View Full Version : If you back up a Rare are you Legit?

Sep 24, 2003, 12:06 AM
My anwser...
Too many people are doing this and calling it legit. Getting FSODed or Corrupted it part of the game. If you dupe anything even if it is just for you, you are an offical duper.
So what do you think? Is it ok to make backups?

Sep 24, 2003, 12:46 AM
But FSOD isn't an INTENTIONAL part of the game. Just because the servers mess up on occassion doesn't mean that that's a gameplay element. (Play PSO, it has all the thrills of a computer shutting down and destroying your semester project!) It can be argued that, since duping SOLELY for FSOD protection doesn't actually go against any intentional gameplay elements, it is a perfectly legitimate action. Protecting your investment of time and of money seems perfectly reasonable to me.

As for me...I'm offline only. I've duped one item, a dimate, just to see how hard it is. Aside from that, I have no reason to worry about FSOD and find hunting to be the basis of the game. Besides, what fun would playing as characters with identical equipment be? I'd get bored.

Sep 24, 2003, 12:51 AM
Still duping is duping your not legit if you dupe

Sep 24, 2003, 12:59 AM
On 2003-09-23 22:46, Stalfos333 wrote:

As for me...I'm offline only. I've duped one item, a dimate, just to see how hard it is.


Personally, I don't see any problem in making back-up dupes. I'd see it as a sort of insurance policy. If I ever get online, I'm probably going to dupe everything I use with regularity, use the dupes and store the originals on my other card. Except Fluffy, of course. I couldn't dupe Fluffy. That would be wrong. *cuddles Fluffy* The thing that would make me saddest if I got corrupted would be losing Fluffy. Then again, if I got online I'd probably retire him, use one of my better Rati, and keep him nice and safe on the other card. Heh.

FSOD/FSODX is a bug. Duping is a bug. Use one bug to fix the other. *shrug* Works for me. If you've got a problem with it... Dude, you really need to go outside and get some fresh air.

Sep 24, 2003, 07:30 AM
Duping an item as a backup: acceptable

Duping just to get a shitload of items: not acceptable

Sep 24, 2003, 08:31 AM
in pc version... it is easy to make backups and everyone does it just incase something very stupid happens to make you lose your item...

Sep 24, 2003, 08:34 AM
On 2003-09-23 22:51, Reece wrote:
Still duping is duping your not legit if you dupe

How does it make you not legit?

Sep 24, 2003, 09:03 AM
On 2003-09-24 06:34, CivX wrote:

On 2003-09-23 22:51, Reece wrote:
Still duping is duping your not legit if you dupe

How does it make you not legit?

....dude....duping....is cheating...derrr....

Sep 24, 2003, 09:05 AM
...and the backed up item is not legit....

Sep 24, 2003, 09:37 AM
Yes, the item IS legit because the game does not know it's a copy. If I made a copy of a weapon that took me HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS to find and put it in my bank for safe keeping just in case I lose the weapon I found I'm no longer legit? Haha, give me a break.

Sep 24, 2003, 10:24 AM
...spending hours to find an item only to lose it to a glitch is very, very pointless. Hell, when I get a Nei's claw, I'm making three backups of it. O.o

Sep 24, 2003, 10:32 AM
If you spend hours & hours to find a weapon then make sure it's equipped when you're at a save point. There are ways of coping with FSOD. You just can't have 4 uber weapons on you at all times.

I think if you dupe items that makes you a duper. If you accept duped items that makes you someone who accepts duped items.

It boils down to what do you consider legit? What do you consider cheating?

Sep 24, 2003, 10:38 AM
Hmmm well the one thing I dont like is people selling this stuff on ebay:

You can see it all the time now:

760 Rares for $5.99 and a whole shed load of stuff on offer.
I mailed one of the 'people' and they admitted they are duped but that MS will NOT kick you off their servers for using them and your account will not get banned! - yeah right.........http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif
But what do I know - I haven't duped anything and never bought anything from ebay knowing it was duped just to get the 'rares'.
I rather find them myself - but easy come, easy go - ive already had FSOD online and lost a cool mag and weapon but ill find them again.http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif

Sep 24, 2003, 10:45 AM
On 2003-09-24 08:32, gallaugher wrote:
If you spend hours & hours to find a weapon then make sure it's equipped when you're at a save point. There are ways of coping with FSOD. You just can't have 4 uber weapons on you at all times.

Why can't I have 4 uber weapons on me at all times? I shouldn't have to worry about losing them because the game wants to be an asshole and freeze on me.

Sep 24, 2003, 11:03 AM
On 2003-09-24 08:45, CivX wrote:
Why can't I have 4 uber weapons on me at all times? I shouldn't have to worry about losing them because the game wants to be an asshole and freeze on me.

Obviously you can since you have backups in the bank, right? True, you shouldn't have to worry about FSOD but guess what, you do. BTW, you really don't NEED 4 uber weapons unless you're playing solo. When playing online in a group the bad guys will die fast enough. My RAmarl uses:
S-Rank shot (always equipped at save points)
Snow Queen (don't care if I lose it)
Charge Gatlings (don't care if I lose it)
That is plenty of firepower. Normal (non-uber) weapons are horribly under-rated.

Sep 24, 2003, 11:05 AM
OK I have made some backup rares on my characters. I make a backup and put it on another char on my other memory card. My personal belief is that its not cheating. You are taking extra precautions to protecting your items. I mean i dont wanna spend 2 hours pipng a Love Rappy to get a heart of Poumn and go online, say get killed, forget to reequip before i try to go down(as i often do) and get fsoded. Do you realize how much that would suck? Whether you consider it cheating or not i'm going to do it. You be careful with your items and i'll be extra careful with mine.

Sep 24, 2003, 12:05 PM

Your logic doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

I want to have 4 uber weapons on me at all times and I don't want to worry about losing them because of a shitty game. So you know what I'll do? I'll make backup copies so if my game freezes up I don't have to worry about losing my items.

FSOD/FSODX is NOT a gameplay feature, it is not listen on the box nor is it ever mentioned in the game. It is a stupid glitch and I will do whatever it takes not to lose my items that I worked hard for. So how am I not legit again..?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CivX on 2003-09-24 10:06 ]</font>

Sep 24, 2003, 12:41 PM

I actually never said you weren't legit. However, I don't consider duping of any kind to be legit. That's just my opinion. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

I'm not sure what didn't make sense about my logic. I just said there are ways of coping with fsod that don't involve duping. How is that logic flawed? I deal with fsod by having 1 weapon equipped that I don't want to lose. I can handle losing the others to fsod if it comes to that. You cope with fsod by duping backups of your weapons. That's your choice. You might still consider yourself to be legit. That's your opinion.

