View Full Version : 10 reasons why Sonic X can SUCK it!

Oct 6, 2003, 07:12 AM
10 reasons why Sonic X can suck it!

So I was zapping this Saturday morning and I happened to get an ad for the new show Sonic X. It was in two minutes. So just for the hell of it, I decided to watch it. Here's the complete rundown.


Piss-Poor Robotnik Design. I know the Anime is more or less based off Sonic Adventure but does that mean you guys need to follow up with every single cheezy detail you happen to see? Come on, with the look Robotnik has got now, all you need to do is give him a bottle of wine in a paper bag and he looks like a hobo! What the hell happened with the badass look he had in the SatAM series? Black eyes, red pupils, low voice, and his robots actually MADE SENSE! Even the idiots who designed Sonic Underground understood that!!!

The Drawing Sucks. Sonic and Tails seem to change shape every two minutes. This is not normal. And by seeing the mouth movement I can guess it's done by Anime designing folks. Dammit, I thought those guys were supposed to be GOOD!! You artists can sketch the most fabulous piece of gratuitious hentai but when it comes to drawing a hedgehog that you've been seeing on your Sega ever since its birth, well it's Mission Impossible. I've seen better skills in Stickin' Around!

Cheap-Ass Battle Scenes. Knuckles wants to fight Sonic. Sonic wants to fight Knuckles. So they fight. We get 5 minutes of the fighting crap, spotlighted on them. Normally, I wouldn't care; I mean we look at boxing matches that last 2 hours without ever getting bored. But I think there has to be a limit somewhere. Knuckles starts with a flurry of punches against Sonic. Sonic dodges, does a move, and Knuckles comes back to the attack. We are given the exact same punch-flurry shot, except the fuckers MIRRORED IT! Holy shit, now Knux is attacking from the left! What a good choreography! And if that isn't enough, we are given the same kind of grunting and bang-crashes and hit-flurries that they stick on DBZ. I shot my TV for a reason when I fell on that show; can't you guys take a hint?!

Sonic was Bugs Bunny in a Past Life. I'm serious!!! Close your eyes and listen to him. You can almost expect him to say "What's up doc!"

Idiotic Plot. Amy, Tails and some dude I never heard of are trapped inside a robot. Amy tries to smash the glass but no luck. So she decides to smash the central processor, which she should have done in the first place. Good! The impact breaks the glass too! But, for some reason that completely escapes me, they don't jump out and run away to safety. And don't put height as an argument; they were on a lake! They could've just done a straight dive! It takes Sonic to come over and extend his hand so that they can get out of there. No wonder he has to save the world; everyone's gone stupid!

Shitty Voice Acting. Imagine Edward Norton attempting to mimic Samuel Jackson's voice. You get the idea. Robotnik sounds like Pavarotti trying to talk with his mouth full, and Knuckles sounds like a pro wrestler about to kick ass. One problem though: Knuckles doesn't even remotely look like he can kick ass.

Humans. In the actual storyline, Sonic lives on Planet Mobius, in a forest, which is next to a swamp and a desert, and due south of his village is the capital Robotropolis. Not anymore, looks like. Now he's among humans. And they think it's prefectly normal to see a blue and a pink hedgehog run all over the place trying to stop a madman who can't even get his robots to work. Normally, the army would've taken the place over and killed him before he could even guess what hit him.

Tails is STILL tagging along. Tails is an immature kid who only seems to hinder Sonic everywhere he goes. He gets captured in the series, he gets beaten and killed in the games, he crashes his airplane on a deserted island; dammit, when will he realize he is just NOT made for world-scale world saving?!

Lack of Major Destruction. Robotnik will destroy things but he'll do it the cute way. Or he'll do it by accident. Or he'll just slam his flying machine in there; he looks like he's capable of it. What the hell happened with the major SWAT Bot invasion? And the Shriek Bot? And the Power Stones? And the Doomsday Project? And the Invincible Pods? I mean, come on, just the name "Doomsday Project" should make you shit your pants in fear. Coming from the SatAM version of Robotnik that is. Iamgine that: a tall fortress made entirely out of human body parts. And if you don't believe me, count the skulls you see in that particular episode. The Doomsday Machine is so badass it almost manages to roboticize Sonic. It takes the hog THREE power rings to get out of there. Only one is enough to make him blow the world up by sheer will; now imagine THREE. You gotta be in some fucking serious trouble to need three rings to the rescue!! And who put Sonic in such a trouble? Da Doomsday Machine, fawk yes.

