View Full Version : What is the formula for finding rare items?

Mar 31, 2001, 05:45 PM
Hey all, I've been playing PSO for a while now, close to 130 hours (not too long, but more than any other game that I ever owned!), I'm at level 60, my section id is Skyly, I'm a HUcast, and I'm currently doing the Ruins in V.Hard. So far the rarest items I've come across are a few of Photon Claws, and I can buy Last Survivors in the store regularily, that's it. I have been luck enough to fight two Pouilly Slimes and a Nar Lily, but all of them have dropped nothing for me (I came across one in each diff. mode). Now I know I probably shouldn't be finding too many rare things yet (I think), but two of my friends, who I regularily play with, are both close to level 100 and have played just a little longer than me, and they really haven't found anything either (besides a Double Saber and some units).

So my question is: What is the formula for finding rares? Is it based on hours played? experience level? section id? current area? difficulty? online/offline? pure chance? I mean SEGA must have some formula in place to make sure that level 5 chars don't find Lavis Cannons or Heaven Punishers! So I want to know what the formula is, or if anyone has any good ideas what it is.

Alternately, if you don't have any ideas then maybe you could tell me the details if you have found any "medium" rares or above (I mean anything above 9 stars), legal items only, nothing given or generated pls.
Please inlcude (if possible):
- character class (ie HUmar, FOnewm)
- section ID
- experience level
- hours played
- area found in (ie Forest1, Ruins3)
- found from (ie Sinow Beat, Item Box)
- difficulty (ie Normal, V.Hard)
- and whether you were online or offline

If you could give all the info then perhaps we could pool it together and get some ideas. My interest in the game will severly begin to waver if I don't find anything above 9 stars (I REALLY want a OrotiAgito, Spread Needle, Chain Sawd, Lavis Cannon, or Shield of Delsaber... Heaven Punisher would also be nice http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_wink.gif ).

Any contributions are greatly aprreciated, thanks!

Mar 31, 2001, 05:59 PM
well ive been playing pso for a while now (since the jap launch) and the rarest items i ever found was a double saber, durandal,and a god abality i found those with:
bout 250 hours for durandal, bout 100 for double saber, and i cant remember for god abality

double saber i got from a garanz in the mines 2 on hard

durandal forest 2 on hard from a booma

god abality from a nar lily in caves 2 on vhard

now i dont usually find a whole lot of SUPER RARES (i.e lavis,heavens punisher, chain sawd)
but lately i have been finding regular weapons with MADDDDD stars. i found an arrest claymore with 9 stars. i also find a lotta weapons with good %'s. the best & weapon i have found is a varista with 35% native,20% machine, and 35% dark. oh and i cant forget my havok slicer with 50% machine

well thats the whole box-o-goodies hope i helped you a little

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: skinee on 2001-03-31 15:04 ]</font>

Mar 31, 2001, 06:02 PM
nice post skinee

Mar 31, 2001, 06:06 PM
lol sorry i had to delete it cause i wasnt sure if my sig was in the requirement range lol

Mar 31, 2001, 07:05 PM
I found a delsabre's right arm:
lvl.29, about 38hrs., ruins reg.

Mar 31, 2001, 07:16 PM
Some people don't agree, but I think 'Luck', the stat, effects things.

Mar 31, 2001, 07:23 PM
The rarest things I have personally found were a Sting Tip +2 and a Spread Needle +4. I'm not sure about which section ID I was in for the Spread Needle, but I was in Pinkal for the Tip. I also have found decent 9 star weapons with high % ranging between 50-65%.

Mar 31, 2001, 08:34 PM
I agree with Shir. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

... And Cheech, where did you find the Spread Needle?

Mar 31, 2001, 10:19 PM
I dont think luck does anything. Im mean just think about it: With 100 luck I should be finding stuff left and right. But dont. And Ive taken 2 characters to 100 luck now. And, yknow what, the rarest items Ive found were mostly on Hard, while I was leveling up my low level guys with extremely low luck (10-20). Hunters Wall, and Suppressed Gun. Those were the items.