Sep 24, 2003, 12:44 PM
What I'm saying is, you SHOULD be able to have as many items/weapons on you as you want WITHOUT worrying about the game freezing on you.

Sep 24, 2003, 01:09 PM
I agree with you.

Sep 24, 2003, 10:47 PM
Amen Civx I could careless about the rest of u guys. i dont play all the time and when i pay for something monthly it should work right. the sole reason i got into hacking my xbox is because of PSOX's FSOD. Maybe if it worked right maybe i wouldve stayed legit?

Sep 25, 2003, 02:32 AM
so because of connectivity problems people resort to hacking/duping... hmmm sounds pathetic to me. why not just go back out there and RE-EARN your stuff.


Sep 25, 2003, 05:08 AM
On 2003-09-24 08:32, gallaugher wrote:
If you spend hours & hours to find a weapon then make sure it's equipped when you're at a save point. There are ways of coping with FSOD. You just can't have 4 uber weapons on you at all times.

Since FSOD isn't an intended part of the gameplay experience, the burden should not be on the player to make the neccesary provisions within the game to avoid the negative effects of FSOD which is outside the game.

I don't consider duping of any kind to be legit.

If this is the case, then I think that we need to change the definition of what legit and non-legit is. This change should reflect more of the intention with which an act is done, rather than what the act is itself.

Cheating in general is using some method outside the accepted rules to gain an unfair or unearned advantage. There's two things to look at then in determining whether cheating's going on. First, is the method in question (duping) something outside of the accepted rules of the game. Sure it is. Second, is that method used to gain some sort of unfair or unearned advantage. If all that the person is doing, is keeping the duped item as a backup, and the original item is in fact legit, then the answer to that is no. The person earned the item fairly. Therefore the person should not be considered to be cheating, and is therefore legit!

In effect, all a person is doing is using one thing outside the intended scope of the game to guard against something else outside the intended scope of the game, with no effect on anything inside the scope of the game.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-09-25 03:16 ]</font>

Sep 25, 2003, 05:33 AM

...Sarcasm aside, let's be frank for a second - What good will duping equipment do for me? Who here thinks anyone wants an un-legit A.Beast 10% Ruins 15% Psycho Wand or a Native 30% Caduceus, when you can get either one with Uber percents mass produced on Vega? As for my Mags, they're useless unless you're a RAmarl, FOnewm, or FOmarl trying to max out your ATA and MST and have used the exact same amount of materials as I have.

Sep 25, 2003, 09:34 AM
On 2003-09-25 03:08, Rogue100 wrote:
Since FSOD isn't an intended part of the gameplay experience, the burden should not be on the player to make the neccesary provisions within the game to avoid the negative effects of FSOD which is outside the game.

That's a pretty weak argument. When duping an item as a backup in case of fsod you're essentially doing the same thing. Either way, the burden is still on the player to make these necessary provisions.

If this is the case, then I think that we need to change the definition of what legit and non-legit is. This change should reflect more of the intention with which an act is done, rather than what the act is itself.

What is the definition of legit and non-legit? Since no one agrees on what it is there is no way to change the definition. I happen to think that duping just isn't legit. That's my opinion. Everyone else has their own.

I doubt there are many players that dupe an item as a backup but ONLY use it if the same weapon is lost to fsod.

Sep 25, 2003, 09:41 AM
On 2003-09-24 09:05, LJ wrote:
OK I have made some backup rares on my characters. I make a backup and put it on another char on my other memory card. My personal belief is that its not cheating. You are taking extra precautions to protecting your items. I mean i dont wanna spend 2 hours pipng a Love Rappy to get a heart of Poumn and go online, say get killed, forget to reequip before i try to go down(as i often do) and get fsoded. Do you realize how much that would suck? Whether you consider it cheating or not i'm going to do it. You be careful with your items and i'll be extra careful with mine.

Hmm lets see, what does legit stand for?
Legit means staying within the spirit the game was programmed for. Duping, whether it is for good purposes or not, is trespassing the idea the game was programmed for. Hence, a dupe isnt a legit action, hence, you are no legit anymore...

Sep 25, 2003, 01:37 PM
That's a pretty weak argument. When duping an item as a backup in case of fsod you're essentially doing the same thing. Either way, the burden is still on the player to make these necessary provisions.

If you're going to attack my argument as weak, please inform me where the errors in my logic are. As far as where the burden does lie, you are correct that for those who don't dupe it is still on the gameplayer. That's not the important question though. The important question is whether that burden should be on the player, and the answer to that is a definitive no!

I doubt there are many players that dupe an item as a backup but ONLY use it if the same weapon is lost to fsod.

This is not relevant to the question at hand. We are only discussing whether those who backup an item only for use in the case of FSOD are legit, not whether those who dupe for any other reason are legit, therefore it doesn't matter whether the majority of players who dupe are doing it for this reason or not.

Sep 25, 2003, 01:38 PM
It's just a damn game,people. Don't get upset over it.

Sep 25, 2003, 02:25 PM
On 2003-09-25 11:37, Rogue100 wrote:
If you're going to attack my argument as weak, please inform me where the errors in my logic are. As far as where the burden does lie, you are correct that for those who don't dupe it is still on the gameplayer. That's not the important question though. The important question is whether that burden should be on the player, and the answer to that is a definitive no!

Um, I did. Again, it's up to the player to deal with the burden. They can deal w/it by duping, not carrying as many weapons online or by doing nothing different at all. I agree with you 100% that the burden should not be on the player. But guess what? It is.

Sep 25, 2003, 02:42 PM
Um, I did. Again, it's up to the player to deal with the burden. They can deal w/it by duping, not carrying as many weapons online or by doing nothing different at all. I agree with you 100% that the burden should not be on the player. But guess what? It is.

Um, no you didn't! If my argument, which is that the burden should not be on the player to make the neccesary provisions within the game to avoid the negative effects of FSOD, is 'weak', then why do you agree with it 100% as you say?

Sep 25, 2003, 02:47 PM
Sorry, I thought you were arguing in favor of duping weapons as backups. If all you're saying is that the burden should not be on the player then we agree on that.

