View Full Version : How's Life?

Oct 6, 2003, 03:49 PM
List your blessings and complaints, feel free to talk about as much or little as you feel (just don't break forum rules).

I'm pretty happy with life. Most of the major aspects I wouldn't want to change: school's fairly enjoyable, I stay reasonably entertained at home. The only problems I have are currently insignificant, and therefore not a worry for me: could use a car, it would be nice to have a job, almostalways enjoy having a girlfriend (when I had one).

How about you? How you doing?

Oct 6, 2003, 04:05 PM
After working at a nursing facility for over a year as a rehab tech, knowing all the residents, seeing many come and go(to home and in death), getting to know all the staff, clear up to the Administration, the Medicare cap finally took effect and I was laid off, with half the therapy company I work for.

Am I bummed out that I got laid off? Yeah.

Did I enjoy my work? Yeah.

Am I going to enjoy the next three months of unemployment? Hell yeah!

Three years for the company and only ever took two vacation days, and with the cold winter months right on the way, this is almost a dream come true when I get right down to it. =D

I don't have much to complain about. Some family issues which I try to ignore, I find it best to keep to myself and away from the majority of "who said what did to who".

Getting along with everyone in the family, which doesn't happen often.

The only thing I regret with not working, is not being around someone I finally enjoyed working with after a year of working under a complete idiot. Finally worked with someone who I saw as an actual friend, could say anything, could joke about anything, and overall it was just fun and we both knew we could trust each other.

If thats even a complaint, thats about the worst thing thats happened. Aside from that, just enjoying how things are going.

A lack of drama is good!

Oct 6, 2003, 04:14 PM
I'll tell ya how life is, sonny. It's boring and lonely for me. The only thing that I have is this PC and hopes. Plus a little bit of music, and I think that my subwoofer just blew out again..

Oct 6, 2003, 04:20 PM
relativly good, but way hard

Oct 6, 2003, 06:25 PM
How's life? Lifelike, to say the least...

Oct 6, 2003, 06:36 PM
life sucks

Oct 6, 2003, 08:07 PM
I'm pretty sure I've fallen for my friend's girl.

Oct 6, 2003, 08:20 PM
Life has been good to me lately... Passed my first tests of the College Semester (every single one), Spending a good amount of time with my friends which I couldn't do that much last year... Playing PSO again...Met a few Foreign exchange students from Korea and Japan at the Japanese club... and I met a few girls!!!

Oct 6, 2003, 10:12 PM
Let's see.

I'm Bi, TG and Libertarian in the middle of the bleeding Bible Belt.

My boyfriend of nearly four years hasn't spoken regularily to me in three months and doesn't seem to understand that I find this upsetting.

My girlfriend whom I love more than anything continues to live in Washington while I live in North Carolina and we can't be together.

I don't know what the hell I want to do with my life.

School is alright, but it will suck more next semester.

My mother is an abusive, energy-sucking bitch who never says anything positive and only ever notices the bad things. She's also a racist and a homophobe.

I continue to live with said mother, with no possible escape in sight.

I can't drive, and nobody will teach me. Further, I have vision problems that make me an incredible danger to myself and others if I am actually behind the wheel of a car, and between my mother's habit of flying into a screaming rage and the accidents I've been in with other people driving, I'm terrified of cars.

Public transportation is non-existant here. The nearest place of potential employment is 10 miles away. Need I mention that I have no money, as I have no way of getting a job?

I have no 'real' friends because I have no way of making and maintaining them. The only social contact I have with people is online. Part of me does not mind this, because I have a mental disorder that causes me to not particularily care for human contact.

I spend my entire life either asleep or in front of a computer of some sort. I'm convinced that for all the good being human -doesn't- do me, I might as well -be- a computer. Pity this isn't possible.