The letter X. So X is supposed to stand for "X-Treme" or "Mysterious" or "Techno" or something around those lines. Bull fucking shit. I've seen Spongebob Squarepants with more edge than everyone in this show put together. Save the X for the dark Akira-style movie if you're ever gonna do one. Don't spend it on a kids show. Besides, there's nothing kiddie in Sonic; he is SUPPOSED to be an impolite jackass! He should burp and curse at Robotnik while eating chili hot dogs! Now HE'S the one getting nagged! How X-Treme is that?!


Amy. She's like the sargeant in Full Metal Jacket but with the words turned into hits. Forget the hammer a minute. Yah, forget the goddamn toy hammer and watch this one particular scene. Some kid keeps pulling on her ear, so she does the right thing that anyone else should have done: she kicks his ass. SLAM, kid goes right into the train door and starts crying a river. As for Amy, she sits there, looks cute and acts as if nothing's happened. Ultimate stealth booyah factor. I couldn't have done it better myself. Now all we need are the panty shots and she is perfect for the job.

After count, I see that the Bad category far outweights the Good category 10 to 1.

Hence, I declare Sonic X the worst show I've seen since my birth. Even Ultimate Muscle is more watchable than that.

Oct 6, 2003, 08:32 AM
HA HA HA! I saw that very same Amy part! Glorious!

Hey, blame Fox Box for the dubbing. Blame the creator for the rest. Oddly enough, he's in Japan.

Oct 6, 2003, 09:54 AM
Yeah, this is another stupid anime created with the westerners in mind. Those idiotic producers still believe that if a cartoon is too Japanese that the American culture won't like it (or understand it, which frankly is very insulting). Hence we get the watered down krap. Too bad they never ask what we want to see, they just assume.

Oct 6, 2003, 02:08 PM
Haha, I just watch it raw. Tis much much better that way.

It's somewhat pointless to decry the animation of one particular episode, as animators always have bad days. And yes, that episode was horribly drawn--but then you have episodes like episode 26 that are absolutely fantastic.

I, uh, don't want to be mean or anything, but Eggman has always looked like that. As much as I loved the SatAM version of Sonic, it was decidedly American when it was created, seeing as it was done by DiC. Sega has a history of letting us Americans toy with Sonic, three version of which are the SatAM cartoon, the silly, episodic thing whose name I don't remember and Sonic Underground, which was the worst thing to ever grace cartoon television. It was absolutely horrible.

Sonic X is actually produced by Sonic Team, in Japan, and so they follow the ideas of the Japanese version of Sonic. Therefore, Robotnik is the silly (and much better crafted, in my opinion) Dr. Eggman. Sonic is still a badass, but he's not all about being a fast-talking punk--and I believe the chili dog thing was an American invention. Tails is actually quite helpful, you just have to wait a few episodes.

I personally really like Sonic X, but I guess it's not for everyone. I saw one episode of the dub and haven't watched it since, but I continue to watch it every week through raw episodes. There are good and bad days, but overall it's not a bad show at all.

Oct 6, 2003, 06:43 PM
On 2003-10-06 05:12, KodiaX987 wrote:

Now all we need are the panty shots and she is perfect for the job.

You wanan see a Hedgehogs ass?! Oh give me a break...

Oct 7, 2003, 07:08 AM

Man, when Maxim Martin exclaimed "Do you want content or do you want boobs?!" he wasn't kidding!!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KodiaX987 on 2003-10-07 05:08 ]</font>

Oct 8, 2003, 08:12 PM
Sonic X is actually produced by Sonic Team, in Japan, and so they follow the ideas of the Japanese version of Sonic. Therefore, Robotnik is the silly (and much better crafted, in my opinion) Dr. Eggman. Sonic is still a badass, but he's not all about being a fast-talking punk--and I believe the chili dog thing was an American invention. Tails is actually quite helpful, you just have to wait a few episodes.

I personally really like Sonic X, but I guess it's not for everyone. I saw one episode of the dub and haven't watched it since, but I continue to watch it every week through raw episodes. There are good and bad days, but overall it's not a bad show at all.

I watch the raw as well.
Out of curiosity I watched the dub once and then I just want to die because they have tempered with the storyline, people's personality and put in new, horrible background music. *sigh* Knux isn't a cool dude! He is cool because he is a stupid but at the same time tries to be cool, that is what makes him so lovable!

... And. Eggman is supposed to be silly. He is not "evil" in the really evil sense. He is "evil" in the most comical sense. This whole anime has a really lay back casual feeling to it. It is for fun and laughs. Not deep philosophical plots of such. I like it a lot. I will especially like it when Shadow finally shows himself.

Sure. The anime quality isn't that great. It varies from episode to episode. It is annoying. ... But when it is good it is really good. Hah. ... Oh. My annoyance with it is: CREAM! Amy is awesome in the anime. But Cream is both pointless and annoying. The only good that comes with her is Cheese. ... Why can;t we just have Cheese instead? =P

Oct 8, 2003, 11:17 PM
Awww, I think Cream is so incredibly adorable it isn't even funny. She just exudes cuteness.

