View Full Version : 42 lines"

Sep 30, 2003, 04:31 PM
Okay, I had to do this poem in Comm skills, it was supposed to be a poem about my life chronocalogicaly.

I ended up with this, it took me maybe ten minutes, it really started to make me think.

Life in 42 Lines

"That’s when it all begun"
"Soon enough the separation had been placed upon"
"Torn between one or the other"
"Father or Mother"
"Years just piled up atop one another"
"Never stayed anywhere"
"8 Fears"
"Where will I be tomorrow"
"Where will we stay"
"Will I be here the next day"
"When will I be able to play"
"When can I meet some real friends"
"When will I finally have no problems to tend"
"How will I be able to just go along"
"When I feel like I don’t belong"
"8 long years"
"Full of my momma's tears"
"Full of all my fears"
"8 years of livin with my pop"
"Livin with my mom now"
"Old habits gotta stop"
"That was the day"
"Where I changed the way"
"From what I wear to what I say"
"But I just couldn't change"
"Never really likes the things the school taught"
"They tried to rearrange"
"Every thought"
"My parents believe differently"
"So I find myself caught"
"In all the different things they want me to be"
"But now I've grown and I'm 12 years old"
"And I've found that I'm quite bold"
"As to pass away from the way of the story already told"
"I've made the decision"
"To stop the division"
"So I can carve my own path"
"But its all that matters to me"
"It might make you laugh"
"But at least I'll be free"


Ok, now if this just poured out of me in 10 min, I'm really starting to think about mistakes that my parents and I myself made in my past. You can problably tell that I didn't have the happiest childhood, but I'm thinking that my unfortunate beggingings shaped me into a better person that I am now.

I see other children, nieave and happy, yet I see them fight, argue,complain, brag, in enourmus amounts. Yet I dont, and I never have, people come to me with their fights, wanting help. Adults and children alike feel free to talk to me about many things, from relationships to petty annoyances of theirs. And I just end up being a phyciatrist for a bunch of people.

But it never really bugs me, I have a deep well of patience, and my life is great over here. But I'm wondering, did the troublesome, sometimes painful, and definitly lonely past make me this way. I have parents asking why I'm so silent, so calm, so willing to help others, and they wish their own child was like me. Yet, I hated my life for a long time, I several times came upon the thought of ending it. But the same thoughts, the same pain that brought me to despair have brought me the happy life I live now. And I guess I'm trying to figure out this one question. If I could change my past, to something different, free of all the struggle, the pain, would I?

Sep 30, 2003, 04:59 PM
that was deep, especially for a 12 year old. if i were a more emotional person id probably be crying. i would like to see the word momma's turned to mothers though. it sounds more correct and grown up. we dont say it in england so i wouldnt know but it sounds kinda childish to me, but if mothers was there it would be perfect for me. i could never write somthing like that. i take my hat off to you, provided i was wearing one

Sep 30, 2003, 05:21 PM
Emotionally charged. Believe it or not I understand some of your plight. You are a survivor, and it shows. That is why others turn to you for compassion, it is in your eyes. Even when I do smile, there is a certain amount of sadness in my eyes...for the things that I have seen and felt cannot hide in them. Perhaps your somewhat the same...the question is...would you want to be different? Would you be willing to sacrifice the understanding that you have earned through your personal pain...for a moment of naiveness? Sometimes I dream of my beginning being different, but when I awake I am grateful that I am me...and not someone else who perhaps was never meant to be. I better stop here before I lose track of what I am saying...but thank you for sharing...you are not completely alone.

Sep 30, 2003, 05:55 PM
Ach, teenagers are born in the 90's now?

nice poem btw. better than most the dumb people who call themselves poets at my shcool.

Sep 30, 2003, 07:33 PM
I dont really call myself a poet, its kinda confusing for me with all I do. I can draw fairly decently, I can write stories fairly decently, I sometimes can put thoughts like this into a charged poem, but I only did this because of my childhood. Now that Look back, perhaps too wise for my age, at all that I had to go through, and I couldn't but help to think that I would like to change it.

For three years during the 8 years of traveling with my father, we did stay put. But only for three years, I didn't have many toys, and the books my father owned I never really got much into, So all I really had to entertain myself was my thoughts. From that point on, I just took in everything, for there was nothing better to do. I continue to do the same, up to now, people, children, adults, teachers, all dont see me quite the same or like anybody else.

