View Full Version : Evangelion Live Action Movie: Some New Info (Not alot Though

Oct 2, 2003, 04:59 PM
I found this snippet of Information at http://eva.trivialbeing.net/index.php

Tiffany Grant (voice actor for Asuka) has just had an interview with Comicon.

When asked about her views, thoughts and plans for the movie Tiffany says she thinks it will be "INCREDIBLE" and also mentions that her husband Matt Greenfield will be on the production team. Apparently she knows a lot about the movie however isn't allowed to tell anyone anything. According to Tiffany, a large portion of the folks at WETA are fans of Evangelion as, "the entire show has aired in Australia at least twice on regular television". This is good news. She also goes on to mention that if the movie is successful we can expect one or two more sequels to cover the whole 26 episode period.
Now for the not so good news. When asked about casting, she stated she had a few ideas about who could play Asuka, but also speculated that the shooting wont begin for another couple of years. Meaning we wont get to see the movie until at least 2006. But we cannot rush these things.

I know there isn't alot of new information there, but I'm glad that they'll be considering making up to another 2 movies if the first is a success.
That's made my day, As I said a while back, If evangelion was just one stand alone 2 hour film it would suck. They'd have to cut out so much as Evangelion is so complicated and has so much Depth to it.
(By the way, if you hadn't read the Newtype article with Concept pictures of the film, they can be found on this site.)

I've now had a more thorough look through the site and found out some more Stuff.

Daniel Radcliffe, a.k.a Harry Potter, may be cast as the leading role, Shinji Ikari. Currently a lot of rumors, predictions and what-not is flying around as to who could play who. These are all rumors, nothing concrete has of yet been announced, confirmed or even hinted at by the companies involved.

If you remember months back, Dalpha was saying he'd had a nightmare that that Daniel radcliffe had been cast as Shinjii. I'm Gonna have to fone him later.
Harry Potter as Shinjii!? That just isn't right.
Hopefully it is just a rumour and there's no truth in it.

The EVA's will have a more organic look to them, their suits looking less metallic and having more a skin kind of rubber texture.

That's nothing major, but interesting.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kizaragu on 2003-10-02 15:15 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 06:46 PM
Ok wtf is Evangelion?

Oct 2, 2003, 06:52 PM
Its an anime about a bunch of angels attacking Japan in 2015 or something and 3 14 year old kids have to stop them with giant living mechs

Oct 2, 2003, 07:02 PM
Angels...Is god evil?

Oct 2, 2003, 07:03 PM
are you sure this is new? And do you know when/if this is coming out? http://www.arune.com/eva/movie.html
this website says Febuary 2001!

On 2003-10-02 17:02, Reece wrote:
Angels...Is god evil?

Ummmm, its a complicated anime. God is testing the human race. If an angel touches adam, then mankind is destroyed, if it touches Lilith, the human race evolves. And Nerv (the good guys) want to kill all of the Angels but SEELE (the bad guys) wants the human race to evolve. I hope there were no spoilers!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DolmolmKing on 2003-10-02 17:07 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2003, 07:39 PM
On 2003-10-02 17:03, DolmolmKing wrote:
are you sure this is new? And do you know when/if this is coming out? http://www.arune.com/eva/movie.html
this website says Febuary 2001!

Where'd you read Febuary 2001?

Yes, the information is Fairly new. The Quick interview with Tiffany Grant was posted on September 12th 2003.
The site seems to get updated regulary and the Concept pictures were from an issue of Newtype Magazine and that wasn't published too long ago. (I think. I live in the Uk and it gets imported over here)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kizaragu on 2003-10-02 17:40 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2003, 09:04 AM
Daniel Radcliffe? Thanks for ruining my day Kizaragu, im going to go into the corner of the room, hug my legs and cry.

I really hope they dont get Daniel Radcliffe, he just diesnt fit Shinji at all. And he cant act to save his life.

Oct 3, 2003, 09:41 AM
Shitters; Happy Potter as Shinji... They'd better give him a lot of makeup, 'cause it'll still feel like Harry Potter underneath. Couldn't they have fetched someone from the Culkin family?! I mean, almost all the kids are actors for Christ's sake!

Personally, I'd rather see Frankie Muniz as Shinji. You just do a little effects to remove the kid look and you have a good one!

Oct 3, 2003, 12:03 PM
Am I the only one that thinks it odd that they'd want to cast a caucasian to play a Japanese role? I'm sorry, but seeing a typical little British-white boy named Ikari Shinji just...doesn't sound right.

Asuka, yes, I can understand. But Shinji?

Interesting information, though. I'd seen the Newtype preview a while back but not heard anything else. Either way, it'll be interesting to see.

Oct 3, 2003, 12:34 PM
I can see it from right here: Shinji going in his awe-uninspiring British accent: "I'm sowwy! I'm weally, weally sowwy!"

It's like Steve Irwin. Remember him? "ByOOOOOOOtifewl pig! ByOOOOOtifewl!!"

Oct 3, 2003, 03:29 PM
On 2003-10-03 10:34, KodiaX987 wrote:
I can see it from right here: Shinji going in his awe-uninspiring British accent: "I'm sowwy! I'm weally, weally sowwy!"

It's like Steve Irwin. Remember him? "ByOOOOOOOtifewl pig! ByOOOOOtifewl!!"

Oi. You mocking my Beloved (gag gag) country's accent? How dare you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

I agree with you though. Daniel Radcliffe is simply 'Dull'.
His voice puts me to sleep. It has no emotion it.
He barely shows any emotion as Harry Potter so how's he gonna cope with the unstable Shinji?

It just occurred to me. I hope they don't try and aim this film at the younger audience. That would just ruin it entirely. I can see the Trailer Now.
'Shinji Ikari aka Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter Fame struggles to save the world from Ferociouse Monsters!'
Just the words Harry Potter associated with the film, just makes it sound... Childish?
I've read all the books and yes they are very good and are anything but 'childish', But Harry Potter as a 15 yr Old Japanese Boy?
Aw man, I'm dreading it already. Please just stay as a rumour. Hire a decent Unknown actor. That'll do.

Oct 4, 2003, 08:51 AM
Daniel Radcliff, as Shinji Ikari???????

Well that Fucking Sucks. I was not very interested in the live action Evangelion to begin with since I feel that it will be inferior to the anime series in every way but now that Daniel ( aka. Harry 'Pole Smoking' Potter ) is rumored to have the lead role I find that I hate the concept of this 'Live Action Evangelion' even more. It is doomed to fail.