Sep 25, 2003, 03:21 PM
well since FSOD is part of the game u have to learn to live with it. no u cant carry 4 weapons on u, why would u even need for weapons... and if u hate FSOD so much STOP PLAYING PSO... thats the best solution, then all u nOObs who decided "well i got FSOD ill go cheat!" wen u get FSOD the first time u should know not to carry anymore items on you DUH!!!!

no FSOD wasnt intended on the game, but since some lil peoples wants to sneak into blocks using the guild cards, the players themselves cause FSOD. the blocks are only supposed to hole 100 people, when it has 115 people in it, it makes the players open for FSOD.

so if u didnt know now u do, IF U WANT TO AVOID FSOD THEN DONT GO INTO BLOCKS WITH MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE IN THEM!!! case solved btw, backing up ur items with hacks/dupes makes u a cheater, plain and simple

Sep 25, 2003, 03:47 PM
On 2003-09-25 13:21, jt wrote:
well since FSOD is part of the game u have to learn to live with it. no u cant carry 4 weapons on u, why would u even need for weapons... and if u hate FSOD so much STOP PLAYING PSO... thats the best solution, then all u nOObs who decided "well i got FSOD ill go cheat!" wen u get FSOD the first time u should know not to carry anymore items on you DUH!!!!

shit dude after i lost my first set of yamatos back when i was lvl 45ish with my now lvl 107 humar (i stopped lvling him for my lvl 100 ranger and lvl 80 hun) i NEVER brought more then one rare weapon of the of the band EVER. i use an arms and a vulcan together on my ramarl but i dont care if i loose then they're REALLY easy to find again.


Sep 25, 2003, 04:49 PM
well since FSOD is part of the game u have to learn to live with it. no u cant carry 4 weapons on u, why would u even need for weapons... and if u hate FSOD so much STOP PLAYING PSO... thats the best solution, then all u nOObs who decided "well i got FSOD ill go cheat!" wen u get FSOD the first time u should know not to carry anymore items on you DUH!!!!

You should be able to carry whatever weapons or items you percieve your character to need, without fear that any of those items will dissapear as a result of a glitch outside the intended scope of the game. In otherwords, the only consideration that should be important in determining what to carry should be from the game itself.

no FSOD wasnt intended on the game, but since some lil peoples wants to sneak into blocks using the guild cards, the players themselves cause FSOD. the blocks are only supposed to hole 100 people, when it has 115 people in it, it makes the players open for FSOD.

so if u didnt know now u do, IF U WANT TO AVOID FSOD THEN DONT GO INTO BLOCKS WITH MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE IN THEM!!! case solved btw, backing up ur items with hacks/dupes makes u a cheater, plain and simple

So if I enter a block when it isn't full, and several others enter after me, subsequently overflowing the room, and this results in an FSOD causing me to lose my hard earned rare weapon, it is my fault? I don't think so!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-09-25 14:52 ]</font>

Sep 25, 2003, 07:26 PM
My thoughts on it, it's up to the person to choose whether or not to dupe backup items for themselves. Personally, I'm against it to a point, because I will not go and dupe any of my items for myself or anyone. I have been corrupted once and FSODed at least 20 times. I've even lost my equipped stuff before. It's not a total guarantee. But where would you draw the line for duping? It's up to each person to decide if it's legit or not. I've thought it out a lot, but I'm still going this way till something happens.

Though losing a Red Handgun with 80% Hit isin't fun...

Sep 25, 2003, 07:43 PM
On 2003-09-25 14:49, Rogue100 wrote:

well since FSOD is part of the game u have to learn to live with it. no u cant carry 4 weapons on u, why would u even need for weapons... and if u hate FSOD so much STOP PLAYING PSO... thats the best solution, then all u nOObs who decided "well i got FSOD ill go cheat!" wen u get FSOD the first time u should know not to carry anymore items on you DUH!!!!

You should be able to carry whatever weapons or items you percieve your character to need, without fear that any of those items will dissapear as a result of a glitch outside the intended scope of the game. In otherwords, the only consideration that should be important in determining what to carry should be from the game itself.

no FSOD wasnt intended on the game, but since some lil peoples wants to sneak into blocks using the guild cards, the players themselves cause FSOD. the blocks are only supposed to hole 100 people, when it has 115 people in it, it makes the players open for FSOD.

so if u didnt know now u do, IF U WANT TO AVOID FSOD THEN DONT GO INTO BLOCKS WITH MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE IN THEM!!! case solved btw, backing up ur items with hacks/dupes makes u a cheater, plain and simple

So if I enter a block when it isn't full, and several others enter after me, subsequently overflowing the room, and this results in an FSOD causing me to lose my hard earned rare weapon, it is my fault? I don't think so!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-09-25 14:52 ]</font>

yes you lost yoru stuff, now dont more than one thing on you. yes you should be able to carry watever you want on your character, BUT YOU CANT!!! just like i hate cheating but its something i have to deal with, so is FSOD... just go look for the items again... ull get some exp while your at it!

Sep 25, 2003, 09:09 PM
My thoughts on it, it's up to the person to choose whether or not to dupe backup items for themselves. Personally, I'm against it to a point, because I will not go and dupe any of my items for myself or anyone. I have been corrupted once and FSODed at least 20 times. I've even lost my equipped stuff before. It's not a total guarantee. But where would you draw the line for duping? It's up to each person to decide if it's legit or not. I've thought it out a lot, but I'm still going this way till something happens.

Though losing a Red Handgun with 80% Hit isin't fun...

Sarah brings up a good point here, which is that even if you have the item(s) in question equipped, you are still not guaranteed that they are safe from being lost after FSOD! As far as asking where to draw the line for duping, I think that question is relatively easy to answer. I would say that as long as the duped item in question is kept safely stored away for use if and only if the original item is lost as a result of FSOD, then the duping would be okay. If it is pulled out of storage, and used for any other reason, then it is not okay.

Look, I think that there is an important question here which needs to be looked at. What led to duping in general to be considered a bad thing, or an unlegit way to play? I think that a reasonable answer to that would be to say that duping allowed players to gain items, techniques, weapons, shields, etc. which they did not find, and/or which they did not earn, giving them an unfair edge over others in the game. In this case, and this case only, though, the duper is gaining no unfair edge. They USE exactly the same items, in the same quantity as what they earned.

Sep 26, 2003, 01:23 AM
if FSOD is causing you to cheat then play offline. look wow no FSOD all of a sudden. amazing huh??


Sep 26, 2003, 06:56 AM
On 2003-09-25 23:23, edwinsu wrote:
if FSOD is causing you to cheat then play offline. look wow no FSOD all of a sudden. amazing huh??


FSOD shouldn't dictate your style of playing, oh and BTW offline sucks. Seriously now, I'd rather back up my guilty light with 10 grinder value than have to go all the way to Vhard vol opt and try to get another one, let alone 10 grinders for it.

Don't get me wrong, I hate cheating, but backing up your weapons and armor to insure you don't lose them to FSOD is NOT cheating, it is protecting yourself against something that should have never been allowed to happen in the first place.

Sep 26, 2003, 09:28 AM
On 2003-09-26 04:56, Mman2000 wrote:
FSOD shouldn't dictate your style of playing, oh and BTW offline sucks. Seriously now, I'd rather back up my guilty light with 10 grinder value than have to go all the way to Vhard vol opt and try to get another one, let alone 10 grinders for it.

