View Full Version : Coolest PSO people Version.2

Mar 31, 2001, 01:29 AM
Everyone POst THe coolest PSO peopel in there opinion....

1. GAMBIT!!!!!!( I met him 2 days after I bought game this guy is a MAD cool)

2. Nevest ( i met him when he was just a weeee beginer hes cool)

3. Sheogorath ( he was Cool shit from the time i met him)

4. Last Utopia ( He will always lend a helpin Hand)

5. Talbaine ( just met him and he is hillarious ..ICE COOKIES)

6.Monkey ( Hes My brother And He IS Funny Shit)

7. Ayazami (THis guy is Also cool)

8. IceBlink ( Hes a kick ass playa)

I dont have my friends list up on the dc screen right now so i prolyl forgot liek the best people in pso .. im real sorry if i did just post it here and ill add u if i think u deserve it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif ..lol

Mar 31, 2001, 05:29 AM
hells yeah!! i know lotsa peeples!

Akumi - Sciler on pso world and a really cool girl with a nice booty! haha

Salena (aka ?, aka [tg] Melina) - really cool peep who i have been playin with for a while very skilled at fighting.

Kurisusama - my friend chris from the neighboring town, kinda new to it but still a nice guy, not gonna screw you over or anytin. help him out!

Ryo (aka other stuff cuz i dont remember other names) - he is my friend jesse from the neighborin town also and he is really cool, better skill then chris and nice guy.

hope this helps you out on finding cool peeples!!

Mar 31, 2001, 05:39 AM
Well, I posted a few before, but I've gotten the chance to play with more people now. So, here goes nothing.

Iceblink- wonderful guy, always willing to help.
Akumi - funny as hell, still hope to play a
game with ya.
Mystique- cool, and helpful
flyrobinfly- always willing to play again.

that's about it for now hehe

Mar 31, 2001, 09:07 AM
On 2001-03-31 02:39, kanyon wrote:
Well, I posted a few before, but I've gotten the chance to play with more people now. So, here goes nothing.

Iceblink- wonderful guy, always willing to help.
Akumi - funny as hell, still hope to play a
game with ya.
Mystique- cool, and helpful
flyrobinfly- always willing to play again.

that's about it for now hehe

*sneaks in with a microphone*

Who's better than Kanyon? Everyone! ^_^

Heh, kidding. ^_^ It was great to play with you! ^_^

Mar 31, 2001, 10:25 AM
I don't play open games anymore (for obvious reasons), so I'm always playing with my real life friends, and their friends. Here's my list--

Quinn Fox/Ryhs/Drama--My best friend of 7 years and THE coolest mo'fo around. When me, him, and Kevin (SieKensou) get together on PSO, it's a mad house of fun.

SieKensou/Nigel/I forget his Ranger's name--A good friend of Quinn's. I've only chilled with him in person a few times, but we play PSO together almost everyday. We have videogame-related chats/debates all the time. He's one of the only other people i've ever met that has played all the obscure old-school games.

Epyon/Blaze Star/Blade Runner--VERY cool guy. Always willing to go out of his way to help your new character level up, as well as pass along to you his extra equipment. Not very talkative, but he has some hillarious sayings hotkeyed.

Cybertrooper--Met him in person once but didn't really talk to him. We met on PSO through Quinn and Kevin. His HUcast with it's vast array of Mechguns is just pure destruction.

Apharmed--Another friend of Quinn's and Kevin's. GREAT guy to play PSO with. Like Epyon, he's always willing to help out the new guys. He used to set up open games where he would just GIVE out his extra stuff to newbies.

Guilty--One of the first people i've met on PSO since going online, and we've been tight ever since. I've met a lot of people that have met him and they all seem to not like the guy too much. For what reasons, I don't know. But in my book, he's one of the most helpful people around. I can't count the number of times where he'd help me out when a character was killed by the BSOD or whose items and money were lost due to disconnects.