On the other hand, the above mentioned girlfriend knows how I am, doesn't care, and is always there for me. The bright spot in an otherwise somewhat shitty life. <3

Oct 6, 2003, 11:38 PM

I have no attachments and the emotional frustrations that come with em. (Both to my heart and to my wallet)
I only play 150 a month for all my bills. (Two roomies)
I live in the country where there is tons of privacy to do what I want.
I have a pretty phat gaming setup.
I have a VERY VERY easy job that pays decently.
I have a great family who's always there for me.
I have a few great friends who are likewise always there for me.
I have no major vices or addictions (except for smoking)
I have no major or minor debt to speak of.
I am not dead.


I have no attachments. (Little to no Sex)
I have two roomies.
I live in the country miles and miles from civilization and convienience.
My Phat Gaming rig is expensive to maintain, and I don't have time to play many of the games I buy.
My new boss is an A-hole who prefers the quick fix of axing employees to cut budget costs rather than look for the real cause of the problem.
My family has slowly been drifing apart - I don't see much of them anymore. Some backstabbing and fighting is starting.
I don't have a ton of friends, because I usually simply don't go out.
I smoke, which will eventually kill me.
The reason I don't have a lot of debt, is because I don't really own that much.
I'll probably die of a heart attack at the age of 50, or earlier, just like my dad.

Like everything, it's kinda give and take. Each good thing comes with it's bad.

Oct 6, 2003, 11:48 PM
I'm good at basketball and improving.

Oct 7, 2003, 08:24 AM
Abdur: You never cease to amaze me. Sorry to hear about the layoff; hope you enjoy the three month vacation.

Ian: Kudo's to having what seems to be a great girl. Don't worry too much about the driving, it isn't that great anyways (just convenient).

update to mine:
Got a car again, what happened was mine was stolen; but now it's back. Some of my stuff that was inside it are gone, but they are replacable (and easier to replace than a whole car).

Oct 7, 2003, 08:59 AM
On 2003-10-06 16:36, s.TiNgEr wrote:
life sucks

Compared to what?

Oct 7, 2003, 09:58 AM
Life is pretty good except for school. I don't mind the work, I like learning...

...buuuuuuut I hate most people. n_n

There's a few people in the school that I get physically sick if I'm around too long. I'd probably be better off homeschooled, but I'm in 11th grade, I figure I'll just stick through it and hope college improves things. I really can't stand the people in school, I'm sick of hearing gossip about who's dating who and words like "retard" and "gay" bandied around as insults. (If that last sentence offends anyone, I'll edit it, or someone else can if I'm away, but it's true.) The sad thing is that I'm in a small private school, I went to the public school for about a day to visit and it was even worse.

Here's hoping that people actually mature.

Oct 7, 2003, 10:13 AM
On 2003-10-07 07:58, LamerPanda wrote:
Life is pretty good except for school. I don't mind the work, I like learning...

...buuuuuuut I hate most people. n_n

There's a few people in the school that I get physically sick if I'm around too long. I'd probably be better off homeschooled, but I'm in 11th grade, I figure I'll just stick through it and hope college improves things. I really can't stand the people in school, I'm sick of hearing gossip about who's dating who and words like "retard" and "gay" bandied around as insults. (If that last sentence offends anyone, I'll edit it, or someone else can if I'm away, but it's true.) The sad thing is that I'm in a small private school, I went to the public school for about a day to visit and it was even worse.

Here's hoping that people actually mature.

Woah, I'd have to say I'm the exact oposite of that, love my life, and school is so good just cause you get to hang around with so many people, but I suck poobums at school work, saddens me cause I only got about a year of school left... thats if they dont kick me out soon http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Oct 7, 2003, 10:24 AM
hm... 5th semester is starting. i have literally no real clue, still have to take care about my students fund money which i should have done several weeks ago. i'll have to redo several exams in this and the 6th semester or else i wont pass the pre-diploma which was actually due to end of 4th semester. i dont blame PSO for this, although it was this game, over three versions, that ate away my time. i blame myself for being that lazyminded.

