View Full Version : Create a Weapon

Oct 1, 2003, 05:50 PM
Yes, I am very bored.
Post an idea for a new rare weapon in the format the Item Database uses, maybe to fit your own aesthetics, if for no other reason. Add a description of its appearence, if you feel like it, or just make it with a special attack you'd like. Just don't make a TJSword with a color change and an increase in the ATP boost.

Crescent Shade
"A mysterious cane known for its semblance to the moon. Special attack casts multiple shots of megid."

ATP + 375-390
ATA + 42
DFP + 8
Max Grinder = 9
Special = 3 Megid blasts of random level between 15-25. Increases power of Grants by 20% (kind of ironic) and cuts TP cost in half, but consumes HP.
Class = Rod
Required MST: 890
Stars: *

Looks like an ordinary rod, but with a silver shaft and a white photonic edge that's blurry and indistinct. Also has a long, silver spike at its butt.

Oct 1, 2003, 05:51 PM
adds no stats...just looks cool O_o

Oct 1, 2003, 05:52 PM
I think there was a thread about this sort of thing,
and quite recently, if I remember correctly.

Oct 1, 2003, 06:01 PM
Z saber
Atp 1
Grind unlimeted
That would be awesome

Oct 1, 2003, 06:24 PM
maybe even a new concept of weapons, like something called the auto rifle, its a rifle that shoots a total of 6 times has lower atp and ata than a rifle but higher atp and ata than a mechgun but is the weapon that requires most ata

collection would be:
auto rifle
auto sniper
auto blaster
auto beam
auto laser

and there would tons of rare wepons for it, including the anti android rifle which looks like an automatic rifle

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: flueggy on 2003-10-02 15:05 ]</font>

Oct 1, 2003, 06:29 PM
I'd make a Sword type weapon, but its a Steal Chair... Grind: +10, ATP Req: 500... and only males can use it cause I don't recall females ever using it in Wrestling...

Oct 1, 2003, 06:56 PM
Vulcan of Eruption
ATP +500
ATA +25
EVP -50
DFP -25
Grind 100
Special: Explosive damage. Cannot be comboed.
"A legendary Vulcan that is said to have destroyed whole planets. Adds lethal explosive damage."

Basically it just looks like a huge Vulcan but instead of it colored gold, it's platinum.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: vegeta000110 on 2003-10-02 12:46 ]</font>

Oct 1, 2003, 07:28 PM

Logical Rifle
Requirements: ATA:200, ATP:400, MST: 200
Appearance: Looks like the Wals MK2 but instead of orange/red the body is blue/green, camo style. A bit more elongated, and a scope.
Stats: ATP: +300
Grind: +35
ATA: +30
MST: +10
EVP: -30
Special: Peirces with normal attacks, casts a un-combo-able, area explosion attack, non-peircing, fire-based attack with special.
Description: A weapon designed by the Ex-Military Guild Logical. Currently classified by the guild. It peirces, and it can also fire a large explosive round as a special.

Oct 1, 2003, 07:36 PM
Sword of Trial

ATP +500
ATA +40
EVA -10
LCK +10

A sword created to test the soul of a person.

Special: Has one of 2 outcomes, 1 outcome is the enemy is killed instantly, the other outcome is the enemy is healed 2 maximum health

Oct 1, 2003, 08:22 PM
Mine would be......
Paintball gun
reqs: ata 185
atp + 250
ata + 65
luck - 5

Special is like a mechgun blast

"Ancient human plaything. Fires rapid paint projectiles"

Oct 1, 2003, 09:14 PM
Weapon type: Rod
ATP bonus: 200
ATA bonus: 25
MST bonus: 45
Special Attack: Lv3 Resta
Special Effect: Resta x2 range
Grind limit: +0
MST req: 300
10 stars
Usable only by FOs.
"A wooden cane. It's healing affects boost the range of Resta."


ATP bonus: 550
ATA bonus: 60
EVP penalty: -10 EVP
Special Attack: Lv10 Razonde
ATP req: 650
Grind limit: +20
Usable only by HUnewearl
10 Stars
"A magical lightning charged claw. Its special attack unleashes a storm of lightning."


