View Full Version : Derren Brown:Hoax?

Oct 8, 2003, 01:43 PM
Who thinks Derren Brown russian roullette was real of a hoax?

Oct 8, 2003, 01:53 PM
I think it was real. The guy's done loads of death defying stunts like that before and this was just the most extreme of them.
He's normally so calm and collected but he looked really really ill when he was doing it. It was painful but quite entertaining to watch.

One thing I do think that was faked was when he 'Guessed' the bullet was in chamber five, shot at the wall and found it was empty.
He knew it wasn't in there, it was just adding a bit of drama to the occasion.

Verdict: Real and very Kool, but very very Stupid.

Oct 9, 2003, 08:18 AM
Well, the tabaloids are claiming that he may have been using a blank, but then again a blank bullet would still hurt like hell if you shot it at yourself with it at close range, and if the gun was right next to his temple...

Oct 9, 2003, 01:40 PM
didnt you watch the program, a blank right next to his head would still kill him.
i agree with kizaragu, i think him firing chamber 5 at the target was to add a bit of drama.
also, i feel it was real, but remember the purpose of him spending ages to choose one person to load the gun. it was so he could find the peoson who was the easiest to read. the guy he chose was probably the best choice, but was also the most suggestable. being able to get him to put it into the right chamber was a deal in itself. notice the way he said one again and again in the sentances he said. this doesnt remove the fact that he could have been wrong and kill himself. he implanted the idea in the guys head and made him choose the right chamber. it was very clever.