Seriously, if you play this game a little longer you'll wonder why you ever worried about losing your Guilty Light.

Sep 26, 2003, 12:57 PM
The only thing I agree is that backing up is part of computing. Only an absolute moron would not back up his/her data on a pc so why not with this game. For the most part those of us on the Box are all ready playing with a computer. At least the Box has a harddrive and with an AR and it's program the ability to back up data. Not to dupe but to save data! And those that play on the Cube should have at least a USB memory card as well. We are all paying a nice chunk of cash each month and as such shouldn't have to worry about loosing stuff because of a glitch, FSOD, RSOD or what ever! And until Team Sega/Nintendo/Microsoft get off their collective butts, why shouldn't all of us legit or otherwise have piece of mind with regards to our respective games regardless of platform. And as for the other issue being that of running around with 4 uber rares? I'm at level 196 and I run around with a set of charge vulcans, as my primary weapon, that I bought at the store. They have 50% hit and I use them on everything from the smallest rappie to Olga and Falz. It amazes me that so many people run around with tons of weapons for this and that and forget that the store has some of the best weapons in the game for sale and cheap I might add! ACE

Sep 26, 2003, 01:42 PM
By the way this isn't a flame and I'm not trying to start something with anyone! But I have noticed that most of the people that answered in the negative are for the most part at a very low level. And as such really haven't played that long to experience what it is to work really hard to find a weapon only to have a double save (Nintendo) or an FSOD/RSOD/Frozen screen (Xbox) take a valuable weapon from them. Or for that matter wonder if the next time I go to close or start my game if I'm going to have everything when I log on the next time. I am so close to making it to level 200 (level 197 and I don't use red rings al rappies or any of that) and I shouldn't have to worry that server somewhere might just glitch and cause me to loose my stuff! And for the person that said that it (FSOD etc...) is part of the game and to live with it, is very misinformed at the very least!

Sep 26, 2003, 03:44 PM
dude it wouldnt matter to me if i lost anything from my first rare (blade dance +22) to my most likely duped by someone else double cannon. number 1 all of the HIGH end rares i have i've traded for so far. and if i lost them due to FSOD (its a connection problem not a glitch) then it would drive me to either trade for them again or go hunt for them (which i am doing anyways).

as far as the dude with the +10 guilty light... dude i found 3 in one ultimate forest run dont worry about that weapon.


Sep 26, 2003, 06:16 PM
Seriously, if you play this game a little longer you'll wonder why you ever worried about losing your Guilty Light.

Yeah I'm sure that once I'm doing ult I'll find shitloads of em.

But I'm not at ult, and the only rares I've found besides that are swords and canes I can't use, the only other gun I've found was a custom ray.

Oh and I wasn't referring to FSOD and losing the weapon- I can just whoop vol-opt's metal ass and get another one. I was talking about corruption, which would mean working a loooooooong way before even being able to find one at all.

Sep 26, 2003, 10:38 PM
dude it wouldnt matter to me if i lost anything from my first rare (blade dance +22) to my most likely duped by someone else double cannon. number 1 all of the HIGH end rares i have i've traded for so far. and if i lost them due to FSOD (its a connection problem not a glitch) then it would drive me to either trade for them again or go hunt for them (which i am doing anyways).


I don't mean to be rude or anything, but how can you be so against people duping items as backups if you yourself regularly trade for and use weapons that almost certainly dupes themselves. I thought that hardcore legits, which I was under the impression you were one of and which are the only ones I imagined would have any sort of problem with duping to back up an item, would be against trading. Even I have quit trading for fear of recieving a duped item!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-09-26 20:43 ]</font>

Sep 27, 2003, 12:37 AM
Actually, everyone that hates fsod should quit PSO. Then all of the legits can complain when Sega shuts down the server because they aren't getting enough money ^_^

Sep 27, 2003, 04:32 AM
On 2003-09-26 20:38, Rogue100 wrote:

dude it wouldnt matter to me if i lost anything from my first rare (blade dance +22) to my most likely duped by someone else double cannon. number 1 all of the HIGH end rares i have i've traded for so far. and if i lost them due to FSOD (its a connection problem not a glitch) then it would drive me to either trade for them again or go hunt for them (which i am doing anyways).


I don't mean to be rude or anything, but how can you be so against people duping items as backups if you yourself regularly trade for and use weapons that almost certainly dupes themselves. I thought that hardcore legits, which I was under the impression you were one of and which are the only ones I imagined would have any sort of problem with duping to back up an item, would be against trading. Even I have quit trading for fear of recieving a duped item!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-09-26 20:43 ]</font>

the fact about my double cannon is that i traded for it WAY before i even knew anything about the game. its still in my bank as we speak but i no longer use it and NO one ever asks if you have a double cannon for trade. its always al rappy this t-j sword that on xbox. but yeah i still have it. its one of my novelty items i still have from before i joined PSOW and was shown the light. but yeah i do see your point. trading on xbox is very shady. i know that i'm trading away a rare i found or traded for and that i'm no longer going to have that rare anymore but then i also recieve a rare which i didnt have before. the rare i'm trading for might be duped might be legit i dont know. what i do look for though is PERCENTS. i WILL not trade for anything that has insane percents. but yeah how am i supposed to know if my double cannon was duped or not?? i dont know i'm just guessing that it was. if it wasnt yay for me, but hey y'know.


Sep 27, 2003, 07:42 AM
Seriously people, there's no need to persecute anyone about it. I can understand being upset by people flooding the market, but starting a Salem Massacre over an ARCHIVAL COPY guaranteed by federal copyright legislation is sick.

"The only thing more pathetic than cheating, is being legit just for the bragging rights."

What do I mean by that? I mean that taking up a holier-than-thou attitude on something as trivial as this is absurd. People who backup their Memory Cards aren't flooding the market with dupes, they aren't using them to illegitimatly raise their level, and they aren't upsetting the balance of co-op play like Ver. 1's Spread Needles.

Let's say your computer gets hit by a virus, and in order to purge it, the harddrive needs to be wiped. But what if your Starcraft CD is broken? Is it OK to have burnt a copy that you keep in a box under your bed in case this sort of thing happens? Or do you think that it's illegal, will affect other Starcraft players' experience in online games, and that you should go to the store and buy it again for another $50?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Olga-Rappy on 2003-09-27 05:43 ]</font>

Sep 27, 2003, 01:43 PM
im 1 of the strictest legits there are be even i have spare (duped) items on another memory card for that dark day wen i get FSOD!!

Sep 27, 2003, 03:25 PM
I only dupe to back up my items.I been currpeted like 20 times ago 9 months.I was legit 9 months ago. It only a darn game,I only play online when I am bored and when I want to talk to my friend and my uncle.