I'd like to see those in PSO ^_^

Oct 1, 2003, 10:30 PM
Tear of a God:
Just like Sigh of a God but it launches Gibarat not gizonde and looks like a teardrop, would do full description stuff but too tired and lazy

Oct 1, 2003, 10:33 PM
A great Broad-Sword used by an almighty Enchanter, releases a piercing attack of Darkness, usable only by Male Hunters and Forces.
Specialty: Casts level 10 Megid
Class: Sword
ATP: +650
DEF: 0
ATA: 0
EVP: +70
MST: +350

Pretty much a GIANT sword, Dark Purple and Black in the middle, very tip is Gold. White hilt. Good thing about this is that Hunters finally get the chance to use Megid! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Oct 1, 2003, 10:41 PM
S-Golds Blades
Atp +300
Ata +42
Mst +30
Special: Casts lvl 5 resta
Atp requirement:600 atp

Sinow Golds hands, now a weapon.

Usable by: Huneweral Hucaseal Hucast

Don't like humars so they cant use it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Oct 1, 2003, 10:44 PM

ATP+ 500
DFP+ 50
ATA+ 45
MST+ 90



Oct 1, 2003, 10:48 PM
Gran Sorcerer's Cane
"When weilded by one with a true heart, the Gran Sorcerer's Cane unleashes it's true potential but leaves the user defenseless"

ATP + 450
ATA + 55
DFP + -70(for 10 second duration after special attack is used)
Max Grinder = 9
Special = Special attack cast a lv.50 Grants attack. Megid penetrates. Adds damage to GI and RA spells. TP consumption reduced by 25%.
Class = Rod
Required MST: 1150
Stars: 12

Useable by the following classes:
Force- FOnewearl, FOnewmn
Hunter- HUnewearl
Ranger- N/A

Eh? Whada ya people think? I take pride in my imagination.
To be able to create this weapon, two key components would be needed. The first being a c-sorcerer's right arm and the second being gran sorcerer's left arm which would only be found in an online-only quest in which every room is plauged by 5-10 of the sorcerers (of both kinds) at one single time. Even with the large numbers of sorcerers flying around, the drop rate on the left arm would be comparable to that of a psycho wand drop from a bulclaw (which aint good to say the least). Once both arms are found, the good ol' doc can fuse the two parts together in the offline quest blah blah blha, ya know how it all goes after that.

You'll all notice only Newmans can use this. In order for a HUnewearl to use the weapon, she would need nearly maxed out MST. Sorry, but it's the price to pay for being the few, the proud, the newman.

Oct 1, 2003, 10:59 PM
Pimp Cane
Atp +550
Ata +45
Mst -100
Special: A bright pink cadalac comes up and it allows you to drive in it and run enemies over. You lose 1000 meseta per 5 seconds. If a Huneweral is playing, you can pick her up and it only costs 200 meseta for you and 800 meseta for her.
Requirement: atp 800

Only usable by a Humar with a purple costume and an afro.

Oct 1, 2003, 11:01 PM
LOL! Strongbad, congratz. Your idea just destroyed anything that my crummy weapon had going for it.

Oct 1, 2003, 11:09 PM
Hacked-Equip Me Now!

ATP +9999
MST +9999
ATA +9999

"He who uses this item will get a BIG surprise. Has a special transmitter to notify Sonic Team that someones using it..."

Sonics head, just flat and a shield.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Giezus on 2003-10-01 21:11 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 07:09 AM
Weapon type: Rod
ATP bonus: 325
MST bonus: 60
Special Attack: Demons
Special Effect: Makes Megid penetrable, raises % chance of death
Grind limit: +0
MST req: 800
10 stars
Usable only by FOs.
A Stick that a silly Chao decided to sleep on. His cute and evil charm seem to power up a dark attack.

Weapon type: Rod
ATP bonus: 325
MST bonus: 60
Special Attack: Weak Ball of light energy (Like a simple Grants)
Special Effect: Powers up Grants
Grind limit: +0
MST req: 800
10 stars
Usable only by FOs.
A sick that a smart Chao decided to pet and was taken away by a mysterious hunter. It's cute and nice charm shall power up a light attack.