i hardly am in my own little flat anymore, camping in my boyfriend's two rooms, occupying his flatrate. other friends are hardly visited, even those who were once more than best friends. sometimes i go to the uni to update the page. force myself to meet up with someone...

my mom... well... we didnt see eachother for 3 months now and we didnt speak a word with eachother since february, since the fact, that she never wanted me, slipped her mouth. that she blames my father and with that me for her fucked up life, far away from her birthplace and cut off from her family (who neglected her when she married my father). i heard she got fired a month ago. i still send her money to her bank account.

i didnt see my father for around 10 years now. i also dont intend to or else i'd try to kill him i guess. poison him or something. boyfriend's taking care of writing him mail for students fund issues and the like.

besides this, life is fine these days. everyone carries their scars. sometimes on the skin, sometimes hidden inside.
i'll just have to kick my behind a bit more, i guess.

well, good luck to anyone else, hang in there.

(hm, i guess it actually really helps to write it down...)

Oct 7, 2003, 11:08 AM
On 2003-10-07 07:58, LamerPanda wrote:
Life is pretty good except for school. I don't mind the work, I like learning...

...buuuuuuut I hate most people. n_n

There's a few people in the school that I get physically sick if I'm around too long. I'd probably be better off homeschooled, but I'm in 11th grade, I figure I'll just stick through it and hope college improves things. I really can't stand the people in school, I'm sick of hearing gossip about who's dating who and words like "retard" and "gay" bandied around as insults. (If that last sentence offends anyone, I'll edit it, or someone else can if I'm away, but it's true.) The sad thing is that I'm in a small private school, I went to the public school for about a day to visit and it was even worse.

Here's hoping that people actually mature.

Don't get your hopes to high. While there are people in college that can carry intellegent conversation, most college students these days are acting like junior highers. The only thing I really like about college personally, I have some good instructors and some great friends.

Oct 7, 2003, 11:26 AM
Life for me is currently a bit Dull and Depressing.

I had a several major Family troubles turn up all at once (I won't go into them.)
These all obviousely depressed me and I didn't bother turning up for my Canteen Job for several weeks and got fired. Despite being told I was one of their hardest workers, they've been giving me a bad reference to every job I apply for. 3 years loyal service and they just toss me aside. (To be fair, i should of told them about these family issues)
Plus I'm in considerable Debt and am Still looking for work.
And on top of all this, I'm still uncertain about what the hell is going on with this girl I like. One mintute she likes me, the next, she just gives me mixed signals. Great.
Also my Best friend has moved gone up to university. Good for Him but prior to his leaving we noticed how our 'gang' seems to have broken apart. We we're all once unseperable and were always hanging round with one another. Now we never seem to hang out for 5 minutes. So because he's moved away, I'm all on my Tod. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
But despite all this I'm not in that bad a spirit. I'm just bored S***less as theres nothing to do at home but Job hunt and play Computer Games. (The latter being a bonus, but I'm sick of 'em!)

Oct 7, 2003, 12:29 PM
On 2003-10-07 09:08, -BK- wrote:

Don't get your hopes to high. While there are people in college that can carry intellegent conversation, most college students these days are acting like junior highers. The only thing I really like about college personally, I have some good instructors and some great friends.

I was sort of expecting that, but I've still got a tiny shred of hope.

I don't plan to live in a dorm with a bunch of other students, so I'm hoping I'll have a bit more freedom and less involvement with my classmates. Then again, if they're sort of silly, I don't really mind that. I've had some great fun with strange people. ("A hobo's life is the life for meeeee!") It's really just people that are mind-numbingly ignorant that get on my nerves.

Oct 7, 2003, 12:53 PM
As long as I am alive there is hope.

But this year has been tough, emotionally, physically, and economically.

Five weeks ago I just recovered from Chicken Pox, I was hospitalized for the severity it has on "adults", five straight days of fevers and chills, looking hideous was no picnic.

