View Full Version : Tekking!!!

Oct 2, 2003, 04:56 PM
Now I have a lot of stories and rumors about how it is actually possible to tek percents on weps up more than 10% extra. I have heard people tryed over and over and some actually got +15 and one guy actually got a +20. Now this seems a little true and fake at the same time. Can anybody confirm any of this?

Oct 2, 2003, 04:57 PM
It's extremely easy to get +/- 10%.

But 20% is abit more diffucult but possible I believe... haven't tested it myself... *goes and unteks his DOubleSaber 500 times*

Oct 2, 2003, 04:58 PM
I'm too lazy to go and test it.

Oct 2, 2003, 04:59 PM

Oct 2, 2003, 05:24 PM
The people who claim more than 10 are either lying, or mistakingly believe that that first tek is the middleground, when it is not necessarily so.

Oct 2, 2003, 05:37 PM
I believe Stalfos may have hit the mark on this one.
If, for example, the actual untekked weapon was 20/0/0/0,
and their first try gave 10/0/0/0, they may
think, "Ok, so the highest I can get is 20%" when that
is not necessarily the case. So if they continued,
and got 30%, they may falsely believed they were
able to get a +20% when tekking.

Hope that makes sense.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mixfortune on 2003-10-02 15:38 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 05:46 PM
I does good explanation.

Oct 5, 2003, 02:03 AM
I know the tekking already but I heard some rumors

Oct 5, 2003, 07:42 AM
Just look at the initial % on the weapon before you start tekking it. That way you know there will be no mistake in your % raise.