Yet, while learning, teaching myself to observe, I was oftenly angered. My father and step mother worked, practically all day. I rarely saw them, some morning, and a few times at night. Other times they hung a skull and crossbones sign on their door that read"do not disturb

Many may argue that it is a great life, having people feel so comfortable around you, knowing and learning things easier and faster, they say my life is so much better. But, they dont look at the people, that are perfectly happy, or happier than me, being ignorant, and misunderstanding.

At least I'm not completely alone, thaty helps alot, to know. That others have felt the pain, the sadness, and they got through it, so can you. It almost gives me strength.

Sep 30, 2003, 08:39 PM
Huh.... That's good....


Having a happy life isn't much better... I think my life has been fairly happy, more good time than bad, everything bearable...

But I can't remember it... My own life. It's sad. i can't remember my birthday last year. I have a wonderful memory, I can read something once and remember it for years, but I can't remember my life.

Some times I wonder who I am... I've spent so long being fine, but every moment I've wished for something else...

More challenges; a purpose; meaning...

I don't see that coming anytime soon.

"Drowned in self pity, died age thirty. Had a good life, hated every part. Life drags on... No rest for the weary."

I swear that's what my gravestone will read... But It won't matter, cause that will be the only thing I leave in this world.

I wear a mask, and no one knows the true me. And under that mask, another... and another...

I smile when I'm sad, I'm sad all the time... And I smile when I hurt people...

I'm self destructive, and that's me. And I'm nobody.

Sep 30, 2003, 11:25 PM
You know, the meaning of life is 42. Strange, huh?

Sep 30, 2003, 11:31 PM
knees weak, mom's spaghetti

Sep 30, 2003, 11:41 PM
Yeah, teenagers are born in the 90s. Sickening, isn't it? And 20-somethings are born in the 80s. Freaky.

I had a crappy childhood. My mother was never around because she commuted 2 hours to San Fransisco every morning before I woke up and got home after I went to bed, so my father took care of me. And then Christmas eve when I was six, mother took me to my grandmother's house and refused to let my father come. That was the final straw and he left her. Came home to a half empty house the next morning. Sadly, the courts love to put kids with mommy, and I went with my mother. Mother is a bitchy, nasty woman who only cares about herself and used to regularily hit me and call me a worthless failure, a whore, and other such niceties. I spent my childhood locking myself in my room with the radio and books. I never had friends, I couldn't go anywhere to see people outside of school(Still can't). Didn't matter much. Doesn't bother me that much, either. I have a mental disorder that makes socialization a painful, alien process I'd rather avoid. And bad eyesight and paralyzing fear of cars due to my mother's tendancy to fly into a foaming rage at the slightest thing in one... So, I stay at home except for college.

My father, in direct opposition to my mother, is a good, kind person and actually shows affection for me and does things with me. When I went to his place I had love and things to do and good books to read that I could use to escape...

A few years ago mother got a computer, and ever since then basically my entire life out of school has been spent at one... It's nice to have a place to hide where you can meet people to talk to who won't judge you on your appearance or voice or inability to make eye contact. I don't get afraid talking to people online. Heh. I might as well -be- a computer, for all the good my body does me... -_-;

So yeah. I understand how it can be. X_X

Oct 1, 2003, 12:52 AM
"I call this one "23 lines"
"i got 22 times"
"to make about 21 rhymes"
"20 can double plus 10 equals about 50"
"thats instant gravity just enough to lift me"
"i can go to my future or past"
"my life is an ass"
"believe my life is like pedals without gas"
"I never could get a bike for that i cant get a car"
"I cant walk to the nearest store so why should i get far?"
"might as well give up cuz im not that persistant"
"i dont feel like helpin no one, because i am not an assistant"
"I have no money, food, nor do i have a girlfriend to mate with"
"All i have is my playboy magazine to masturbate with"
"Sometimes i feel like i dont have a roof over my head"
"Other times im less alive because at most i am dead"
"Some kids get lucky back then, i wish i was twined"
"So i can blame on the other, i love to commit sins"
"I feel like ripping myself open and eat out my ribs"
"And give the bones to my daughter, she can eat out my hips"
"Or eat out my lips, I just want to give her a kiss and rape her"
"I feel like R Kelly..."
"I just want to tape her."

Oct 1, 2003, 06:34 AM
Everybody has their own life story, some sad, some not half bad. But thanks for replying guys/gals.