View Full Version : Gundam vs Robotech

Oct 8, 2003, 11:11 AM
This would be a better fight than Gundam vs Zoids. THis is more of a challenge, mecha vs mecha. I would choose Gundams cause Robotech just has the SDF1, without that Robotech is nothing

Oct 8, 2003, 11:55 AM
Yes you are right Gundam has better technology, yet I believe Robotech has better pilots. Given their technology was not as advanced as their enemies the robotech generation was able to fight back. In the other hand Gundam's technology is far more advanced than their enemies (as a whole), thus you see Gundam characters fighting on their own (few exceptions of course). So I would have to go with Robotech. That is imo of course.

Oct 8, 2003, 01:34 PM
Gundams just need to send in the G and Wing Series of
the Gundams (WingZero and Shining Gundam) and the
Robotech is toast.

Oct 8, 2003, 02:43 PM
Yet another uneven matchup due to the technology differences.

Oct 8, 2003, 02:45 PM
Yeah, that is what I meant...so I based it on the skills of the pilot minus the technology.

Oct 8, 2003, 02:47 PM
Regardless of the technological differences, Macross would take out Gundam everytime due to superior pilots. I don't care how much artiliary you've got on your mecha, if you can't operate with the same dexterity as the other side you're bound to lose.

Oct 8, 2003, 03:20 PM
ur crazy, if anything, robotech pilots have more weapons than any gundam has. and as for supirior pilots, that goes to gundam as well, as good as rick was, i never saw him take on an entire enemy force by himself. Zechs did however and won, with out piloting a gundam.

Oct 8, 2003, 03:25 PM
Ah, but if Max and Miria were to team up, there's nothing moving that could survive. Heck, just have Max pitted against anything and he'll win, Zechs or no.

Oct 8, 2003, 03:26 PM
If you ever saw the "pilot" version of Robotech known as "Clash of the Battleoid" (spelling?) Rick does take out the whole Zentradi force (but in the process he does die however... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif )

Oct 8, 2003, 03:32 PM
Robotech = Macross?

Well, whatever. Give someone the Zero system and he can rock ass. I wouldn't mind piloting Heavyarms in Zero mode. I'd be INSANE!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 8, 2003, 03:55 PM
Go Gundams!!

Oct 8, 2003, 07:06 PM
Robotech by far...

Oct 9, 2003, 07:19 PM
All u guys posted some good arguments for both sides. Robotech would have to send the SDF1 to take out half the Gundam force. But I would still choose Gundam cause I like Gundams a little bit more than Robotech.

Oct 10, 2003, 08:30 AM
I just find it funny that everyone is comparing "piloting-skills" of cartoon characters.

Robotech is far and away the superior series. Even if it had really crappy 80's pop music and the cross dressing Lancer (who happened to be a crappy 80ish pop singer in the post invid invasion Earth). Gundam is just lame. Its the freaking Dragon Ball Z of mecha anime.

Plus Mr. Hunter, Sterling, and Bernard happen to be some decent characters...with sideburns that could pierce aluminum siding.

Oct 10, 2003, 09:46 AM
On 2003-10-08 13:25, starhealer wrote:
Ah, but if Max and Miria were to team up, there's nothing moving that could survive. Heck, just have Max pitted against anything and he'll win, Zechs or no.

true, but take any one gundam with there pilot(except maybe sandrock),and they could easily take on an army and win with ease.

Oct 10, 2003, 12:21 PM
Which, as was pointed out earlier, is exactly what Rick (well, Hikaru) did in the "pilot" of Macross. He took out an entire army singelhandedly.

Max also took out half the Zentradi force before Miria came along and screwed up his record. And in Do You Remember Love they just wipe the floor with Zendradi warriors. Tis quite the sight.

The SDF1 is also quite the monster to contend with and I admit it's pulled out quite often to back up the Valkyries.

And as for characters, I can't think of any Gundam character that has the ability to top Macross' cast in likability and depth. Even Minmay, annoyance that she is, has more to her than a Gundam girl.

Oct 12, 2003, 12:23 AM
Im not into anime with robots battleing. Im not against it I just dont like it.

Oct 20, 2003, 01:38 AM
Yes, the Gundams would smash Robotech into scrap metal. Especially if it was the gundams from Gundam SEED. But if it were the Original Gundams (RX-78 Models) vs. Robotech it would still be an awesome battle.


Oct 20, 2003, 10:16 AM
Robotech rules biatches!!

Oct 20, 2003, 11:19 AM
rick hunter and lisa hayes would make the gundams cry with their soap opera antics...

Oct 20, 2003, 01:23 PM
Minmay would simply make them explode with her singing.

*imagines Minmay singing 'Do You Remember Love' and the Gundams blowing into smitherins.* Hahaha...

On 2003-10-20 09:19, Cerris wrote:
rick hunter and lisa hayes would make the gundams cry with their soap opera antics...

Misa/Lisa is soooooooo much better for him than Minmay. But yes, they would probably cry from all the fussing.

Oct 20, 2003, 04:33 PM
Im prety sure Minmay would make the Gundma pilots go insane.

Oct 21, 2003, 09:14 PM
Intimdacius proposes that everyone compares two seperate universes with seperate histories and physics. Now that we can compare a universe full of bread to a universe full of cheese, we may actually look at this conversation as more than just another "who would win in a fight: Hulk or Goku?"