I lose three weeks of work, bills pile up, and disability won't be able to kick in for another month (and they only going to cover 1 1/2 weeks of my missed work).

I return to work. New rules, almost got fired. Too long to bother explaining, just know that it sucked.

Driving my new 2002 Nissan RSE (only 11 months old, yay) and got into my first car accident in 12 years of driving. Total damages $4,800 dollars. Police say its my fault, insurance is skyrocketing.

My loan was denied, I was not a good candidate.

Oh well, I am still alive, I am still working so I guess next year has to be better.

Oct 7, 2003, 09:17 PM
Lets see my life in general sucks even if it sounds good.

I have many friends right now and pretty open minded guy. I'm doing great in school as I always have (which made me one very unpopular kid in elementary school) and currently hoping to go to college. I'm in my junior year of HS and its rocks.

Life though is just beating the living the hell out of me. Stress is whooping me down, my height and not good enough physical appearance (I mean I look pretty much decent except my glasses because I hate wearing contacts.) are bugging the hell out of me because someone always has something to say about me being 5'7". I mean I could care less if I'm 5'7" but there always has to be someone starting stuff because of my height or my lack of plastic like or Arnold built body.

Other then that I have none besides family. My older sister being a bitch 99.9% of the time. My mom is always sitting around, she is hella nice just doesn't do anything. My dad is always working at GE or working around the house. I never got to spend time with him when I was younger or now. My oldest sister who lives next door to me because my parents bought the apartment next to our house( It sucks living in a 2 story house between 2 apartments. So many new neighbors argh) so her and my 4 year old niece can live there. My oldest sister is cool but lately because of events is now always working and I can't hang around with her. My niece is becoming a constant annoyance and somehow managed to form her own sexist opinions. Most of my friends from school live across town and I need to wait until January to get my license. So my life consists of doing almost everything around my house unless I want to ride a mile or 2 in suburbia to a friend's house.

I've begun wieght lifting and other things to improve myself which have been working out largely, just the other day I backhanded my friend in the solorplex, causing him to lose his breath, with a 20oz full Dr. Pepper for continually calling me "gay" because he was having fun. So I did something I never thought I could and now beginning to like life again. Now all thats left is too actually find someone I would like to be around and vice versa *hint* and my life will have done a complete turn around compared to elementary times.

Typing this reminds me I have to beat the living shit out of my life long friend for forgetting to call me today.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slicer238 on 2003-10-07 19:19 ]</font>

Oct 8, 2003, 09:42 AM
On 2003-10-07 10:29, LamerPanda wrote:
I was sort of expecting that, but I've still got a tiny shred of hope.

I don't plan to live in a dorm with a bunch of other students, so I'm hoping I'll have a bit more freedom and less involvement with my classmates. Then again, if they're sort of silly, I don't really mind that. I've had some great fun with strange people. ("A hobo's life is the life for meeeee!") It's really just people that are mind-numbingly ignorant that get on my nerves.

You have a good attitude about it, good luck with your future venture.

Oct 9, 2003, 06:26 PM
Bah my life sucks ass. I've only got two friends I still actually see. Everyone at my school hates me becasue I exist, I have no money, I'm a weakling(hoping to change that someday though), my uncle is being an ass-hole to my family(he lives with us and cant get rid of him), I'll never have a girlfriend the way my life is going, and I cant play PSO online yet!
I'm hoping lifell be a little better when I can actually drive and can get a job.

Oct 9, 2003, 08:08 PM
On 2003-10-09 16:26, BatistaROBO wrote:
Bah my life sucks ass. I've only got two friends I still actually see. Everyone at my school hates me becasue I exist, I have no money, I'm a weakling(hoping to change that someday though), my uncle is being an ass-hole to my family(he lives with us and cant get rid of him), I'll never have a girlfriend the way my life is going, and I cant play PSO online yet!
I'm hoping lifell be a little better when I can actually drive and can get a job.


Well, things get better when you can drive.