Assigore--a friend of Guilty's. He always comes up with these funny names for his characters, and comes up with some pretty neat looking ones to boot. A great guy who it's always fun to go leveling up with.

Barracus--Great guy to game with and talk about the game industry with. I haven't played with him in AGES, but I look forward to gaming with him again soon.

That's about all i can think of off the top of my head. I've found that--for me--I have a lot more fun playing with the people I acctually know in real life. We can share all our inside jokes, poke fun at each other without anyone getting pissed ('cept for that BOTSMASTER crack, eh Quinn =), and just generally have a BLAST. I seriously think that NO ONE on PSO has as much fun as we do. A bold statement, yes. But if any of you guys were to witness one of our games in action, you'd be hard pressed to say otherwise. Our games are 100% pure fun, humor, and enjoyment. No harsh words. No hard feelings. No worries of theft. Everyone's always willing to help out. I can't express in words how great it is to play with these bunch of guys.

Apr 1, 2001, 03:55 AM
Wow im surprised ne1 posted a reply cuz the secodn after i posted this some1 posted in the original cool people post and i felt liek a fucking looser ( i was to lazy to look for the other one so i amde my own lol) i felt liek teh biggest wannabee lol .... well thx for postin in a loosers post lol...

Apr 1, 2001, 04:06 AM
I am most definitly the coolest person ever on PSO. Here's my reasoning:

1. I never, ever panic. Never.

2. I can generally hold my temper, unless somebody really pushes me to extreme limits, by being a major asshole or incompetent.

3. I can shoot falz while he's locked onto me.

4. When I give my speech insturcting everyone to shoot falz while he's locked onto me my voice never waivers.

5. Enemies are frozen when I use weapons... with no freezing special attack.

6. I have a cold, uncarring heart.

7. My nickname in the top gun school was "iceman."

Nobody is cooler than me.

Apr 1, 2001, 04:14 AM
Hmm... I don't know that many cool people but there was the one that inspired me to be generous when i could (i gave someone 300,000 once and they said that it wasn't enough) I don't know their name but a thanks to them anyway - i should have accepted the shotgun... Lol, Sorry

A mention of Blank - one of the first people i talked with (sorry i lost track of you... not my fault i get on late http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif sorry...)
Chimp for being insane and casting with her foot
Stan for lagging so much
and some dude who traded me a suppressed pistol +40 for a photon claw

Uhh... Ok... No one thinks their cool...
Me sorry...

Apr 1, 2001, 04:32 AM
Vash - great guy whos gettin me a buncha force rares and plays with a lowly force a lot.

Lord Aabaw - kewl guy, gave me a force wall, god/ability, and god/battle for free

ACE - replaced my stolen p-arms and is a nice guy too

Edition - dunno wut he did for me, but he's kewl n fun to play with.

Fina - funny one, let me try out her c-sorc too

zzottt - the CS guy and my main mode of transferring items between 3 characters

yea http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 1, 2001, 05:27 AM
Ice_ what's up thought you were gonna say me... here's my list:
1. Cecil, [Peter = Great guy, helped me out first day I played PSO online, been playing with him every since. You're never on anymore man!
2. DCMarine
3. Khaotika
5. Elijah Nasir
6. Ice
7. Monkey (helped me fight Falz on hard with some lower levels)

Apr 1, 2001, 05:39 AM
It would take me volumes to mention all the cool players I've battled with. But here's the recent roster:

1) http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gifRio- a good friend of mine, and second in command of E-Branch; his rare RAcaseal kicks some serious booty. Battle-cry "Call this unit...QUEEN!"

2) Weo- the rock-a-billy HUmar, a protege of mine, not hardcore yet..but he earned my dual-saber for all his hard work.

3) GRAIL- My brotha', a newbie but is learning fast.

4) Hannibal- the wackiest FOnewm I've ever had the pleasure of bailing out of hot water. Favorite complaint: "I can't run in these platform shoes!"