I think the rare system is basically, odds based. Ratios, and statistics. Like 1:1000 Boomas will drop an Agito or something like that. And the lower the difficulty, the less chance a ???Special Weapon drop will be. But if there is one, the more rare the item will be. EX: The guy who said he was in Cave1, Normal and found a Holy Ray. My Suppressed Gun in Mines, Hard. The only Delsaber arms Ive found were in the Normal and Hard difficulties.

On the other hand, there has been some very strange stuff, Ive heard of, and experienced. I think it was Maverick who finds sbeat arms from delsabers, in Ruins2 Hard. Personally, I have always heard that Al Rappies drop Flowens Shields, but I have gotten 2 of them, 1 from a Rag Rappy, the other from a Barbarous Wolf. And several times Ive seen Rag Rappies dropping Ranger Fields for me. But I still think if you play on hard mode, while you wont have a good chance of a special drop, when there is one, itll be something good.

Mar 31, 2001, 10:39 PM
Umm... What he said.

Mar 31, 2001, 10:47 PM
Oh.. I get it.

Apr 1, 2001, 01:14 AM
All these items were found by me so I can guarantee the information is correct.

S-beat's Arms: Yellowboze, offline Hard Ruins from a Delsaber

Hunter Field: Yellowboze and Skyly, V-hard Forest from a Rag Rappy

Ranger Field: Whitill and Viridia, V-hard Forest from a Rag Rappy

D-parts ver. 1.01: Skyly, V-hard Cave from a Pofuilly Slime

Combat Gear: Viridia, V-hard Cave from a Nano Dragon

Flowen's Shield: Oran, V-hard Forest from an Al Rappy

Angry Fist: Whitill, V-hard Forest. I THINK it was from a Savage Wolf but I'm not positive (was awhile ago)

Real Agito (1975 by Dousetsu): Skyly, V-hard Forest from a Booma

Soul Eater: Whitill, V-hard Forest from a Hildeblue

Flame Visit: Viridia and Whitill, V-hard Cave from a Pouilly Slime

Apr 1, 2001, 01:39 AM
On 2001-03-31 16:16, Shir wrote:
Some people don't agree, but I think 'Luck', the stat, effects things.

I had a pretty high luck stat... all it seemed to do was boost the amount of luck material i found and the bonus % weapons had... but then i've heard that the longer you play an area the better the stuff you find...

Apr 1, 2001, 02:15 AM
here are some rares ive found and from what

Double saber from the mines on hard from the missle bot(forgot name)

fake agito ive found 4 2 in forest vhard on a booma and 2 in ruins vhard on a claw

photon claws ive found countless times in caves the sharks always have them when i find them in hard and vhard

spread needle in ruins vhard in a box behind the water fall

storn wand indra & septer:angni in forest vhard i find them 1 out of 10 times threw it in boxes mostly

ive found one mag cell it was 213 it was in vhard forest2 a booma droped it

flowens shield, REgene gear adv. both found on hard in forest on a blue rappy

2 devil/teckniques' and a devil/battle in hard cave 2 & 3 the red slime, i usualy freeze them to mulitply have beter chances of finding them that way

delsaber's right arms about 9 of them always in hard never in vhard from delsaber in ruins

and some more dont remember right now.

I'm PINKAL. Right now im writing down the beats when i find good rares to see if that has anything to do with it, im finding some paterns but not enough to say anything yet

Apr 1, 2001, 03:13 AM
Grrr... I hate you! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 1, 2001, 03:27 AM
BTW purhaze, did you find that stuff on or offline?

Apr 1, 2001, 05:57 AM
I've found my first Double Saber with my FOnewm yesterday on normal in the Ruins.
I had about 30 Hours of gameplay and it is my third (overall) Double Saber (twice with my HUnewearl).

Delasaber's right are did I found on normal in the ruins, with my HUnewearl.
The rest of the "rares" were just common "rares". ohh... wait.. I've found some GOD/Equip and Angel/Equip

My Section-ID is Redria.

greetings from switzerland

Apr 1, 2001, 09:17 AM
all of it was found online, also i just found S-beat arms in hard mines 2

Apr 1, 2001, 10:49 AM
Excalibur.... you found God/Equip and Angel/Equip??! I'm pretty sure that these don't exist, they are only a rumoured unit. No one has actual found one and they weren't revealed in the GS hacked items list. There IS a GS code for the "God of Equip", but no real unit, it only allows you to use all items through the hack. Everything else sounds good though.