Sep 27, 2003, 08:16 PM
On 2003-09-27 11:43, tank1 wrote:
im 1 of the strictest legits there are be even i have spare (duped) items on another memory card for that dark day wen i get FSOD!!

Are they duped copies of YOUR specific items, or dupes of other icons that are the same?

I.E. Having a copy of my Hildeblue's Cane, versus having a duped Hildeblue cane I traded for. I use the 1st.

Sep 27, 2003, 11:47 PM
I say, no, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I'm just saying your fully one way or the other.

Sep 28, 2003, 03:36 PM
I don't trade just for that reason, you don't know if what they are tradind is duped, so if you want to be 100% legit make a new Character and never trade w/ ppl or just play offline.

Sep 28, 2003, 05:51 PM
I'd have to say that duping an item, even if it's a super rare one, would be cheating... By duping the item, you're taking the easy way out. Yeah sure you want to protect your investment of time, but you could always go get another rare item. Duping is just a shortcut and it shows that you are not willing to work. If your item is lost in the FSOD, then tough... Go get another one, but don't dupe it. The majority of people are just lazy and duping is a great way out for them.

Sep 28, 2003, 07:17 PM
I'd have to say that duping an item, even if it's a super rare one, would be cheating... By duping the item, you're taking the easy way out. Yeah sure you want to protect your investment of time, but you could always go get another rare item. Duping is just a shortcut and it shows that you are not willing to work. If your item is lost in the FSOD, then tough... Go get another one, but don't dupe it. The majority of people are just lazy and duping is a great way out for them.

If you have already put in the time and work neccesary to find a specific rare which you subsequently wish to backup, then it doesn't make any sense to say that you are not willing to work. There's a difference between being lazy, and being unwilling to render hours of work, already accomplished, meaningless.

Sep 28, 2003, 10:46 PM
On 2003-09-28 17:17, Rogue100 wrote:

I'd have to say that duping an item, even if it's a super rare one, would be cheating... By duping the item, you're taking the easy way out. Yeah sure you want to protect your investment of time, but you could always go get another rare item. Duping is just a shortcut and it shows that you are not willing to work. If your item is lost in the FSOD, then tough... Go get another one, but don't dupe it. The majority of people are just lazy and duping is a great way out for them.

If you have already put in the time and work neccesary to find a specific rare which you subsequently wish to backup, then it doesn't make any sense to say that you are not willing to work. There's a difference between being lazy, and being unwilling to render hours of work, already accomplished, meaningless.

You would be unwilling to work for another to replace it, hence you are lazy and take the easy way out which is to dupe it... If your kid gets shot and dies, are you gonna clone him? lol Sh*t happens, so make the best of it. Ya know?

Sep 28, 2003, 11:05 PM
You would be unwilling to work for another to replace it, hence you are lazy and take the easy way out which is to dupe it... If your kid gets shot and dies, are you gonna clone him? lol Sh*t happens, so make the best of it. Ya know?
What? I think there's a difference between a person and an item in a video game.

Personally I don't see a problem with it. I'm not going to do it personally because I'm against duping, but if you want to protect your items against FSOD then go for it.

Some people say FSOD is part of the game. Well the dupe glitch is just as much a part of the game as FSOD is. They're both bugs that aren't supposed to happen.

But maybe 2 wrongs don't make a right. But heck, it's a video game. What's the big deal?

Sep 29, 2003, 12:09 AM
If you back up somthing you are duping. Congratulations! by backing up that Real Nei's Claw you have made the original copy a dupe as well resulting in no Legit Claw! My point is once you dupe an item the original isn't legit anymore. Two of the same item's exist!

Sep 29, 2003, 12:48 AM
the real question is, because its a game, does duplicating really matter?

Sep 29, 2003, 05:49 AM
On 2003-09-28 22:09, Reece wrote:
If you back up somthing you are duping. Congratulations! by backing up that Real Nei's Claw you have made the original copy a dupe as well resulting in no Legit Claw! My point is once you dupe an item the original isn't legit anymore. Two of the same item's exist!

No... One set of zeros and ones you chanced upon when accomplishing a goal in the game, one you made the game output by switching re-writable media.

If you're going to deny the "legit difference" between both items, then you contradict yourself. How can a duped item be inferior if it's of the same value as the original? Exactly, it can't. Because then you'd technically be a duper too, or the dupers would all be legits.

Sep 29, 2003, 03:03 PM
hmm after reading some of these posts, i feel that if you find a item and it is legit, then you have the right to dupe any weapon you find. If you get a duped item from a trade and you know its hacked/duped then you shouldnt dupe it just to back it up.

Sep 29, 2003, 06:18 PM
On 2003-09-29 13:03, jt wrote:
i feel that if you find a item and it is legit, then you have the right to dupe any weapon you find.

I agree. its not that we are being lazy in duping for protection, but just don't want to go through hours of time looking for a rare that we legitly found, that we could be using doing something else.

I spend a month and 20 levels in Hard and Very Hard (80-less than 1,500 exp from level 100) looking for a Double Saber. When it did drop, it had 0/0/30/0/10 untekked (I tekked it perfectly of course). I do not want to have to go through that **** again. It would be even worse if I lost something like a Hitogata or Dancing Hitogata, or Section ID Card, since those are extreamly rare, and would require much more time to find.

I am offline only at the moment, but FSOD(-X) can still happen offline. I know from experience. I was raising a mag using two memory cards when the Blackout of 2003 happened. Both memory cards corrupted, but I somehow fixed them, and raised the mag higher than it was before, as my area only had the power flicker for a moment; which reset the Gamecube.

Sep 29, 2003, 10:08 PM
Hmmm... here is what I'm going to do...
It's not so much the FSOD I'm worried about.
It's the corruption of an entire memory card during
the double save.

As an offline level 145, I would have to say that
I might as well not risk to have someone online
force you to FSOD or anything else.

Think about this a second. I intend, once I am able
to go back online, to purchase a seperate memory
card for only online. And yes, I will copy/dupe some
of the more used weapons to them, but weapons I found.
If I do trade to someone, which I probably will not
because most of trades are hacks, then I would delete
all other traces of the item from my other characters
that was spawned from that original piece.

So how would this hurt anyone else? If anything, at
the cost of safeguarding not only my items, but
my characters, I would have to start back over at level 1.

Will I twink? No.
Will I use backups once I am able to, when I would normally
be able to? Yes.

And like I said, if I do something to the backup,
even if I accidentally sell it or drop it, I will remove
all other forms of it. The only thing I'm backing up
for is if the Online-only characters get corrupted,
not so I can rip people off. Does it really harm anyone?