Oct 2, 2003, 02:08 PM
Pogo Stick

"An old Human Relic from several Era's ago. Scientists in the Lab suspect it was a spring loaded recoil mechanism for a large cannon. Hunter's now use it as a Rapier-style weapon"

ATP + 50
ATA + 20
DFP - 20
Max Grinder = 5
Special = Chaos
Class = Saber
Required ATP: 924.8
Stars: 10
3 stabs per attack in the style of a rapier
Speed of a mechgun

Oct 2, 2003, 02:33 PM

Special: Death by kick!
HUnter only
"Created from a Sasquach's right foot.Its power may squach an enemy in one swift kick."

Oct 2, 2003, 02:46 PM
ATP bonus: +550
ATA bonus: +60
MST bonus: +50
LCK bonus: +10
Type: Rod
Special Attack: Megid Lv15
Special Effect: Boosts Megid's death rate, and makes it penetrate.
Required MST: 850
Grind limit: +25
Useable by: Forces only
Description: "Hildetorr's head, now a weapon. Only the most mighty Forces can use it."

Wouldn't that just own? a Hildetorr's Cane?


DFP bonus: +350
EVP bonus: +400
EFR bonus: +0
EIC bonus: +0
ETH bonus: +0
ELT bonus: +0
EDK bonus: +0
Type: Shield
Required Level: 115
Usable by: Hunters, Rangers, FOmar and FOmarl
Despcription: "A barrier invoked with the Dark Gunner's magic. Offers high defense, but little resistance to techniques."

Why can't we make up shields too? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
To make it you'd need INVISIBLE BARRIER and a new item called Dark Gunner's Aura.


ATP bonus: 600
ATA bonus: 75
DFP penalty: -40
EVP penalty: -30
Special Attack: Chaos
Weapon Type: Sword
Description: "Dark Bringer's hand, now a weapon. Offers great strength at the expense of defense."


Because it isn't fair that the Dark Bringer doesn't have his OWN enemy wep http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


DFP Bonus: 200
EVP Bonus: 225
EFR Bnous: 40
EIC Bonus: 40
ETH Bonus: 40
ELT Bonus: 35
EDK Bonus: 35
Type: Frame
Required Level: 130
Usable by: All classes
Description: "A powerful frame found in the ancient ruins. Said to have been created by a malevalent wizard."


5 points if you can guess who the malevalent (sp?) wizard is.

P.S. the MAGIC BARRIER would be excruciatingly hard to find. It would come only from Gran Socrcerors or whatever, and have the drop rate of a HANDGUN: GULD/MILLA ^_^

Oct 2, 2003, 02:53 PM
Gibble's Fists
ATP: 700
Special:A magic circle is formed around you and turns you into a Gibbles for 5 seconds if successful
Usable by: Humar Hunewearl Hucast Hucaseal
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ATP: +520
ATA: +25
EVP: +50
Special: Increased attack speed.

Oct 2, 2003, 02:54 PM
BTW, before I begin, suppositively my friend has a hacker friend that put Hildetorr's Cane and Hidelt's Cane onto my friend's game so they might be real.

Wrath of a God
ATP +1000
DFP - 250
ATA -50
MST +250
EVP -200
LCK -10
requirement: 1000 MST
Special: Casts lv.35 Rafoie
Usable by: Any FO

A legendary cane that is said to be created by a Wrath of a God. Special completely obliderates enemies.

Oct 2, 2003, 02:59 PM


"Made from the KAGA'S huge moustache this magical slicer can burn though anything"


Partisan class
"Made from BONGA'S microphone this weapon has a reach as far as you can swing it by its cord."

Claw class (duh)

"Made from RAFF'S claw this weapon make's the user grow hair anywhere it shouldn't be".

Oct 2, 2003, 03:10 PM
Things everyone wants (probably):

Hidelt Cane-

ATP: 300-350
ATA: 54
EVP: Whatever the other Hilde canes have
MST: 35
DFP: +40
Special: Shoots a Zonde, like Hildebear cane Foie, Zonde power +30%
Grind: +9

MST Requirement: 800
10* (Like most other enemy weapons)

Looks: Same as the other Hilde Canes

FOrces only

Hildetorr Cane (my version)-

ATP: 350-400
ATA: 56
EVP: Whatever the other Hilde canes have
MST: 35
DFP: +45
Special: Shoots a level 5 Megid, Megid penetrates, Grants power +30%
Grind: +9

MST Requirement: 900

Looks: Same as the other Hilde Canes

FOrces only

My ideas:

Card type
ATP: 200-250
ATA: 42
MST: 15
Special: Soul (5% TP)
Grind: +10

MST Requirement: 485
Description: Once used to record and play music on.