Thanks to everyone for the input! I guess in the end it only has to do with (real) luck. It looks like the number of hours played and the experience level don't really matter, it only deals with luck, and somewhat the section id, area, and difficulty. Online/offline doen't really seem to matter except for the specifics of your section id (whether you can actually find items offline or online) and if you are playing with someone elses section id who started the game.

Thanks everyone for your responses. I can see that there are some really hardcore players out there!

Apr 1, 2001, 10:59 AM
As I have said in the past...formula is completely random...some of my best rares have come when i was at a lower lvl. There most likely is a formula pertaining to the chance of finding a rare in normal, hard, and vhard. It is probably a slight increase, such as
1:100 of a chance in norm. 1:75 of a chance in hard. 1:50 of a chance in vhard. As for any other formulas on finding rares, E=Mc2..maybe

"Kill or be killed!"

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Gandalf on 2001-04-01 09:00 ]</font>

Apr 2, 2001, 06:39 AM
I'm a Puerplenum and i can't find anything!
my luck is really bad, it's 12 http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_eek.gif(
Iv'e heard that purplenums are crap at finding rare stuff, is this true?
Looks like it to me, Only way i can get rares is of my friends.
If this is true, what are purplenums plus points?

Apr 2, 2001, 12:28 PM
I am yellowboze and i regularly find many many god/things in ruins v hard. I also have found agito but i think i was ina a skyly game for that s beats blades, spread needle, last survivor in the shops, pan arms and a few other things i dunno if there is a formula

Apr 2, 2001, 01:32 PM
i know this will sound wierd.. but when PSO just came out with my lvl 40 HUmar yellowboze, went to forest on vh by myself.

Sbeat arms - from a RAG RAPPY??!!! i didnt know about these so i traded them but from a rag rappy? then that character got deleted so...

Apr 2, 2001, 02:09 PM
oh well i don't found good until i hit mine and ruin area. i but i found double saber and agito(fake). i get happy so i play more offen then i found more good stuff. i play offline only.

double saber+20
chain saw +30( kick ass )
H&25 and M&360 mechine gun
VISK 235

Right now i tried too look for phonto claw, delsber buster, p arms, and good armor and unit. and max my level up and real agito
if i could go online i will give something rare for people couldn't find it.

vinny skly
lvl 81
spent almost 150 hours
my luck is 55

Apr 2, 2001, 03:32 PM
Here's my theory, which begins with what Gandalf said and then goes from there.

Each item rare or not has a ratio. The standard items like sabers, brands, etc have ratio's like 1:15 on normal and go up from there depending on your level, area(mines, etc), and hours played so that you are not finding sabers on lvl 20.
While the 9-star "rares" like Varistas somewhat replace those standard items when you get up to the harder levels. So on v hard ruins a DB saber might have a 1:15 ratio.
I think as your level goes up along with your hours you "unlock" certain items allowing them to be found, this is why everyone seems to find things on Hard despite their character being a lvl 95. Because as a lvl 95 with 150 hrs going into hard, basically everything is at its best ratio, while on v hard your hours are not up to v hard's standards. This is just the way I see it. The way Im guessing is that on v hard there is no "ceiling" so to speak.
Your sector ID just modifies the ratios a bit in preference of certain types of weapons.

Thats the way I think it is.

Take Care

Apr 2, 2001, 04:07 PM
makes sense Power Slave but....


Not even a single rare or anything even out of the ordinary!!??? What is going on???

my section ID is ORAN and Ive complated Ruins 1,2 & 3 on normal difficulty twice and havent found a thing. I also went online and did it there too and found nothing but a pallasch!


Apr 2, 2001, 06:39 PM
also, my friend claims he met a sega rep named "knuckles" and he said that viridia has a chance of finding mag cells at 200 hrs or up... so maybe that theory is correct, i also thing weapons are beat released...