Not really, especially if it is like a single character,
except one for offline and one for online.

It's like playing my 145 online, except at a lower level.
And I'm not stupid enough to corrupt by my own fault.

Sidenote: Yes, it is true I do not support hacking or
duping in the sense of hurting or harming others.
That is just wrong.

But, just something to point out to those who argue
that FSOD or corruption is just a part of the game:

So then can be considered bugs and glitches, and what
do you know, they originate from the same fault.

Of course, people have done a lot worse.
Like harm others through cheating...
I find it most unusual that many people find them
equal to all other forms of glitches, good and bad.

Some work for ST, others for players.
So who has the conscience?

Sep 29, 2003, 10:15 PM
Sorry for double post, but also keep in mind that
on the memory card my main character is on, there
are characters who belong to other people on there as
well, and they are also over level 120.

If it were not for that, I would probably go online
with that character without backing up. However, I do
not wish to risk their work by playing that card online.

My time I may risk, but I will not willingly risk
destruction of what others have worked many hours for.

So, there are more reasons than the bad. There are
the places we can try to do the best we can. Will
I be tainted, to the point where I start with a harmless
action and rise to pulling your hair and biting your


How do I know?

Cause those sorts of things are long out of my system.

Sep 30, 2003, 02:57 AM
if you feel that duplicating an item (which was NEVER intended in the game) that you found after spending much time in search for it because you fear another unintended part of the game makes you legit then CLAIM to be legit. i'm not going to duplicate in item to "back it up" ever. i'll just hope i find another one on my trip to 200. i take my precations... never bringing down more than one weapon... piping up in case i think that another weapon would be better in the situation. thats my view point. i have weapons in my bank which i dont use that i believe to be duped. thats probably the reason i stopped using them, but i probably will use them later on because who in their right mind will trade a double canon that is legit and NOT duped as a back up. i think that duplicating a weapon / armor / item as a back up just makes you not care if you loose the weapon you have. and if you do trade this item that you have duped and stored in your bank i think you should delete your dupe. which most people probably dont do and then re-dupe it so they can STILL have a back up.


Sep 30, 2003, 06:32 AM
I don't dupe (I don't know how) But to be honest, I wish I did dupe my better things and kept them on a different memory card. I recently Corrupted, and I lost a Shed load of stuff. Including, but not limited to:

Kasami Bracer (Found it minutes before the corruption)
Lvl 200 Sato (25/50/25/100)
Spread Needle
Lvl 100 Madhu (I was about to use a Mag Cell on it)
Hildebear/Blue Cane
Heart of Poumn
Flowen Shield

And a ton of other legit stuff. Was it Fair? No.

I have been using duped items to try and regain my former staure so that I can start to find my own stuff again.

Flame me if you wish, but your flames will fall upon Deaf ears insulated with Asbestos and covered in a Flame retardent Gel of Some kind...

Sep 30, 2003, 06:58 AM
i know how to dupe on xbox http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif but the patch came out and i cant dupe anymore, not like i duped anyway... but, i only travel with 1 wep/shield/armor on me since teh FSOD could get my other weapon. good thing i dont have to worry about FSOD-X.

sorry for u gc peeps with FSOD-X lookin down ur throat http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_sheep.gif <--- pwns j00!

Sep 30, 2003, 09:58 AM
Yeah it's corruption of the entire card I'm worried about.
I just don't want to risk the characters of the
other people on that card.

Who knows? I may just not give my online characters
anything at all.

Sep 30, 2003, 11:22 AM
Hmmm this is a very interesting topic... I really had to think about this and then I entered a vote of "No"! But it is a total grey area. If you play on the Gamecube ten I can see why people would dupe to back up their rare find because there is the threat of FSOD-X which eliminates your character and sometimes if you a dumb **** [like me] then when you're transfering items offline and forget to transfer the character back and then start them up again you soon find that you've lost all equipped and stored items too... lol! However if you have an Xbox then you dont have to live with FSOD-X and so no you shouldnt dupe to crate a back up at all. Just take the normal precautions before leaving a game, bank your items and go... it doesnt take much. SO GC version [maybe] Xbox version [definate no, no!]

Oct 2, 2003, 07:39 AM
On 2003-09-30 09:22, AngelAlys wrote:
Hmmm this is a very interesting topic... I really had to think about this and then I entered a vote of "No"! But it is a total grey area. If you play on the Gamecube ten I can see why people would dupe to back up their rare find because there is the threat of FSOD-X which eliminates your character and sometimes if you a dumb **** [like me] then when you're transfering items offline and forget to transfer the character back and then start them up again you soon find that you've lost all equipped and stored items too... lol! However if you have an Xbox then you dont have to live with FSOD-X and so no you shouldnt dupe to crate a back up at all. Just take the normal precautions before leaving a game, bank your items and go... it doesnt take much. SO GC version [maybe] Xbox version [definate no, no!]

xbox shoudl be able to dupe the items they find for backup purposes, who kows wat will come out next...

Oct 3, 2003, 07:10 PM
I've been giving very careful thought to this issue. It's something that worries me a lot as I've seen a lot of friends loose some very valuable items (some 12 stars) and as a direct result of those FSODs (on Xbox) they have left the game. This is not the way it should be.

One the one hand, if you dupe an item, then you're a duper. It's a hard-lined perspective, but it makes sense. Duping is duping, there is no gray area. This is the stance that the hardcore-legit and the newbies are inclined to take.

On the other hand, I agree with ace13:

But I have noticed that most of the people that answered in the negative are for the most part at a very low level. And as such really haven't played that long to experience what it is to work really hard to find a weapon only to have a double save (Nintendo) or an FSOD/RSOD/Frozen screen (Xbox) take a valuable weapon from them.

I believe that you can't really answer this question until you have a few 12 stars under your belt. Once you have spent 1000 hours in the game trying very hard to find rares, piping, doing countless runs, etc., only then do you start to realize how much value those items have in terms of RL time that was spent on acquiring them.

IMHO, I believe it's OK to "back-up" your items. At the very least the items that are very hard to get or have sentimental value. This means that to remain legit, you have to distinguish very clearly between "back-up" and "dupe." If one is legit and wants to take this approach, they need to set guildlines for themselves. Rules such as:

- having the "back-up" items reside on a character that is not to be used for purposes other than backing up rares or recovering lost rares
- not making any use of the "back-up" items if the original still exists

And the such. It's a personal matter unless you belong to a guild (like I) in which case you need to get an official guild position regarding the situation before taking any action. I think I'm going to post something in our member forum in light of this thread. Thanks to Reece for bringing it up. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oct 3, 2003, 11:07 PM
Exactly. How is it wrong if you gain no benefit other than having a backup copy exclusive to yourself?