Oct 9, 2003, 08:44 PM
Well, I am in my third week of classes. It was a boring month of doing absolutly nothing other than being at my job (which I loath...a place with good customer service skills is not my real forte, so to speak). Surprisingly, I am still working there and not yet got a warning that I am about to be fired for all the bad things I do to customers.

My Animation III teacher is really cool. He introduced me to work of an artist named Don Hertzfeldt (Rejected, Lily and Jim). Ever since seeing those two works, I think I found a new favorite animator. His style is so simple, but it does more than needed (and it is just stick figures). Plus, I think I have one of the best ideas I ever had for an animation assignment ever. I just hope I can finish it...

I also have a Computer Games course this year, which teaches about the industry. John Tobias (formly from Midway who co-created Mortal Kombat) gave a lecture there last year. How cool would it be if he could lecture this year. Though I doubt it. As for the class itself, it is dull at times and it is the worst class I have this year, but a lot better than College Math (biggest blow off class ever!)

For Computer Animation II, I get to learn a whole new program. It will be nice to relearn another new program. I like the program for it is easier to model than Maya, but the interface is not that easy to learn...and remember. Oh well, here is hoping.

For Tolkien and Fantasy Literature, I got a hell of a lot of reading to do. I got to read the Hobbit for next week. The readings are fun though. Not to mention the teacher is trekkie. Makes things very interesting.

After all of school, then comes my personal life. Which is very dull. A lot friends are busy when I have free time, so I don't get a chance to go out a lot. I might go see a movie alone, but that is about it. I still don't have a girlfriend, but then again, do I even have the time and energy for one? Probably not. I haven't been able to sleep at normal times again...which is bad on days I actually have to wake up. Not too many video games can keep me interested these days.

All in all: Does my life suck? No, but it could be more...eventful...and sure as hell not as dull.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2003-10-09 18:44 ]</font>

Oct 9, 2003, 10:15 PM
I have to pee.


(I'll make a real post tomorrow, really.)

Oct 10, 2003, 03:50 PM
How's Life?

It Sucks! Then again this is nothing new to me.

The house that I live in with my parent's ( I don't even want to get into the fact that I am still living with them ) officially got sold on the 1st of October and we were suposed to move out on the 10th ( today ), anyhow the new owner was nice enough to give us a slight extension but at the end of the day it I think that it still was not enough. I have not had much time to look for a new place to live because I have been soo busy at work. A really experienced worker left work a few weeks ago and I spent the last few weeks trainig in his replacement, then the bastard picks up and leaves ( no notice at all! ) and he does it when my life if falling apart at the seems. The thing is I have been soo busy with all of this extra work ( doing my work, doing everyone else's work and training in the former new guy ) I have been doing that I could not find a decent place to live in Dublin ( rent is very expensive in this crappy City ) and I ended up having to hand in my notice last week so that I could move down to Cork City ( if you don't know where it is then it is somewhere in Ireland ) with my folks. It sucks, I never wanted or expected to stay at this job forever ( I knew I would leave someday ) but I enjoyed working there all the same, I feel really sad about moving since I got on very well with all of my colleagues. I also feel guilty about having to hand in my notice because I no the guys a very short on staff and that this time of year they get very, very busy, it also does not help that everyone is saying how I am the hardest worker and teh best worker and how the place will fall apart without me, that kind of talk just makes me feel worse. They won't be able to cope, and I feel it is all my fault for walking out on them when they needed me the most ( espcially since I am the 3rd guy to leave in about 4 weeks ). Oh well at least I won't be homelss, at least not for a while yet. But I do worry about them. Only 4 more working days to train in my replacement.