Oct 9, 2003, 09:36 PM
On 2003-10-06 05:12, KodiaX987 wrote:

Humans. In the actual storyline, Sonic lives on Planet Mobius, in a forest, which is next to a swamp and a desert, and due south of his village is the capital Robotropolis. Not anymore, looks like. Now he's among humans. And they think it's prefectly normal to see a blue and a pink hedgehog run all over the place trying to stop a madman who can't even get his robots to work. Normally, the army would've taken the place over and killed him before he could even guess what hit him.

For this I just want to say Sonic got teleported to a different world that have humies on it. but I agree in some parts they coulda made it way better then how it is now

Oct 9, 2003, 09:38 PM
Sonic and team was Chaos Control-led to the new planet.

Oct 10, 2003, 01:08 PM
Besides, it's the Sonic Adventure universe, so it's perfectly normal for them to be in Station Square.

Oct 11, 2003, 07:21 AM
On 2003-10-06 05:12, KodiaX987 wrote:

Piss-Poor Robotnik Design. I know the Anime is more or less based off Sonic Adventure but does that mean you guys need to follow up with every single cheezy detail you happen to see? Come on, with the look Robotnik has got now, all you need to do is give him a bottle of wine in a paper bag and he looks like a hobo! What the hell happened with the badass look he had in the SatAM series? Black eyes, red pupils, low voice, and his robots actually MADE SENSE! Even the idiots who designed Sonic Underground understood that!!!

Ok just to tell you all that robotnik isn't even named robotnik. That is Dr. Eggman. The real robotnik was killed.

and as for them being by humans....that should be the city of the ancients the last of the overworlders

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shattered_weasel on 2003-10-11 05:23 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2003, 09:18 PM
Who cares! If they come on DVD im buying them.

Oct 13, 2003, 01:29 AM
I already did. *waves DVDs 1-5 in the air*

Oct 13, 2003, 01:47 PM
thank you for bring this all into light, though i must say the *whispers* fan subs are better.
sonic swears, knuckles swears, amy swears, robotnik swears.
it's all good.
anyway That is dr. eggman, but eggman is robotnik, his nick name is...eggman..why? it's all..so japanish... anyway.
it's still in it's first season, and yeah, it's gonna suck now. infact after all the things you've pointed out i could only recomend Sonic X for kiddies and Hardcore Sonic Fans.

and eveyrone know this, Sonic Team can't stress this enough.
"Sonic X has nothing to Do with the Sonic Games" story wise, so you cannot string this along with the SA games, you can't say that "this is why shadow is alive." X has nothing to do with the games. it's all seperate.
anyway man...i'm still pissed that SATam was canceled...it was so, great. it's just...was perfect.

and you really want to know why it was canceled?

Power Rangers, their newest season Blew all the other shows Time out of the water, i think this was when like...the first appearance of the "white ranger" or something. yeah, sonic was just choked to death.
anyway, sonic X will just have to do. it is a fairly good anime, if you can deal with it's flaws.

lastly, shadow fans.
"Shadow will not appear untill season two, or after ep 21"
thank you.

Oct 13, 2003, 03:59 PM
he was only launched into space
now robotnik did die that is simple sonic knowledge
its not only in the show it is in the comics....

and don't tell me that the comics are wrong for 2 reasons

1. because i will kill you
2. because the head of Sonic Team watches over it

Oct 14, 2003, 02:36 PM
and don't tell me that the comics are wrong for 2 reasons

1. because i will kill you
2. because the head of Sonic Team watches over it

Good enough reasons for me. Though I've never read the comic versions...

And the fansubs are nice (far better than the English, from what I saw), but I'm happy with raw episodes, too. *watches episode 26 again, cause it's her favourite*

Episode 28 came out on Sunday...I so need to see it...

Oct 15, 2003, 08:35 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif


Amy. "Ultimate stealth booyah factor.

Hence, I declare Sonic X the worst show I've seen since my birth.

http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

OMG http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif x 100(4)= ROFL! That is Frigin' QUOTABLE!
Next month I'm quotin' this LOL!!

O by the way BEST.SIG.EVER. I love RAcaseals! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 15, 2003, 09:17 PM
I havent watched the show, but im sure if it was a PC game i would press ctrl+alt+delete

Oct 16, 2003, 10:29 AM


SatAM was FAKE! Sonic was an Idiot and had a Stupid Girl friend with 4 Fingers, Heck! Everyone exept Sonic and Tails had 4 Fingers.and Robotnick Looked like a FAT ALIEN DEMON. SatAM Sucked in my Opinion, satAM is Just FAKE.

