View Full Version : mag stats

Oct 2, 2003, 06:46 AM
why do people think that if ur mag has like 180 mind or 180 pow or 180 dex, that they are now have the ideal mag? a mag should be balanced, (in my opinion) because it makes be you be more "independent" or u can at least take some kind of hits or something. Also, if you have alot of different mags then i can understand if you have like a mag with a 180 stat. but then again u can only carry one at a time, or else u risk FSOD.

Oct 2, 2003, 06:48 AM
I have a somewhat balanced Mag for my FOmar, although I would like a high-power, high-dex Mag to help out his ATA...

Oct 2, 2003, 08:41 AM
for forces i usually concentrate on mind only. some def maybe.

for hunters and rangers, mind shouldnt be an issue on a mag. you get pretty good photon blasts also without raising mind even once. then, hunters and rangers who can cast dont have to cast more than supporting techs. so raising their mind with materials or their mags mind is waste, imho.

so ideal mags would be fighting mags (5 150 45 0 or 10 125 65 0 or something like that) and casting mags (14 0 1 185 for Ila).

Oct 2, 2003, 11:04 AM
I never use mags with really even stats, there's no point.

ATP / ATA are by far the 2 most important stats for a HU or RA, followed by LCK.

I do agree that all one-stat mags are not always best, as posted above a good POW / DEX mag with the emphasis on POW is vital for ULT. MST is most important for tech FOs obviously.

DEF is irrelevant once you are fairly skilled at the game (C-Mode is good practice at avoiding hits), most threats come from fixed-HP damage attacks.

If I'm not in need of ATA in the area / difficulty I'm playing:

DEF 13 POW 187 (HU / RA)
DEF 15 POW 185 (FO)

If I need ATA, depends how much:

DEF 5 POW 150 DEX 45 (v3 4th evolution mags) (HU / RA)
DEF 5 POW 130 DEX 65 (v3 4th evolution mags) (melee FO)

My FOnm made a CHAO 35 35 35 95, it just sits in the bank gathering the futuristic version of dust. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jazhara on 2003-10-02 09:15 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 01:01 PM
a mag with uber stats in one section is only really useful for a lower level char. when your strong enough you can move onto more balanced mags. i made several mags for my main char because i would have been wasting many many points. i just make custom ones now as well. any duped one you find these days has crap stats and is a crap looking mag anyway. rati all the way