Handing in my notice for my current job and dealing with the guilt of it is once crisis I am facing, another is the fact that I don't know what I am going to do for a living in Cork ( Why did they have to move to Cork? ) especially since they house they are renting is in the middle of nowhere and I have no driving licence. IT took me months ( I was unemplyed for over a year, and it was not like I was being fussy either, I just said yes to the first person that wanted to hire me ) to find my current job of as you can imagine I was reluctant to say goodbye to it. What if it takes me longer to find another job? Concidering how all my former employers think I am the best worker in the world ( and they would gladly have me back ) and how everyone says I am good at everything you would think that more people would want to hire me but nooo.

I also have a cold.

I am also dealing with all the other normal crap in my life like being 24, still living ( and suporting ) my parents, never had a girlfriend, have little or no social life, being somewhat broke ( this is emergency money, I will need it if I have another yoear of unemployment ahead of me ), wanting to go to University but don't know what to do or where to go ( also not being able to afford it ), wanting to go to Japan before I die and wanting to move to the US ( almost impossible with the stupid US' crappy emmigration laws, I hate being born in teh Caribbean and I hate the fact that my Nationality is Irish ) so that I can be closer to my Brother, my Sisters, my Nephew and all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousincs all of which are US citizens ).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SubstanceD on 2003-10-10 13:54 ]</font>

Oct 10, 2003, 09:31 PM
Movies...PSO...Counter Strike...Music...Coke...Sleep.

Life is grand. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Oct 10, 2003, 09:47 PM
On 2003-10-10 19:31, HairProneHalo wrote:
Movies...PSO...Counter Strike...Music...Coke...Sleep.

Life is grand. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Man, that sounds like an awesome life...but i cant complain since schools okay for me and i got a ton of friends..

Oct 10, 2003, 10:25 PM
Eh... my life is falling apart. Got kicked out of school for thretaning a kid half my size that was taunting and insulting me. I was then told by the principal that "I" Shouldent bully others. There was a bloody confrence that health workers had to go to to work out new school stuff. there the bloody @$$ said that some kids DESERVE to get bullied!(I know that as my mom is a psycholagest and had to attend) As if that wasent bad enought. I got put into Specal-ed do to a emotinal break down do to that "person" (if she deserves the term) was riding my ass to get soem school work done! We had only moved to town the day before! I was bloody lost there were in diffrent places and I dident know ANYONE! Oh but please lets not froget I droped out... I have no firends in this *cant think of a non-offensive term* of a town. A tralier caugt on a small fire, and the whole town dashed over. And the internet is compleet crap! The frist one (Cable) Was down for 5 days at a time 3 times a month and when it worked it cut in and out. Now this DSL dosent work half the time (but still more than the 14% of the last one) and to make matters worse it is SLOW... I'm now doing bloody distance education and failing, oh and there are Social Workers trying to take me into bloody foster care... (I'm as stubrone as a mule)

Oct 10, 2003, 10:45 PM
"MVC-005S.JPG" C:Documents and Settingsdiggerak9DesktopMVC-006S2.JPG C:Documents and Settingsdiggerak9DesktopMVC-007S.JPGC:Documents and Settingsdiggerak9DesktopMVC-008S.JPGC:Documents and Settingsdiggerak9DesktopMVC-009S.JPGC:Documents and Settingsdiggerak9DesktopMVC-010S.JPG
Allright I'v tryed several things... Just live with red Xs

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Diggerak on 2003-10-10 21:20 ]</font>

Oct 11, 2003, 07:38 PM
On 2003-10-09 20:15, Rotis wrote:
I have to pee.


(I'll make a real post tomorrow, really.)

Nice to see you post again. Hope you enjoied releaving yourself. :/

Oct 11, 2003, 07:56 PM
Lets see....

Ive just been diagnosed severly OCD. The more my anime collection grows, the more my wallet shrinks. My best friend is ruining his life. I don't know where my life will lead. Dont have a gf atm. I have an excellent comp! 1 4M 4 l337 h4Xx0r 50 ph34r m3! I just broke my 2 trigun volume under my rolly-chair. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I have WAY too much peer pressure.

And i dont have a car. Relating my life to a starving african its a 9.5/10. woot.