Looks: Looks like a Compact Disc.

Usable by: All, no androids

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2003-10-02 13:23 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2003-10-02 13:27 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 03:18 PM
On 2003-10-02 13:10, Ketchup345 wrote:

10* (Like all other enemy weapons)

[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2003-10-02 13:12 ]

BOOMA'S CLAW is a 9-star.

And I already said Hildetorr's Cane http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 2, 2003, 03:25 PM
On 2003-10-02 13:18, Nambrosia wrote:

On 2003-10-02 13:10, Ketchup345 wrote:

10* (Like all other enemy weapons)

[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2003-10-02 13:12 ]

BOOMA'S CLAW is a 9-star.

And I already said Hildetorr's Cane http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Whoops, ok sorry. Ok, and I'll change it to most enemy weapons.

Oct 2, 2003, 04:12 PM
Weapon name-Moon Glaive
Weapon Type-Slicer
Requirements- 900 ATP. Only useable by Hunters

Looks like a circle with a palm grip in the middle with 3 small spikes similar to that of the spike on the lavis cannon that emit bluish black curved photon blades that fly off and hit multiple targets. the spikes dont fly off but the photon blades do.

Special. Photon blades grow to 4x their size and deal 3x damage and have a 60% chance for an instant death hit.
__________________________________________________ ___
Weapon Name- Godsend
Weapon Type-Rifle
Requirements- 225 ATA. Only useable by Android Rangers

Has a barrel 2x the width of a Nug2000 and has 4 bluish white photon rods. one on top, bottom,left and right of the barrel. it has a pistol grip and the the gun itself not including the barrel looks like that of a bulky chaingun only instead of where the ammo comes in there is 4 cables that hook up to the androids right shoulder. there is also a small red targeting laser mounted on the side of the gun. When it fires the shots look like little bluish white balls that have what it looks like 4 little fins and leaves an particle trail. they also explode into particles upon impact dealing pretty hefty damage.

Special- Requires FULL photon blast gauge. the targeting laser activates and you must stand in one place for 2 seconds while targeting with the laser. Once its been held in one spot for 2 seconds a massive bluish white ion beam fires down from the sky blowing up everything within range. the range is that of a level 30 rafoie and deals massive damage to everything around you. About 200-500 with the heavy attack, 200-300 with the normal attack, 700-800 with the special attack to everything in a radius. Boy would i have fun with this one

Oct 2, 2003, 04:18 PM
Sounds like something you might make out of a Heaven Punisher, or in some way may be related to it, Solidius. I'm surprised I haven't gotten at least five posts with people saying things like 'OMG does someone have to make one of these every week?!', or some exaggerated complaint like that.

Oct 2, 2003, 04:23 PM
On 2003-10-02 12:54, vegeta000110 wrote:
BTW, before I begin, suppositively my friend has a hacker friend that put Hildetorr's Cane and Hidelt's Cane onto my friend's game so they might be real.

Wrath of a God
ATP +1000
DFP - 250
ATA -50
MST +250
EVP -200
LCK -10
requirement: 1000 MST
Special: Casts lv.35 Rafoie
Usable by: Any FO

A legendary cane that is said to be created by a Wrath of a God. Special completely obliderates enemies.

... Completely obliterates enemies? Sounds too good to be true @_@ 1000 ATP (More than DF), 250 MST (more than four times the game's highest weapon mst boost)? LV35 Rafoie(5 lvls higher than max)? It better be pretty tough to find, and it better not combo... even still, it'd be one of those things people would dupe a lot http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Oct 2, 2003, 04:31 PM
Twin Sword Of Falz
(Comes from Dark Falz's Arms)
ATP +850
ATA +100

Special: A twin swords which can strike within great distances unlike other twin swords.

Dark Falz Cane
(comes from Dark Falz's head)

MST +100
EVP +50

Special: Randomly casts Megid or Grants.