5) Aang-Siex (AangJODY)- a korean player that was one of the first guys I played with, who became my friend, and a great partner. Haven't seen him lately ( the U.S. servers pissed him off...as did the unscrupulous players). Too bad he got his DC stolen not too long ago and had to start over again http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif

6) Grey Fox- Only played with him twice, but a reliable companion, too bad we both got shafted when we found out some of our traded items ended up being hacked...OY!

7) Jill Sixty8- This lass humbled me with my first and only legit(at least thus far) Spread Needle. Much props sister!

http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif Kage- For showing me that courage is the ultimate reward. And the double saber he left as a gift (WAAY before hacking was possible) for my performance brought a tear to my eye.

Honorable mention:
Jeanne D'Arc
Slave and his wife (Goddess..?)
Rei- thanks for the pic's for Rio.

and the countless other's I've played with on Titania 8, you know who you are. "Arliman" has hit lvl 100 and is going into semi-retirement, she will be succeded by the exotic FOmarl "Sera". So if you see her, don't forget to say "Hi!".

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Arliman on 2001-04-01 03:01 ]</font>

Apr 1, 2001, 05:47 AM
lol i knew i forgot some1 Shhit i real sorry gradius ..

GRADIUS IS COOL 2 heheh imet this guy and he was s short an kick ass hehe he helped me out wheni was a low lvl andhe didnt seem to mind it this guy is coo shit..

if theres ne1 else i forgot that i know or is coolwith m e let me know..

oh yeah DCmarine hes cool to

Glider <--- hes cool lol NO I CANT SLAP MONKEY! lol

hmm who else damnit i wish i had my card list here..... hmmm
well if i forgot u and u think u deserve to be on ti let me know lol sry

Apr 1, 2001, 10:23 AM
Sorry about that Gradius. After 500+ hours I've lost some interest. Plus I've went and done something evil. I've been playing that black squarish demon box. It taunts me with it's mind numbing loading times and it's harsh jagged edges. Thus the battle between good and evil begins on my CRT.

I guess I throw in a short list.
1. HADES, MASH, PLUTO ( This guy sure likes his coffee )
2. purHAZE, Mordock ( Hope I spelled it right )
3. -gradius ( DEFEAT THE CORE!!!! )
4. +*+NiGHTS+*+ (Can't think of anything dumb to say here )
5. Cap'n Spanky ( hehe )

Apr 1, 2001, 01:23 PM
1)Cap n' Spanky
3)Stone Bold
6)Assyrian King(aka Assryia Queen)
9)Blaq Saiya(sp?)
10)grim reaper

I have MANY more but these are just the very few that I can think of right know. With all my 4 chars put together I probably have around 40+ pages of guild cards!

Apr 1, 2001, 01:31 PM
I haven't really played online much yet (even after having the damned game since release date, lol) and my character is only a wimply 25... but coming from EverQuest I know how to treat my party right! ... bleh lol.

And my Ushasu really likes stabbing things in the side! =D

-Omnigear (See me on Puck 9 and Cordelia 9)

Apr 1, 2001, 02:14 PM
the new people are....

Bob Dole
Dark Fahlz

I might have forgot some...

Apr 2, 2001, 06:02 AM
Meeh! Well, there's...
JJ - so nice n' always willin' ta lend a helpin' hand
Seutekh - Always runnin' off tryin' to find me n' greetin' me with a great android smile
Kalel - For helping get me the wands I wanted (no cheating though)
GREY - Never thought I'd befriend someone by jus' saying LOVE AND PEACE
Mina - Constantly thought I was waay too adorable
Horr0r Story and Jamawu - Fun guys to play with
???????.....I know there's others, but I don't exactly have the guild card list off the top of my head...but hey...EVERYONE's cool if they're great teammates, don't cheat, and are jus' plain gosh darned friendly http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 2, 2001, 09:23 AM
::gasp:: I was mentioned! I'd give you a list of cool people I know, but all the ones that haven't been said already don't play much anymore...