First, each series has entirely different physics. In Robotech, they had the insanely fast little flying monkeys which transformed and blew the snot out of stuff with missles and lasers and stuff. They had ROBOTECHNOLOGY. Gundam had clunkers that walked around and each one had a special move. They were made of GUNDANIUM, a non-existant metal in Robotech. Gundams don't use Robotechnology.

Second, Gundams that could fly, wouldn't fly as fast as a jet (Veritech in jet mode). The Veritech could fly by and drop a nuke on the unsuspecting sloth and POOF, no more giant waste of space. It is pretty hard to hit something going Mach2.

Third, Gundams weren't mass produced. There were never more than 15 in a fight at once (or so it seems). In Robotech, there were about 1000 things dying all the time in massive assaults. Even if the Gundams could take out a few, there would be about a hundred to fill its place.

Fourth, Intimidacius has just compared two cartoons to each other on the basis you have provided. How can you compare them? You might as well be asking if the Tele-tubbies can whoop up on Barney.

The point of the matter is that only people who are totally engrossed in either cartoon would ever care about this subject. By responding, Intimidacius has shown that he had grown up watching Robotech and feel more inclined to lean towards it. Here is the trick of it all, cartoons are cartoons. A colored sheet of paper cannot, Intimidacius repeats, cannot win in a fight against another colored sheet of paper. If you say that we are to assume that they are actually probable and could thusly be compared, you might as well be discussing the difference between cold fusion and nuclear fission. Theoretically it could happen, but it never will.

Sorry about the rant, but Intimidacius has gotten a paper cut and is rather angry at paper right now.

Who would win in a fight: Gundam or Robotech? The answer: the guy that doesn't know the difference between the two

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Intimidacius on 2003-10-21 19:51 ]</font>

Oct 21, 2003, 10:44 PM
aaaaaaaaaas Intimidacius stated, gundams are made of gundanium so....wouldent that rull out the fact that veritechs machine guns, laser rifles and missles would do..just about nothing, not to mention the sheer size of a gundam to a veritech, it would almost be like unicron vs. the autobots/decepticons ( ok well..the gundam wouldent be as big as unicron but still, the size diffrence is pretty big). The veritech would be like big bugs...although im sure it would be an intresting fight...10 veritech to every gundam!

Oct 22, 2003, 12:29 AM
Intimidacius, HAH! nukes have no effect on gundanium!

Oct 23, 2003, 07:52 AM
On 2003-10-21 22:29, _Ted_ wrote:
Intimidacius, HAH! nukes have no effect on gundanium!

Oh, I think the jokes on you.

Now I'm going to build a hot dog shaped bat out of play-doh (Its a well known fact that play-doh-nium is the strongest known solid in the universe, resilient to nuclear warheads, tree branches, puppy dogs - you name it!)and I'm going to do the world a favor by breaking every Robotech and Gundam DVD in my local Suncoast...then I'm going to hit the comic shops...next stop - the world!!!

Oct 25, 2003, 12:19 PM
I really can't make too much of an educated say on this, due to the fact that i have only soo robotech mebbe 5 times, but i think we have to give the G-Boys credit here. For cool mecha and the eternal moral and emotional turmoil that exists within all of them. I dunno, mebbe the macross people have the same issues, havent seen enough =/. o well, moving on. The only way to settle this is to pit them together in a battle royale. (I'd bet money on the G-boys though, especially if they have WG0C... hehehe...)

Oct 25, 2003, 03:11 PM
if you can remember waaay back to the beginning of the series, you will recall that the zentraedi had a metal that the RDF didn't have. i would say that it would be similar to your gundam metal that you speak of. anyhow, besides the veritechs, the RDF (and later REF) had mecha as well. i would hate for the monster mac II to go against anything gundam has: although almost immobile entirely, it has massive firepower and loads of hp (if you were into the RP game like us nerds). that, and i really like the Raidar X and the REF battlepod, the one made for micronians after the zentraedi and RDF join forces.

Oct 25, 2003, 04:27 PM
Robotech Vs. Gundam?
Hmmm... Sounds like it's time for an unfair anime Match.

Gundam: Kick ass mechs, depending on the type of the 'Gundam' series you see will depend on your view of the awesome-ness (ahem. Right.)

Robotech: Mechs that can transform into different forms, mainly to adapt to new situations.

Gundam: Hiro, and that asain guy...(Shows how much I care for Gundam, doesn't it?)

Robotech: Max, Roy Faukker (SP?), Izzy, and the now dead-as-a-doornail Jack Archer.

A typical Episode:
Gundam: Pol-I-tix. ZZZzzzz... The occasional REALLY EFFn cool battle scene.

Robotech: Drama, ass kicking, Drama, Ass kicking, Death, Minme's horrible Singing...

Verdict: I have provided you with my little quickie guide for the Opinionated. You decide. I vote Robotech, because I am the master at handling that YF-1R.

Oct 25, 2003, 05:06 PM
Now, if we were talking the REGULAR Gundam universe (Wing is an AU), with its like, two gundams and accessories, then, yes, Robotechness would win.
With the Wing universe, lets take a look at it:

Super Weapons:
Robotech: Has near galaxy consuming weapons of mass destruction (couldn't help it)
Gundam Wing: Biggest weapon blows up a small country, whoopeee.

You guys argued enough about this

Robotech/Macross: These babies would take out a Gundam in one volley, ya can't dodge several mile-wide beams.
Gundam Wing: Few to speak of.

In a pitched battle, Robotech would OWN!