Sonic X may not be the Best Anime out there, But! it is The Best Sonic Anime and Show EVER.

DAMN 4KIDS! They Ruined SONIC X in America! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif

oh, an the X in Sonic X stands for another Universe Another Thing unrelated to The Games, Although they are Making Too Similar to the adventure Series.

Oct 16, 2003, 01:30 PM
On 2003-10-16 08:29, Break wrote:
Sonic X may not be the Best Anime out there, But! it is The Best Sonic Anime and Show EVER.

I don't want to sound like an ass but... Wait, actually I do. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif I just want you to re-read that sentence and find the error. Yes, I'm such a bitch.

Oct 16, 2003, 11:43 PM
What.. Dr. Robotnik died? I thought that they just changed his name because of the fact that calling someone "Eggman" seemed uncool in the US during the 90s.

But since gaming has changed, they just changed it to Eggman. I have no idea, I stopped buying the Sonic comics once the drawing got all shitty (the first original comics were da'bomb with Bunny Rabbot, Rotor, Antuoine, Princess Sally, etc) and I still have the special Christmas edition, with the Sonic the Hedgehog twist on Uncle Scrooge and stuff... hehe!

But yes, I haven't seen any of the new Sonic cartoons, but I hated the very first shot where they had the chicken sidekick, but the second try with the rest of the comic book crew absolutely pwned!

Oct 25, 2003, 10:20 PM
Well Amy does seem tougher. And thats good.

Nov 3, 2003, 11:36 AM
Eggman is called Eggman because /HIS BODY IS SHAPED LIKE AN EGG/, yeesh people. It's also funnier to call him this in Japan, while he was changed to the more "menacing", Early-90s-cliche 'Robotnik' for the American incarnations (cartoons, Archie comic). In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Team decided that giving Eggman a personal name (and hence making Eggman his nickname) would be funny, and hence is Ivo Robotnik, grandson of Gerald Robotnik. BUT! Since the Japanese still know him adamantly as Eggman, and it makes for a fun way for Sonic and friends to mock said doctor due to his shape and antics, Dr. Eggman is still the offical character name.

And by the way... Yuji Naka (as well as the rest of Sonic Team really) DOES NOT have a personal hand in the Archie comics, Sega of America does. Yuji keeps track of them, yes, but that absolutely does not mean that the swill they write in that publication is Sonic canon and will be applied to Japanese made Sonic games. Do you see Princess Sally in any game other than Spinball, a SoA creation? Nope. Is Sonic and gang a rebel group fighting to stop the world from being transformed into living machines? Hardly. Is Sonic X anything like SatAM, The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, and Sonic Underground? Vaugely at best.

Just because Yuji wrote a little ditty for the 125th issue of the American comic does not mean squat. Afterall, do you see Shigeru Miyamoto editing Nintendo Power? =)

Nov 3, 2003, 05:36 PM
On 2003-11-03 08:36, KouHotaru wrote:
Eggman is called Eggman because /HIS BODY IS SHAPED LIKE AN EGG/, yeesh people. It's also funnier to call him this in Japan, while he was changed to the more "menacing", Early-90s-cliche 'Robotnik' for the American incarnations (cartoons, Archie comic). In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Team decided that giving Eggman a personal name (and hence making Eggman his nickname) would be funny, and hence is Ivo Robotnik, grandson of Gerald Robotnik. BUT! Since the Japanese still know him adamantly as Eggman, and it makes for a fun way for Sonic and friends to mock said doctor due to his shape and antics, Dr. Eggman is still the offical character name.

And by the way... Yuji Naka (as well as the rest of Sonic Team really) DOES NOT have a personal hand in the Archie comics, Sega of America does. Yuji keeps track of them, yes, but that absolutely does not mean that the swill they write in that publication is Sonic canon and will be applied to Japanese made Sonic games. Do you see Princess Sally in any game other than Spinball, a SoA creation? Nope. Is Sonic and gang a rebel group fighting to stop the world from being transformed into living machines? Hardly. Is Sonic X anything like SatAM, The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, and Sonic Underground? Vaugely at best.

Just because Yuji wrote a little ditty for the 125th issue of the American comic does not mean squat. Afterall, do you see Shigeru Miyamoto editing Nintendo Power? =)

ok thats fine....but what im trying to say is im a comic fanboy. Why well because the sonic games got old untill sonic adventure and the shows all sucked major penis.

Nov 13, 2003, 11:52 PM
Where can I get the DVDs?

Nov 14, 2003, 12:11 AM
I bought mine off ebay, but there are a couple sites elsewhere that you can get them. cdjapan has raw versions, but they're reeeeeeeeeealy expensive and don't have subtitles, so...