View Full Version : one on one with dark falz

Sep 22, 2003, 07:58 PM
um, i am a lv 95 RAcast with an anti androind rifle a 11/142/42/0 nidra mag and a custom frame and scret gear am i rrady for vhard darkfalz and i also wnat to know at what level you beat vhard dark falz and ult darkfalz?

Sep 22, 2003, 08:09 PM
You could just go and fight him. That's a good way to see if you're ready. I killed him at level 38 with my FOnewearl.

Sep 22, 2003, 08:12 PM
Your more than ready to kill him. Bring some mechs along too.

Sep 22, 2003, 08:23 PM
90 just screams beat falz now. Haven't beat him in ult but in vh I did it at 65 w/ Hune and 63 w/ Fonewearl.

Sep 22, 2003, 08:28 PM
yeah go do it right now you should be wasting him I beat him at lv 73 in vh and lv 93 on ult.

Sep 22, 2003, 08:40 PM
I beat VH at around level 70 havent beat ult yet and im at level 120

Sep 22, 2003, 08:43 PM
Hmm...I have a bit to go. Just got to level 70 last night. Anyway, looks like you can (and should) do it. I envy you for the Nidra you have...

Sep 22, 2003, 08:54 PM
you should just go ahead and kill Vhard DF. i killed him at lvl 52

Sep 22, 2003, 10:04 PM
you're more than ready, i guess you've been playing a lot Online to keep a lvl 90+ character on very hard

Sep 23, 2003, 12:41 PM
On 2003-09-22 17:58, flueggy wrote:
um, i am a lv 95 RAcast with an anti androind rifle a 11/142/42/0 nidra mag and a custom frame and scret gear am i rrady for vhard darkfalz and i also wnat to know at what level you beat vhard dark falz and ult darkfalz?

You should definately be able to do it, my RAmarl beat Very Hard at 59 and grew to 60, with a much worse mag, and using worse weapons:
Crush Bullet
Meteor Smash
Visk-235W (35% Dark, so not that bad)

Just bring ELT, 4 Reist/Saint brings down the damage a lot, and one even makes a difference; but if you can get 4 Resist/Holy, you will have a huge advantage against her Grants.

Sep 23, 2003, 01:32 PM
Anyone ever notice the confidence switch when it comes to dark falz? Once you get into the final round with falz. He does that evil grungy laugh.

Now there is a point in your PSO gaming where when you hear that laugh, your shivering in your booties, and your mag is cowering behind your shoulder.

Then, eventually things change, and when you hear that laugh your thinking, "Falz you are SOOOO DEAD, I'm gonna beat your ass in, LETS RUMBLE!!!!"

Sep 24, 2003, 07:41 AM
You can beat him on Ultimate too

Sep 25, 2003, 04:23 AM
On 2003-09-23 11:32, -LordNikon- wrote:
Then, eventually things change, and when you hear that laugh your thinking, "Falz you are SOOOO DEAD, I'm gonna beat your ass in, LETS RUMBLE!!!!"

That pathetic squeal? I've only heard one intimidating laugh in a video game, Ocarina of Time (N64) to be specific. When I first heard Falz's laugh on hard, the first thought through my mind was "Bring it on, I'll waste you like a rappy".

Level 90? In VHard? You could make your way through ultimate EASILY with that set-up. Great mag, great weapon, great level, great character. Didn't everything but possibly Bringers, Sorcs, and Belras dying in 1 hit tip you off?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Olga-Rappy on 2003-09-25 02:25 ]</font>