Oct 2, 2003, 04:37 PM


Special Attack - Extremely high chance to paralyze (Think of FS and freezing) but special cannot combo. Sucks HP slowly while equipped, and saps HP for special.
Max Grinder - 20

ATP Req: 800

"A legendary death scythe said to be created by an greedy hunter who betrayed his loved ones. Can paralyze enemies at the cost of HP.

Equippable by all HUs and RAs (yay!)
but it'd be one of those really rare things (guld or milla-ish rarity, or maybe a bit less rare than that) and would be pipable from Skyly and Viridia in Ult Temple (skyly doesnt have anything really good to pipe for, same with viridia) and also findable from Bluefull. no other IDs could find it.

Oct 2, 2003, 05:16 PM
atp bonus: 701
atp required: 685
special: lv 10 megid
grind: 10
a powerful fist used to harness the power of darkness, usable by all classes

Oct 2, 2003, 05:30 PM
Del-D's Claw
Weapon Type: Claw
Usable by: All humans
ATP Needed: 850
ATP + 750
ATA + 80
EVP + 20
LCK + 10
Maximum Grind: +25

Del-D's claw,now an enemy weapon.

Just Del-D's claw,I suppose.
Hildelt's Cane (my version)
Weapon Type: Rod
Usable by: All FOrces
MST Needed: 800
ATP + 300
DFP + 65
ATA + 30
MST + 50
Zonde damage +30%
Special: Level 10 Zonde

A magical cane made from the head of the enemy Hildelt,this cane boosts Zonde.

Hildelt's head,moving mouth and an orange-colored handle.
Hildetorr's Cane (my version)
Weapon Type: Rod
Usable by: All FOrces
MST Needed: 1200
ATP + 666
DFP + 75
ATA + 50
MST + 85
Megid penetrates
Special: Level 10 Megid

An ultimate cane made from the head of the enemy Hildetorr,this cane boosts Megid.

Hildetorr's head,moving mouth and a purple-colored handle.
Rolf's Sword
Weapon Type: Sword
Usable by: HUmars
ATP Needed: 700
ATP + 600
DFP + 50
ATA + 50
LCK + 15
Maximum Grind: 50
Maximum Attack Speed (30%)

Description: A sword once used by a legendary HUmar named Rolf,this also strangely boosts your Defense.

Haven't decided.
Light Sword
Weapon Type: Saber
Usable by: All Classes
ATP Needed: 450
ATP + 400
ATA + 65
LCK + 10
ELT + 30
Special: Level 15 Grants

Description: A sword once used by a legendary Lord named Leaf,this seems to be enchanted with the power of Light.

Like the Ancient Saber,but colored like this: http://users.dragoneye.ca/HyperSonicChao/lightsword.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SpyroDi on 2003-10-02 15:31 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 06:03 PM
Olga Flow's Sword
ATP +800
ATA +20
LCK +5
Special: Lv.15 grants
Requirements: 850 ATP
Obtainable by: Flowen's Sword w/ AUW + Parasitic Gene Flow

Looks exactly like OF's sword.

"Olga Flow's Sword now an enemy weapon. Slashes enemies with a beam of light."
Dark Falz's Sword
ATP +700
ATA +5
Special: Lv.30 grants
Requirements: 1000 ATP
Obtainable by: Converting the enemy part D-Falz's Left Arm.

It would look like whatever Falz uses for her slash.

"Dark Falz's Blade now an enemy weapon. Blinds enemies with a slash of light."

Oct 2, 2003, 06:07 PM
You realize that Dark Flow is Olga Flow's sword, don't you?

What makes everyone thikg DF is a she? It doesn't have a gender.

Oct 2, 2003, 06:33 PM
how about, renforced clubs (got the idea from everquest online adventures)

Atp: 544-622(somewhere like that)
Dfp: 20
Atp requrement: 500

useable by Hu's

"Ancient pair of clubs that packs a punch"

they will have handles that are round and sword looking

Oct 2, 2003, 07:23 PM
Yasminkov 12000S

"An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans. The power is as strong as the new model."

ATP + 900-1000
ATA + 60
Max Grinder = 50
Class = Launcher
Required ATA = 210
Stars: 12

Usable by the following classes
Ranger: RAmar RAmarl RAcast RAcaseal

I imagine this weapon being very much like, if not exactly like, Fortune's Lockheed RG-590 Experimental Aircraft Rail Cannon from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. That would be the best Ranger weapon EVER. I've had a strong obsession with Rail Cannons since Metal Gear Solid 2. Oh well. That's the best I could come up with. Later.