Oct 22, 2003, 09:58 PM
i have to agree with the no group i mean even if you corrupt its part of the game thats what online capability is about you get more stuff but at a risk and your thinkin to yourself but i want to keep y stuff..well thats the fun thing is findin weapons its what rpgs are about!!

Oct 22, 2003, 10:13 PM
On 2003-10-22 19:58, chibi-magus wrote:
i have to agree with the no group i mean even if you corrupt its part of the game thats what online capability is about you get more stuff but at a risk and your thinkin to yourself but i want to keep y stuff..well thats the fun thing is findin weapons its what rpgs are about!!

What the hell? Corruption isn't supposed to be part of any game! Except "How to lose a dozen customers!"

Oct 23, 2003, 03:29 AM
This whole discussion reminds me of the straight-edge idea... i.e. do you claim sxe to get the attention and condescende on others just because you want to feel better and more unique than you really are?

If you're legit, fine be proud, but don't go pushing others around that you come across that don't share your opinion on either duping or your greatness. It doesn't make you better than the other players, it just means that you have fun with PSO in your own way, which is what video gaming is all about.

In Street Fighter 2, when it came out, sure you could win with Ryu or Ken by using the weak kick button the entire match (all you old school arcade goers know what I'm talking about) by did I do that? No, I learned the dynamics of the game as did most after a couple of months. But, did I push it in other peoples' faces on how they are teh suxors or how they have no skills? No, I just let them spend their money how they damn well pleased. It also had the effect of making my total win count that much more impressive http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

So stop you're whining about how much better you are for playing by your own restrictive rules and just play the darn game... you paid for it, play how you want to and don't grief other players for doing that very same thing.

And yes, I've lost several 120+ characters to online BS, which is why I don't play online anymore.

Oct 23, 2003, 07:46 AM
On 2003-10-23 01:29, Sillymak wrote:
This whole discussion reminds me of the straight-edge idea... i.e. do you claim sxe to get the attention and condescende on others just because you want to feel better and more unique than you really are?

If you're legit, fine be proud, but don't go pushing others around that you come across that don't share your opinion on either duping or your greatness. It doesn't make you better than the other players, it just means that you have fun with PSO in your own way, which is what video gaming is all about.

In Street Fighter 2, when it came out, sure you could win with Ryu or Ken by using the weak kick button the entire match (all you old school arcade goers know what I'm talking about) by did I do that? No, I learned the dynamics of the game as did most after a couple of months. But, did I push it in other peoples' faces on how they are teh suxors or how they have no skills? No, I just let them spend their money how they damn well pleased. It also had the effect of making my total win count that much more impressive http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

So stop you're whining about how much better you are for playing by your own restrictive rules and just play the darn game... you paid for it, play how you want to and don't grief other players for doing that very same thing.

And yes, I've lost several 120+ characters to online BS, which is why I don't play online anymore.

uh... this has what to do with backing up items? this post should be somewhre else, but its not appropriate for this thread... o yeah, try saying something someone else hasn't said before...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jt on 2003-10-23 05:48 ]</font>

Oct 23, 2003, 10:25 AM
uh... this has what to do with backing up items? this post should be somewhre else, but its not appropriate for this thread... o yeah, try saying something someone else hasn't said before...

That was the longwinded and fully explained version of saying "Let people do what they want, leave them alone, you pompous gamer"

A little tolerance goes a long way...

Oct 23, 2003, 12:16 PM
By my standards yes you are.

Oct 25, 2003, 08:54 AM
On 2003-10-23 08:25, Sillymak wrote:

uh... this has what to do with backing up items? this post should be somewhre else, but its not appropriate for this thread... o yeah, try saying something someone else hasn't said before...

That was the longwinded and fully explained version of saying "Let people do what they want, leave them alone, you pompous gamer"

A little tolerance goes a long way...

then why didnt he just say that, this thread is about something totally different than wat he posted...

Oct 25, 2003, 11:39 AM
I think if you get FSOD once, shame on the game, any other times it happens, shame on you.

Most of the times, you won't even lose a weapon. If you only carry one weapon, one armor, one shield, your slot items all equipped, no worries for them. When you join a game, you will most likely have to goto the bank to get your weapons for that map area and then you can take out a few more weapons. This also works if you made the game, you can still get your weapons out and go down to the area. It is you fault for getting FSODed and losing something that you value the second time, the third time, and so on so forth. The first time, you should learn. However, MANY PEOPLE HERE will learn about it before it happens to them. You claim it shouldn't affect your gaming style, but will a pop quiz that you failed affect your grade? Should it?

Oct 25, 2003, 05:46 PM
On 2003-10-25 09:39, DesertFox wrote:
I think if you get FSOD once, shame on the game, any other times it happens, shame on you.

nice. What if someone else fsods you?

Oct 25, 2003, 05:54 PM
everybody keeps complaining about fsod.

a) don't go online
b) don't unequip anything


Oct 25, 2003, 05:58 PM
On 2003-10-25 15:54, monkeyfist wrote:
everybody keeps complaining about fsod.

a) don't go online
b) don't unequip anything


its called phantasy star ONLINE!!!!!!!
you have to carry more then one item. in case of certain situations.

Oct 25, 2003, 07:36 PM
You claim it shouldn't affect your gaming style, but will a pop quiz that you failed affect your grade? Should it?

The comparison to the pop quiz is not analogous to FSOD, and this is because while the prospect of FSOD shouldn't affect your play style, a pop quiz should affect your grade because for any class you are taking should have a sufficient enough grasp of the material as to be able to handle a pop quiz.

Oct 26, 2003, 07:43 AM
Wow this is one hot topic.
Is it ok to back up/ dupe? Depends on who you are asking.

Are you still legit if you do? Depends on what you do with your double items.

Duping is a glitch, yes it is wrong, yes FSOD is a glitch, yes it is wrong. Yet one wouldnt be as much of a problem without the other.

To Desert Fox, I noticed your sig said you would own a legit Guld Milla. Lets say you find one,or even both. You make a game to show off your hard earned guns. By some freak accident (which FSOD is) you get them out of your safe bank and get ready to open the trade window when you get FSODed and you lose one or both. Would you be able to say, 'Well that was part of the game. I should have equiped it the second I got it out of the bank. Its my own fault and I guess I'll spend a few more months looking for more.'? Somehow I belive that you wouldnt be quite so passive about it.

What people who back up their legit items are just preventing that situation from being quite so fatal. I've had friends who have lost Section ID cards Psycho Wands and other extremely rare items to FSOD and its evil twin FSODx. I had the GC and got FSODx 3 times. The first was the worst, I lost my extra items (i do not back up) when I got online to give a friend an extra god mind. The second FSODx took out my main characters. It was like I had just bought the game and never put in that 1300+ hours on 3 characters. If I knew how to back up my stuff I would have. Tho, the first corruption was my 'extras' character. eh.

