View Full Version : The most dangerous and the most useless enemy

Mar 30, 2001, 07:47 AM
Well, I was standing yesterday while a friend was busy killing a pofouilly slime (which was dead for me, but not for him), and I realized that this enemy is really completely useless.

It's long to kill, and I think in almost 150h (+
about 60h with the import version), I got some of my HP taked out by one of these 5 times at the best. (and only when there was other ennemies at the same time).

So I think it must be the most ridiculous enemy of all the game.

So I wonder which you think is the weaker enemy of the game ? and which is the thougher ?

For the weaker, I think it's the pofouilly slime.
But I think Vol Opt isn't far behind :) After all, I can get killed by sharks surrounding me, or sinow beats, or Garanz, but to die by Vol Opt isn't something one can easily do undeliberately :)

Personnaly, I think the thougher (except the bosses, although Vol Opt is weaker IMO :)) is the Garanz. It's the only enemy who don't stop attacking when you hit him, and is one of the only ones who can blast you from the other end of the room.

Mar 30, 2001, 08:19 AM
I think the Del Sabers are the deadliest. Specially if you don't see them coming.

Mar 30, 2001, 08:33 AM
I have one character who is at that level on v-hard were the monsters no longer knock it on its can anymore with every hit. In other words its health will drop to zero real quick. Del sabers and sinows are particularly vicious.
Slimes are a pain in the ass. I find s-beats blades special attack are very effective against them though. Works great on Pan Arms too.

Mar 30, 2001, 08:38 AM
Del Sabers...eurch...especially when you're with four people in the Ruins on anything over Normal, where Sega obviously decided that the hard part would come from letting a nice big pile of Del Sabers loose on you.

Vol Opt is the most pathetic...mainly because he's supposed to be a boss.

HUnewearls, the only way to travel!

If you see Millenia the level 47 HUnewearl, say hello (or something)...

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: MaximumBeef on 2001-03-30 05:39 ]</font>

Mar 30, 2001, 08:52 AM
Well, I think it depends much of the class.

I have a HUnewearl, and delsabers aren't such a big deal. When you see them jumping at you, you just run straight and they land behind you. Then they try to sourround you and spend more time blocking attacks with their shield than hitting you. But when they're 4 in a small room, they start to be a problem. But not quite as Garanz are :)

However, they must be thougher for rangers and forces because it may be hard to fight them from some distance...

And I saw a friend play with a Ranger, and Garanz are easy with those. You blast them with a snipe, and if they launch missiles at you, they end up in the ceilling :)

But, with melee weapons they are a real pain.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: MORB on 2001-03-30 05:57 ]</font>

Mar 30, 2001, 08:57 AM
Good point, Endless nightmares are always fun when they pop up in large quantities (i.e. more than one)...deaddead!

Mar 30, 2001, 09:38 AM
I said it once, and I'll say it again, Chaos Bringers! Not only do they emitt a very heart stopping roar, but they're very fast, and anything over normal, they can do lots of damage.

Mar 30, 2001, 10:30 AM
Well, I still prefer the electric motor noise that makes Garanz in terms of heart stopping stuff... It reminds me a bit the ED-209 in robocop :)

I don't fear Chaos bringer so much. Their roar lets you know there are there, and a look at the radar lets you avoid their charge...

Well, they're though, but you can manage to kill them with no too much damage, whereas for Garanz I have to make sure that I have the dimate handy because resta is too long...

Mar 30, 2001, 02:01 PM
chaos bringers are a force knight mare...hahah bad pun

Mar 30, 2001, 02:09 PM
What's so bad about Delsabers? Rabarta works great against them. Does good damages and freezes.

As for Vol Opt, the 2nd form can be a pain if it does that stomp move. A few shotguns and he's gone though.

Mar 30, 2001, 02:15 PM
For the mosst useless monster, I would say the Pofuilly slime. You see them coming a mile away, and as soon as they pop up, you're probably ready to whack em. The only thing that keeps resemblance of challenge is that sometimes you must kill them in order to get out of the room.

Vol Opt would've been my second choice, but last time I fought him it did something that surprised me. It did the "green ball" attack, where this little floating green ball can hit you and immobilize you. I was getting ready to get hit by the lasers that fire afterward (and I would've survived the attack), but instead it turns it's missile battery towards me and kills me with all 4 missiles while I was helpless. It kinda impressed me.

The monster I most fear is a V-Hard Delsaber. Especially in a group of 3 or more. Without a gun, they are very deadly. Even with a gun they are no pushovers.