Oct 2, 2003, 08:58 PM
On 2003-10-02 16:07, Kadou wrote:
You realize that Dark Flow is Olga Flow's sword, don't you?

What makes everyone thikg DF is a she? It doesn't have a gender.

No but, DF uses Rico's body to obtain it's perfect form (the last one in H+) and thusly refer to it as she/her instead of he/him/it.

Oct 2, 2003, 09:02 PM
Even so, after mutating Rico's body, it no longer has a gender. I would get more graphic, but this is, after all, a PG-13 site.

Oct 2, 2003, 09:21 PM
ooh i have another idea


ATP +400
ATA +30
MST +30
DFP -15
EVA -15
Grinder 50
Special: Bites enemies
Description: This ancient head appears to have been blessed with magical powers.

Its one of those bobble head dolls on top of the stick that those hildebear cane's have, and it just sits there bobbling up and down, and the head looks like the character head that u r, lol

Oct 2, 2003, 09:41 PM
Sword of Profound Darkness

Description: A sword sent with Dark Falz by the Profound Darkness. It seeks to end all existance.

Weapon type: Sword
Requirements: ATP 1397

ATP +1200

Special: soul swap
depletes HP and TP slowly

equipable by HUmars only

Appearance: Not visible

Oct 2, 2003, 10:30 PM
Tachi's Shurikens

Weapon type: Card
Atp: +425
Ata: +75
Mst: +250
Mac Grind: +15
Special: Hell
ATA Requirements: 135
MST Requirements: 550
FO only weapon

Made by legendary weapons master Tachi Tekado. Only the trained accuracy and strong mind strength of a Force has the ability to wield this weapon... It has the ability to instantly kill enemies like the Ninjas that used this type of weapon...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: xHIGHONLIFEx on 2003-10-02 22:43 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2003, 12:52 AM
Death gunners laser

Type: Handgun
ATA required: 150
Max grind: +33

Usuable bye every character

Description: Handgun made of the top of a death gunner

Looks: a hangun with a red end where a laserbeam comes of.

Greennill: Ultimate Death Gunner
Redria: Ultimate Death Gunner
Whithill: ultimate Death Gunner

Oct 3, 2003, 12:28 PM
Thunder Clash
Partisan Type (only for Ramars)
Special:Casts Electric Paralyze with its magnetic wave which spreads
Description:A mysterious weapon which is said to have created from a clash that happened between two god-like creatures
Drop Rate???

Oct 3, 2003, 12:54 PM
Dolmolm's Whip

Weapon type: *New* Whip
ATP: +475
ATA: +55
EVP: +60
LCK: +10
Special: High chance of paralysis
Max Grind: +15
ATP Requirements: 450
Usable by: HUnewearl HUcaseals RAmarls RAcaseals FOmarls FOnewearls

Description: Made from a tentacle of a Domolm... Has a high chance of paralysis... WHAT?!?! Only females can use it!?!? Hmmm... I wonder why...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: xHIGHONLIFEx on 2003-10-03 11:18 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2003, 12:57 PM
There should be just a normal rifle or something...but you can like find upgrades for it. maybe like scopes or laser lights to raise ATA. and different types of photon energy to raise ATP. That might be cool

Oct 3, 2003, 01:39 PM
Name: Black Wave
Description: A large sword created by pure evil. Its special attack is powered by darkness.
Type: Sword
Stars: 10
ATP: + 200
DFP: - 50
ATA: + 65
MST: + 100
EVP: - 15
Requirements: 700 MST
Special: When used alone, casts an explosion similar to level 10 Rafoie, but damage is effected by EDK rather than EFR, and has a very, VERY low chance of instant death rather than damage. Special used in this way cannot combo. When comboed, Special is equivelent to Hell.
Usable by: All Forces

Appearance: A somewhat large Medieval broadsword that is surrounded by a violet aura. When the "non-comboable" special is used, the aura is literally THROWN at the enemy just before it explodes. The darkness has also marred the sword's appearance, seemingly eating away at it over time (this can be seen by a few erosion holes seen within the blade).

Okay, it sounds kinda stupid, but I dunno. I like it.