Apr 2, 2001, 12:01 PM
<font color=red>Aww, tahnks you guys! And no body's better than Kanyon http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif

I enjoy everyone I've had the chance to play or talk with so far, I've been lucky not to meet some of those bad players out there, so to all I've talked with or played with, thank you all for making my PSO time so so enjoyable! ~big hugs to all~<center>

Apr 2, 2001, 01:02 PM
The coolest person I've had the honor to play with on PSO is XPunanny/DCMarine.... wait... oh you mean somebody besides myself. heh. anyways...

Thanks for the props Ice and Gradius. DCMarine fires some crazy shots in the air for ya. I know Ice was able to see XPunanny play once, but you had to leave soon after.
That game with Drake and Rexx, the last game we played, I had to leave soon after. There was this LV100 player coming in. I was like WTF?. Darn thing was fishy, so I bounced right away, so did Drake. I mean, how you gonna enter a game with strangers, being LV100 on hard mode. Real fishy to me, especially after being PKed 20 times in one game, while shopping too. Drake told me, the first thing that player said was, "check out this cool thing." Don't know what it was but who cares, hopefully nothing happened to Rexx. And that post of yours still has you as a force. Funny hhow you and your bro (Monkey) gotta switch off 2 hours at a time. I got a second dreamcast; I just need another PSO disc, TV/monitor/vga box, ISP account, and most importantly another player. You 2 seem to need that more than I.

I gotta give you 2 props, as well as:

Akumi - me love some b**ty. LOL

Zion - had one of those crazy runs on vhard ruins, we found 20 rares on that one run; too bad Akumi had to run off soon. First time ever on vhard ruins too.

Ryoko (lv20something force) - real quiet (slow typer), but doesn't seem to be any harm. =)

Buddha - no longer the name, but help me transfer some of my items that I was desperately needing to move.

Man... I can't think of everyone else to give props too, and I know there are more. Apologies to those people.

Can't wait to play with many of you here that I haven't played a game with yet.

My squad:
XPunanny LV55 (FOnewm)
-Mag Farmer

DCMarine LV47 (RAcast)
-Loves them Rappies.... Muhahaha... errr... cute lil rappies (Spread ready to fire)

Laguna:Lock LV4 (HUmar)
-His ancestors are from the mighty Shining Force. (Hardly touch due to Punanny/DCMarine getting most of the time)

Just waiting in the wings:
Heavenly Fire (HUcast)
SafinyzFire (FOnewarl)
Axem (HUmar)
Sooky Sooky (FOmarl)
Big Blue (RAcast)
Dark Angel (HUnewm)

Hey Ice/Gradius... you got room to fit these other names onto your list?

Apr 2, 2001, 02:18 PM
lol DC its allthe saem person hehe....
more added to my list !

CASH: this guy is nice always willin to playhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Draeke: ( i think thats how its spelled) i met thsi guy yesterday and wehn an al rappy dropped an REGENERATE GEAR right next to em and i picked it up.. i guess drake was near and he saw what it was 2 but i picked it up... i felt like an asshole but he was cool with it..... thsi guy is fun to play with..

Gasper: i met him along time ago i was surprised eh rememeberd me but he did i was so happy lolhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif hes cool

more to come prolly

Apr 2, 2001, 02:39 PM
All the same person?!?! You try telling that to my characters. Tell that to DC's face. You know what he can do with a big gun. "DC... you the same as that goofy looking jester over there <points to XPunanny>" He'll see nothing but Rappy if you were to say that, and he loves rappies... <muhahaha>

I've read that post that Iceblink and some others did with the PSO storytime.. real cool. If I get the chance, I'm gonna write me a story on my characters' adventures; got so many characters.

Back to giving peeps props:

Saffron - couldn't forget about him... he came in after Akumi left the game with me and Zion. For every ??SPECIALWEAPON, he spotted, he'd yell out "Heyyy!!!!!." I don't remember how many times I saw that quote.