Mar 30, 2001, 02:48 PM
I think the big robots in mines are the most deadly thigs. HTey almost killed me, a lvl 96 humar, on hard mode 2 of em were both firin missiles and i came close to dyin and vol opt is a joke.

Mar 30, 2001, 03:45 PM
Vol Pansy is hands down the most painless thing in the game, well, once you know the pattern. 90% of the time when playing online, we've got him beat before the stomping can commence. And now that I have a new Stick of Vol Opt Spanking (DB's saber, 40% machine) it should go even faster. (1100 damage from special!) Just remember to always smack the red pillar in his first form. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

As far as normal enemies.. dark gunners are the most annoying, slimes are useless, and the hardest is tracking down that last flying Vhard mothmant as a hunter who's too lazy to pull out her gun. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 30, 2001, 04:05 PM
delsabers because they can get the jump on you when your going solo...

Mar 30, 2001, 04:23 PM
Most dangerous and most useless enemies:

Two words: Player Killers

Mar 30, 2001, 05:35 PM
I think the most deadly enemy by far is a Sinow Beat. If they confuse you with their 2-hit combo there's basically nothing you can do except keep using Trimates until your PB is charged. Unless you have a Sol Atomizer mapped of course... But that's useless to waste a button on that unless you're an android.

Garanz would be tough if he actually took off damage. If he hits me with every missile it might take off half my life, but by that time he's dead anyway.

Delsabers don't take off enough damage either so I don't see them as a threat.

Chaos Bringers can confuse you with their charge but it's easily avoided. After that he's cake if you get on his left side.

Mar 30, 2001, 07:04 PM
Poifully Slimes aren't dangerous particularly (and I quadruple them using RaBarta for the extra experience and 'fun!' factor), but the fact that you can only hit them once each time they 'pop up' can lead to damaging confusion in a crowd of them... but then, that's what Dragon Slayers are for...

I fear the evil DelSabre most when three or four of the nasty voodoo headcases jumps me in a dark room, and I don't have the best weapon equipped (ie one that takes them all on at the same time or lets me get far enough away to pick 'em off at a distance)

However, I don't think ANYONE has addressed the real scourge of PSO.

The most dangerous AND the most usless enemy

the felon?


Yep. That's right, nothing other than the lowly ruin Claws. And why? Sure, they're pretty weak individually, they're slow and pondrous, they don't hurt too much unless you're daft enough to get totally surrounded, they're just, well, useless.
HOWEVER! I have spent more time screaming with apoleptic rage at my DC because of these evil little fuckers than anything else in the game. And that's simply because THEY GET IN THE WAY!!!

A Chaos Bringer is about to unleash all hell with it's cannon, you've almost defeated it, when what should wander in the path of your attacks than a bunch of god damn slow ass Claws! Those essential last shots hit them instead of your target, and BOOOOOM! 'Would you like to return to Pioneer 2?'

Mr Chaos Bringer has taken the oppurtunity to send you back from whence you came... and all because, YET AGAIN!!!! You failed to realise the Claw's primary purpose. To be the front line Cannon fodder while the big boys are gearing up their attack.

Mar 30, 2001, 08:10 PM
Vol Opt sux loads

I was playin online with 3 others all around level 20-25, we finished mine and went to kill Vol Opt, we all got hit by his stomp which killed us all (first time against him) but earlier today I went at him solo with my lucky little lockgun and ran in circles dodgng his stomp. I then shot him a few times and then moved on I used a PB on him which did 650 damage!!

He fell in seconds!! How useless was he, and I thought I would need scape dollos, what a joke!!

Mar 30, 2001, 08:28 PM
Screw Pofuilly Slimes, I'll take Dark Gunners any day. I hhhhhhhhaaaaaaate these things. They're a pain to kill; however, unlike Slimes, they can actually put a pretty respectable hurting on you if you're not careful.

As for worst enemy? Well, I was going to vote Garanz-- they're the most likely to kill you if you're not ultra-careful-- but after some more thought I'm changing my answer to Delsabers. You run into about five million times more Delsabers than Garanz.

Mar 30, 2001, 09:41 PM
The most utterly useless "enemy" is the poison spitter. The hardest stage is the Ruins, and this is where they decide to put the easiest "trap"?

Poison spitters are even less of a challenge than a crate! Not only can you see the things without trap vision, you can see them in the dark! At least a crate might be confused with a real enemy in the dark, and the item it immediately pops out might get you in trouble as it lags your attack (a poison spitter's item drop is delayed by a few seconds, so it's less likely to interfere with your attack button mashing).

There's one and only one slightly useful thing about the existence of poison spitters--if you're an Android, they're the only way to get Ash unparalyzed (and then he's poisonned instead). Ash has that annoying habit of rushing up to a Del Barta and getting himself paralyzed. Yippee...