There is a difference between backing up legit items you aquired by legit means and backing up hacks for further spreading.

True you are doing something that is by all means not within the nature and spirit of the game. But if you found the damn thing why would you want to risk losing it when you have to option to play without the added stress of thinking that when you join the next game you could at any time lose the, mag you are feeding/weapons you covet/merges you need.

I hear the argument for only having one weapon at all times. How is this helpful to both the team and the player? One or the other will suffer. Why not have the option of both.

I know of, and played with a guy who only uses a meteor cudgel. He never brings any other weapons, like vulcans, or swords (and he has all of these in various special weapon forms). I can't stand to play with the guy because It takes so long to finish any area. He is afraid of FSOD and takes nesecary precautions, and is rendered on the verge of being useless, and if not that, then annoying to babysit.

HUs are most useful to themselves and others with a sword and a gun weapon. RAs have range and spread weapons, some with extremely useful specials. FOs (if they intend to do max damage like I do) have to worrry about merges and tech boosting weapons.

I feel I've gone into a rant, and I'm sorry I am so long winded so I'll sum up my points.

In my opinion, which we all have one.
You back up your legit found, not traded for/given from a friend Items for use only in case of a FSOD or similar. You are "Legit". You legitly found and earned. Sure you did copy your item, but you found it and dont intend on giving away the copy.

The dupers dupe items, legit and hacked for mass spreading. They are the ones who are not "Legit".

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpriteGreenill on 2003-10-26 04:46 ]</font>

Oct 27, 2003, 03:23 PM
Now, I don't know how someone can FSOD you, but if it's in a trade window like you said caused by someone, and I usually play with legit friends of mine, doesn't that mean they must've done it?

You think if I earned Guld Millas and I lost them right away when showing off, I wouldn't be pissed. But I would make them a weapon right away and show them to my friends who I know will believe me. Being legit is something you care about, if you know it is, then why must you show it off? If your friends don't believe you, are they real friends?

I learned a long time ago that I always have one item equipped for each area, nothing unequipped. If I carry more, then I should deserve to lose them because of that. If I did need to carry more weapons as someone said earlier, I would pick them up at the bank on my way to the telepipe and put them back on my out of the game. If someone FSOD me in the middle of the game, that would commonly mean I was playing on hackatite and in hackatite, I don't know many ultimate games that you would need more than one weapon to help out your team, mostly since the majority of the people there are using sometime of hacked/duped weapon that is very powerful.

Oct 28, 2003, 07:20 PM
On 2003-10-27 12:23, DesertFox wrote:
Now, I don't know how someone can FSOD you, but if it's in a trade window like you said caused by someone, and I usually play with legit friends of mine, doesn't that mean they must've done it?

I learned a long time ago that I always have one item equipped for each area, nothing unequipped. If I carry more, then I should deserve to lose them because of that. If I did need to carry more weapons as someone said earlier, I would pick them up at the bank on my way to the telepipe and put them back on my out of the game. If someone FSOD me in the middle of the game, that would commonly mean I was playing on hackatite and in hackatite, I don't know many ultimate games that you would need more than one weapon to help out your team, mostly since the majority of the people there are using sometime of hacked/duped weapon that is very powerful.

I'm not online yet, but plan to be soon. I am almost sure there is a way to FSOD someone without using the trade window. The person can do it at any time (of what I hear), so you may think they don't use any cheats, but FSOD you in the middle of a game.

Teams are pretty much useless when one or more players relies soley on one weapon. From my experiance as a RAnger, I always carry around a shot, a rifle, and a mechgun type weapon. Both have thier uses in the same level, such as the Mines, where you can snipe out the *chichs using the rifle, and use the shot to get rid of the annoying Can*s, since they move so fast, they are hard to target with a one enemy weapon (such as a mechgun or rifle). I also carry around mechguns to take out enemies with high HP and ATP (Belras, Bringers, Hildes, Nanos, *aranz, etc.). I also carry around a melee weapon, but thats more for occasional fun.

My HUnter friend and bother always carry around their favorite melee weapons, a handgun, and mechguns. The melee weapons are for normal use, and the mechguns are used for high HP enemies. The handgun is for taking enemies out long range.

Also, some people play with legits only, and they normally don't have as good weapons on as dupers/hackers/etc.

Plus some people may want to carry around more than one weapon because of the special. Some specials help the team out more than the individual. Such as the Spread Needle, good everywhere except the Mines, may paralize 5 enemies; and the Frozen Shooter, good everywhere, freezes one enemy.

Oh, and one last thing:
You can get FSOD-X offline!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2003-10-28 18:04 ]</font>

Oct 28, 2003, 08:23 PM
yeah you are still legit. What it's not legit to have all your items wiped and then want them back. If I could dupe my own items I would. Until I can I just carry one weapon. Thats the only other way.

Oct 28, 2003, 11:36 PM
Why carry good weapons online? If you have a very rare weapon keep it offline. Or mags dont make a dupe just raise a mag with same stats but isn't a rare mag. Never bring God units online!!!!!!!!!

Oct 29, 2003, 06:24 AM
so u wud still say ur 1st anser if u had lvl 200 with completely legit rares huh?i dont think so so shut up and be happy u

Oct 29, 2003, 06:54 AM
On 2003-10-28 20:36, PSOJDS wrote:
Why carry good weapons online? If you have a very rare weapon keep it offline. Or mags dont make a dupe just raise a mag with same stats but isn't a rare mag. Never bring God units online!!!!!!!!!

so what you are saying is, use your best weapons offline, along with your god units... then whats the point of even finding them... no one cares what you do if you play offline...

finding a weapon then using it offline only is kinda dum...

Oct 29, 2003, 12:26 PM
On 2003-09-23 22:46, Stalfos333 wrote:
But FSOD isn't an INTENTIONAL part of the game. Just because the servers mess up on occassion doesn't mean that that's a gameplay element. (Play PSO, it has all the thrills of a computer shutting down and destroying your semester project!) It can be argued that, since duping SOLELY for FSOD protection doesn't actually go against any intentional gameplay elements, it is a perfectly legitimate action. Protecting your investment of time and of money seems perfectly reasonable to me.

As for me...I'm offline only. I've duped one item, a dimate, just to see how hard it is. Aside from that, I have no reason to worry about FSOD and find hunting to be the basis of the game. Besides, what fun would playing as characters with identical equipment be? I'd get bored.

This is kinda old, but I'd like to comment. The ability to dupe was also not intentional.

But...I don't care really. As long as it doesn't ruin my character, or they don't run around getting all my exp with some hacked piece of junk...I'm fine.