Drake - Yea Ice, I witnessed the aftermath of that regen gear pick up. After that, he said he could've used that, but he didn't seem to complain or anything. After beating that dragon, I got a rare, and uncovered it to a Dragon Slayer +4. I tried giving it to Drake or Rexx, but they weren't strong enough to equip. Luckily, Drake was able to equip the DB Saber I gave him. I gave Rexx, a 3 slot brave armor, which helped him out. They both weren't high enough to equip anything else I offered.

Ayami - I remember when he and some other guy saw me walk through a door. They were like WTF?!?!. LOL. There was 3 of us, and 4 buttons. Turned out, we didn't even need to go through the door.

GrayFox - cool guy, warned me he had a hacked/duped item, so I wouldn't be alarmed. A chao mag I think.

More to add to the list, whenever I remember their names.

Apr 2, 2001, 02:46 PM
I noticed your sig, Ice. That game with you, Drake and Rexx, was cool (pun intended). I kept using Rabarta. Remember? Hildebear on ice. It's fun having -boombas, hildebears, wolves, monest and rappies all in ice. That was definitely a fun game. We gotta do that again.

I didn't get to say this in another post. Alot of people seem to knock Force characters, which is totally understandable. All I gotta say is I love my force char (XPunanny). It may be difficult at times, but sure as hell to play with. Let's just hope vers.2 or PSO2 will improve on Forces, but keep it at a balance for all characters.

Apr 2, 2001, 02:57 PM
DC eheh yeah that game rocked i love ice it RULES and so do i lol

you noticed what about my sig???

Apr 2, 2001, 03:11 PM
Heyas, its me, Drake!
That game with you two was great. Been one of the more satisfying moments of PSO http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif
Hope to adventure with you two again, Ice and XPunanny. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif
Too many other great people to name...
Rei(thanks for the pic), Ukyou, and umm...everyone else http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 2, 2001, 03:25 PM
I noticed the quote on your sig. Using Ice Magic for fun rather than killing. Then I mentioned that game with you, Drake, and Rexx. I yelled out "(name of monster) on ice" a few times. We gotta do that again. Can't wait to ice some hildebears on ice. It was so funny, looked like a big ol' ice crystal, like those in the ruins. What I really like doing is icing or paralyzing something like a savage wolf while it's in the air. Real cool. If I could only take a pic of that. That would be a nice looking sig, specially with someone with ice in their names.

Sup Drake, how's that DB Saber working for ya. You find out what happened to Rexx, if any thing? I remember hitting one of you with zonde, but I forget who. Next time I'll bring DCMarine over.

Oh yea, Ice, did your bro tell you my message. I need a small favor from you or maybe even Drake. Both XPunanny's and DCMarine's inventory in the bank are running full, I need to unload, and transfer some items to my other char. That would be phat if you can help me out on that. Whenever we get the chance to.

Hope to see you 2 again.

Apr 2, 2001, 05:28 PM
lol is there neway to rename this to Ice And Xpunny's POsts ONLY lol cuz thats all thats postin hehe.. wassup drake eheh....... yeah i can help u punny

Apr 2, 2001, 05:39 PM
Punny?! Cool.. dang every since I started seeing your posts I keep saying cool. Well whenever I see you online. I'll likely go online later tonight. I'll introduce you to Laguna:Lock. Hmmm.. is it turning into an obsession??? I hope not.

Apr 2, 2001, 05:43 PM
I got another name to add to the list:

Danger Girl
She left me a PM over a week ago, that I never read until today. I figured I was new and I wouldn't get a PM. Left me a PM to welcome me to PSO World, and even had a nice gesture to let me play a game with her and other PSO World members. Real sweet.

Apr 2, 2001, 05:52 PM
I just wanted to add some more people to my list:

Xaken - I dunno if he goes to PSOW or not but he's an awsome guy.

Danger_Girl - really nice to play with, or just hang around with

Mina - really really funny, great attidtude. also good at singing..(inside joke)