Mar 30, 2001, 09:42 PM
Its all Sinow Beats, NOT GOLD, he sux(healing tech my arse) but those blue sinow beats..oo.. I can handle one..but when theres 3 and 1 gets loose, those damn ninja techinques get me good..

The Weakest, Worst foe has to be Rag Rappy's, I mean, COME ON, Its a freaken wobbling, yellow chicken who's slowly approaches you and pecks you for 0-10 damage..

Someone: Rage, Watch out!
Rage: Whaa..? *blink*
*Sinow beats in five...four...three..two..*

Mar 30, 2001, 09:50 PM
Rag Rappies aren't annoying, they're great for item drops.

Mar 30, 2001, 09:55 PM
originally posted by Burnside:
- The Weakest, Worst foe has to be Rag Rappy's, I mean, COME ON, Its a freaken wobbling, yellow chicken who's slowly approaches you and pecks you for 0-10 damage.. -

feh! Rag Rappies and 0-10 damage?

You obviously haven't got to V.Hard yet my boy! They'll kick your arse! And that's before the mothmants get ya!

Mar 30, 2001, 10:14 PM
Garanz are easy- Do the "run by mines" trick where you dont target enemies, and run tight circles around them. They will blow themselves up, those missles hurt everything they hit. On E-nightmares you can even use them to take out a couple of SBeats if you are careful.
I used to think that the Sbeats were the worst, but I found a 40% machine D Slayer which wipes them out pretty quickly.
Now my vote goes to the goddamn del sabers.

Most worthless/annoying? Mothmants, especially if you accidentally trip the realease before you are ready to run into the room. Be the time you get in there, there is a buttload of them and it takes forever to clear out all of the stragglers.

Mar 30, 2001, 10:25 PM
On 2001-03-30 13:23, Samuel-Vimes wrote:
Most dangerous and most useless enemies:

Two words: Player Killers

You took the words right out my mouth lol.

Mar 30, 2001, 10:27 PM
Mothmants! Seriously! THEY are the most dangerous and useless enemy. I saw a level 70, who was pretty good, get killed rather quickly when surrounded by a bunch of the little buggers. See, they don't knock you down with their hits, and they can swarm you, attacking you from all sides and preventing you from escaping. And when you kill them? Crap exp, crap items. Beware the mothmants!

Mar 31, 2001, 12:45 AM
I agree with rat... My lvl 74 char got surronunded by those f***ing things and in a few seconds they took me down to 34 health (from over 500). Having only resta hotkeyed i couldnt heal... Mag saved my ass though (invinciblity at 10% hp)

Maybe it was I ratsmack saw getting nailed by those little buggers.

Mar 31, 2001, 02:01 AM
Well one on one enemies are nothing... But I hate those Gilichecs on Vhard with my HUmar. Not only do two to three shoot you they stop your attack and then the others pound you... But they are not the toughest. If you know the enemy really not a one of them are tough. A big group causes the most problems.
As For Vol Opt the very first time i fought him i saw those tracking beams and thought they were a lightning bolt. Too my dismay i decided to just continue pounding on him and splat goes me. But after that he is pretty worthless. I guess since I'm a hunter my vote goes to the Garanz can total ya if your not ready.

Mar 31, 2001, 05:01 AM
I say the toughest has to be Granz. sure you can do the run around mines trick. On level 90 on normal i got wasted by one though. Couldn't hit it for some reason, and everyone was wiped out. hehe

Mar 31, 2001, 05:39 AM
C'MON! WHO HAS EVER DIED FROM POISON DAMAGE? LOL! IF YOU HAVE...I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU....LOL! J/K!http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Mar 31, 2001, 06:22 AM
Yes, in fact the poison lillies are just crap!

They fire a poison ball at you which usually lands infront of you, then laugh giving you a chance to close in for the one-hit kill!!

I mean... What is the point???

Mar 31, 2001, 06:35 AM
I agree with Vampire that Del Sabers are deadley when you do not see them coming.

Mar 31, 2001, 10:51 AM
id say a few delsabers on you sucks big time, if your not ready, but the slimes arent useless, freeze them and they duplicate i think up to four times per character, and eventually a rare red slime appears, and it always drops either a devil/battle or devil/tecknique i always freeze them to get these and have aquired 3 devil items

Mar 31, 2001, 01:56 PM
You can't die from poison damage--I know, I've tried (so I could get all my TP back). It will take you down to your last HP, but something else has to actually finish you off.

Still, poison lillies mixed in with other enemies can be dangerous to a non-android because of paralysis.