View Full Version : Unnamed

Oct 2, 2003, 02:56 PM
The world bustles with activity. When there was nothing, the billboards and the ocean would not be. Leo sees this outer shell, the normality, and acknowledges this vast nothing, knowing not the ways of anything. Isis exists, thrives in concept, yet is not. Faith believes, witnesses the outer shell is the link to the infinite that they will never grasp. Eternity lives forever, and sits at the back of the bus, flying by on levitating tracks to its destination. Acting on different stages, when these four individuals reach the back of the bus, they become one and the same.

Leo and Isis are holding hands as they walk up to the swinging doors and let themselves in. They take a seat near the driver, who leads them forward. Leo is silent, sleeping soundly, his miniature hands grasping tightly to Isis. Leo sees and knows not the billboards or the oceans, the bus or the seat they sit on. Isis smiles. Even Isis has yet to breathe. Isis wonders whether the other two, excluding the driver, are really here, the same being. The bus continues its smooth motion as Isis searches. Isis makes eye contact with Faith.

The inside of the bus dims as it enters a tunnel. Faith continues the contact, the connection between two entities. Faith feels the seat beneath, the cold metal bars stabbing through the roof and descending into the floor. Faith knows the bus will stop at one time or another, and yet knows as well that it will not be witnessed. Faith cares little but for Faith. Isis stays caught by Faith's gaze. There remains a coming future as well as the distant past, it says. Without the gaze, truth shall vanish. The bus leaves the tunnel. Faith drops the gaze. She remains seated. The bus is silent, until a slight cough is heard from the back.

Eternity coughs again, a side result from growing ever wisened. The clothes, blackened from dirt and dust, shine with experience. Leo approaches, unhampered by the visage of strangers. Isis stands and Faith stays seated. Eternity, the traveler, acknowledges Leo for what it is, and as what it too must become. As Leo and Isis became Faith and Eternity, the bus grows, as the driver drives ever further away. All join Eternity in the back, the final stop. Now there is no holding, no searching, no gazing, and no coughing. The bus is devoid of riders, as the driver drives on. The bus run silently and smoothly, continuing on its apathetic course, as a full moon peeks through the clouds, washing away the open window.

These four entities staked their claim to many places and many times. They are the eyes in its splintered forms. As a shattered mirror distorts its reflections, likewise are the interpretations of our minds. For the seeing Leo, the existing Isis, the secular Faith, and the end of Eternity, the count of times they were the same balances the times they are apart. These entities, coming together, taking a seat furthest from the driver, at long last depart at their bus stop.

Oct 2, 2003, 04:28 PM
Bless you.

(this being the response to a sneeze, if for some reason you were incapable of figuring it out yourself)

Oct 2, 2003, 04:37 PM
Well at least someone bothers to reply, heheh...

Oct 2, 2003, 05:31 PM
By the way, this was the result of a Narrative essay in the "5 paragraph form" for college. However, that is not to say it has no meaning. I was purposely keeping my message hidden and staying to the idea that the reader has to do more than just read it, if you catch my drift...