, then complain that the game is too tough...

Sep 17, 2003, 08:37 PM
Red Saber shouldn't be too hard. I went through 3 'torrs on my SKYLY to get one, and that was bad luck.(All 0s, though, meh)

Red Saber is more or less lumped together ATP-wise with the Angry First and AUW 1980 and 1975 Agitos, as well as ATA-wise. It has a higher grind, though, and therefore will become more powerful. Although an Angry Fist, while giving you atrocious range, does have the benefit of being a decently powerful weapon that uses the unarmed animations... Which for a FOmar(Or FOnewm, HUmar or RAmar...) of course means faster tech casting. *shrug* Hmm... Ancient Saber has a bit higher ATP, but barely grinds, and can't be found on VIRIDIA anyways. I'd go with the Red Saber or Angry Fist, myself.
Unfortunately, FOmars don't have too many options for good melee weapons. :-/ Heck, there are only two Double Sabers they can equip, and one of those is only available online(S-rank Twin). So, yeah.

Sep 17, 2003, 09:03 PM
On 2003-09-17 18:36, Stalfos333 wrote:
You can't choose to play a hard to use character in a manner he's ill suited for in one of the worst IDs for that play style, then complain that the game is too tough...

I never complained. I'm just trying to think of a suitable weapon that I might end up keeping for a while.
Somewhat off-topic, I'm raising a new Rati (Yes, Ian, a Rati) that I'm going to try and use for melee. I already have a Naraka, but I have to round out its stats by adding a bit of mind and dex. I messed up by giving it 100 power, but oh well. I also plan to make either a Sato, a Nidra, or another Rati with a crapload of mind. I guess I'll use it mainly for bosses or levels that are too difficult for me to use weapons (likely Ruins or Central Control by the time I have one).
Eh, well, I would say something back on topic, but the discussion is more or less finished: Viridia sucks for FO's, go get a Red Saber, grind it.

Sep 17, 2003, 09:39 PM
Yep. VIRIDIA sucks for FOs, go get yerself a Red Saber.
Also, VIRIDIA finds God/Power easiest. Go find yourself some Millies if you haven't already.
Don't put MIND on your Mag for melee. You're a Force, your MST is high to begin with. Your ATA is piss, however, and you need all the help you can get. 5/145/50/0 are good stats to go for, and very easy to get, with good PBs, too. *shrug* Just my ten meseta.

Sep 17, 2003, 10:59 PM
Ironically, those are the same stats that are ideal for a nonmaxed Hu and Ra, with the possible exception of Hunnys and RaMarl.

Sep 17, 2003, 11:45 PM
On 2003-09-17 20:59, Stalfos333 wrote:
Ironically, those are the same stats that are ideal for a nonmaxed Hu and Ra, with the possible exception of Hunnys and RaMarl.

Well, yes, the sort of Mag needed for melee doesn't really change. You're still going to need DEX, and you're still going to want to go heavy on POW. And as a FO of any sort, your ATA sucks hot balls, and your ATP isn't exactly the highest number in the game, FOmars are the only ones with a 4-digit max ATP number, and they only just barely make it. Heh. And of course what with FOmars having the worst ATA in the game, period(Max, anyways, FOnewms have worse L200 base)... Yeah. You're gonna want a POW/DEX Mag, screw the MIND and get your DFP from your armor and support techs.

Sep 18, 2003, 12:02 AM
I have Sato with 5/125/70/0 along with 2 God/Powers and a God/Arm on my FOmarl and she does just fine up to Ult Seabed (evil sinows). If you ask me, people don't put enough DEX on their mags. My HUnewearl's has 5/120/75/0.

Sep 18, 2003, 01:56 PM
Don't put MIND on your Mag for melee. You're a Force, your MST is high to begin with.

I'm not putting it on my melee MAG. I said I'll put a lot on whatever one I make after I'm done with the Rati I'm raising now.

Sep 18, 2003, 03:43 PM
The topic was Red Saber, how did you guys wind up on Mags? Reb Saber's cool, I just got one last week with my Fonewn. There aren't that many sabers that are stronger than Red, and it's worth grinding if you have excess grinders.
BTW, do you really enjoy meleeing with your Fomar?

Sep 18, 2003, 04:13 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Just not on Ult Mines with an Angry Fist when the enemies don't even flinch. I also like to have strong techs to back myself up, and it's far better than being a stereotype HUmar that I'd probably be on Lv. 150 and bored out of my mind with.

Sep 18, 2003, 04:15 PM
With whitill you can find it easily from hidelts. The saber is strong and looks neat in a Fomar too. Go for it!