Oct 3, 2003, 04:19 PM
Type: Saber
ATP bonus: +700
DFP bonus: +80
MST bonus: +30
ATA bonus: +100
EVP bonus: +100
LCK bonus: +20
ATP req.: 1,300
Usable by: HUmar only
Special: None, but with every strike to a dark type enemy there is a chance the enemy will instantly die.
Description: "A legendary sword given to a Protector."
Looks just like the Elsydeon from PSIV.

Oct 3, 2003, 06:36 PM
yo you should have this

red partasian finished

max grinder 25
atp 800
ata 430 and ne thing else u wanna do to it

iit can be found by bluefulls at n forest from hildebear
skylys at hard caves from guil shark
redrias at u space ship from any monster

Oct 3, 2003, 06:44 PM
FOR ALL YOU androids out there....
these weps are available only to androids

Twin Flow
ATP +1800
ATA -87
EVP -65
ATP req 2000

Hucaseal: (my pers fav)
QUAD saber (changes color from green, red, or purple depending on attack strength)
"this pair of twin brands has been modified so that each twin attaches to the forearms of the bearer, allowing for an absolutely devastating 10-hit combo. it's special greatly slows down the speed of attack for a 100% higher chance of a critical hit."
ATP +345
ATA -20
EVP -30
ATP req 1500

Hell's Punisher
"this massive steel spitting monstrocity is too heavy to simply be carried in the arms, so it must be bolted onto the hip joint. only the Racast has the physical build to tow this quarter-ton behemoth. it's special launches an explosive projectile in the air, mortar style to clear vast waves of enemies"
ATP +2300
EVP -157
ATA +5
ATA req 250
ATP req 1300

"AKA the Gattling Gun. This highly specialized mechgun can instantly mow down almost any foe with just one 15-hit combo. It's special is a MASSIVE 30 hit area sweep, but after each magazine discharge the user must take time to stop and reload which takes a full 12 seconds. you better have backup watchin your ass."
ATP +120
ATA +32
EVP -58
ATA req 220
ATP req 1010

Oct 3, 2003, 07:55 PM
Hell's Punisher
"this massive steel spitting monstrocity is too heavy to simply be carried in the arms, so it must be bolted onto the hip joint. only the Racast has the physical build to tow this quarter-ton behemoth. it's special launches an explosive projectile in the air, mortar style to clear vast waves of enemies"
ATP +2300
EVP -157
ATA +5
ATA req 250
ATP req 1300

You DO realize that the max ATA and ATP for a RAcast is 224 and 1301, right? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

edit: oops, 1350*

sorry o.o

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheAlmightyNewbie on 2003-10-10 20:02 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2003, 08:27 PM
Gillchic's Laser

"Made from the right arm of the gayest monster on ragol"

Oct 3, 2003, 08:33 PM
name:newman gloves
description:legendary gloves for unarmed combat the allow a fonewearl to hold its own in a fight.

special: 10% TP steal


MST req: 900

*basicly a god hand that a fonewearl can equip*

Oct 3, 2003, 09:20 PM
Golden Gun

ATA +45
LCK +10
Special: Lv.75 megid (sorta)
Grind: 0
Req'd: 200 ATA
Equippable by: RAs
Looks like: Hmmm... it couldn't possibly be a gun that looks gold....(handgun to be specific)
"A legendary gun that few have possesed. It's special attack is only functionable to those who have excellent accuracy."

Oct 3, 2003, 10:09 PM


Required ATA (190)

Dual Handguns used by S.T.A.R.S Members

Special (Does Double Damage Every 100 Beats)

Oct 4, 2003, 01:58 AM
I have two ideas...

Cursed Prosecuter

Unique weapon: Scythe
Special: Sacrifice three quarters of your Hp in order to kill an enemy in one blow without missing.
(Special does does not work on bosses)

Said to have been the scythe of the dead prosecuter who was said to possess a curse which had led to his death.


MegaMan's Buster

Unique Weapon: Buster Cannon
Atp: 200
Ata: 100
Special:By holding the Attack button you desire, you may charge up your gun's power and fire a powered beam the moment you let go of the button.

A weapon once owned by a legendary warrior with many names such as, "MegaMan", or, "X". It may possess a unique ability that had been sealed away for generations.